package; import org.junit.Test; import xapi.annotation.compile.Dependency; import xapi.annotation.compile.ResourceBuilder; import xapi.annotation.inject.InstanceDefault; import; import; import; import xapi.file.X_File; import xapi.gwtc.api.GwtManifest; import xapi.gwtc.api.Gwtc; import xapi.gwtc.api.GwtcProperties; import; import xapi.log.X_Log; import; import; import xapi.test.junit.JUnit4Runner; import xapi.test.junit.JUnitUi; import xapi.util.X_Debug; import xapi.util.X_Properties; import xapi.util.X_Util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; @Gwtc(propertiesLaunch=@GwtcProperties) @InstanceDefault(implFor=GwtcService.class) public class GwtcServiceImpl extends GwtcServiceAbstract { private String binDir; Pattern SPECIAL_DIRS = Pattern.compile( "("+Pattern.quote(Dependency.DIR_BIN)+")|"+ "("+Pattern.quote(Dependency.DIR_GEN)+")|"+ "("+Pattern.quote(Dependency.DIR_TEMP)+")|" ); private MethodBuffer junitLoader; public GwtcServiceImpl() { this(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); } public GwtcServiceImpl(ClassLoader resourceLoader) { super(resourceLoader); } @Override public void addAsyncBlock(Class<? extends RunAsyncCallback> asSubclass) { } @Override public void addGwtTestCase(Class<? extends GWTTestCase> subclass) { } @Override public void addGwtTestSuite(Class<? extends GWTTestSuite> asSubclass) { } @Override public void addMethod(Method method) { addMethod(method, false); } @Override public void addMethod(Method method, boolean onNewInstance) { if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())){ // print a call to a static method out.println(out.formatStaticCall(method)); } else { // print a call to an instance method; creating an instance if necessary. out.println(out.formatInstanceCall(method, onNewInstance)); } } @Override public void addPackage(Package pkg, boolean recursive) { if (!finished.add(pkg.getName())) { return; } Gwtc gwtc = pkg.getAnnotation(Gwtc.class); context.addPackages(pkg, this, recursive); if (gwtc != null) { context.addGwtcPackage(gwtc, pkg, recursive); } } @Override public int compile(GwtManifest manifest) { String gwtHome = generateCompile(manifest); // Logging, "Starting gwt compile", manifest.getModuleName()); X_Log.trace(manifest); final String[] programArgs = manifest.toProgramArgArray(false); final String[] jvmArgs = manifest.toJvmArgArray(); X_Log.trace("Args: java ", jvmArgs, programArgs); final String[] classpath = manifest.toClasspathFullCompile(getTempDir().getAbsolutePath(), gwtHome); X_Log.debug("Requested Classpath\n", classpath); final int[] result = new int[]{-1}; if (manifest.isUseCurrentJvm()) { assert runtimeContainsClasspath(manifest.getGenDir(), classpath); // TODO launch a worker thread for us to block on... // Preferably using a brandnew URLClassLoader URL[] urls = new URL[classpath.length]; for (int i = 0; i < classpath.length; i++) { try { urls[i] = new URL("file:" + classpath[i]); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { X_Log.error(getClass(), "Bad url: ", classpath[i]); throw X_Util.rethrow(e); } } System.out.println(Arrays.asList(urls)); // Explicitly do not give it a parent classloader; // we want to isolate the compilation's classpath to whatever was supplied in the manifest. // URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls, null); URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()) { @Override public URL getResource(String name) { URL url = super.getResource(name); if (url == null) { // Egregious hack; when running in the same jvm, the classloader is not able to use // the bootstrap classpath to load our newly generated resources out of our generated folder, // so, we resort to manually looking up any failed resource loads here, in the classloader. try { File f = new File(inGeneratedDirectory(manifest, name)); if (f.exists()) { return f.toURI().toURL(); } } catch (IOException e) { X_Log.warn(getClass(), "Failure to load resources for " + name); } } return url; } }; Thread t = new Thread(()->{ final boolean success = GwtCompiler.doCompile(programArgs); result[0] = success ? 0 : 1; }); t.setContextClassLoader(loader); t.start(); try { t.join(60_000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw X_Debug.rethrow(e); } } else { ShellSession controller = X_Shell.launchJava(GwtCompiler.class, classpath, jvmArgs, programArgs ); controller.stdErr(new SimpleLineReader() { @Override public void onLine(String errLog) { warn("[ERROR] "+errLog); } }); controller.stdOut(new SimpleLineReader() { @Override public void onLine(String logLine) { info(logLine); } }); result[0] = controller.block(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } if (result[0] != 0) { error("Gwt compile for "+manifest.getModuleName()+" finished w/ non-successful exit code "+ result); }"Entry point: "+new File(manifest.getWarDir(), context.getGenName()+".html")); switch (manifest.getCleanupMode()) { case DELETE_ON_SUCCESSFUL_EXIT: if (result[0] != 0) { return result[0]; } case DELETE_ON_EXIT: Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(()->{ X_File.deepDelete(manifest.getWarDir()); X_File.deepDelete(manifest.getWorkDir()); })); break; case DELETE_ON_SUCCESS: if (result[0] != 0) { return result[0]; } case ALWAYS_DELETE: X_File.deepDelete(manifest.getWarDir()); X_File.deepDelete(manifest.getWorkDir()); } return result[0]; } private boolean runtimeContainsClasspath(String genDir, String[] classpath) { final URL[] runtimeCp = ((URLClassLoader) getClass().getClassLoader()).getURLs(); X_Log.debug("Runtime cp", runtimeCp); searching: for (URL url : runtimeCp) { for (String s : classpath) { if (genDir.equals(s)) { continue searching; } if (url.toExternalForm().endsWith(s)) { continue searching; } } return false; } return true; } public String generateCompile(GwtManifest manifest) { assert tempDir.exists() : "No usable directory "+tempDir.getAbsolutePath();, "Generated entry point", "\n"+getEntryPoint());, "Generated module", "\n"+getGwtXml(manifest)); if (manifest.getModuleName() == null) { manifest.setModuleName(genName); manifestName = genName; } else { manifestName = manifest.getModuleName(); context.setRenameTo(manifest.getModuleName()); } saveGwtXmlFile(context.getGwtXml(manifest), manifest.getModuleName(), manifest); manifest.getModules().forEach(mod->{ saveGwtXmlFile(mod.getBuffer(), mod.getInheritName(), manifest); }); String entryPointLocation = inGeneratedDirectory(manifest, entryPoint.getQualifiedName().replace('.', '/')+".java"); saveTempFile(entryPoint.toString(), new File(entryPointLocation)); files.forBoth((path, body)-> saveTempFile(body.out1(), new File(inGeneratedDirectory(manifest, path))) ); return prepareCompile(manifest); } @Override public String inGeneratedDirectory(GwtManifest manifest, String filename) { String genFolder = manifest.getGenDir(); try { return new File(genFolder, filename).getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { throw X_Debug.rethrow(e); } } private String replaceLocationVars(GwtManifest manifest, String value) { Matcher matcher = SPECIAL_DIRS.matcher(value); List<Replacement> replacements = new ArrayList<Replacement>(); if (matcher.matches()) { String type =; switch (type) { case Dependency.DIR_BIN: if (binDir == null) { binDir = X_Properties.getProperty("java.class.path", "bin"); } replacements.add(new Replacement(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), binDir)); break; case Dependency.DIR_GEN: replacements.add(new Replacement(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), manifest.getGenDir())); break; case Dependency.DIR_TEMP: replacements.add(new Replacement(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), tempDir.getAbsolutePath())); break; } } for (int i = replacements.size(); i-->0;) { Replacement replacement = replacements.get(i); value = value.substring(0, replacement.start) + replacement.newValue+value.substring(replacement.end); } return value; } private String resolveDependency(GwtManifest manifest, Dependency dependency) { switch (dependency.dependencyType()) { case ABSOLUTE: return replaceLocationVars(manifest, dependency.value()); case RELATIVE: if (dependency.groupId().isEmpty()) { return replaceLocationVars(manifest, dependency.value()); } else { return replaceLocationVars(manifest, dependency.groupId())+ File.separator+ replaceLocationVars(manifest, dependency.version()); } case MAVEN: String m2Home = X_Properties.getProperty("maven.home"); if (m2Home == null) { m2Home = X_Properties.getProperty("user.home"); if (m2Home != null) { File f = new File(m2Home,".m2/repository"); if (f.exists()) { m2Home = f.getAbsolutePath(); } } if (m2Home == null) { X_Log.warn(getClass(), "Cannot resolve maven dependency",dependency ,"as M2_HOME environment variable is not set"); } } if (m2Home != null) { File artifact = new File(m2Home, dependency.groupId().replace('.', File.separatorChar)); artifact = new File(artifact, dependency.value()); artifact = new File(artifact, dependency.version()); if (dependency.classifier().length() > 0) { artifact = new File(artifact, dependency.value()+"-"+dependency.version()+"-"+dependency.classifier()+".jar"); } else { artifact = new File(artifact, dependency.value()+"-"+dependency.version()+".jar"); } if (artifact.exists()) { X_Log.trace(getClass(), "Using maven artifact ",artifact.getAbsolutePath()); return artifact.getAbsolutePath(); } else { X_Log.warn(getClass(),"could not find maven dependency",dependency,"in",artifact); } } } return null; } protected GwtcProperties getDefaultLaunchProperties() { return getClass().getAnnotation(Gwtc.class).propertiesLaunch()[0]; } protected String prepareCompile(GwtManifest manifest) { GwtcProperties defaultProp = getDefaultLaunchProperties(); Type level = manifest.getLogLevel(); for (GwtcProperties prop : context.getLaunchProperties()) { if (prop.obfuscationLevel() != defaultProp.obfuscationLevel()) { manifest.setObfuscationLevel(prop.obfuscationLevel()); } if (prop.logLevel() != defaultProp.logLevel()) { if (level.isLowerPriorityThan(prop.logLevel())) { level = prop.logLevel(); } } } manifest.setLogLevel(level); manifest.addSystemProp("xapi.log.level="; if (manifest.getWarDir() == null) { File f = tempDir; try { manifest.setWarDir(f.getCanonicalPath());, "Manifest WAR: ",manifest.getWarDir()); } catch (IOException e) { X_Log.warn("Unable to create temporary war directory for GWT compile", "You will likely get an unwanted war folder in the directory you executed this program"); X_Debug.maybeRethrow(e); } } if (manifest.getUnitCacheDir() == null) { try { File f = X_File.createTempDir("gwtc-"+manifest.getModuleName()+"UnitCache", manifest.isDisableUnitCache()); if (f != null) { manifest.setUnitCacheDir(f.getCanonicalPath()); } } catch (IOException e) { X_Log.warn("Unable to create unit cache work directory for GWT compile", "You will likely get unwanted gwtUnitcache folders in the directory you executed this program"); } } for (Dependency dependency : context.getDependencies()) { manifest.addDependency(resolveDependency(manifest, dependency)); } String gwtHome = X_Properties.getProperty("gwt.home"); if (gwtHome == null) { URL gwtHomeLocation = Compiler.class.getClassLoader().getResource(Compiler.class.getName().replace('.', '/')+".class"); if (gwtHomeLocation == null) { X_Log.warn("Unable to find gwt home from System property gwt.home, " , "nor from looking up the gwt compiler class from classloader. Defaulting to ./lib"); gwtHome = X_File.getPath("."); } else { gwtHome = gwtHomeLocation.toExternalForm(); if (gwtHome.contains("jar!")) { gwtHome = gwtHome.split("jar!")[0]+"jar"; } gwtHome = gwtHome.replace("file:", "").replace("jar:", ""); if (manifest.getGwtVersion().length() == 0) { if (gwtHome.contains("gwt-dev.jar")) { manifest.setGwtVersion(""); } else { manifest.setGwtVersion(extractGwtVersion(gwtHome)); } } int ind = gwtHome.lastIndexOf("gwt-dev"); gwtHome = gwtHome.substring(0, ind-1); } } generateWar(manifest); return gwtHome; } @Override public boolean addJUnitClass(Class<?> clazz) { if (!finished.add(clazz.getName())) {, "Skipped JUnit 4 class",clazz); return false; } search: { for (Method m : clazz.getMethods()) { if (m.isAnnotationPresent(Test.class)) { break search; } } return false; } Gwtc gwtc = clazz.getAnnotation(Gwtc.class);, "generating JUnit class", clazz, "?"+(gwtc != null)); if (gwtc != null) { context.addGwtcClass(gwtc, clazz); } addGwtModules(clazz);, "added test class for JUnit 4",clazz); ensureReportError(); inheritGwtXml(clazz, ResourceBuilder.buildResource("org.junit.JUnit4").build()); inheritGwtXml(clazz, ResourceBuilder.buildResource("").build()); ClassBuffer cb = classBuffer(); String simple = cb.addImport(clazz); String methodName = "add"+simple+"Tests"; String gwt = cb.addImport(GWT.class); String callback = cb.addImport(RunAsyncCallback.class); String magic = cb.addImportStatic(GwtReflect.class, "magicClass"); cb.createMethod("void "+methodName) .println(gwt+".runAsync("+simple+".class,") .indent() .println("new "+callback+ "() {") .indent() .println("public void onSuccess() {") .indent() .println(magic+"("+simple+".class);") .startTry() .println("junit.addTests("+simple+".class);") .startCatch("Throwable", "e") .println("junit.print(\"Error adding "+simple+" to unit test\", e);") .endTry() .outdent() .println("}") .println() .println("public void onFailure(Throwable reason) {") .indent() .println("junit.print(\"Error loading "+simple+"\", reason);") .outdent() .println("}") .outdent() .println("}") .outdent() .println(");") ; junitLoader.println(methodName+"();"); return true; } @Override protected void generateReportError(ClassBuffer classBuffer) { super.generateReportError(classBuffer); addClass(JUnit4Runner.class); junitLoader = classBuffer.createInnerClass("private final class JUnit extends JUnitUi") .createMethod("public void loadAllTests()"); classBuffer.createField(JUnitUi.class, "junit") .setModifier(Modifier.FINAL | Modifier.PRIVATE) .setInitializer("new JUnit()"); out.println("junit.onModuleLoad();"); } }