package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.util.X_Properties; import xapi.util.X_Runtime; public class ClasspathFixer extends ThreadLocal<ClassLoader>{ @Override public synchronized ClassLoader get() { return super.get(); } private static final Pattern uberMatcher = Pattern.compile( ".*xapi-gwt-(([0-9][.]*)(-SNAPSHOT)*).*" ); @Override protected ClassLoader initialValue() { String gwtArgs = X_Properties.getProperty("gwt.args", ""); String flag = X_Properties.getProperty("xapi.gwt.testMode", "prod"); if ("prod".equals(flag)) { if (!gwtArgs.contains("-prod")) { gwtArgs = "-prod "+gwtArgs; } } flag = X_Properties.getProperty("xapi.log.level", "INFO"); if (gwtArgs.contains("-logLevel")) { gwtArgs = gwtArgs.replaceAll("logLevel ([A-Z]+)", "logLevel "+flag); } else { gwtArgs = "-logLevel "+flag+" "+gwtArgs; } flag = X_Properties.getProperty("xapi.gwt.batch", "module"); if (!gwtArgs.contains("-batch")) { gwtArgs = "-batch "+flag+" "+gwtArgs; } flag = X_Properties.getProperty("xapi.gwt.precompile", "parallel"); if (!gwtArgs.contains("-precompile")) { gwtArgs = "-precompile "+flag+" "+gwtArgs; } if (!gwtArgs.contains("-userAgents")) { flag = X_Properties.getProperty("xapi.user.agent", "gecko1_8,safari"); gwtArgs = "-userAgents "+flag+" "+gwtArgs; } if (!gwtArgs.contains("-localWorkers")) { flag = X_Properties.getProperty("xapi.concurrent", "6"); gwtArgs = "-localWorkers "+flag+" "+gwtArgs; } if (!gwtArgs.contains("-style")) { flag = X_Properties.getProperty("", "PRETTY"); gwtArgs = "-style "+flag+" "+gwtArgs; } flag = X_Properties.getProperty("xapi.selenium", ""); // flag = X_Properties.getProperty("xapi.selenium", "Selenium:WeTheInternet:4444/*firefox"); if (flag.length() > 0) { if (gwtArgs.contains("-runStyle")) { gwtArgs = gwtArgs.replaceAll("-runStyle ([^ ]+) ", "runStyle "+flag+" "); } else { // TODO: test for selenium availability gwtArgs = "-runStyle "+flag+" " + gwtArgs; } } // if (!gwtArgs.contains("-quirksMode")) { // gwtArgs = "-standardsMode " + gwtArgs; // } if (X_Runtime.isDebug()) System.out.println(gwtArgs); System.setProperty("gwt.usearchives", "false"); System.setProperty("gwt.args", gwtArgs); Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader cl = thread.getContextClassLoader(); ArrayList<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); URL xapiApi = null, xapiUber = null; boolean findUber = false; String repo = System.getenv("M2_HOME"); while (cl != null) { if (cl instanceof URLClassLoader) { URL[] cp = ((URLClassLoader)cl).getURLs(); for (URL url : cp) { String to = url.toExternalForm(); if (to.contains("xapi-api")) { xapiApi = url; } else if (uberMatcher.matcher(to).matches()) { xapiUber = url; } else if (to.contains("xapi"+File.separator+"gwt"+File.separator+"uber" +File.separator+"target")) { // uh-oh! we have the uber project open in eclipse. Must find maven repo urls.add(url); findUber = true; try { urls.add(new URL(to.replaceAll("target[\\\\/]test-classes" , "src"+File.separator+"test"+File.separator+"java" ))); urls.add(new URL(to.replaceAll("target[\\\\/]test-classes" , "src"+File.separator+"test"+File.separator+"resources" ))); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (to.contains(".m2" +File.separator+"repository")){ if (repo == null) { assert to.startsWith("file:"); repo = to.substring(5, to.indexOf(".m2"+File.separator+"repository")+15); } urls.add(url); } else { if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol()) && to.endsWith("classes"+File.separator)) { if (to.contains("xapi"+File.separator+"gwt"+File.separator+"api")) { xapiApi = url; // add sources while we're here try { urls.add(new URL(to.replaceAll("target[\\\\/]classes" , "src"+File.separator+"main"+File.separator+"java" ))); urls.add(new URL(to.replaceAll("target[\\\\/]classes" , "src"+File.separator+"main"+File.separator+"resources" ))); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } continue; } if (to.contains("xapi"+File.separator+"gwt"+File.separator+"uber")) { xapiUber = url; continue; } // fix eclipse junit by searching for source folders. int target = to.indexOf("target"+File.separator); if (target != -1) { try { File base = new File (to.substring(5, target)); assert base.exists(); // add source, and resources String isTest = to.contains("test-classes") ? "test" : "main"; File source = new File(base, "src/" + isTest + "/java/"); if (!source.exists()) { source = new File(base, "src"); } if (source.exists()) { urls.add(source.toURI().toURL()); } source = new File(base, "src/" + isTest + "/resources/"); if (source.exists()) { urls.add(source.toURI().toURL()); } } catch (Throwable e) { X_Log.error("Error looking up source classpath from "+to, e); } } } urls.add(url); } } } cl = cl.getParent(); } if (xapiApi != null) { urls.add(0, xapiApi); } if (xapiUber != null) { urls.add(0, xapiUber); } else if (findUber) { if (repo == null) { X_Log.warn("You have added the xapi-gwt distribution project while it " + "is open in eclipse. This will add an empty classes folder, instead " + "of the desired uber jar. We tried to guess location from the repo, " + "but we unable to find the desired jar."); } else { File root = new File(repo, "wetheinter/net/xapi-gwt/"); X_Log.warn("TODO: finish looking up gwtUber from repo, by inspecting " + "other items in the classpath to discover xapi version.", root); } } if (X_Runtime.isDebug()) System.out.println("Using classpath:\n"+urls); return new URLClassLoader( urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]), thread.getContextClassLoader() ); } }