package; import com.github.javaparser.ASTHelper; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.StringLiteralExpr; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.UiAttrExpr; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.UiContainerExpr; import com.github.javaparser.ast.plugin.NodeTransformer; import xapi.collect.X_Collect; import xapi.collect.api.Fifo; import xapi.collect.api.StringTo; import xapi.collect.impl.SimpleLinkedList; import; import; import; import; import; import xapi.fu.In1Out1; import xapi.fu.Lazy; import xapi.source.X_Source; import xapi.ui.service.UiService; import static xapi.fu.Lazy.deferred1; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Optional; /** * @author James X. Nelson ( * Created on 5/1/16. */ public class ContainerMetadata { public static class MetadataRoot { private String rootReference; private final StringTo<Integer> nameCounts; private final StringTo<StringTo<NodeTransformer>> fieldRenames; private final NameGen names; public MetadataRoot() { nameCounts = X_Collect.newStringMap(Integer.class); fieldRenames = X_Collect.newStringDeepMap(NodeTransformer.class); names = initNames(); } protected NameGen initNames() { return NameGen.getGlobal(); } public String getRootReference() { return rootReference; } public void setRootReference(String rootReference) { this.rootReference = rootReference; } public String newVarName(String prefix) { final Integer cnt; synchronized (nameCounts) { cnt = nameCounts.compute(prefix, (k, was) -> was == null ? 0 : was + 1); } if (cnt == 0) { return prefix; } return prefix + "_" + cnt; } public void reserveName(String refName) { Integer was = nameCounts.put(refName, 0); assert was == null : "Tried to reserve a name, `" + refName + "` more than once\n" + "Existing items: " + nameCounts; } public void registerFieldMapping(String ref, String fieldName, NodeTransformer accessor) { fieldRenames.get(ref).put(fieldName, accessor); } public NodeTransformer findReplacement(String ref, String var) { if (fieldRenames.containsKey(ref)) { return fieldRenames.get(ref).get(var); } return null; } } // WARNING: If you add new fields, update copyFrom method! private MetadataRoot root; protected final Fifo<SourceTransform> modifiers; private StringTo<MethodBuffer> methods; private SimpleLinkedList<String> panelNames; private boolean allowedToFail; private boolean sideEffects; private UiContainerExpr container; private ContainerMetadata parent; private SourceBuilder<ContainerMetadata> sourceBuilder; private Lazy<StyleMetadata> style = deferred1(StyleMetadata::new); private IdentityHashMap<UiContainerExpr, ContainerMetadata> children; private String elementType; private String componentType; private String controllerType; private String type; private boolean $thisPrinted; private boolean $uiPrinted; private boolean searchTypes; private String controllerPkg; private String controllerName; // WARNING: If you add new fields, update copyFrom method! protected void copyFrom(ContainerMetadata metadata, boolean child) { this.allowedToFail = metadata.allowedToFail; this.methods = metadata.methods; this.panelNames = metadata.panelNames; this.root = metadata.root; this.elementType = metadata.elementType; this.componentType = metadata.componentType; this.controllerPkg = metadata.controllerPkg; this.controllerType = metadata.controllerType; this.controllerName = metadata.controllerName; this.searchTypes = metadata.searchTypes; if (!child) { this.type = metadata.type; =; } } public ContainerMetadata() { modifiers = newFifo(); searchTypes = true; methods = X_Collect.newStringMap(MethodBuffer.class); panelNames = new SimpleLinkedList<>(); children = new IdentityHashMap<>(); allowedToFail = Boolean.getBoolean("xapi.component.ignore.parse.failure"); } public ContainerMetadata(UiContainerExpr container) { this(); setContainer(container); } public void addModifier(SourceTransform transform) { modifiers.give(transform); } protected Fifo<SourceTransform> newFifo() { return X_Collect.newFifo(); } public boolean isAllowedToFail() { return allowedToFail; } public void setContainer(UiContainerExpr container) { // Check the container for various interesting things, like method references. this.container = container; } public UiContainerExpr getUi() { return container; } public NameGen getNameGen() { return root.names; } public StyleMetadata getStyle() { return style.out1(); } public boolean hasStyle() { return style.isResolved(); } public ContainerMetadata createChild(UiContainerExpr n, UiGeneratorTools tools) { return children.computeIfAbsent(n, ui->{ final ContainerMetadata copy = tools.createMetadata(root, n); copy.parent = this; copy.copyFrom(this, true); return copy; }); } public ContainerMetadata getParent() { return parent; } public void recordSideEffects(UiGeneratorTools service, UiFeatureGenerator feature) { recordSideEffects(service, this, feature); } public void recordSideEffects(UiGeneratorTools service, ContainerMetadata source, UiFeatureGenerator feature) { setSideEffects(true); if (parent != null) { parent.recordSideEffects(service, source, feature); } } public boolean isSideEffects() { return sideEffects; } public void setSideEffects(boolean sideEffects) { this.sideEffects = sideEffects; } public void applyModifiers(ClassBuffer out, String input) { // TODO intelligent handling of multiple modifiers... modifiers.out(modifier -> out.printlns(modifier.transform(input))); } public void saveMethod(String key, MethodBuffer method) { final MethodBuffer was = methods.put(key, method); assert was == null || was == method : "Attempting to reassign a method that already exists to key " + key + ", previous: " + was + "\n new: " + method; } public MethodBuffer getMethod(String key) { return methods.get(key); } public MethodBuffer getMethod(String key, In1Out1<String, MethodBuffer> create) { return methods.getOrCreate(key, create); } public void setSourceBuilder(SourceBuilder<ContainerMetadata> sourceBuilder) { this.sourceBuilder = sourceBuilder; } public void setElementType(String elementType) { this.elementType = elementType; } public String getElementType() { return elementType; } public String getElementTypeImported() { return sourceBuilder.addImport(elementType); } public void setComponentType(String componentType) { this.componentType = componentType; } public String getComponentType() { return componentType; } public String getControllerPackage() { return controllerPkg; } public String getControllerSimpleName() { return controllerName; } public void setControllerType(String pkgName, String simpleName) { this.controllerType = X_Source.qualifiedName(pkgName, simpleName); this.controllerPkg = pkgName; this.controllerName = simpleName; } public String getControllerType() { return controllerType; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getType() { return type; } public String getTypeImported() { assert type.endsWith(sourceBuilder.addImport(type)) : "Bad type import: " + type; return sourceBuilder.addImport(type); } public void ensure$this() { ensure$ui(); if ($thisPrinted) { return; } $thisPrinted = true; String imported = getTypeImported(); addModifier(ele -> imported + " $this = (" + imported + ") $ui.getHost(" + ele + ");" ); } public void ensure$ui() { if ($uiPrinted) { return; } $uiPrinted = true; String service = sourceBuilder.addImport(UiService.class); addModifier(ele -> service + " $ui = " + service + ".getUiService();" ); } public SourceBuilder<ContainerMetadata> getSourceBuilder() { return sourceBuilder == null ? getParent() == null ? null : getParent().getSourceBuilder() : sourceBuilder; } public void pushPanelName(String root) { panelNames.add(root); } public String peekPanelName() { return panelNames.tail(); } public String popPanelName() { return panelNames.pop(); } public MethodBuffer removeMethod(String key) { return methods.remove(key); } public MethodBuffer getParentMethod() { String parent = peekPanelName(); final MethodBuffer method = getMethod(parent); assert method != null : "No method named " + parent + " found in " + this; return method; } public String getRefName() { return getRefName("ref"); } public String getRefName(String backup) { final Optional<UiAttrExpr> refAttr = container.getAttribute("ref"); if (refAttr.isPresent()) { String refName = ASTHelper.extractAttrValue(refAttr.get()); root.reserveName(refName); return refName; } else { String genRef = newVarName(backup); container.addAttribute(true, new UiAttrExpr("ref", new StringLiteralExpr(genRef))); return genRef; } } public void setRoot(MetadataRoot root) { this.root = root; } public void queryContainer(ComponentMetadataQuery query) { container.accept(new ComponentMetadataFinder(), query); } public String getRootReference() { if (root.rootReference == null) { ContainerMetadata seed = this; while (seed.getParent() != null) { seed = seed.getParent(); } root.rootReference = seed.getRefName(); } return root.rootReference; } public String newVarName(String prefix) { // TODO: look up at parents for scoping... return root.newVarName(prefix); } public boolean isSearchTypes() { return searchTypes; } public void setSearchTypes(boolean searchTypes) { this.searchTypes = searchTypes; } public void registerFieldProvider(String ref, String fieldName, NodeTransformer accessor) { root.registerFieldMapping(ref, fieldName, accessor); } public NodeTransformer findReplacement(String ref, String var) { return root.findReplacement(ref, var); } public ContainerMetadata createImplementation(Class<? extends UiImplementationGenerator> implType) { final ContainerMetadata copy = new ContainerMetadata(container); copy.copyFrom(this, false); SimpleLinkedList<ContainerMetadata> all = new SimpleLinkedList<>(); all.add(copy); children.entrySet().forEach(e-> copy.children.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().createImplementation(implType)) ); return copy; } }