package xapi.fu; import static xapi.fu.Out2.out2; /** * Created by James X. Nelson (james on 6/18/16. */ public class Immutable<O> implements Out1<O>, IsImmutable { private final O value; public Immutable(O value) { this.value = value; } public static <O> Immutable<O> immutable1(O of) { return new Immutable<>(of); } public static <O1, O2> Immutable<Out2<O1, O2>> immutable2(O1 o1, O2 o2) { return new Immutable<>(Out2.out2Immutable(o1, o2)); } @Override public boolean immutable() { return true; } @Override public O out1() { return value; } public Immutable<O> ifNullUse(O maybeNull) { if (value == null) { return new Immutable<>(maybeNull); } return this; } public Immutable<O> ifNullThen(Out1<O> provider) { if (value == null) { return new Immutable<>(provider.out1()); } return this; } public <To> Immutable<To> mapped(In1Out1<O, To> mapper) { final To result =; return immutable1(result); } public <To> Immutable<To> mappedDeferred(In1Out1<O, To> mapper, Out1<O> supplier) { final To result =; return immutable1(result); } }