package xapi.ui.api; import xapi.collect.X_Collect; import xapi.collect.api.StringTo; import xapi.util.X_Debug; import xapi.util.X_String; import xapi.util.impl.LazyProvider; import static xapi.collect.X_Collect.newStringMap; import javax.inject.Provider; /** * Created by james on 16/10/15. */ public abstract class ElementBuilder <E> extends NodeBuilder<E> { private static volatile int idSeed = 1; private static final Object sync = new Object(); private int seed; public String ensureId() { if (X_String.isEmpty(id)) { synchronized (sync) { seed = idSeed++; } setId(generateId(seed)); } return id; } public static String getDefaultPrefix() { return System.getProperty("data.attr.prefix", "xapi-"); } protected String generateId(int seed) { return "ele_"+seed; } private String id; public String getId() { return id; } public String getId(boolean forceCreate) { if (forceCreate) { ensureId(); } return id; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public abstract class StyleApplier extends AttributeBuilder implements Stylizer<NodeBuilder<E>> { private final StringTo<AttributeBuilder> styles; public StyleApplier() { super("style"); styles = newStringMap(AttributeBuilder.class); } @Override protected void toHtml(Appendable out) { for (AttributeBuilder style : styles.values()) { style.toHtml(out); } } @Override public Stylizer<NodeBuilder<E>> applyStyle( NodeBuilder<E> element, String key, String value) { if (element.el == null) { StyleApplier attr = init(); attr.setStyle(key, value); } else { if (value == null) { removeStyle(element.el, key); } else { setStyle(element.el, key, value); } } return this; } public void setStyle(String key, String value) { if (value == null) { styles.remove(key); } else { init(); styles.put(key, newAttributeBuilder(key+":"+value+";")); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked" ) private StyleApplier init() { el = null;// reset our string so that we recompute it next time NodeBuilder.AttributeBuilder attr = attributes.get("style"); if (attr == null) { attributes.put("style", (attr=this)); } else { if (!(attr instanceof ElementBuilder.StyleApplier)) { assert false : "Only use the setStyle method to set the 'style' attribute"; throw X_Debug.recommendAssertions(); } } return (StyleApplier) attr; } protected void setValue(String value) { E element = ElementBuilder.this.el; if (element == null) { init(); clearAll(); styles.clear(); addValue(value); } else { attributeApplier.get().setAttribute("style", value); } } public void addValue(String value) { for (String part : value.split(";")) { String[] parts = part.trim().split(":"); assert parts.length == 2 : "Malformed style string: "+value +"; expected format: key:value;key:value;..."; stylize(parts[0], parts[1]); } } public StyleApplier stylize(String key, String value) { E element = ElementBuilder.this.el; if (element == null) { setStyle(key.toLowerCase(), value); } else { setStyle(element, key.replace("[-]", ""), value); } return this; } protected abstract void removeStyle(E element, String key); protected abstract void setStyle(E element, String key, String value); public StyleApplier setDisplay(String display) { stylize("display", display); return this; } public StyleApplier setPosition(String position) { stylize("position", position); return this; } public StyleApplier setLeft(String left) { stylize("left", left); return this; } public StyleApplier setTop(String top) { stylize("top", top); return this; } public StyleApplier setBottom(String bottom) { stylize("bottom", bottom); return this; } public StyleApplier setRight(String right) { stylize("right", right); return this; } public StyleApplier setWidth(String width) { stylize("width", width); return this; } public StyleApplier setHeight(String width) { stylize("width", width); return this; } public StyleApplier setMaxWidth(String width) { stylize("max-Width", width); return this; } public StyleApplier setMaxHeight(String width) { stylize("max-Width", width); return this; } public StyleApplier setMinWidth(String width) { stylize("min-Width", width); return this; } public StyleApplier setMinHeight(String width) { stylize("min-Width", width); return this; } public StyleApplier setVerticalAlign(String vAlign) { stylize("vertical-Align", vAlign); return this; } public StyleApplier setHorizontalAlign(String hAlign) { stylize("text-Align", hAlign); return this; } public StyleApplier setOverflow(String overflow) { stylize("overflow", overflow); return this; } public StyleApplier setOverflowX(String overflowX) { stylize("overflow-X", overflowX); return this; } public StyleApplier setOverflowY(String overflowY) { stylize("overflow-Y", overflowY); return this; } public StyleApplier setMargin(String margin) { stylize("margin", margin); return this; } public StyleApplier setMarginLeft(String marginLeft) { stylize("margin-Left", marginLeft); return this; } public StyleApplier setMarginRight(String marginRight) { stylize("margin-Right", marginRight); return this; } public StyleApplier setMarginTop(String marginTop) { stylize("margin-Top", marginTop); return this; } public StyleApplier setMarginBottom(String marginBottom) { stylize("margin-Bottom", marginBottom); return this; } public StyleApplier setPadding(String padding) { stylize("padding", padding); return this; } public StyleApplier setPaddingLeft(String paddingLeft) { stylize("padding-Left", paddingLeft); return this; } public StyleApplier setPaddingRight(String paddingRight) { stylize("padding-Right", paddingRight); return this; } public StyleApplier setPaddingTop(String paddingTop) { stylize("padding-Top", paddingTop); return this; } public StyleApplier setPaddingBottom(String paddingBottom) { stylize("padding-Bottom", paddingBottom); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderRadius(String borderRadius) { stylize("border-Radius", borderRadius); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderTopLeftRadius(String borderTopLeftRadius) { stylize("border-Top-Left-Radius", borderTopLeftRadius); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderTopRightRadius(String borderTopRightRadius) { stylize("border-Top-Right-Radius", borderTopRightRadius); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderBottomLeftRadius(String borderBottomLeftRadius) { stylize("border-Bottom-Left-Radius", borderBottomLeftRadius); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderBottomRightRadius(String borderBottomRightRadius) { stylize("border-Bottom-Right-Radius", borderBottomRightRadius); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorder(String border) { stylize("border", border); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderLeft(String borderLeft) { stylize("border-Left", borderLeft); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderRight(String borderRight) { stylize("border-Right", borderRight); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderTop(String borderTop) { stylize("border-Top", borderTop); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderBottom(String borderBottom) { stylize("border-Bottom", borderBottom); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderStyle(String borderStyle) { stylize("border-Style", borderStyle); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderLeftStyle(String borderLeftStyle) { stylize("border-Left-Style", borderLeftStyle); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderRightStyle(String borderRightStyle) { stylize("border-Right-Style", borderRightStyle); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderTopStyle(String borderTopStyle) { stylize("border-Top-Style", borderTopStyle); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderBottomStyle(String borderBottomStyle) { stylize("border-Bottom-Style", borderBottomStyle); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderWidth(String borderWidth) { stylize("border-Width", borderWidth); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderLeftWidth(String borderLeftWidth) { stylize("border-Left-Width", borderLeftWidth); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderRightWidth(String borderRightWidth) { stylize("border-Right-Width", borderRightWidth); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderTopWidth(String borderTopWidth) { stylize("border-Top-Width", borderTopWidth); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderBottomWidth(String borderBottomWidth) { stylize("border-Bottom-Width", borderBottomWidth); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderColor(String borderColor) { stylize("border-Color", borderColor); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderLeftColor(String borderLeftColor) { stylize("border-Left-Color", borderLeftColor); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderRightColor(String borderRightColor) { stylize("border-Right-Color", borderRightColor); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderTopColor(String borderTopColor) { stylize("border-Top-Color", borderTopColor); return this; } public StyleApplier setBorderBottomColor(String borderBottomColor) { stylize("border-Bottom-Color", borderBottomColor); return this; } } public class ApplyPendingAttribute implements AttributeApplier { @Override public void addAttribute(String name, String value) { AttributeBuilder attr = attributes.get(name); if (attr == null) { setAttribute(name, value); } else { concat(attr, value); } } protected void concat(AttributeBuilder attr, String value) { attr.addChild(attr.wrapChars(value)); } @Override public void setAttribute(String name, String value) { if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { id = value; } attributes.put(name, newAttributeBuilder(value)); } @Override public String getAttribute(String name) { AttributeBuilder attr = attributes.get(name); if (attr == null) { return EMPTY; } return attr.getElement(); } @Override public void removeAttribute(String name) { attributes.remove(name); } } protected Provider<AttributeApplier> attributeApplier; protected Provider<StyleApplier> stylizer; protected final StringTo<AttributeBuilder> attributes; public ElementBuilder() { this(false); } public ElementBuilder(boolean searchableChildren) { super(searchableChildren); attributes = X_Collect.newStringMap(AttributeBuilder.class); attributeApplier = new LazyProvider<>(new Provider<AttributeApplier>() { @Override public AttributeApplier get() { return createAttributeApplier(); } }); stylizer = new LazyProvider<>(new Provider<StyleApplier>() { @Override public StyleApplier get() { return createStyleApplier(); } }); } @Override public void cleanup() { super.cleanup(); attributeApplier = null; stylizer = null; attributes.clear(); } protected abstract StyleApplier createStyleApplier(); protected AttributeApplier createAttributeApplier() { return new ApplyPendingAttribute(); } public ElementBuilder<E> setAttribute(String name, String value) { if ("style".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { getStyle().setValue(value); } else { if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { id = value; } attributeApplier.get().setAttribute(name, value); } return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> setDataAttribute(String name, String value) { return setAttribute("data-"+ withPrefix(name), value); } public ElementBuilder<E> setClass(String value) { setAttribute("class", value); return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> addAttribute(String name, String value) { switch(name.toLowerCase()) { case "style": getStyle().addValue(value); break; case "id": id = value; attributeApplier.get().addAttribute(name, value); return this; case "class": AttributeBuilder was = attributes.get(name); if (was == null) { attributes.put(name, newClassnameBuilder()); } default: attributeApplier.get().addAttribute(name, value); } return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> addDataAttribute(String name, String value) { return addAttribute("data-"+ withPrefix(name), value); } public String withPrefix(String dataKey) { return prefix()+dataKey; } protected String prefix() { return getDefaultPrefix(); // == System.getProperty("data.attr.prefix", "xapi-"); } protected AttributeBuilder newClassnameBuilder() { return new ClassnameBuilder(); } public ElementBuilder<E> removeAttribute(String name) { attributeApplier.get().removeAttribute(name); return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> setStyle(String name, String value) { getStyle().applyStyle(this, name, value); return this; } public StyleApplier getStyle() { return stylizer.get(); } public ElementBuilder<E> setStyle(String value) { setAttribute("style", value); return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> removeStyle(String name) { getStyle().applyStyle(this, name, null); return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> setId(String id) { = id; setAttribute("id", id); return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> setSrc(String src) { setAttribute("src", src); return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> setHref(String href) { setAttribute("href", href); return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> setTitle(String title) { setAttribute("title", title); return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> setValue(String value) { setAttribute("value", value); return this; } public ElementBuilder<E> setChecked(String checked) { setAttribute("checked", checked); return this; } }