package; import xapi.annotation.compile.Import; import xapi.collect.X_Collect; import xapi.collect.api.IntTo; import xapi.collect.api.IntTo.Many; import; import; import; import; import xapi.source.X_Source; import xapi.time.impl.RunOnce; import xapi.ui.api.StyleService; import xapi.ui.html.X_Html; import xapi.ui.html.api.Css; import xapi.ui.html.api.Css.CssFile; import xapi.ui.html.api.El; import xapi.ui.html.api.Html; import xapi.ui.html.api.HtmlTemplate; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style; import xapi.util.api.ReceivesValue; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; public class CssInjectorGenerator implements CreatesContextObject<HtmlGeneratorResult>{ static final String GENERATED_SUFFIX = "_InjectCss"; int ctxCnt; private String clsName; private final HtmlGeneratorContext htmlGen; private final SourceBuilder<UnifyAstView> out; public static final HtmlGeneratorResult generateSnippetProvider(final TreeLogger logger, final UnifyAstView ast, final JClassType templateType) throws UnableToCompleteException { final String simpleName = templateType.getSimpleSourceName()+GENERATED_SUFFIX; // Check if there is an existing type, and that it's generated hashes match our input type. final String inputHash = toHash(ast, templateType.getQualifiedSourceName()); // Generate a new result final CssInjectorGenerator ctx = new CssInjectorGenerator(simpleName, ast, templateType); // Save the result, possibly to a new file if there are existing implementations using our default name return ctx.generate(logger, ast, templateType, inputHash, simpleName); } @Override public HtmlGeneratorResult newContext(final JClassType winner, final String pkgName, final String name) { return new HtmlGeneratorResult(winner, pkgName, name); } private CssInjectorGenerator(final String className, final UnifyAstView ast, final JClassType templateType) throws UnableToCompleteException { this.clsName = className; this.htmlGen = new HtmlGeneratorContext(templateType); this.out = new SourceBuilder<UnifyAstView>("public class "+clsName) .setPackage(templateType.getPackage().getName()) .setPayload(ast); } private HtmlGeneratorResult generate(final TreeLogger logger, final UnifyAstView ast, final JClassType injectionType, final String inputHash, final String simpleName) throws UnableToCompleteException { final HtmlGeneratorResult existingType = findExisting(ast, this, injectionType.getPackage().getName(), X_Source.qualifiedName(injectionType.getPackage().getName(), simpleName)); final HtmlGeneratorResult existingResult = existingTypesUnchanged(logger, ast, existingType, inputHash); if (existingResult != null) { // If our inputs are unchanged, and the target type exists, just reuse it w/out regenerating return existingResult; } clsName = existingType.getFinalName(); final ClassBuffer cls = out.getClassBuffer(); final String cssService = cls.addImport(StyleService.class); final String setOnce = cls.addImportStatic(RunOnce.class, "setOnce"); final String receiver = cls.addImport(ReceivesValue.class); // Create a public method for callers to access final MethodBuffer inject = cls.createMethod("public static void inject("+cssService+" serv)"); // Now fill out the body with our css injection that will run only once. final IntTo.Many<Style> styles = X_Collect.newIntMultiMap(Style.class); final Set<Class<? extends ClientBundle>> resourceTypes = new HashSet<Class<? extends ClientBundle>>(); final Set<String> importTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); final Set<CssFile> files = new LinkedHashSet<>(); fillStyles(logger, styles, files, resourceTypes, importTypes, injectionType); // Now compute any supertypes that might want injection too for (final JClassType superType : injectionType.getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy()) { if (!superType.getQualifiedSourceName().equals(injectionType.getQualifiedSourceName())) { if (hasStyle(superType)) { importTypes.add(superType.getQualifiedSourceName()); } } } // Always print calls to inject style for any explicit imports, and for all supertypes // If these types lack style, their inject methods will no-op and get erased by the compiler for (String importable : importTypes) { importable = inject.addImport(importable); final String injectCss = inject.addImportStatic(X_Html.class, "injectCss"); inject.println(injectCss+"("+importable+".class, serv);"); } if (styles.isEmpty() && resourceTypes.isEmpty()) { // Nothing to import. Lets encourage inlining by printing an empty method :D logger.log(getLogLevel(), "Skipped style injection for style-less class "+injectionType.getQualifiedSourceName()); } else { // This type actually has some @Style rules or ClientBundle instances to inject. inject.println("ONCE.set(serv);"); // Now create a private field that will allow us to implement set-once semantics final PrintBuffer init = cls.createField(receiver+"<"+cssService+">", "ONCE") .makeFinal() .makeStatic() .makePrivate() .getInitializer() .println(setOnce+"(new "+receiver+"<"+cssService+">(){") .indent() .println("@Override") .println("public void set("+cssService+" serv) {"); // Tear off a print buffer for the body of the method final PrintBuffer body = init.makeChild(); // Close the initializer now, so we don't wind up with close-brace-soup later on. init.println("}") .outdent() .println("});"); // Print all our manually defined @Style attribute for (final IntTo<Style> styleSet : styles.forEach()) { int priority = Integer.MAX_VALUE; final StringBuilder sheetStyle = new StringBuilder(); final StringBuilder extraStyle = new StringBuilder(); for (final Style style : styleSet.forEach()) { try { int pos = AbstractHtmlGenerator.fillStyles(null, sheetStyle, extraStyle, style); priority = Math.min(pos, priority); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Error calculating styles while generating css for " + injectionType.getQualifiedSourceName(), e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } if (sheetStyle.length() > 0) { body.println("serv.addCss(\""+Generator.escape(sheetStyle.toString())+"\", "+priority+");"); } if (extraStyle.length() > 0) { body.println("serv.addCss(\""+Generator.escape(extraStyle.toString())+"\", Integer.MIN_VALUE);"); } } for (CssFile file : files) { final Class<? extends CssResource>[] interfaces = file.interfaces(); final String[] fileNames = file.value(); final ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); for (int i = 0, m = fileNames.length; i < m; i++ ) { String fileName = fileNames[i]; if (fileName.startsWith("/")) { // This is to be treated as an absolute location fileName = fileName.substring(1); } else if (fileName.startsWith("./")) { // Treat this file as relative to the first CssResource interface provided if (interfaces.length == 0) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Cannot use a relative @CssFile location using ./ without also supplying a CssResource in the interfaces annotation member. " + "You supplied: "+file+".\n" + "./uris are relative to the css interface\n" + "/uris are absolute to the classpath\n" + "and all unprefixed uris are relative to the location where the @CssFile annotation is found ("+injectionType.getQualifiedSourceName()+")"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } fileName = interfaces[0].getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/') + "/" + fileName; } else { // Treat this file as relative to the type we are injecting fileName = injectionType.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/') + "/" + fileName; } final URL url = cl.getResource(fileName); if (url == null) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Unable to find resource "+fileName+" on the classpath. Path derived from "+file+" on "+injectionType.getQualifiedSourceName()); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } fileNames[i] = fileName; } if (interfaces.length == 0) { // No interfaces. We just want to dump the whole stylesheet } else if (interfaces.length == 1) { // exactly one interface, just use it directly } else { // more than one interface, we need to generate a container type } } // Print injections and initializations for all ClientBundle classes int numResource = 0; final JClassType cssResource = findType(ast.getTypeOracle(), CssResource.class); for (final Class<? extends ClientBundle> resourceType : resourceTypes) { final JClassType type = findType(ast.getTypeOracle(), resourceType); assert type != null : "Unable to inject ClientBundle class: "+resourceType; final String resource = inject.addImport(resourceType); final String gwtCreate = inject.addImportStatic(GWT.class, "create"); final String name = "res"+numResource++; body.println(resource +" "+name+" = "+gwtCreate+"("+resource+".class);"); // Now, search the declared type for methods that are instances of CssResource, to .ensureInjected() for (final JMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (!method.isStatic()) { final JClassType asType = method.getReturnType().isClassOrInterface(); if (asType != null && asType.isAssignableTo(cssResource)) { body.println(name+"."+method.getName()+"().ensureInjected();"); } } } } } try { return saveGeneratedType(logger, getLogLevel(), getClass(), ast, out, existingType, inputHash); } finally { ast.getGeneratorContext().finish(logger); } } private boolean hasStyle(final JClassType superType) { final Css css = superType.getAnnotation(Css.class); if (css != null) { return true; } final Style style = superType.getAnnotation(Style.class); if (style != null && style.names().length > 0) { return true; } final Html html = superType.getAnnotation(Html.class); if (html != null) { if (html.css().length > 0) { return true; } if (hasStyle(html.body())) { return true; } if (hasStyle(html.templates())) { return true; } } final HtmlTemplate template = superType.getAnnotation(HtmlTemplate.class); if (template != null && hasStyle(template)) { return true; } final El el = superType.getAnnotation(El.class); return el != null && hasStyle(el); } private boolean hasStyle(final HtmlTemplate ... templates) { for (final HtmlTemplate template : templates) { if (template.imports().length > 0 || template.references().length > 0) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean hasStyle(final El ... body) { for (final El el : body) { for (final Style style : { if (style.names().length > 0) { return true; } } if (el.imports().length > 0) { return true; } } return false; } private void fillStyles( final TreeLogger logger, final Many<Style> styles, final Set<CssFile> files, final Set<Class<? extends ClientBundle>> resourceTypes, final Set<String> importTypes, final JClassType templateType) { final Html html = templateType.getAnnotation(Html.class); if (html != null) { fillStyles(logger, styles, files, resourceTypes, html.css()); fillStyles(logger, styles, importTypes, html.body()); fillStyles(logger, styles, importTypes, html.templates()); } final HtmlTemplate template = templateType.getAnnotation(HtmlTemplate.class); if (template != null) { fillStyles(logger, styles, importTypes, template); } final El el = templateType.getAnnotation(El.class); if (el != null) { fillStyles(logger, styles, importTypes, el); } final Css css = templateType.getAnnotation(Css.class); if (css != null) { fillStyles(logger, styles, files, resourceTypes, css); } final Style style = templateType.getAnnotation(Style.class); if (style != null && style.names().length > 0) { styles.add(style.priority(), style); } } private void fillStyles(final TreeLogger logger, final Many<Style> styles, final Set<String> importTypes, final HtmlTemplate ... templates) { for (final HtmlTemplate template : templates) { for (final Import importable : template.imports()) { importTypes.add(importable.value().getCanonicalName()); } for (final Class<?> importable : template.references()) { importTypes.add(importable.getCanonicalName()); } } } private void fillStyles(final TreeLogger logger, final Many<Style> styles, final Set<String> importTypes, final El ... body) { for (final El item : body) { for (final Style style : { if (style.names().length > 0) { styles.add(style.priority(), style); } } for (final Import importable : item.imports()) { importTypes.add(importable.value().getCanonicalName()); } } } private void fillStyles(final TreeLogger logger, final Many<Style> styles, final Set<CssFile> files, final Set<Class<? extends ClientBundle>> resourceTypes, final Css ... csses) { for (final Css css : csses) { for (final Style style : { if (style.names().length > 0) { styles.add(style.priority(), style); } } for (final Class<? extends ClientBundle> cls : css.resources()) { resourceTypes.add(cls); } for (final CssFile file : css.files()) { files.add(file); } } } protected Type getLogLevel() { return Type.DEBUG; } }