package xapi.gwt.junit.gui; import elemental.client.Browser; import elemental.dom.Element; import xapi.elemental.X_Elemental; import xapi.elemental.api.PotentialNode; import xapi.gwt.junit.impl.JUnit4Executor; import xapi.util.X_Debug; import; import; import; import; import javax.inject.Provider; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by james on 16/10/15. */ public abstract class JUnitGui { private static final String TEST_RESULTS = "test.result"; private final Map<Class<?>, Object> tests = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map<Class<?>, Method[]> testClasses = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map<Class<?>, Map<Method, Throwable>> testResults = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** * Performs a very primitive test that reflection works. * We need it to pull methods off classes and execute them. :-) */ protected void sanityCheck() { try { String.class.getMethod("equals", Object.class).invoke("!", "!"); } catch (final Exception e) { print( "Basic string reflection not working; expect failures...", e ); } } protected void runAllTests() { sanityCheck(); if (!loadWholeWorld()) { loadTests(true); } else { loadTests(false); ConstPool.loadConstPool( new Callback<ConstPool, Throwable>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final ConstPool result) { for (final JsMemberPool<?> m : result.getAllReflectionData()) { try { final Class<?> c = m.getType(); if (!testClasses.containsKey(c)) { addTests(c); } } catch (final Throwable e) { print("Error adding tests", e); } } loadTests(true); } @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable caught) { print("Error loading ConstPool", caught); } } ); } } protected boolean loadWholeWorld() { // override this method to skip loading the ConstPool full of reflection data. return "wholeWorld".equals(System.getProperty("gwt.test.wholeWorld", "wholeWorld")); } private void loadTests(final boolean forReal) { if (forReal) { loadAllTests(); displayTests(); runTests(); } } /** * @return <pre> * new Class[]{ * GwtReflect.magicClass(MyTestClass.class), * GwtReflect.magicClass(MyOtherClass.class), * }; * </pre> */ protected abstract Class[] testClasses(); protected void loadAllTests() { // A hook for subclasses to add arbitrary test cases for (Class<?> c : testClasses()) { try { addTests(c); } catch (Throwable e) { print("Failure loading test class " + c, e); } } } protected void addTests(Class<?> c) throws Throwable { final Method[] allTests = findTestMethods(c); addTests(c, allTests); } protected Method[] findTestMethods(Class<?> c) throws Throwable { return JUnit4Executor.findTests(c); } public void addTests(final Class<?> cls, Method[] allTests) throws Throwable { if (allTests.length > 0) { testClasses.putIfAbsent(cls, allTests); // TODO verify that it is correct to only instantiate one instance and share it across methods. final Object inst = instantiate(cls); tests.put(cls, inst); } } protected Object instantiate(Class<?> cls) { try { return cls.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw X_Debug.rethrow(e); } } protected void displayTests() { final Element body = getInsertionPoint(); for (final Class<?> c : testClasses.keySet()) { renderTest(body, c); } } private Element getInsertionPoint() { return Browser.getDocument().getBody(); } private void renderTest(Element body, Class<?> c) { PotentialNode<Element> out = newClassBlock(c); out.setClass("junit root"); final String id = toId(c); buildHeader(out, c, id); try { final String path = c.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); out.append("<sup><a href='file://" + path + "'>") .append(path) .append("</a></s.setInnerHTML(b.toString());up>"); } catch (final Exception ignored) {} for (final Method m : testClasses.get(c)) { renderMethod(out, m); } appendGui(out); } protected void appendGui(PotentialNode<Element> out) { getInsertionPoint().appendChild(out.getElement()); } private void renderMethod(PotentialNode<Element> out, Method m) { Class<?> c = m.getDeclaringClass(); final String methodId = m.getName() + c.hashCode(); final PotentialNode<Element> block = out.createChild("div"); final PotentialNode<Element> link = block .createChild("a"); link .setHref("javascript:") .append(m.getName()); block.append("(") .append(ReflectUtil.joinClasses(", ", m.getParameterTypes())) .append(")"); block.createChild("div").setId(methodId).append(" "); link.onCreated( el -> el.addEventListener( "click", e -> runTest(m), false ) ); } protected PotentialNode<Element> newClassBlock(Class<?> c) { return new PotentialNode<>("div", true); } protected void buildHeader(PotentialNode<Element> b, Class<?> c, String id) { b.createChild("h3") .createChild("a") .setClass("junit") .setAttribute("id", id) .setAttribute("href", "#run:" + id) .onCreated( a -> a.addEventListener( "click", e -> { runTests(c); }, false ) ) .append(c.getName()) ; b.createChild("div") .setClass("junit results") .setAttribute("id", TEST_RESULTS + id) ; } private native void log(Object o) /*-{ $wnd.console && $wnd.console.log(o); }-*/; private String toId(final Class<?> c) { return c.getName().replace('.', '_'); } public void runTests() { testResults.clear(); for (final Class<?> cls : tests.keySet()) { Map<Method, Throwable> results = testResults.get(cls); if (results == null) { results = new LinkedHashMap<>(); testResults.put(cls, results); } results.clear(); runTests(cls); } testResults.keySet().forEach(this::updateTestClass); } public void runTests(Class<?> c) { final Map<Method, Throwable> res = testResults.get(c); for (final Method m : res.keySet().toArray(new Method[res.size()])) { res.put(m, null); } updateTestClass(c); final Object inst = instantiate(c); tests.put(c, inst); JUnitGuiController controller; if (inst instanceof JUnitGuiController) { controller = (JUnitGuiController) inst; } else { controller = new JUnitGuiController(()->updateTestClass(c)); } Element[] view = new Element[0]; final Provider<Element> stageProvider = () -> { view[0] = X_Elemental.newDiv(); final Element result = initialize(view[0], controller, inst); return result; }; if (controller.onTestClassStart(stageProvider, inst)) { controller.runAll( c, inst, fin -> { res.putAll(fin); updateTestClass(c); controller.onTestClassFinish(inst, fin); } ); } } protected Element elementForClass(Class<?> cls) { final String id = toId(cls); return Browser.getDocument().getElementById(TEST_RESULTS + id); } private void updateTestClass(final Class<?> cls) { final Element el = elementForClass(cls); final Map<Method, Throwable> results = testResults.get(cls); int success = 0, fail = 0; final int total = results.size(); for (final Map.Entry<Method, Throwable> e : results.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue() == JUnit4Executor.SUCCESS) { success++; } else { fail++; } } final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("<span class='junit success'>Passed: ") .append(success).append("/").append(total).append("</span>; ") .append("<span"); if (fail > 0) { b.append(" class='junit fail'"); } b.append(">Failed: ").append(fail).append("/").append(total); el.setInnerHTML(b.toString()); } protected void runTest(final Method m) { final String id = m.getName() + m.getDeclaringClass().hashCode(); final Element stage = Browser.getDocument().getElementById(id); stage.setInnerHTML(""); final Map<Method, Throwable> results = testResults.get(m.getDeclaringClass()); try { final Object inst = tests.get(m.getDeclaringClass()); JUnitGuiController controller; if (inst instanceof JUnitGuiController) { controller = (JUnitGuiController) inst; } else { controller = new JUnitGuiController(()->updateTestClass(m.getDeclaringClass())); } Element[] view = new Element[0]; final Provider<Element> stageProvider = () -> { view[0] = X_Elemental.newDiv(); final Element result = initialize(view[0], controller, inst); if (result.getParentElement() == null) { stage.appendChild(result); } return result; }; if (controller.onTestClassStart(stageProvider, inst)) { inst, m, e -> { e = e == null ? JUnit4Executor.SUCCESS : e; results.put(m, e); updateTestClass(m.getDeclaringClass()); } ); } } catch (Throwable e) { results.put(m, e); stage.setInnerHTML(debug("<div class='junit' style='color:red'>" + m.getName() + " fails!</div>", e)); } } /** * This method is here to let subclasses pick what element, if any, * that we want to render for our execution. */ protected Element initialize( Element element, JUnitGuiController controller, Object inst ) { return element == null ? X_Elemental.newDiv() : element; } protected void print(final Object string, final Throwable e) { final Element el = Browser.getDocument().createDivElement(); el.setInnerHTML(debug(string, e)); insertionPoint().appendChild(el); } protected Element insertionPoint() { return Browser.getDocument().getBody(); } protected String debug(final Object message, Throwable e) { String debug = JUnit4Executor.debug(message, e); log(message); log(e); return debug; } }