package; import xapi.annotation.model.ClientToServer; import xapi.annotation.model.FieldValidator; import xapi.annotation.model.Key; import xapi.annotation.model.PersistenceStrategy; import xapi.annotation.model.Persistent; import xapi.annotation.model.Serializable; import xapi.annotation.model.SerializationStrategy; import xapi.annotation.model.ServerToClient; import xapi.collect.impl.SimpleFifo; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.source.api.IsType; import xapi.util.api.ValidatesValue; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ModelField implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1697272589093249083L; class ModelMethod implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7865206427761038557L; String fieldName; IsType returnType; String methodName; public IsType[] generics; } class GetterMethod extends ModelMethod{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -7494752742665409918L; boolean toArray; boolean toCollection; boolean toMap; boolean toHasValues; boolean toIterable; } class SetterMethod extends ModelMethod{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -345008117582324787L; IsType[] params; public boolean fluent; boolean fromArray; boolean fromCollection; boolean fromMap; boolean fromHasValues; boolean fromIterable; boolean firesEvents; } class DeleterMethod extends ModelMethod{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 7402005778480651359L; IsType[] params; public boolean fluent; boolean fromArray; boolean fromCollection; boolean fromMap; boolean fromHasValues; boolean fromIterable; boolean firesEvents; } class QueryMethod extends ModelMethod{ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4769829367905793190L; IsType[] params; public boolean fluent; boolean fromArray; boolean fromCollection; boolean fromMap; boolean fromHasValues; boolean fromIterable; boolean firesEvents; } class ActionMethod implements { IsType returnType; String methodName; String fieldName; IsType[] params; } private final String name; private String type; private ClientToServer clientToServer; private ServerToClient serverToClient; private Key key; private Persistent persistent; private Serializable serializable; private boolean listType; private boolean mapType; private boolean publicSetter; private boolean publicAdder; private boolean publicRemover; private boolean publicClear; private boolean c2sEnabled = true; private boolean s2cEnabled = true; private boolean c2sEncrypted = false; private boolean s2cEncrypted = false; private boolean obfuscated = false; private SerializationStrategy c2sSerializer = SerializationStrategy.ProtoStream; private SerializationStrategy s2cSerializer = SerializationStrategy.ProtoStream; private PersistenceStrategy persistenceStrategy; private final ArrayList<Class<? extends ValidatesValue<?>>> validators = new ArrayList<>(); private final SimpleFifo<GetterMethod> getters; private final SimpleFifo<SetterMethod> setters; private final SimpleFifo<ActionMethod> actions; public ModelField(final String name) { = name; getters = new SimpleFifo<>(); setters = new SimpleFifo<>(); actions = new SimpleFifo<>(); } /** * @return the clientToServer */ public ClientToServer getClientToServer() { return clientToServer; } /** * @param clientToServer the clientToServer to set * @return */ public ModelField setClientToServer(final ClientToServer clientToServer) { this.clientToServer = clientToServer; if (clientToServer != null) { c2sEnabled = clientToServer.enabled(); c2sEncrypted = clientToServer.enabled(); c2sSerializer = clientToServer.serializer(); } return this; } /** * @return the key */ public Key getKey() { return key; } /** * @param key the key to set * @return */ public ModelField setKey(final Key key) { this.key = key; return this; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * @return the serverToClient */ public ServerToClient getServerToClient() { return serverToClient; } /** * @param serverToClient the serverToClient to set * @return */ public ModelField setServerToClient(final ServerToClient serverToClient) { this.serverToClient = serverToClient; if (serverToClient != null) { s2cEnabled = serverToClient.enabled(); s2cEncrypted = serverToClient.encrypted(); s2cSerializer = serverToClient.serializer(); } return this; } /** * @return the serializable */ public Serializable getSerializable() { return serializable; } /** * @param serializable the serializable to set * @return */ public ModelField setSerializable(final Serializable serializable) { this.serializable = serializable; if (serializable != null) { obfuscated = serializable.obfuscated(); setClientToServer(serializable.clientToServer()); setServerToClient(serializable.serverToClient()); } return this; } /** * @return the persistent */ public Persistent getPersistent() { return persistent; } /** * @param persistent the persistent to set * @return */ public ModelField setPersistent(final Persistent persistent) { this.persistent = persistent; if (persistent != null) { persistenceStrategy = persistent.strategy(); } return this; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { return obj == this ? true : obj instanceof ModelField ? name.equals(((ModelField)obj).name) : false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode(); } /** * @return the type */ public String getType() { return type; } /** * @param type the type to set */ public void setType(final String type) { this.type = type; } public GetterMethod addGetter( final IsType returns, final String propertyName, final String methodName, final Annotation[] annotations, List<IsType> generics ) { final GetterMethod mthd = new GetterMethod(); mthd.returnType = returns; mthd.generics = generics.toArray(new IsType[generics.size()]); mthd.fieldName = propertyName; mthd.methodName = methodName; getters.give(mthd); addAnnotations(annotations); return mthd; } /** * @param annotations */ private void addAnnotations(final Annotation[] annotations) { for (final Annotation anno : annotations) { if (anno instanceof Serializable) { final Serializable serializable = (Serializable) anno; obfuscated = serializable.obfuscated(); final ClientToServer c2s = serializable.clientToServer(); c2sSerializer = c2s.serializer(); c2sEnabled = c2s.enabled(); c2sEncrypted = c2s.encrypted(); final ServerToClient s2c = serializable.serverToClient(); s2cSerializer = s2c.serializer(); s2cEnabled = s2c.enabled(); s2cEncrypted = s2c.encrypted(); } else if (anno instanceof Persistent) { final Persistent persistent = (Persistent) anno; persistenceStrategy = persistent.strategy(); } else if (anno instanceof FieldValidator) { final FieldValidator validator = (FieldValidator) anno; for (final Class<? extends ValidatesValue<?>> validatesValue : validator.validators()) { validators.add(validatesValue); } } else { X_Log.trace(getClass(), "Unhandled annotation ",anno+" in ModelManifest.MethodData.addAnnotatons"); } } } public SetterMethod addSetter(final IsType returns, final String propertyName, final String methodName, final Annotation[] annotations, final IsType[] parameters) { final SetterMethod mthd = new SetterMethod(); mthd.returnType = returns; mthd.fieldName = propertyName; mthd.methodName = methodName; mthd.params = parameters; setters.give(mthd); mthd.fluent = mthd.returnType.getQualifiedName().equals(type); addAnnotations(annotations); return mthd; } public void addAction(final IsType returns, final String propertyName, final String methodName, final Annotation[] annotations, final IsType[] parameters) { final ActionMethod mthd = new ActionMethod(); mthd.returnType = returns; mthd.fieldName = propertyName; mthd.methodName = methodName; mthd.params = parameters; actions.give(mthd); addAnnotations(annotations); } public Iterable<GetterMethod> getGetters() { return getters.forEach(); } public Iterable<SetterMethod> getSetters() { return setters.forEach(); } public Iterable<ActionMethod> getActions() { return actions.forEach(); } public boolean isC2sEnabled() { return c2sEnabled; } public boolean isS2cEnabled() { return s2cEnabled; } public boolean isC2sEncrypted() { return c2sEncrypted; } public boolean isS2cEncrypted() { return s2cEncrypted; } public boolean isObfuscated() { return obfuscated; } @Override public String toString() { return type+" "+name; } /** * @return -> c2sSerializer */ public SerializationStrategy getC2sSerializer() { return c2sSerializer; } /** * @return -> s2cSerializer */ public SerializationStrategy getS2cSerializer() { return s2cSerializer; } /** * @return -> persistenceStrategy */ public PersistenceStrategy getPersistenceStrategy() { return persistenceStrategy; } /** * @return -> validators */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Class<? extends ValidatesValue<?>>[] getValidators() { return validators.toArray(new Class[validators.size()]); } }