package; import com.github.javaparser.JavaParser; import com.github.javaparser.ParseException; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.UiContainerExpr; import xapi.annotation.inject.SingletonDefault; import xapi.annotation.inject.SingletonOverride; import xapi.collect.api.Fifo; import xapi.collect.impl.SimpleFifo; import xapi.components.api.IsControlledComponent; import xapi.components.api.IsWebComponent; import xapi.components.api.JsoConsumer; import xapi.components.api.JsoSupplier; import xapi.components.api.NativelySupported; import xapi.components.api.ShadowDom; import xapi.components.api.ShadowDomPlugin; import xapi.components.api.ShadowDomStyle; import xapi.components.api.ShadowDomStyles; import xapi.components.api.WebComponent; import xapi.components.api.WebComponentCallback; import xapi.components.api.WebComponentFactory; import xapi.components.api.WebComponentMethod; import xapi.components.impl.JsFunctionSupport; import xapi.components.impl.JsSupport; import xapi.components.impl.WebComponentBuilder; import xapi.components.impl.WebComponentSupport; import; import; import; import; import; import xapi.inject.X_Inject; import; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.log.api.LogLevel; import xapi.source.X_Source; import xapi.ui.html.api.Css; import xapi.ui.html.api.El; import xapi.ui.html.api.Html; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style; import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.PRIVATE; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import javax.inject.Singleton; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class WebComponentFactoryGenerator extends IncrementalGenerator { private static ThreadLocal<ShadowDomStyleInjectorGenerator> shadowDomGenerator = new ThreadLocal<ShadowDomStyleInjectorGenerator>() { @Override protected ShadowDomStyleInjectorGenerator initialValue() { return new ShadowDomStyleInjectorGenerator(); } }; static ShadowDomStyleInjectorGenerator getStyleInjectorGenerator() { return shadowDomGenerator.get(); } private enum BuiltInType { // Uses non-standard bean-casing so we can use .name() to generate code to // match methods // in the WebComponentSupport class created, attached, detached, attributeChanged; public static BuiltInType find(final JMethod method) throws UnableToCompleteException { switch (method.getName()) { // TODO use complete signature here case "onAttached": return attached; case "onDetached": return detached; case "onCreated": return created; case "onAttributeChanged": return attributeChanged; default: return null; } } } private static class MethodData { private final String accessorName; private String name; private String getterName; private String setterName; private String getterClass; private String setterClass; private BuiltInType type; private boolean enumerable = false; private boolean configurable = true; private boolean writeable = false; public String valueClass; public boolean mapToAttribute; public boolean useJsniWildcard; public MethodData(final String accessorName, final String name) { this.accessorName = accessorName; = name; } private boolean isProperty() { return getterName != null || setterName != null; } } private static final Pattern BEAN_NAME = Pattern.compile("(is|get|set)(.+)"); private JClassType stringType; private JClassType webComponentCallback; private static final String BOX_HELPER = "@" + JsSupport.class.getName() + "::"; private static final String JSO_PARAM = "Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;"; @Override public RebindResult generateIncrementally(final TreeLogger logger, final GeneratorContext context, final String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { final JClassType type = context.getTypeOracle().findType(typeName); final WebComponent component = type.getAnnotation(WebComponent.class); final Fifo<ShadowDomStyle> styles = extractSharedStyles(type); if (component == null) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Type " + type.getQualifiedSourceName() + " missing required annotation, " + WebComponent.class.getName()); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (component.tagName().indexOf('-') == -1) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "WebComponent for " + type.getQualifiedSourceName() + " has invalid tag name " + component.tagName() + "; " + "Custom elements must contain the - character"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } final String pkg = type.getPackage().getName(); final String simple = type.getQualifiedSourceName().replace(pkg + ".", ""); final String factoryName = toFactoryName(simple); final String qualifiedName = pkg + "." + factoryName; // TODO reenable this once we add strong hashing support to ensure types // have not changed. // if (context.tryReuseTypeFromCache(qualifiedName)) { // return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_ALL_CACHED, qualifiedName); // } final PrintWriter pw = context.tryCreate(logger, pkg, factoryName); if (pw == null) { logger.log(logLevel(), "Reusing existing class " + qualifiedName); return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_EXISTING, qualifiedName); } final SourceBuilder<ContainerMetadata> sourceBuilder = new SourceBuilder<ContainerMetadata> ("public final class " + factoryName) .setPackage(pkg); final ClassBuffer out = sourceBuilder.getClassBuffer() .addInterface( WebComponentFactory.class.getCanonicalName() + "<" + simple + ">"); final String builder = out.addImport(WebComponentBuilder.class); final String support = out.addImport(WebComponentSupport.class); final String jso = out.addImport(JavaScriptObject.class); final String selfType = out.addImport(typeName); final String proto = generatePrototypeAccessor(out, component.extendProto(), jso); stringType = context.getTypeOracle().findType("java.lang.String"); webComponentCallback = context.getTypeOracle().findType(WebComponentCallback.class.getName()); final Multimap<String, MethodData> methods = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); final boolean hasCallbacks = type.isAssignableTo(webComponentCallback); final List<JClassType> flattened = new ArrayList<JClassType>(type.getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy()); for (int i = flattened.size(); i --> 0; ) { final JClassType iface = flattened.get(i); generateFunctionAccessors(logger, context, iface, methods, hasCallbacks); } final String supplier = out.addImport(Supplier.class); out .createField(supplier + "<" + simple + ">", "ctor") .makeStatic() .makePrivate(); // Initialize the web component in a static block out .println("static {") .indent(); if (hasCssToInject(type)) { final String injectCss = out.addImportStatic("xapi.elemental.X_Elemental.injectCss"); out.println(injectCss+"("+selfType+".class);"); } out .println(builder + " builder = " + builder + ".create(" + proto + ");"); if (component.extendProto().length > 1) { out .println("builder.setExtends(\"" + component.extendProto()[1] + "\");"); } final Set<String> seen = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = flattened.size(); i --> 0; ) { final JClassType key = flattened.get(i); for (final MethodData method : methods.get(key.getQualifiedSourceName())) { if (method.isProperty()) { printPropertyAccess(logger, out, method, builder, seen); } else { printValueAccess(logger, out, method, builder, seen); } } } final String inject = out.addImport(X_Inject.class); for (Class<? extends ShadowDomPlugin> pluginClass : component.plugins()) { String plugin = out.addImport(pluginClass); out .println("builder.addShadowDomPlugin(") .indent() .print(inject) .print(isSingleton(pluginClass) ? ".instance" : ".singleton") .println("(" + plugin +".class)") .outdent() .println(");"); } ShadowDom[] shadowDoms = component.shadowDom(); if (shadowDoms.length > 0) { for (ShadowDom shadowDom : shadowDoms) { // Calculate if we need to do any css injection. SourceTransform shadowStyle = null; if (shadowDom.styles().length > 0 || styles.isNotEmpty()) { final Fifo<ShadowDomStyle> localStyles = new SimpleFifo<>(); localStyles.giveAll(shadowDom.styles()); shadowStyle = getStyleInjectorGenerator().generateShadowStyles(logger, styles, localStyles, context); } for (String template : shadowDom.value()) { ContainerMetadata metadata = createMetadata(); if (shadowStyle != null) { metadata.addModifier(shadowStyle); } metadata.setSourceBuilder(sourceBuilder); template = resolveTemplate(logger, template, context, type, metadata); out .print("builder.addShadowRoot(\"") .print(Generator.escape(template)) .print("\"") .println() .println(", shadow -> {") .indent(); metadata.applyModifiers(out, "shadow"); out .println("return shadow;") .outdent() .println("});"); // just close out the shadowroot call } } } out .print("ctor = " + support + ".register(") .print("\"" + component.tagName() + "\"") .println(",;") .outdent() .println("}") .createMethod( "public " + simpleName(type) + " newComponent()") .returnValue("ctor.get()"); // Print the querySelector method. final MethodBuffer querySelector = out.createMethod("public String querySelector()"); if (component.extendProto().length > 1) { // We are extending an existing method. querySelector.returnValue("\""+component.extendProto()[1]+"[is="+component.tagName()+"]\""); } else { querySelector.returnValue("\""+component.tagName()+"\""); } final String src = sourceBuilder.toString(); logger.log(logLevel(typeName), "\nWeb Component Factory: \n" + src); pw.println(src); context.commit(logger, pw); return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_ALL_NEW, qualifiedName); } protected ContainerMetadata createMetadata() { return new ContainerMetadata(); } public static String toFactoryName(String simple) { return simple.replace('.', '_') + "_WebComponentFactory"; } private Type logLevel() { return Type.WARN; } protected boolean isSingleton(Class<? extends ShadowDomPlugin> pluginClass) { return pluginClass.getAnnotation(Singleton.class) != null || pluginClass.getAnnotation(SingletonOverride.class) != null || pluginClass.getAnnotation(SingletonDefault.class) != null ; } private Fifo<ShadowDomStyle> extractSharedStyles(JClassType type) { final Fifo<ShadowDomStyle> list = new SimpleFifo<>(); final ShadowDomStyles styles = type.getAnnotation(ShadowDomStyles.class); if (styles != null) { list.giveAll(styles.value()); } final ShadowDomStyle style = type.getAnnotation(ShadowDomStyle.class); if (style != null) { list.giveAll(style); } return list; } private String resolveTemplate(TreeLogger logger, String template, GeneratorContext context, JClassType type, ContainerMetadata metadata) throws UnableToCompleteException { String asString; boolean wasHtml = false; if (template.trim().startsWith("<")) { // raw html / xapi template. asString = template; } else { // resource to load if (!template.startsWith("/")) { // Relative resource template = "/"+type.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/')+"/"+template; wasHtml = template.endsWith(".html"); } try ( InputStream resource = context.getResourcesOracle().getResourceAsStream(template.substring(1)) ) { if (resource == null) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Unable to find shadow root bundle "+template); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } asString = X_IO.toStringUtf8(resource); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Error generating shadow root bundle "+template, e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } try { final UiContainerExpr container = JavaParser.parseUiContainer(asString); // The template parsed. // We are going to need to transform it into a few different forms: // 1) The actual html to inject, which we return // 2) Any stylesheets or message bundles generated by the template // 3) A transform function that can operate on the shadow dom element at runtime. metadata.setContainer(container); metadata.setType(type.getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName()); for (JClassType iface : type.getImplementedInterfaces()) { if (iface.getQualifiedSourceName().equals(IsWebComponent.class.getCanonicalName())) { final JClassType elementType = iface.isParameterized().getTypeArgs()[0]; metadata.setElementType(elementType.getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName()); } else if (iface.getQualifiedSourceName().equals(IsControlledComponent.class.getCanonicalName())) { final JClassType elementType = iface.isParameterized().getTypeArgs()[0]; final JClassType componentType = iface.isParameterized().getTypeArgs()[1]; final JClassType controllerType = iface.isParameterized().getTypeArgs()[2]; metadata.setElementType(elementType.getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName()); metadata.setComponentType(componentType.getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName()); final JClassType erased = controllerType.getErasedType(); final JPackage pkg = erased.getPackage(); String pkgName = pkg == null ? "" : pkg.getName(); String clsName = X_Source.removePackage(pkgName, erased.getQualifiedSourceName()); metadata.setControllerType(pkgName, clsName); } } // replace the string version with a modified one that is safe to inject. MethodReferenceReplacementVisitor.mutateExpression(container, metadata); return generateComponentBinding(logger, context, type, metadata, container); } catch (ParseException e) { if (!wasHtml && metadata.isAllowedToFail()) { X_Log.warn(getClass(), "Unable to parse html as xapi UI. Treating template as raw html. Set -Dxapi.log.level=TRACE to see the template"); X_Log.trace(asString); if (X_Log.loggable(LogLevel.TRACE)) { if (!asString.equals(template)) { X_Log.trace("From template", template); } } X_Log.warn(e); return asString; } else { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Unparseable xapi template:"); if (!asString.equals(template)) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "loaded from " + template); } logger.log(Type.ERROR, asString, e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } } protected String generateComponentBinding( TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JClassType type, ContainerMetadata metadata, UiContainerExpr container ) { return container.toSource(); } @Override public long getVersionId() { return 0; } protected Type logLevel(final String typeName) { return // BooleanPickerElement.class.getName().equals(typeName) ? Type.INFO : Type.TRACE; Type.DEBUG; } private String accessorName(final JMethod method) { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(method.getName()); for (final JParameter param : method.getParameters()) { b.append('_').append(param.getName()); } return b.toString(); } private String debean(final String name) { final Matcher matcher = BEAN_NAME.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { final String match =; return Character.toLowerCase(match.charAt(0)) + (match.length() > 0 ? match.substring(1) : ""); } return name; } private void generateDefaultFunctionAccessor(final TreeLogger logger, final JMethod method, final MethodData data, final ClassBuffer cls, final Set<String> helpers) { final String qualified = method.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName(); final String typeName = cls.addImport(qualified); cls.addImport(JavaScriptObject.class); final MethodBuffer out = cls .createMethod( "public static JavaScriptObject " + data.accessorName + "()") .addParameters(typeName + " o") .makeJsni() .addImports(JavaScriptObject.class) .print("var func = o.@" + qualified + "::" + method.getName() + "("); List<JType> rawParams = new ArrayList<>(); for (JType param : method.getParameterTypes()) { if (param instanceof JParameterizedType) { param = ((JParameterizedType)param).getRawType(); } if (param instanceof JTypeParameter) { param = ((JTypeParameter)param).getErasedType(); } rawParams.add(param); } if (data.useJsniWildcard) { out.print("*"); } else { for (JType param : rawParams) { out.print(param.getJNISignature()); } } final StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder(); final Map<Character, String> boxers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); char paramName = 'a'; for (final JType param : rawParams) { // out.print(param.getErasedType().getJNISignature()); if (params.length() > 0) { params.append(','); } params.append(paramName); final String boxingPrefix = maybeBoxPrefix(logger, param, false, out, cls, helpers); final String boxingSuffix = maybeBoxSuffix(logger, param, false, out); boxers.put(paramName, boxingPrefix + paramName + boxingSuffix); paramName++; } out .println(");") .print("return @") .print(JsFunctionSupport.class.getName()) .print("::maybeEnter(*)") .println("(function(" + params + "){") .indent(); final String boxReturnPrefix = maybeBoxPrefix(logger, method.getReturnType(), true, out, cls, helpers); final String boxReturnSuffix = maybeBoxSuffix(logger, method.getReturnType(), true, out); final boolean hasReturn = method.getReturnType() != JPrimitiveType.VOID; if (hasReturn) { // Non void return type; we may need to box/unbox the result out.print("var ret = " + boxReturnPrefix); } if (hasReturn) { out.indent(); } out .println("func(this"); for (final Character c : boxers.keySet()) { BuiltInType type = data.type; if (type == null) { type = BuiltInType.attributeChanged; } out.print(", "); switch (type) { case attributeChanged: out.println(boxers.get(c)); break; default: // for onCreated, onAttached and onDetached, we supply this reference // as the element argument to the method, as a convenience out.println("this"); break; } } out.print(")"); if (hasReturn) { out.println().outdent().print(boxReturnSuffix); } out.println(";"); if (hasReturn) { out.println("return ret;"); } out .outdent() .println("});"); } private void generateFunctionAccessors(final TreeLogger logger, final GeneratorContext context, final JClassType iface, final Multimap<String, MethodData> results, final boolean hasCallbacks) throws UnableToCompleteException { if (iface.getMethods().length == 0) { return; } final JParameterizedType asParam = iface.isParameterized(); final JClassType[] paramTypes = asParam == null ? new JClassType[0] : asParam.getTypeArgs(); final String pkg = iface.getPackage().getName(); final String simple = iface.getQualifiedSourceName().replace(pkg + ".", ""); final String result = simple.replace('.', '_') + simplify(paramTypes) + "_JsFunctionAccess"; final String name = iface.getQualifiedSourceName(); final String qualified = pkg + "." + result; SourceBuilder<PrintWriter> source = null; // TODO reenable once we can check input source files for freshness // if (!context.tryReuseTypeFromCache(qualified)) { final PrintWriter pw = context.tryCreate(logger, pkg, result); if (pw != null) { source = new SourceBuilder<PrintWriter> ("public final class " + result) .setPackage(pkg) .setPayload(pw); source.getClassBuffer().createConstructor(PRIVATE); } final Set<String> helpers = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (final JMethod method : iface.getMethods()) { if (method.isStatic()) { continue; } if (method.getAnnotation(NativelySupported.class) != null) { // Do not blow away natively supported methods! continue; } if (method.getEnclosingType() == iface) { Collection<MethodData> existing = results.get(name); MethodData data = new MethodData(accessorName(method), method.getName()); if (hasCallbacks) { data.type = BuiltInType.find(method); data.useJsniWildcard = true; } final WebComponentMethod metaData = method.getAnnotation(WebComponentMethod.class); if (metaData != null) { if (! { =; } data.useJsniWildcard = metaData.useJsniWildcard(); data.mapToAttribute = metaData.mapToAttribute(); data.configurable = metaData.configurable(); data.enumerable = metaData.enumerable(); data.writeable = metaData.writeable(); } if (method.isDefaultMethod()) { data.valueClass = qualified; existing = Sets.add(new LinkedHashSet<>(existing), data); results.putAll(name, existing); // A default method! Let's generate a method to extract a javascript // function that will correctly handle un/boxing when passing values. if (source != null) { generateDefaultFunctionAccessor(logger, method, data, source.getClassBuffer(), helpers); } } else { // An abstract method should be treated like a JsType method; // if it's a getter or a setter, try to use element attributes final String debeaned = debean(method.getName()); if (metaData == null || { = debeaned; } for (final MethodData previous : results.values()) { if ( { if (previous.isProperty()) { data = previous; } else { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Duplicate property definitions found for web component member with " + "name [" + + "]. Conflict between " + previous.accessorName + " and " + data.accessorName); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } } final JsProperty prop = method.getAnnotation(JsProperty.class); if (prop != null || isBeanFormat(method)) { // Explicitly a js property, or it looks like a bean. Lets wire it // up! if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { // Getter data.getterName = "get_" + method.getName(); data.getterClass = qualified; if (source != null) { generateGetter(logger, debeaned, data, method, source, helpers); } } else { // Setter data.setterName = "set_" + method.getName(); data.setterClass = qualified; if (source != null) { generateSetter(logger, debeaned, data, method, source, helpers); } } existing = Sets.add(new LinkedHashSet<MethodData>(existing), data); results.putAll(name, existing); } else { logger.log(Type.WARN, "Unable to generate web component implementation for " + method.getReadableDeclaration() + " of " + method.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName() + ". The underlying method will only work correctly " + "if supplied by the underlying native element"); } } } } if (source != null) { final String src = source.toString(); source.getPayload().println(src); logger.log(logLevel(iface.getQualifiedSourceName()), src); context.commit(logger, source.getPayload()); } } private void generateGetter(final TreeLogger logger, final String debeaned, final MethodData data, final JMethod method, final SourceBuilder<PrintWriter> source, final Set<String> helpers) { final MethodBuffer out = source.getClassBuffer() .createMethod("public static JavaScriptObject get_" + method.getName()) .addImports(JavaScriptObject.class) .makeJsni(); final String boxingPrefix = maybeBoxPrefix(logger, method.getReturnType(), true, out, source.getClassBuffer(), helpers); final String boxingSuffix = maybeBoxSuffix(logger, method.getReturnType(), true, out); out .println("return function() {") .indent() .print("return "); if (data.mapToAttribute) { out.print(boxingPrefix) // our boxing code will automatically handle primitive conversion .print("this.getAttribute('" + debeaned + "')") .print(boxingSuffix); } else { out.print(boxingPrefix) .print("this.__" + debeaned) .print(boxingSuffix); } out .println(";") .outdent() .println("}"); } private String generatePrototypeAccessor(final ClassBuffer out, final String[] extendProto, final String jso) { out .createMethod("private static native " + jso + " proto()") .setUseJsni(true) .println("return Object.create(" + extendProto[0] + ".prototype);"); return "proto()"; } private void generateSetter(final TreeLogger logger, final String debeaned, final MethodData data, final JMethod method, final SourceBuilder<PrintWriter> source, final Set<String> helpers) { final MethodBuffer out = source.getClassBuffer() .createMethod("public static JavaScriptObject set_" + method.getName()) .addImports(JavaScriptObject.class) .makeJsni(); final String boxingPrefix = maybeBoxPrefix(logger, method.getParameterTypes()[0], false, out, source.getClassBuffer(), helpers); final String boxingSuffix = maybeBoxSuffix(logger, method.getParameterTypes()[0], false, out); final boolean fluent = method.getReturnType() != JPrimitiveType.VOID; assert !fluent || isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType(), method.getEnclosingType()) : "Cannot implement fluent method " + method.getJsniSignature(); out .println("return function(i) {") .indent(); if (data.mapToAttribute) { out .println("var val = i == null ? null : "+boxingPrefix + "i" + boxingSuffix+";") .println("if (val == null) {") .indentln("this.removeAttribute('"+debeaned+"');") .println("} else {") .indentln("this.setAttribute('" + debeaned + "', val);") .println("}"); } else { out .print("this.__").print(debeaned) .print(" = i == null ? null : ") .print(boxingPrefix).print("i").print(boxingSuffix) .println(";"); } if (fluent) { out.println("return this;"); } out .outdent() .println("}"); } private boolean hasCssAnnotations(final JClassType type) { if (hasStyleAnnotations(type)) { return true; } final Html html = type.getAnnotation(Html.class); if (html != null) { if (html.css().length > 0) { return true; } for (final El el : html.body()) { if (hasStyle(el)) { return true; } } } final El el = type.getAnnotation(El.class); if (hasStyle(el)) { return true; } for (final JMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (hasStyle(method.getAnnotation(El.class))) { return true; } if (hasStyleAnnotations(method)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean hasCssToInject(final JClassType type) { for (final JClassType subtype : type.getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy()) { if (hasCssAnnotations(subtype)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean hasStyle(final El el) { return el != null && > 0; } private boolean hasStyleAnnotations(final HasAnnotations member) { return member.isAnnotationPresent(Css.class) || member.isAnnotationPresent(Style.class); } private boolean isAssignableFrom(final JType returnType, final JClassType enclosingType) { return returnType instanceof JClassType ? enclosingType.isAssignableFrom((JClassType) returnType) : false; } private boolean isBeanFormat(final JMethod method) { if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { // This, if anything, is a getter. return method.getReturnType() != JPrimitiveType.VOID; } return method.getParameterTypes().length == 1; } private String maybeBoxPrefix(final TreeLogger logger, final JType type, final boolean jsToJava, final MethodBuffer out, final ClassBuffer enclosing, final Set<String> helpers) { if (type.isPrimitive() == null) { // The type is not primitive. If it maps to the object form of a // primitive, we must box it if primitive switch (type.getQualifiedSourceName()) { case "elemental.js.util.JsArrayOfString": if (jsToJava) { return BOX_HELPER + "unboxArrayOfString(" + JSO_PARAM + "Ljava/lang/String;)("; } else { return BOX_HELPER + "boxArray(" + JSO_PARAM + "Ljava/lang/String;)("; } case "elemental.js.util.JsArrayOfInt": if (jsToJava) { return BOX_HELPER + "unboxArrayOfInt(" + JSO_PARAM + "Ljava/lang/String;)("; } else { return BOX_HELPER + "boxArray(" + JSO_PARAM + "Ljava/lang/String;)("; } case "elemental.js.util.JsArrayOfNumber": if (jsToJava) { return BOX_HELPER + "unboxArrayOfNumber(" + JSO_PARAM + "Ljava/lang/String;)("; } else { return BOX_HELPER + "boxArray(" + JSO_PARAM + "Ljava/lang/String;)("; } case "elemental.js.util.JsArrayOfBoolean": if (jsToJava) { return BOX_HELPER + "unboxArrayOfNumber(" + JSO_PARAM + "Ljava/lang/String;)("; } else { return BOX_HELPER + "boxArray(" + JSO_PARAM + "Ljava/lang/String;)("; } case "java.lang.Long": case "java.lang.Boolean": case "java.lang.Byte": case "java.lang.Short": case "java.lang.Character": case "java.lang.Integer": case "java.lang.Float": case "java.lang.Double": return BOX_HELPER + "box" + simpleName(type) + "(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; default: if (type instanceof JClassType) { final JClassType asClass = ((JClassType) type).getErasedType(); try { if (jsToJava) { JMethod valueOf; try { // Prefer fromString(String) as this allows enums to override .toString() // fromString is also preferable as it better matches .toString() valueOf = asClass.getMethod("fromString", new JType[] { stringType }); } catch (final NotFoundException e) { // Also accept enum default method, valueOf valueOf = asClass.getMethod("valueOf", new JType[] { stringType }); } // In order to guard against null/empty values being sent to these methods, // we will actually generate a helper method to perform the empty-value check, // and simply return null if the appropriate value is not sent. // If you want to handle empty values, use an empty string, which will still be // passed into the associated methods. final String typeName = enclosing.addImport(asClass.getQualifiedSourceName()); final String methodName = asClass.getSimpleSourceName() +"_"+valueOf.getName()+"_Helper"; if (helpers.add(methodName)) { final MethodBuffer helper = enclosing.createMethod ("private static "+typeName+" "+methodName+"(String value)") .makeJsni() .print("return value == null ? null : "); if (valueOf.isStatic()) { // if valueOf is static, we can just invoke it directly helper.println("@" + asClass.getQualifiedSourceName() + "::"+valueOf.getName()+"(Ljava/lang/String;)(value);"); } else { // however, if fromString is instance level, we must construct a // new instance if (asClass.getConstructor(new JType[0]) == null) { logger.log( Type.WARN, "Found method "+valueOf.getName()+"(String) in type " + asClass.getQualifiedSourceName() + ", but could not use it for autoboxing because the method is " + "instance level and there is no zero-arg constructor available " + "to instantiate the given type"); helper.println("null;"); return ""; } else { // we only support 0-arg constructors here helper.println("@" + asClass.getQualifiedSourceName() + "::new()().@" + asClass.getQualifiedSourceName() + "::"+valueOf.getName()+"(Ljava/lang/String;)(value)"); } } } return "@" + enclosing.getQualifiedName()+"::"+methodName+"(Ljava/lang/String;)("; } } catch (final NotFoundException ignored) { // If there is no valueOf(String) method, // we just don't perform any boxing. } } } } else { // The type is primitive, we must unbox whatever is given to us switch (type.isPrimitive()) { case BOOLEAN: return BOX_HELPER + "unboxBoolean(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; case BYTE: return BOX_HELPER + "unboxByte(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; case SHORT: return BOX_HELPER + "unboxShort(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; case CHAR: return BOX_HELPER + "unboxCharacter(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; case INT: return BOX_HELPER + "unboxInteger(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; case LONG: out.addAnnotation(UnsafeNativeLong.class); if (jsToJava) { return BOX_HELPER + "unboxLongNative(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; } return BOX_HELPER + "unboxLong(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; case FLOAT: return BOX_HELPER + "unboxFloat(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; case DOUBLE: return BOX_HELPER + "unboxDouble(" + JSO_PARAM + ")("; default: } } return ""; } private String maybeBoxSuffix(final TreeLogger logger, final JType type, final boolean jsToJava, final MethodBuffer out) { if (type.isPrimitive() == null) { // The type is not primitive. If it maps to the object form of a // primitive, we must box it if primitive switch (type.getQualifiedSourceName()) { case "elemental.js.util.JsArrayOfString": case "elemental.js.util.JsArrayOfInt": case "elemental.js.util.JsArrayOfNumber": case "elemental.js.util.JsArrayOfBoolean": if (jsToJava) { return ", this.joiner)"; } else { return ", i && i.joiner)"; } case "java.lang.Long": case "java.lang.Boolean": case "java.lang.Byte": case "java.lang.Short": case "java.lang.Character": case "java.lang.Integer": case "java.lang.Float": case "java.lang.Double": return ")"; default: if (type instanceof JClassType) { final JClassType asClass = ((JClassType) type).getErasedType(); try { boolean hasFromString = false; final boolean hasValueOf = false; try { asClass.getMethod("fromString", new JType[] { stringType }); hasFromString = true; } catch (final NotFoundException ignored) {} if (jsToJava) { if (hasFromString) { return ")"; } asClass.getMethod("valueOf", new JType[] { stringType }); return ")"; } else { JMethod name; if (hasFromString) { try { name = asClass.getMethod("toString", new JType[0]); } catch (final NotFoundException e) { name = asClass.getMethod("name", new JType[0]); } } else { name = asClass.getMethod("name", new JType[0]); } if (name.isStatic()) { // if name is static, we can't invoke it as a suffix, and, it // really should never be static logger.log(Type.WARN, "Unable to use method "+name.getName()+"() from " + asClass.getQualifiedSourceName() + " in web component factory"); return ""; } else { return ".@" + asClass.getQualifiedSourceName() + "::"+name.getName()+"()()"; } } } catch (final NotFoundException ignored) { // If there is no valueOf(String) method, // we just don't perform any boxing. } } } } else { // The type is primitive, we must unbox whatever is given to us switch (type.isPrimitive()) { case BOOLEAN: case BYTE: case SHORT: case CHAR: case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: return ")"; default: } } return ""; } private void printPropertyAccess(final TreeLogger logger, final ClassBuffer staticOut, final MethodData method, final String builder, final Set<String> seen) { String name =; final String constName = "CONST_"+name.toUpperCase(); if (seen.add(constName)) { staticOut.createField(String.class, constName) .makeStatic() .makeFinal() .makePrivate() .setInitializer("\"" + + "\""); } name = "applyProperty_"; final MethodBuffer out = staticOut.createMethod("private static " + builder + " " + name) .addParameters(builder+" builder"); staticOut.println(name+"(builder);"); out .print("builder.addProperty(") .println(constName+", "); if (method.getterName != null) { final String jsoSupplier = staticOut.addImport(JsoSupplier.class); final String cls = staticOut.addImport(method.getterClass); out.println("new " + jsoSupplier + "(" + cls + "." + method.getterName + "()), "); } else { out.println("null, "); } if (method.setterName != null) { final String jsoConsumer = staticOut.addImport(JsoConsumer.class); final String cls = staticOut.addImport(method.setterClass); out.println("new " + jsoConsumer + "(" + cls + "." + method.setterName + "()), "); } else { out.println("null, "); } out .print(method.enumerable + ", ") .println(method.configurable + ");"); out.returnValue("builder"); } private void printValueAccess(final TreeLogger logger, final ClassBuffer staticOut, final MethodData method, final String builder, final Set<String> seen) { String name =; final String constName = "CONST_"+name.toUpperCase(); if (seen.add(constName)) { staticOut.createField(String.class, constName) .makeStatic() .makeFinal() .makePrivate() .setInitializer("\"" + + "\""); } if (!seen.add(name)) { if (method.type == null) { // built-ins it's ok to have multiples logger.log(Type.WARN, "Found duplicate key for "" in "+staticOut.getQualifiedName()+"; " + "one of these methods will be overridden and discarded."); // TODO: fix all warnings and escalate this to a compile-breaking error } int suffix = 0; while (seen.contains(name+suffix)) { suffix++; } name = name+suffix; seen.add(name); } name = "applyValue_"+name; final MethodBuffer out = staticOut.createMethod("private static " + builder + " " + name) .addParameters(builder+" builder"); staticOut.println(name+"(builder);"); final String shortName = out.addImport(method.valueClass); if (method.type == null) { out .print("builder.addValue(") .print(constName+", ") .print(shortName + "." + method.accessorName + "(null),") .print(method.enumerable + ", ") .print(method.configurable + ", ") .println(method.writeable + ");"); } else { // This is a built-in type. We should attach the correct callback. out .print("builder." + "Callback(") .print(shortName + "." + method.accessorName + "(null)") .println(");"); } out.returnValue("builder"); } private String simpleName(final JType type) { String binary = type.getQualifiedBinaryName(); final int last = binary.lastIndexOf('.'); if (last != -1) { binary = binary.substring(last + 1); } return binary.replace('$', '.'); } private String simplify(final JClassType[] typeParams) { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < typeParams.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { b.append("_"); } final JClassType typeParam = typeParams[i]; final String pkg = typeParam.getPackage().getName(); for (final String chunk : pkg.split("[.]")) { b.append(chunk.charAt(0)).append('_'); } b.append(typeParam.getQualifiedSourceName().replace(pkg+".", "").replace('.', '_')); } return b.toString(); } }