package; import xapi.fu.Lazy; import xapi.time.X_Time; import xapi.time.api.Moment; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Need a unique name? * * Don't want to be bothered to manage state across multiple compiles? * * If so, then NameGen is for you! * * If you create an instance with a given seed, * you will get deterministic names when called in a deterministic manner. * * If you are lazy and just want globally unique identifiers across a given * run of a jvm, then use the static factory method to get a shared NamePool. * * Created by James X. Nelson (james on 8/20/16. */ public class NameGen { private static final Lazy<NameGen> GLOBAL = Lazy.deferSupplier(NameGen::new, 0xcafebabe); public static NameGen getGlobal() { return GLOBAL.out1(); } private final AtomicInteger cnt; public NameGen() { this((int)(Math.random() * Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2)); } public NameGen(int seed) { cnt = new AtomicInteger(Math.abs(seed)); } public String newName(NameType type) { switch (type) { case CSS_CLASS: return newClass(); case ID: return newId(); case ENCODED_TIMESTAMP: return newTimestamp(); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Type " + type + " not supported."); } } protected int nextInt() { return cnt.getAndUpdate(i->i==Integer.MAX_VALUE ? 1 : i+1); } protected String nextString() { return Integer.toString(nextInt(), 36); } protected String classPrefix() { return "cls-"; } protected String idPrefix() { return "id"; } public String newClass() { return classPrefix() + nextString(); } public String newId() { return idPrefix() + nextString(); } public String newName(String prefix) { return prefix + nextString(); } public String newTimestamp() { // nowPlusOne uses a double that is a fractional millisecond count; // when called in rapid succession, it will create the "minimally largest" double // that can fit within the precision used by the current timestamp. // If the timestamp should become larger than the current time in millis, // this will actually park final Moment now = X_Time.nowPlusOne(); long time = Double.doubleToLongBits(now.millis()); return Long.toString(time, 36); } public enum NameType { CSS_CLASS, ID, ENCODED_TIMESTAMP } }