package xapi.fu; import xapi.fu.In1Out1.In1Out1Unsafe; import xapi.fu.Log.LogLevel; import static xapi.fu.Filter.alwaysTrue; import static xapi.fu.Immutable.immutable1; import javax.inject.Provider; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * @author James X. Nelson ( * Created on 07/11/15. */ public interface Out1<O> extends Rethrowable, Lambda { O out1(); Out1 NULL = immutable1(null); static <T> Out1 <T> null1() { return NULL; } Out1<String> EMPTY_STRING = immutable1(""); Out1<String> NEW_LINE = immutable1("\n"); Out1<String> SPACE = immutable1(" "); Out1<Boolean> FALSE = immutable1(false); Out1<Integer> ZERO = immutable1(0); Out1<Boolean> TRUE = immutable1(true); Out1<Integer> ONE = immutable1(1); Out1<Integer> NEGATIVE_ONE = immutable1(-1); default boolean isImmutable() { Object o = this; return o instanceof Immutable || o instanceof IsImmutable; } default Out1<O> use(In1<O> callback) {; return this; } /** * @return an immutable copy of this provider. */ default <F extends Out1<O> & Frozen> F freeze() { if (this instanceof Frozen) { return (F) this; } final O o = out1(); F f = (F)(Out1<O> & Frozen)()->o; return f; } default Out1<O> self() { return this; } default Supplier<O> toSupplier() { return this::out1; } default Provider<O> toProvider() { return this::out1; } static <O> Out1<O> out1Supplier(Supplier<O> of) { return of::get; } static <O> Out1<O> out1(Out1<O> of) { return of; } static <O> Out1<O> out1Provider(Provider<O> of) { return of::get; } static <I, O> Out1<O> out1Immediate(In1Out1<I, O> mapper, I input) { return; } static <I, O> Out1<O> out1Immediate(In1Out1<I, O> mapper, Out1<I> input) { I value = input.out1(); return ()->; } static <I, O> Out1<O> out1Deferred(In1Out1<I, O> mapper, Out1<I> input) { return ()->; } static <I, O> Out1<O> out1Deferred(In1Out1<I, O> mapper, I input) { return ()->; } /** * This method just exists to give you somewhere to create a lambda that will rethrow exceptions, * but exposes an exceptionless api. If you don't have to call code with checked exceptions, * prefer the standard {@link #out1(Out1)}, as try/catch can disable / weaken some JIT compilers. */ static <O> Out1<O> out1Unsafe(Out1Unsafe<O> of) { return of; } interface Out1Unsafe <O> extends Out1<O>, Rethrowable{ O outUnsafe() throws Throwable; default O out1() { try { return outUnsafe(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw rethrow(e); } } default O eatExceptions() { return eatExceptions( Log.firstLog(this), LogLevel.WARN, alwaysTrue()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default O eatExceptions(Log log) { Filter<Throwable> filter = Filter.TRUE; return eatExceptions(log, LogLevel.WARN, filter); } default O eatExceptions(Log log, Filter<Throwable> filter) { return eatExceptions(log, LogLevel.WARN, filter); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default O eatExceptions(Log log, LogLevel level) { return eatExceptions(log, level, alwaysTrue()); } default O eatExceptions(Log log, LogLevel level, Filter<Throwable> filter) { try { return outUnsafe(); } catch (Throwable e) { log = Log.normalize(log); if (log.isLoggable(level)) { try { log.log(getClass(), e); } catch (Throwable loggingError) { log.log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Error logging error! Errorception: "); log.log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Error while logging: ", loggingError); log.log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Original error: ", e); } } throw rethrow(e); } } } default <To> Out1<To> map(In1Out1<O, To> factory) { return factory.supplyDeferred(this); } default Out1<O> ifNull(In1Out1<O, O> mapper) { return mapIf(X_Fu::isNull, mapper); } default Out1<O> mapIf(In1Out1<O, Boolean> filter, In1Out1<O, O> mapper) { return ()->{ O o = out1(); if ( { o =; } return o; }; } default <To> Out1<To> mapIf(In1Out1<O, Boolean> filter, In1Out1<O, To> pass, In1Out1<O, To> fail) { return ()->{ O o = out1(); if ( { return; } return; }; } default <In, To> Out1<To> map(In2Out1<O, In, To> factory, In in1) { return, in1); } default <In, To> Out1<To> mapDeferred(In2Out1<O, In, To> factory, Out1<In> in1) { return factory.supply1Deferred(this).supplyDeferred(in1); } default <In, To> Out1<To> mapImmediate(In2Out1<O, In, To> factory, Out1<In> in1) { return factory.supply1(out1()).supplyDeferred(in1); } default <To> Out1<To> mapUnsafe(In1Out1Unsafe<O, To> factory) { return factory.supplyDeferred(this); } }