package xapi.ui.html.api; import xapi.annotation.common.Property; import xapi.collect.api.StringTo; import; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.source.write.MappedTemplate; import xapi.ui.api.StyleService; import xapi.ui.autoui.api.BeanValueProvider; import xapi.ui.html.X_Html; import xapi.ui.html.api.FontFamily.HasGoogleFont; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.AlignHorizontal; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.AlignVertical; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.BorderStyle; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.BoxSizing; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.Clear; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.Cursor; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.Display; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.Floats; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.FontStyle; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.FontWeight; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.Overflow; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.Position; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.Rgb; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.TextDecoration; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.Transition; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.Unit; import xapi.ui.html.api.Style.UnitType; import xapi.util.X_String; import xapi.util.api.ConvertsValue; import xapi.util.impl.LazyProvider; import static xapi.collect.X_Collect.newStringMap; import; import javax.inject.Provider; import; public class HtmlSnippet <T> implements ConvertsValue<T, String> { public static String appendTo(final Appendable sheet, final Style style) { try { return doAppend(sheet, style); } catch (final IOException e) { X_Log.error(HtmlSnippet.class, "Error rendering",style,e); return ""; } } public static String doAppend(final Appendable sheet, final Style style) throws IOException { append("left", sheet, style.left()); append("right", sheet, style.right()); append("top", sheet,; append("bottom", sheet, style.bottom()); append("width", sheet, style.width()); append("height", sheet, style.height()); append("max-height", sheet, style.maxHeight()); append("max-width", sheet, style.maxWidth()); append("min-height", sheet, style.minHeight()); append("min-width", sheet, style.minWidth()); if (style.boxSizing() != BoxSizing.Inherit) { append("box-sizing", sheet, style.boxSizing().styleName); } if (style.display() != Display.Inherit) { append("display", sheet, style.display().styleName()); } if (style.position() != Position.Inherit) { append("position", sheet, style.position().styleName()); } if (style.fontStyle() != FontStyle.Inherit) { append("font-style", sheet, style.fontStyle().styleName()); } if (style.textDecoration() != TextDecoration.NOT_SET) { append("text-decoration", sheet, style.textDecoration().styleName()); } if (style.fontWeight() != FontWeight.Inherit) { append("font-weight", sheet, style.fontWeight().styleName()); } if (style.textAlign() != AlignHorizontal.Auto) { append("text-align", sheet, style.textAlign().styleName()); } if (style.verticalAign() != AlignVertical.Auto) { append("vertical-align", sheet, style.verticalAign().styleName()); } if (style.cursor() != Cursor.Inherit) { append("cursor", sheet, style.cursor().styleName()); } if (style.floats() != Floats.Auto) { append("float", sheet, style.floats().styleName()); } if (style.clear() != Clear.Auto) { append("clear", sheet, style.clear().styleName()); } if (style.opacity() != 1) { append("opacity", sheet,Double.toString(style.opacity())); } StringBuilder extra = new StringBuilder(); if (style.fontFamily().length > 0) { final Class<? extends FontFamily>[] fonts = style.fontFamily(); final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, m = fonts.length; i < m; i ++ ) { if (i > 0) { b.append(", "); } if (fonts[i] == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The font at position " + i + " in the fontFamily property of " + style+" was not loaded (check above in the log to see what class). " + "\nCheck that this type is loaded (as a class, not just source) on the Gwt classpath."); } try { if (fonts[i].isInterface()) { Object value = GwtReflect.invoke(fonts[i], "name", new Class<?>[0], null); b.append(value); if (HasGoogleFont.class.isAssignableFrom(fonts[i])) { value = GwtReflect.invoke(fonts[i], "googleFont", new Class<?>[0], null); extra.append(X_Html.toGoogleFontUrl((String)value)); } } else { FontFamily fontInstance = fonts[i].newInstance(); b.append(; if (fontInstance instanceof HasGoogleFont) { String font = ((HasGoogleFont) fontInstance).googleFont(); extra.append(X_Html.toGoogleFontUrl(font)); } } } catch (final Throwable e) { X_Log.warn(HtmlSnippet.class, "Error loading font family for "+fonts[i], e); } } sheet.append("font-family").append(":").append(b).append(";"); } final Transition[] transitions = style.transition(); if (transitions.length > 0) { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, m = transitions.length; i < m; i ++) { if (i > 0) { b.append(", "); } final Transition transition = transitions[i]; b .append(transition.value()) .append(" ") .append(transition.time()) .append(transition.unit()) ; } append("transition", sheet, b.toString()); } if (style.color().length > 0) { appendColor("color", sheet, style.color()[0]); } if (style.backgroundColor().length > 0) { appendColor("background-color", sheet, style.backgroundColor()[0]); } append("font-size", sheet, style.fontSize()); append("line-height", sheet, style.lineHeight()); append("padding", sheet, style.padding(), style.paddingTop(), style.paddingRight(), style.paddingBottom(), style.paddingLeft()); append("margin", sheet, style.margin(), style.marginTop(), style.marginRight(), style.marginBottom(), style.marginLeft()); if (style.overflow() != Overflow.Inherit) { append("overflow", sheet, style.overflow().styleName()); } if (style.overflowX() != Overflow.Inherit) { append("overflow-x", sheet, style.overflowX().styleName()); } if (style.overflowY() != Overflow.Inherit) { append("overflow-y", sheet, style.overflowY().styleName()); } for (final Property prop : { append(, sheet, prop.value()); } final Unit[] borderRadius = style.borderRadius(); if (borderRadius.length > 0) { sheet.append("border-radius:"); for (final Unit unit : borderRadius) { sheet.append(" ").append(toString(unit)); } sheet.append(";"); } append("border", "width", sheet, style.borderWidth(), style.borderWidthTop(), style.borderWidthRight(), style.borderWidthBottom(), style.borderWidthLeft()); if (style.borderStyle().length > 0) { sheet.append("border-style: "); for (final BorderStyle borderStyle : style.borderStyle()) { sheet.append(borderStyle.styleName()).append(' '); } sheet.append(";"); } if (style.borderColor().length > 0) { sheet.append("border-color: "); for (final Rgb borderColor : style.borderColor()) { sheet.append(toColor(borderColor)).append(' '); } sheet.append(";"); } return extra.toString(); } private static void append(final String type, final Appendable sheet, final String value) throws IOException { sheet .append(type) .append(":") .append(value) .append(";"); } private static void append(final String type, final Appendable sheet, final Unit unit) throws IOException { if (unit.type() != UnitType.Unset) { sheet .append(type) .append(":") .append(toString(unit)) .append(";"); } } private static void append(final String type, final Appendable sheet, final Unit[] all, final Unit top, final Unit right, final Unit bottom, final Unit left) throws IOException { append(type, "", sheet, all, top, right, bottom, left); } private static void append(final String type0, final String type1, final Appendable sheet, final Unit unit) throws IOException { if (unit.type() != UnitType.Unset) { sheet .append(type0) .append(type1) .append(":") .append(toString(unit)) .append(";"); } } private static void append(final String type, String typeSuffix, final Appendable sheet, final Unit[] all, final Unit top, final Unit right, final Unit bottom, final Unit left) throws IOException { if (all.length > 0) { sheet.append(type).append(":"); for (final Unit unit : all) { sheet.append(toString(unit)).append(' '); } sheet.append(";"); } if (typeSuffix.length() > 0 && typeSuffix.charAt(0) != '-') { typeSuffix="-"+typeSuffix; } append(type,"-top"+typeSuffix, sheet, top); append(type,"-right"+typeSuffix, sheet, right); append(type,"-bottom"+typeSuffix, sheet, bottom); append(type,"-left"+typeSuffix, sheet, left); } private static void appendColor(final String type, final Appendable sheet, final Rgb rgb) throws IOException { sheet.append(type).append(":"); if (rgb.opacity() == 0xff) { sheet .append("#") .append(toHexString(rgb.r())) .append(toHexString(rgb.g())) .append(toHexString(rgb.b())) ; } else { sheet .append("rgba(") .append(Integer.toString(rgb.r())) .append(",") .append(Integer.toString(rgb.g())) .append(",") .append(Integer.toString(rgb.b())) .append(",") .append(Integer.toString(rgb.opacity())) .append(")") ; } sheet.append(";"); } private static String toColor(final Rgb rgb) { if (rgb.opacity() == 0xff) { return "#"+toHexString(rgb.r())+toHexString(rgb.g())+toHexString(rgb.b()); } else { return "rgba("+rgb.r()+","+rgb.g()+","+rgb.b()+","+rgb.opacity()+")"; } } private static String toHexString(final int r) { final String s = Integer.toHexString(r); return s.length() == 1 ? "0"+s: s; } private static String toString(final Unit unit) { final String important = unit.important() ? " !important" : ""; switch (unit.type()) { case Auto: return "auto" + important; case Pct: return unit.value() + "%"+ important; case Em: return unit.value() + "em" + important; case Rem: return unit.value() + "rem" + important; case Px: return unit.value() + "px" + important; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Type "+unit+" not supported"); } } protected static final Runnable NO_OP = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {} }; private final Provider<ConvertsValue<T, DomBuffer>> generator; public HtmlSnippet( final Html html, final BeanValueProvider values, final StyleService<?> context ) { assert html != null : "Do not send null @Html to HtmlSnippet!"; assert values != null : "Do not send null BeanValueProvider to HtmlSnippet!"; generator = new LazyProvider<>(new Provider<ConvertsValue<T, DomBuffer>>() { @Override public ConvertsValue<T, DomBuffer> get() { return new ConvertsValue<T, DomBuffer>() { @Override public DomBuffer convert(final T from) { final DomBuffer buffer = newBuffer(html, from); final Iterable<String> keys = values.getChildKeys(); for (final El el : html.body()) { final DomBuffer child = newChild(buffer, el); for (final Property prop : { child.setAttribute(, toValue(values, keys, prop.value(), from)); } for (final Style style : { toStyleSheet(style, context); } for (final String clsName : el.className()) { child.addClassName(toValue(values, keys, clsName, from)); } for (final String html : el.html()) { final MappedTemplate m = new MappedTemplate(html, keys); final StringTo<Object> vals = newStringMap(Object.class); values.fillMap("", m, vals, from); child.append(m.applyMap(vals.entries())); } } return buffer; } }; } }); } public HtmlSnippet(final Provider<ConvertsValue<T, DomBuffer>> generator) { this.generator = new LazyProvider<>(generator); } @Override public String convert(final T from) { return toBuffer(from).toString(); } public DomBuffer toBuffer(final T from) { return generator.get().convert(from); } protected DomBuffer newBuffer(final Html html, final T from) { return new DomBuffer(); } protected DomBuffer newChild(final DomBuffer buffer, final El el) { return buffer.makeTag(el.tag()).setNewLine(false); } protected String toValue(final BeanValueProvider values, final Iterable<String> keys, final String template, final T from) { final MappedTemplate m = new MappedTemplate(template, keys); final StringTo<Object> vals = newStringMap(Object.class); values.fillMap("", m, vals, from); return m.applyMap(vals.entries()); } private void toStyleSheet(final Style style, final StyleService<?> context) { final StringBuilder sheet = new StringBuilder(); final String[] names = style.names(); for (int i = 0, m = names.length; i < m; ++i) { if (i > 0) { sheet.append(", "); } sheet.append(names[i]); } if (names.length > 0) { sheet.append("{\n"); } String extra = appendTo(sheet, style); if (names.length > 0) { sheet.append("}\n"); } context.addCss(sheet.toString(), style.priority()); if (X_String.isNotEmpty(extra)) { context.addCss(extra, Integer.MIN_VALUE); } } }