package xapi.collect.api; import xapi.collect.proxy.CollectionProxy; import xapi.fu.In1; import xapi.fu.In1Out1; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public interface IntTo <T> extends CollectionProxy<Integer,T> { interface Many <T> extends IntTo<IntTo<T>> { void add(int key, T item); } class IntToIterable <T> implements Iterable <T> { private final IntTo<T> self; public IntToIterable(IntTo<T> self) { this.self = self; } @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return new IntToIterator<T>(self); } } class IntToIterator <T> implements Iterator <T> { private IntTo<T> source; int pos = 0; public IntToIterator(IntTo<T> source) { this.source = source; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return pos < source.size(); } @Override public T next() { return; } @Override public void remove() { if (source.remove(pos-1)) { pos--; } } } Iterable<T> forEach(); boolean add(T item); boolean addAll(Iterable<T> items); default boolean addAll(IntTo<T> items) { return addAll(items.toArray()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") boolean addAll(T ... items); boolean insert(int pos, T item); boolean contains(T value); T at(int index); int indexOf(T value); boolean remove(int index); default boolean removeValue(T value) { return findRemove(value, false); } boolean findRemove(T value, boolean all); void set(int index, T value); void push(T value); T pop(); /** * If this IntTo is mutable, * you will be getting a ListProxy, backed by this IntTo. * If the underlying IntTo forbids duplicates, * the ListProxy will act like a set. * <p> * If this IntTo is immutable, * you are getting an ArrayList you can mutate as you wish. */ List<T> asList(); /** * If this IntTo is mutable, * you will be getting a SetProxy, backed by this IntTo. * * This SetProxy will call remove(item) before every addInternal(item). * * If this IntTo is immutable, * you are getting a HashSet you can mutate as you wish. */ Set<T> asSet(); /** * If this IntTo is mutable, * you will be getting a DequeProxy, backed by this IntTo. * * If the underlying IntTo forbids duplicates, * the DequeProxy will act like a set. * * If this IntTo is immutable, * you are getting a LinkedList you can mutate as you wish. */ Deque<T> asDeque(); default boolean forMatches(In1Out1<T, Boolean> matcher, In1<T> callback) { boolean matched = false; for (T t : forEach()) { if ( {; } } return matched; } default boolean firstMatch(In1Out1<T, Boolean> matcher, In1<T> callback) { for (T t : forEach()) { if ( {; return true; } } return false; } default void removeAll(In1<T> callback) { final T[] items = toArray(); clear(); for (T item : items) {; } } @Override default String toString(Integer key, T value) { return String.valueOf(value); } }