package xapi.ui.impl; import xapi.collect.X_Collect; import xapi.collect.api.ClassTo; import xapi.collect.api.IntTo; import xapi.except.NotImplemented; import xapi.fu.Lazy; import xapi.ui.api.UiElement; import xapi.ui.api.UiFeature; /** * @author James X. Nelson ( * Created on 4/19/16. */ public abstract class AbstractUiElement <Node, Element extends Node, Self extends UiElement<Node, ? extends Node, Self>> implements UiElement<Node, Element,Self> { protected Self parent; protected final IntTo<Self> children; protected final ClassTo<UiFeature> features; protected Lazy<Element> element; public <S extends Self> AbstractUiElement(Class<S> cls) { children = X_Collect.newList(cls); features = X_Collect.newClassMap(UiFeature.class); element = Lazy.deferred1(this::initAndBind); } protected final Element initAndBind() { Element e = initialize(); getUiService().bindNode(e, ui()); return e; } public Element initialize() { throw new NotImplemented("Class " + getClass() + " must implement initialize()"); } @Override public Element element() { return element.out1(); } @Override public String toSource() { throw new NotImplemented(getClass() + " must implement toSource()"); } public void setElement(Element element) { assert this.element.isUnresolved() : "Calling setElement after element has already been resolved"; this.element = Lazy.immutable1(element); final Self was = getUiService().bindNode(element, ui()); assert was == null || was == this : "Binding native node " + element + " to multiple elements;" + "\nwas: " + was + "," + "\nis: " + this; } @Override public Self getParent() { return parent; } @Override public Self setParent(Self parent) { this.parent = parent; return ui(); } public IntTo<Self> getChildren() { return children; } @Override public <F extends UiFeature, Generic extends F> F getFeature(Class<Generic> cls) { return (F) features.get(cls); } @Override public <F extends UiFeature, Generic extends F> F addFeature(Class<Generic> cls, F feature) { final UiFeature result = features.put(cls, feature); return (F) result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof UiElement)) return false; final UiElement<?, ?, ?> that = (UiElement<?, ?, ?>) o; // Ui elements may use referential equality, // since two elements with the exact same attributes are not actually equal return element() == that.element(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return element().hashCode(); } }