package xapi.file; import xapi.file.api.FileService; import xapi.inject.X_Inject; import javax.inject.Provider; import; import; import; import; import java.util.jar.JarFile; public class X_File { private static final Provider<FileService> SERVICE = X_Inject.singletonLazy(FileService.class); /** * Performs a chmod-like operation on a file. * * Special group permissions are ignored by java 6 and <, * but owner/all permissions are settable via HEXADECIMAL integer flags. * * 0x755 != 755. * * A java 7 implementation will fully respect {@link java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission}. * * A method may be provided to translate decimal input, * but for now, there is an assertion guarding this method. * * @param chmod - A HEXADECIMAL value < 0x777 * @param file - The file to apply the setting upon * @return That same file. */ public static File chmod(int chmod, final File file) { return SERVICE.get().chmod(chmod, file); } public static String unzip(String resource, JarFile jarFile) { return unzip(resource, jarFile, 0x755); } public static String unzip(String resource, JarFile jarFile, int chmod) { return SERVICE.get().unzip(resource, jarFile, chmod); } public static InputStream unzipFile(String file) throws FileNotFoundException { String path = unzippedFilePath(file, 0x755); return new FileInputStream(path); } public static InputStream unzipFile(String file, int chmod) throws FileNotFoundException { String path = unzippedFilePath(file, chmod); return new FileInputStream(path); } public static InputStream unzipResource(String resource, ClassLoader cl) throws FileNotFoundException { return unzipResource(resource, cl, 0x755); } public static InputStream unzipResource(String resource, ClassLoader cl, int chmod) throws FileNotFoundException { String path = unzippedResourcePath(resource, cl, chmod); return new FileInputStream(path); } public static String unzippedResourcePath(String resource, ClassLoader cl) { return unzippedResourcePath(resource, cl, 0x755); } public static String unzippedResourcePath(String resource, ClassLoader cl, int chmod) { return SERVICE.get().getResourceMaybeUnzip(resource, cl, chmod); } public static String unzippedFilePath(String file, int chmod) { return SERVICE.get().getFileMaybeUnzip(file, chmod); } public static File createTempDir(String prefix) { return SERVICE.get().createTempDir(prefix, false); } public static File createTempDir(String prefix, boolean deleteOnExit) { return SERVICE.get().createTempDir(prefix, deleteOnExit); } public static String getPath(String path) { return SERVICE.get().getPath(path); } public static void saveFile(String path, String fileName, String contents) { SERVICE.get().saveFile(path, fileName, contents); } public static void mkdirsTransient(File dest) { SERVICE.get().mkdirsTransient(dest); } public static void deepDelete(String dir) { if (dir != null) { SERVICE.get().delete(dir, true); } } }