package; import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree; import com.sun.source.util.JavacTask; import com.sun.source.util.TaskListener; import xapi.fu.In1; import xapi.fu.Out2; import xapi.inject.X_Inject; import; import; import; import; import xapi.reflect.X_Reflect; import xapi.util.X_String; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import; /** * @author James X. Nelson ( * Created on 4/3/16. */ public interface CompilerService { default CompilerSettings defaultSettings() { return new CompilerSettings(); } Out2<Integer, URL> compileFiles(CompilerSettings settings, String ... files); default Out2<Integer, URL> compileClasses(CompilerSettings settings, Class ... classes) { return compileFiles(settings, X_String.classesToSourceFiles(classes)); } static CompilerService compileServiceFrom(JavacService service) { return service.getOrCreate(CompilerService.class, cls->{ final CompilerService result = X_Inject.singleton(CompilerService.class); result.init(service); return result; }); } void init(JavacService service); void record(CompilationUnitTree cup, TypeElement typeElement); void peekOnCompiledUnits(In1<JavaDocument> callback); void onCompilationUnitFinished(String name, In1<CompilationUnitTree> callback); void onFinished(Runnable r); TaskListener getTaskListener(JavacTask task); void overwriteCompilationUnit(JavaDocument doc, String newSource); /** * When a magic method emits code that contains more magic methods, * we must recompile the source potentially many times, * so we create iterations of the file in a tmp package, * which you can easily exclude from final output in your build tool * (a cleanup mechanism is forthcoming) */ default String workingPackage() { return "tmp"; } /** * The final output of generated code will be made a subpackage of the original source. * This allows both original source and generated source to coexist nicely. * * A final dist build will do a massive whole-world compile * where final permutations of generated types can be promoted to the live source, * which will have all references updated to use dist.* * * Although it may seem nice to promote the generated types on top of the original location, * you will encounter trouble as soon as you want to touch classes in java.* packages, * as ClassLoader class will refuse to load them unless they come from signed java jars. * * The counter to the java.* package name issue is that native methods must match signatures, * so classes with native methods [*1] cannot be repackaged * (thus, you cannot overwrite a java.* class with native methods, and expect it to work). * * [*1]: GWT native methods are fine to repackage, provided jsni references are updated correctly. * * Given all the issues either way, a mechanism will eventually be implemented to configure these options, * with the current default to prefer adding the extra package names */ default String outputPackage() { return "dist"; } boolean isGreedyCompiler(); JavaDocument getDocument(CompilationUnitTree cup); default PendingCompile startCompile(Class<?> cls) { return new PendingCompile(cls, this); } default CompilerSettings settingsForClass(Class<?> cls) { String loc = X_Reflect.getFileLoc(cls); boolean test = loc.contains("test-classes"); final CompilerSettings settings = defaultSettings() .setTest(test) .setClearGenerateDirectory(false) .resetGenerateDirectory() .setImplicitMode(ImplicitMode.CLASS) .setProcessorMode(ProcessorMode.Both); if (test) { settings.setOutputDirectory(loc); loc = loc.replace("target/test-classes", "target/generated-test-sources/test-annotations"); settings.setGenerateDirectory(loc); loc = loc.replace("target/generated-test-sources/test-annotations", "src/test/java"); settings.setSourceDirectory(loc); } else { settings.setOutputDirectory(loc); loc = loc.replace("target/classes", "target/generated-sources/annotations"); settings.setGenerateDirectory(loc); loc = loc.replace("target/generated-sources/annotations", "src/main/java"); settings.setSourceDirectory(loc); } return settings; } }