package xapi.jre.inject; import xapi.annotation.inject.InstanceDefault; import xapi.annotation.inject.InstanceOverride; import xapi.annotation.inject.SingletonDefault; import xapi.annotation.inject.SingletonOverride; import xapi.bytecode.ClassFile; import xapi.bytecode.annotation.Annotation; import xapi.bytecode.annotation.ArrayMemberValue; import xapi.bytecode.annotation.ClassMemberValue; import xapi.bytecode.annotation.IntegerMemberValue; import xapi.bytecode.annotation.MemberValue; import xapi.collect.api.Fifo; import xapi.collect.impl.SimpleFifo; import; import; import; import xapi.except.NotConfiguredCorrectly; import xapi.fu.In2; import xapi.inject.X_Inject; import xapi.inject.api.PlatformChecker; import xapi.inject.impl.JavaInjector; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.platform.Platform; import xapi.time.X_Time; import xapi.time.api.Moment; import xapi.time.impl.ImmutableMoment; import xapi.util.X_Runtime; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class RuntimeInjector implements In2<String, PlatformChecker> { @Override public void in(final String targetDir, PlatformChecker selector) { final String prefix = "META-INF"+File.separator; writeMetaInfo(targetDir, selector, prefix+"singletons", prefix+"instances"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void writeMetaInfo(String targetDir, PlatformChecker checker, final String singletonDir, final String instanceDir){ if (!targetDir.endsWith(File.separator)) { targetDir += File.separator; } final File target = new File(targetDir).getAbsoluteFile(); if (!target.isDirectory()) { if (!target.mkdirs()) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get or make jre injection generator output directory: "+ target.getAbsolutePath()); } } ClasspathScanner scanner; try { scanner = X_Inject.instance(ClasspathScanner.class); } catch (final Exception e) { scanner = new ClasspathScannerDefault(); } final Moment start = now(); final ClasspathResourceMap resources = scanner .scanAnnotations( Platform.class, SingletonDefault.class, SingletonOverride.class, InstanceDefault.class, InstanceOverride.class ) .matchResource("META[-]INF/(instances|singletons)") .matchClassFile(".*") .scan(targetClassloader()) ; // Only collect platform types if we are not running in a known platform. final String runtime[] = checker.getRuntime(); final Fifo<ClassFile> defaultSingletons = new SimpleFifo<ClassFile>(); final Fifo<ClassFile> defaultInstances = new SimpleFifo<ClassFile>(); final Fifo<ClassFile> singletonImpls = new SimpleFifo<ClassFile>(); final Fifo<ClassFile> instanceImpls = new SimpleFifo<ClassFile>(); ClassFile bestMatch = null; final HashMap<String,ClassFile> platformMap = new HashMap<String, ClassFile>(); String shortName = null; final Set<String> scopes = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); final ArrayList<ClassFile> platforms = new ArrayList<ClassFile>(); final Moment prepped = now(); for (final ClassFile file : resources.findClassAnnotatedWith(Platform.class)) { platforms.add(file); for (final String platform : runtime) { scopes.add(platform); shortName = platform.substring(platform.lastIndexOf('.')+1); platformMap.put(file.getName(), file); if (file.getName().equals(platform)) { bestMatch = file; } if (bestMatch == null && file.getName().endsWith(shortName)) { bestMatch = file; } } } final Moment scanned = now(); if (bestMatch == null) { throw platformMisconfigured(shortName); } MemberValue fallbacks; final LinkedHashSet<ClassFile> remainder = new LinkedHashSet<ClassFile>(); remainder.add(bestMatch); while (remainder.size()>0) { final ClassFile next = remainder.iterator().next(); final Annotation anno = next.getAnnotation("xapi.platform.Platform"); if (anno == null) { throw platformMisconfigured(next.getName()); } fallbacks = anno.getMemberValue("fallback"); List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); names.add(anno.getTypeName()); if (fallbacks != null) { final ArrayMemberValue arr = (ArrayMemberValue)fallbacks; for (final MemberValue v : arr.getValue()) { final String name = ((ClassMemberValue)v).getValue(); final ClassFile fallback = platformMap.get(name); if (fallback != null) { names.add(name); if (scopes.add(fallback.getName())) { remainder.add(fallback); } } } } checker.addPlatform(targetClassloader(), anno.getTypeName(), names); remainder.remove(next); } final Moment checked = now(); for (final ClassFile cls : resources.findClassAnnotatedWith( SingletonDefault.class, SingletonOverride.class, InstanceDefault.class, InstanceOverride.class )) { Annotation anno = cls.getAnnotation(SingletonDefault.class.getName()); if (anno != null && allowedPlatform(cls, scopes, platforms)) { if (needsSingletonBinding(cls)) { defaultSingletons.give(cls); } } anno = cls.getAnnotation(SingletonOverride.class.getName()); if (anno != null && allowedPlatform(cls, scopes, platforms)) { if (needsSingletonBinding(cls)) { singletonImpls.give(cls); } } anno = cls.getAnnotation(InstanceDefault.class.getName()); if (anno != null && allowedPlatform(cls, scopes, platforms)) { if (needsInstanceBinding(cls)) { defaultInstances.give(cls); } } anno = cls.getAnnotation(InstanceOverride.class.getName()); if (anno != null && allowedPlatform(cls, scopes, platforms)) { if (needsInstanceBinding(cls)) { instanceImpls.give(cls); } } } final Moment mapped = now(); final Map<String, ClassFile> injectionTargets = new HashMap<String,ClassFile>(); //determine injection by priority. Defaults first for (final ClassFile cls : defaultSingletons.forEach()){ final Annotation impl = cls.getAnnotation(SingletonDefault.class.getName()); final ClassMemberValue value = (ClassMemberValue)impl.getMemberValue("implFor"); injectionTargets.put(value.getValue(), cls); } //now scan overrides for (final ClassFile cls : singletonImpls.forEach()){ final Annotation impl = cls.getAnnotation(SingletonOverride.class.getName()); final ClassMemberValue value = (ClassMemberValue)impl.getMemberValue("implFor"); final String clsName = value.getValue(); final ClassFile existing = injectionTargets.get(value.getValue()); if (existing == null){ injectionTargets.put(clsName, cls); continue; } final ClassFile previous = injectionTargets.get(clsName); // previous value was a default if (previous == null){ injectionTargets.put(clsName, cls); continue; } final Annotation oldOverride = previous.getAnnotation(SingletonOverride.class.getName()); if (oldOverride == null) { injectionTargets.put(clsName, cls); continue; } final IntegerMemberValue oldPriority = (IntegerMemberValue)oldOverride.getMemberValue("priority"); final IntegerMemberValue newPriority = (IntegerMemberValue)impl.getMemberValue("priority"); if (newPriority == null) { continue; } if (oldPriority == null || newPriority.getValue() > oldPriority.getValue()){ injectionTargets.put(clsName, cls); } } final Moment startInject = now(); for (final String iface : injectionTargets.keySet()) { JavaInjector.registerSingletonProvider(iface, injectionTargets.get(iface).getName()); } try { writeMeta(injectionTargets, new File(target, singletonDir)); } catch( final Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} injectionTargets.clear(); //determine injection by priority for (final ClassFile cls : defaultInstances.forEach()){ final Annotation impl = cls.getAnnotation(InstanceDefault.class.getName()); final ClassMemberValue value = (ClassMemberValue)impl.getMemberValue("implFor"); injectionTargets.put(value.getValue(), cls); } for (final ClassFile cls : instanceImpls.forEach()){ final Annotation impl = cls.getAnnotation(InstanceOverride.class.getName()); final ClassMemberValue value = (ClassMemberValue)impl.getMemberValue("implFor"); final String clsName = value.getValue(); final ClassFile existing = injectionTargets.get(value.getValue()); if (existing == null){ injectionTargets.put(clsName, cls); continue; } final ClassFile previous = injectionTargets.get(clsName); // previous value was a default if (previous == null){ injectionTargets.put(clsName, cls); continue; } final Annotation oldOverride = previous.getAnnotation(InstanceOverride.class.getName()); if (oldOverride == null) { injectionTargets.put(clsName, cls); continue; } final IntegerMemberValue oldPriority = (IntegerMemberValue)oldOverride.getMemberValue("priority"); final IntegerMemberValue newPriority = (IntegerMemberValue)impl.getMemberValue("priority"); if (newPriority.getValue() > oldPriority.getValue()){ injectionTargets.put(clsName, cls); } } for (final String iface : injectionTargets.keySet()) { JavaInjector.registerInstanceProvider(iface, injectionTargets.get(iface).getName()); } try{ writeMeta(injectionTargets, new File(target, instanceDir)); } catch (final Throwable e) { X_Log.warn("Trouble encountered writing instance meta to ",new File(target, instanceDir),e); } final Moment finished = now(); if (X_Runtime.isDebug()) {"Multithreaded? ", X_Runtime.isMultithreaded());"Prepped: ", X_Time.difference(start, prepped));"Scanned: ", X_Time.difference(prepped, scanned));"Checked: ", X_Time.difference(scanned, checked));"Mapped: ", X_Time.difference(checked, mapped));"Analyzed: ", X_Time.difference(mapped, startInject));"Injected: ", X_Time.difference(startInject, finished));"Total: ", X_Time.difference(start, finished)); } } protected boolean needsSingletonBinding(ClassFile cls) { String name = "META-INF/singletons/" + cls.getQualifiedName(); return targetClassloader().getResource(name) == null; } protected boolean needsInstanceBinding(ClassFile cls) { String name = "META-INF/instances/" + cls.getQualifiedName(); return targetClassloader().getResource(name) == null; } /** * @return */ protected ClassLoader targetClassloader() { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } private final double init = System.nanoTime(); private Moment now() { return new ImmutableMoment(System.currentTimeMillis()+ Math.abs(System.nanoTime()-init)/100000000.0); } private boolean allowedPlatform(final ClassFile cls, final Set<String> scopes, final Iterable<ClassFile> platforms) { // first, if the given class file has a platform we are using, return true for (final String allowed : scopes) { if (cls.getAnnotation(allowed) != null) { return true; } } // next, check if the type has any known platforms for (final ClassFile platform : platforms) { if (cls.getAnnotation(platform.getName())!=null) { System.out.println("Skipping "+cls.getName()+" for having a platform " + "the does not match the current runtime."); return false; } } // this is a universal class (no platform specified) return true; } private NotConfiguredCorrectly platformMisconfigured(final String platform) { return new NotConfiguredCorrectly("Could not find platform annotation for " + "current runtime "+platform+"; please ensure this class is on the " + "classpath, and that it is annotated with @Platform"); } protected void writeMeta(final Map<String, ClassFile> injectables, final File target) {, "Writing meta to ",target.getAbsoluteFile()); if (!target.exists()) { if (!target.mkdirs()) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create meta info directory for "+target.getAbsolutePath()); } } mainLoop: for (final String iface : injectables.keySet()){ final File metaInf = new File(target, iface); final String impl = injectables.get(iface).getName(); X_Log.debug("Injecting ",iface," -> ",impl); try{ if (metaInf.exists()){ // when the file exists, we must append to the top of it, // but only if it doesn't already contain our target. final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(metaInf)); final ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); try { String line; while((line = reader.readLine()) != null){ if (line.equals(impl)) { continue mainLoop; } } }finally { reader.close(); } final BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(metaInf)); try { writer.append(impl); writer.append("\n"); for (final String line : lines){ writer.append(line); writer.append("\n"); } writer.flush(); }finally { writer.close(); } }else{ if (!metaInf.createNewFile()) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create meta info for "+metaInf.getAbsolutePath()+". " + "Please ensure java has write permissions for "+metaInf.getParent()); } final FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(metaInf); try { writer.append(impl); writer.flush(); }finally { writer.close(); } } }catch(final Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create meta info for "+metaInf.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } } }