package xapi.fu; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; /** * Jutsu: technique, method, spell, skill or trick. * Fujutsu: witchcraft. * * This package protected class is where any platform-specific magic needs to go, * so you can hide things that are not supported on your platform. * * In order to implement your own Jutsu, you need to look inside the source file of {@link X_Fu}, * in particular, the package local class {@link Fu}. * * If you create a copy of this class, along with the {@link Fu#jutsu} field, * then everywhere in xapi.fu will use your copy of these "magic operations". * * @author James X. Nelson ( * Created on 07/11/15. */ class Fu implements Jutsu { static final Fu jutsu = getFu(); Fu init(Fu jutsu) { return jutsu; } static Fu getFu() { // Using GWT.create will allow library authors to inject custom / generated types if they please. final Fu fu = GWT.create(Fu.class); return fu.init(fu); } public <T> T[] emptyArray(T[] notCopied, int length) { // This class is not visible on your classpath. It is from super-source in gwt-dev.jar Object arr = javaemul.internal.ArrayHelper.createFrom(notCopied, length); return (T[]) arr; } public String coerce(Object value) { return String.valueOf(value); } public int applyArguments(int i, Many<HasInput> each, Object ... args) { for (HasInput in : each) { i = in.accept(i, args); } return i; } public <T> T[] pushCopy(T[] ts, T t) { T[] result = emptyArray(ts, ts.length + 1); System.arraycopy(ts, 0, result, 0, ts.length); result[ts.length] = t; return result; } // By default, we always return clones. Enviros like Gwt can opt to reuse / mutate the array. public <T> T[] pushOnto(T[] ts, T t) { ts[ts.length] = t; return ts; } public Type[] getGenericInterfaces(Class<?> c) { if (c == null) { return new Type[0]; } Class[] classes = c.getInterfaces(); Type[] types = new Type[classes.length]; System.arraycopy(classes, 0, types, 0, classes.length); return types; } public String lambdaName(Object o) { return o.getClass().getName(); } }