package; import static xapi.inject.X_Inject.singletonLazy; import javax.inject.Provider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import xapi.annotation.inject.SingletonDefault; import xapi.collect.impl.AbstractMultiInitMap; import; @SingletonDefault(implFor = MagicClassInjector.class) public class MagicClassInjector implements MagicMethodGenerator { private class InitMap extends AbstractMultiInitMap<String, JExpression, ReflectionGeneratorContext> { public InitMap() { super(PASS_THRU); } @Override public JExpression get(final String key, final ReflectionGeneratorContext params) { // because we cache results, super dev mode recompiles need to skip the // cache if the magic class does not exist, so we test for that state on // every get(). final JDeclaredType type = params.getAst().searchForTypeBySource(params.getClazz().getRefType().getName()); if (null == type) { removeValue(key); } else { final String typeName = BinaryName.toSourceName(type.getName()); final String generatedName = ReflectionUtilJava.generatedMagicClassName(typeName); if (null == params.getAst().searchForTypeBySource(generatedName)) { removeValue(key); } } return super.get(key, params); } @Override protected JExpression initialize(final String clsName, final ReflectionGeneratorContext params) { try { return doRebind(clsName, params); } catch (final Exception e) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize magic class for " + clsName, e); } } } public static JExpression injectMagicClass(final TreeLogger logger, final JMethodCall x, final JMethod currentMethod, final Context context, final UnifyAstView ast) throws UnableToCompleteException { // defer to our static final instance here return generator.get().injectMagic(logger, x, currentMethod, context, ast); } // Yes, we let you use our jre injection mechanism during gwt injection // generation. // // Third party tools should probably not override this; // it's more for end users to experiment with while developing their own // plugins, // but you can if you want and are fine with upgrading as the api grows. // // If you need more functionality than provided, submit a pull request // and we can make a usable upstream api private static final Provider<MagicClassInjector> generator = singletonLazy(MagicClassInjector.class); private final InitMap mappedClasses = new InitMap(); public JExpression doRebind(final String clsName, final ReflectionGeneratorContext params) throws UnableToCompleteException { // generate params.getLogger().log(Type.INFO, "Binding magic class for " + clsName); // JType type = params.getClazz().getRefType(); final JDeclaredType type = params.getAst().searchForTypeBySource(params.getClazz().getRefType().getName()); final StandardGeneratorContext ctx = params.getGeneratorContext(); final Class<? extends Generator> generator = MagicClassGenerator.class; final String result = ctx.runGenerator(params.getLogger(), generator, SourceUtil.toSourceName(type.getName())); ctx.finish(params.getLogger()); params.getLogger().log(Type.INFO, "Generated Class Enhancer: " + result); final JDeclaredType success = params.getAst().searchForTypeBySource(result); // Okay, we've generated the correct magic class subtype; // Now pull off its static accessor method to grab our generated class. for (final JMethod method : success.getMethods()) { if (method.isStatic() && method.getName().equals("enhanceClass")) { final JMethodCall call = new JMethodCall(method.getSourceInfo(), null, method); call.addArg(params.getClazz().makeStatement().getExpr()); return call; } } params.getLogger().log(Type.ERROR, "Unable to load " + result + ".enhanceClass()"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } @Override public JExpression injectMagic(final TreeLogger logger, final JMethodCall methodCall, final JMethod currentMethod, final Context context, final UnifyAstView ast) throws UnableToCompleteException { if (methodCall.getArgs().size() != 1) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "X_Reflect.magicClass accepts one and only one argument: a class literal."); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (!(methodCall.getArgs().get(0) instanceof JClassLiteral)) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "X_Reflect.magicClass accepts one and only one argument: a class literal." + " You sent a " + methodCall.getArgs().get(0).getClass() + " : " + methodCall.getArgs().get(0).toSource()); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } final JClassLiteral clazz = (JClassLiteral) methodCall.getArgs().get(0); return mappedClasses.get(clazz.getRefType().getName(), new ReflectionGeneratorContext(logger, clazz, methodCall, currentMethod, context, ast)); } }