package xapi.test.gwt.reflect; import static xapi.log.X_Log.error; import static xapi.log.X_Log.trace; import static*; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import xapi.annotation.reflect.KeepClass; import xapi.annotation.reflect.KeepConstructor; import xapi.annotation.reflect.KeepField; import xapi.annotation.reflect.KeepMethod; import xapi.inject.X_Inject; import; import; import; @KeepConstructor @KeepMethod @KeepField @KeepClass( keepPackage = true, keepCodeSource = true ) public class MagicClassEntryPoint implements EntryPoint{ //this boolean will only be set if everything else succeeds. private boolean passed = false; boolean ctor0 = false; public MagicClassEntryPoint() { ctor0 = true; trace("Empty ctor"); } private static boolean ctor1 = false; public MagicClassEntryPoint(boolean b, byte B, short s, char c, int i, long l, float f, double d) { ctor1 = true; trace("Primitive ctor",b,B,c,s,i,l,f,d); } protected static boolean ctor2 = false; public MagicClassEntryPoint(Boolean b, Byte B, Short s, Character c, Integer i, Long l, Float f, Double d) { ctor2 = true; trace("Object ctor",b,B,c,s,i,l,f,d); } protected static boolean ctor3 = false; public MagicClassEntryPoint(String str, int i, Integer I, Object o , JavaScriptObject jso, float f, Float F, short s, Short S) { ctor3 = true; trace("ctor w/ params",str,i,I,o); } public void onModuleLoad() { Class<MagicClassEntryPoint> cls = magicClass(MagicClassEntryPoint.class); //test the big ugly ctor try { Constructor<MagicClassEntryPoint> ctor = cls.getConstructor(String.class, int.class, Integer.class, Object.class, JavaScriptObject.class, float.class, Float.class, short.class, Short.class); ctor.newInstance("", 1,2,new Object(), JavaScriptObject.createObject(),0.5,2.5,6,7); }catch(Exception e) { error("ERROR",e); } //test the primitive ctor try { Constructor<MagicClassEntryPoint> ctor = cls.getConstructor(boolean.class, byte.class, short.class, char.class, int.class, long.class,float.class,double.class); // primitives ctor.newInstance(true, 0, 2, 'a',3, 4L, 5.5f, 6.6); // non-primitives ctor.newInstance(Boolean.TRUE, new Byte("1"), new Short("2"), new Character('a'),new Integer(3), new Long(4), new Float(5.5), new Double(6.6)); }catch(Exception e) { error("ERROR",e); } //test the object ctor try { Constructor<MagicClassEntryPoint> ctor = cls.getConstructor(Boolean.class, Byte.class, Short.class, Character.class, Integer.class,Long.class,Float.class,Double.class); ctor.newInstance(false, (byte)1, (short)2, 'a', 3, 4L, 5.5f, 6.6); }catch(Exception e) { error("ERROR",e); } for (Constructor<?> c : cls.getConstructors()) { try { trace((MagicClassEntryPoint)c.newInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { error(e); } } //constructors passed. //now lets grab the methods and use them... // perform asserts on our fields!! Method[] methods = cls.getMethods(); Method testAsserts = null; //call all of them EXCEPT onModuleLoad, as recursion sickness is no fun! for (Method m : methods) { if (!"onModuleLoad".equals(m.getName())) { if ("testAsserts".equals(m.getName())) { testAsserts = m; }else try { m.invoke(this, 2, 2, 3, "four"); } catch (Exception e) { error(e); } } } //make sure methods retain type data. Class<?>[] params = testAsserts.getParameterTypes(); assertEqual(params[0], X_Inject.class); assertEqual(params[1], Long.class); assertEqual(params[2], long.class); assertEqual(params[3], Void.class); try { //first, let's grab our Boolean field and change it from null to true Field field = cls.getField("field0"); if (field.get(this) != null) { error("Boolean field did not return null"); } field.set(this, true); assertEqual(field.getType(), Boolean.class); //Now, let's check all of our fields, except for the passed variable; //that variable is only set by the testAsserts() method, //which we call by reflection at the very end Field[] fields = cls.getFields(); for (Field f : fields) { if ("passed".equals(f.getName())) continue; if (!f.getBoolean(this)) { error("Field "+f.getName()+" was not set to true!!"); } } //now, let's grab all our fields, and assert they are true! }catch(Exception e) { error("Error testing fields", e); } //finished our functional tests, //now invoke our asserts method try { testAsserts.invoke(this); }catch(Exception e) { error("Failed assertions!", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } // String codeSource = MagicClassEntryPoint.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toExternalForm(); // Assert.assertTrue("Metadata missing", codeSource.contains(MagicClassEntryPoint.class.getSimpleName())); //finally, since we can't trust our reflection tests, //let's manually check. if (!passed) {//can't be set unless testAsserts() was called and passed. error("One or more tests have failed."); throw new RuntimeException("Test Failed"); } } private void assertEqual(Object one, Object two) { if (one == two) return; if (one.equals(two)) return; error("Objects not equal!",one,two); throw new AssertionError("Expected "+one+"; received "+two); } private boolean method0 = false; public void method0(int i, short s, Long l, String val) { method0 = true; trace("method0", i, s, l, val); } private static boolean method1 = false; public static void method1(int i, short s, Long l, String val) { method1 = true; trace("method1", i, s, l, val); } private Boolean field0; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void testAsserts(X_Inject inject, Long L, long l, Void Void) { passed = true; ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!ctor0) { passed = false; String err = "Constructor 0 was not called!"; errors.add(err); error(err); } if (!ctor1) { passed = false; String err = "Constructor 1 was not called!"; errors.add(err); error(err); } if (!ctor2) { passed = false; String err = "Constructor 2 was not called!"; errors.add(err); error(err); } if (!ctor3) { passed = false; String err = "Constructor 3 was not called!"; errors.add(err); error(err); } if (!method0) { passed = false; String err = "Method 0 was not called!"; errors.add(err); error(err); } if (!method1) { passed = false; String err = "Method 1 was not called!"; errors.add(err); error(err); } if (!field0) { passed = false; String err = "Field 0 was not updated!"; errors.add(err); error(err); } Document.get().getBody().setInnerHTML("Tests Have " +(passed?"Passed":"Failed; check console for details.")); if (!passed) throw new RuntimeException("Failed test"); trace("Success == ",passed); } }