package xapi.jre.ui.impl; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.stage.Window; import xapi.annotation.inject.SingletonOverride; import xapi.event.api.EventHandler; import xapi.event.api.IsEventType; import xapi.event.impl.EventTypes; import xapi.except.NotImplemented; import xapi.fu.Pointer; import xapi.ui.impl.UiServiceImpl; import xapi.ui.service.UiService; import static xapi.fu.Pointer.pointer; /** * Created by James X. Nelson (james on 7/17/16. */ @SingletonOverride(implFor = UiService.class) public class UiServiceJavaFx extends UiServiceImpl <Node, UiElementJavaFx<?>> { public static <T extends Pane> T setHeight(T node, double height) { node.setMaxHeight(height); node.setMinHeight(height); node.setPrefHeight(height); return node; } public static <T extends Pane> T setWidth(T node, double width) { node.setMaxWidth(width); node.setMinWidth(width); node.setPrefWidth(width); return node; } @Override protected Node getParent(Node node) { return node.getParent(); } @Override public void bindEvent( IsEventType type, UiElementJavaFx<?> ui, Node node, EventHandler handler, boolean useCapture ) { if (type instanceof EventTypes) { switch ((EventTypes)type) { case Click: node.setOnMouseClicked(e-> uiEvents().fireUiEvent(ui, type, toPayload(type, ui, node, e)) ); return; } } throw new NotImplemented(getClass() + " cannot bind event of type " + type); } public static <T extends Node> T withHBoxMargin(T node, double margin) { HBox.setMargin(node, new Insets(margin)); return node; } public static <T extends Node> T withHBoxMargin(T node, double top, double right, double bottom, double left) { HBox.setMargin(node, new Insets(top, right, bottom, left)); return node; } public static Button newButton(String text, javafx.event.EventHandler<ActionEvent> o) { Button b = new Button(text); b.setOnAction(o); return b; } public static void moveWindowOnDrag(Node toolBar, Window stage) { final Pointer<Double> x = pointer(), y = pointer(); toolBar.setOnMousePressed(e -> { // record a delta distance for the drag and drop operation. - e.getScreenX()); - e.getScreenY()); }); toolBar.setOnMouseDragged(e->{ stage.setX(e.getScreenX() + x.out1()); stage.setY(e.getScreenY() + y.out1()); }); } }