package; import; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import xapi.annotation.reflect.KeepArrays; import xapi.annotation.reflect.KeepClass; import; import; import; import xapi.except.NotConfiguredCorrectly; import xapi.reflect.impl.GwtDevReflectionService; import xapi.reflect.service.ReflectionService; import xapi.util.X_Runtime; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MonolithReflectionGenerator extends IncrementalGenerator{ @Override public RebindResult generateIncrementally(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { if (!context.isProdMode()) { return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_EXISTING, GwtDevReflectionService.class.getName()); } // Our default reflection service generator; // gwt dev will return a simple class that gives direct access to jre class // prod mode, however, is limited to supporting properly annotated types. // This means we have to iterate and inspect all types found... ick. TypeOracle oracle = context.getTypeOracle(); String resultPackage = "xapi.reflect.impl"; String resultType = "MonolithicReflectionService"; String fqcn = resultPackage + "."+resultType; PrintWriter pw = null; pw = context.tryCreate(logger, resultPackage, resultType); String next = resultType; int unique = 0; while (pw == null) { // Due to super-dev-mode recompiler, we have to use a fresh name for our class each iteration. next = resultType+"_"+unique++; pw = context.tryCreate(logger, resultPackage, next); } resultType = next; Set<JClassType> needMagicClass = new LinkedHashSet<JClassType>(); for (JClassType type : oracle.getTypes()) { if (type.isAnnotationPresent(KeepClass.class)) { needMagicClass.add(type); } } Map<JClassType, KeepArrays> needArrays = new LinkedHashMap<JClassType, KeepArrays>(); for (JClassType type : oracle.getTypes()) { KeepArrays keeper = type.getAnnotation(KeepArrays.class); if (keeper != null) { needArrays.put(type, keeper); } } // Now that we have our types, let's get to building the service... SourceBuilder<Object> sw = new SourceBuilder<Object>("public class "+resultType) .setPackage(resultPackage) ; ClassBuffer buffer = sw.getClassBuffer() .addInterfaces(ReflectionService.class) ; // Add some static fields for reflection support. buffer .indent() .println("private static final Object[] OBJECT_ARRAY = new Object[0];") .outdent() .println(); // switch/case from class to provider method is the best a standard monolithic generator can do. MethodBuffer magicClass = buffer.createMethod( "public native <T> Class<T> magicClass(Class<T> cls)") .setUseJsni(true) .println("switch(cls){"); ; for (JClassType type : needMagicClass) { // Generate a magic-class for this type... RebindResult cls = MagicClassGenerator.execImpl(logger, context, type); magicClass //jsni .println("case @"+type.getQualifiedSourceName()+"::class: ") .indentln("return @"+cls.getResultTypeName()+"::enhanceClass(Ljava/lang/Class;)(cls);"); } // close our method magicClass .println("default:") .indentln("return cls;") .println("}"); // next up, packages. They are compiled into magic classes, so we can avoid duplication here. buffer.createMethod( "public Package getPackage(Object o)") .println("if (o instanceof Class){") .indent() .println("// Make sure we are using an enhanced class") // This allows us to avoid a second giant switch/case statement .println("if (o == Class.class){") .println("return magicClass((Class)o).getPackage();") .println("}") .println("return ((Class)o).getPackage();") .outdent() .println("} else if (o == null){") .indentln("throw new NullPointerException(); ") .println("} else {") .indentln("return o.getClass().getPackage(); ") .println("}") ; buffer.createMethod( "public Package getPackage(String name, ClassLoader cl)") .returnValue(buffer.addImport(GwtReflect.class.getName()+"Jre")+".getPackage(name, cl);") ; // Now, let's generate support for arrays! // This is a little tougher, since we do allow an annotation to specify other types // (so you can keep a given array type without having to annotate the class itself). MethodBuffer newArraySingle = buffer.createMethod( "public native <T> T[] newArray(" + "Class<T> classLit, " + "int dimension)") .setUseJsni(true) .println("switch(classLit){") .indent() .println("case @java.lang.Object::class :") .indentln("return[Ljava/lang/Object;I)" + "(@" + fqcn +"::OBJECT_ARRAY, dimension);"); ; MethodBuffer newArrayMulti = buffer.createMethod( "public native <T> T[] newArray(" + "Class<T> classLit, " + "int ... dimensions)") .setUseJsni(true) .println("switch(classLit){") ; newArraySingle .println("default:") .indentln("@"+fqcn+"::throwNoArraySupport(Ljava/lang/Class;)(classLit)") .indentln("return null;") .println("}"); newArrayMulti .println("default:") .indentln("@"+fqcn+"::throwNoArraySupport(Ljava/lang/Class;)(classLit)") .indentln("return null;") .println("}"); buffer .createMethod("private static void throwNoArraySupport(Class<?> c)") .println("throw new NotConfiguredCorrectly(\"" + "No array reflection support for \"+ c.getName() + \"; " + "ensure this class is annotated with @KeepArrays."+ (X_Runtime.isDebug()?" This annotation allows you to add support for " + "any class with the alsoKeep() method, that allows you to keep " + "array support for types without directly annotating them (like java.lang classes).":"")+ "\");"); sw.getImports().addImport(NotConfiguredCorrectly.class.getName()); if (X_Runtime.isDebug()) { logger.log(Type.INFO, "Generated reflection support for "+needMagicClass.size()+" classes."); logger.log(Type.WARN, sw.toString()); } pw.append(sw.toString()); context.commit(logger, pw); return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_ALL_NEW_WITH_NO_CACHING, resultPackage + "." + resultType); } @Override public long getVersionId() { return 1; } }