package xapi.util; import xapi.log.X_Log; import xapi.util.api.ErrorHandler; import; import java.util.Arrays; public class X_Debug { private X_Debug() {} public static AssertionError recommendAssertions() { // Use a single debug String in production, which recommends -ea compiles for far more details // in assertion errors. This can allow you to unit test for AssertionError whenever "something that shouldn't happen" occurs, // without sending along large or sensitive debugging strings to production clients. return new AssertionError("Recompile with -ea assertions enabled for a better error message."); } public static class DebugStream extends PrintStream { private final PrintStream orig; private final int depth; public DebugStream(PrintStream orig, int ignoreDepth) { super(orig); this.depth = ignoreDepth; this.orig = orig; } @Override public void println() { super.println(); debugCaller(); }; private void debugCaller() { RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException(); e.fillInStackTrace(); StackTraceElement[] traces = e.getStackTrace(); int index = depth, end = Math.min(depth+10, traces.length); orig.print("\n\t\t @ "); for(;index < end; index++ ) { orig.print(traces[index]+": "); } if (X_Runtime.isJava()) { flush(orig); } } private void flush(PrintStream orig2) { orig.flush(); } public PrintStream append(CharSequence str) { // GWT doesn't have an append method, so we hack it here print(str.toString()); return this; } @Override public void print(String s) { super.print(s); debugCaller(); } } public static void debug(Throwable e) { // TODO: give an injectable service to handle debug messages // This would be good for threadlocal processes, // so the object inspecting the throwable will have context for the // exception while (e != null) { e.printStackTrace(); if (e == e.getCause()) return; e = e.getCause(); } } public static boolean isBenchmark() { return X_Runtime.isDebug(); } public static void inspect(String qualifiedBinaryName) { X_Log.error(qualifiedBinaryName); if (X_Runtime.isDebug()) { StackTraceElement[] trace = new RuntimeException().getStackTrace(); X_Log.error(Arrays.asList(trace).toString().replaceAll(", ", "\n ")); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static ErrorHandler defaultHandler() { return DefaultHandler.handler; } public static void maybeRethrow(Throwable e) { if (X_Runtime.isDebug()) debug(e); Throwable unwrapped = X_Util.unwrap(e); if ( // NEVER eat these! Getting interrupted while sleeping is no big deal, // but if you are running, unless you are doing something mission critical, // an interruption needs to bubble up so threads can be shut down. unwrapped instanceof InterruptedException) { // avoid new wrapper instances; // wrap will rethrow Error, or return a RuntimeException throw X_Util.rethrow(e); } } public static RuntimeException rethrow(Throwable e) { debug(e); throw X_Util.rethrow(e); } public static void traceSystemErr() { traceSystemErr(3); } public static void traceSystemErr(int ignoreDepth) { final PrintStream orig = System.err; // Avoid cyclic calls, but don't store references... if (orig instanceof DebugStream) return; System.setErr(new DebugStream(orig, ignoreDepth)); System.err.println("Tracing system.err"); } public static void traceSystemOut() { traceSystemOut(3); } /** * * @param ignoreDepth */ public static void traceSystemOut(int ignoreDepth) { final PrintStream orig = System.out; // Avoid cyclic calls, but don't store references... if (orig instanceof DebugStream) return; System.setOut(new DebugStream(orig, ignoreDepth)); System.out.println("Tracing system.out"); } } class DefaultHandler implements ErrorHandler<Throwable> { static final DefaultHandler handler = new DefaultHandler(); private DefaultHandler() { } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { X_Log.error(e); } };