package; import xapi.annotation.model.DeleterFor; import xapi.annotation.model.FieldName; import xapi.annotation.model.GetterFor; import xapi.annotation.model.Serializable; import xapi.annotation.model.SetterFor; import xapi.annotation.reflect.Fluent; import; import; import; import xapi.model.api.ModelDeserializationContext; import xapi.model.api.ModelSerializationContext; import xapi.model.api.ModelSerializer; import xapi.source.X_Source; import xapi.source.api.CharIterator; import xapi.source.api.IsType; import xapi.util.X_Properties; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; public class ModelGeneratorGwt extends IncrementalGenerator{ private static final String MODEL_PACKAGE = "xapi.model"; static final boolean MINIFY = Boolean.parseBoolean(X_Properties.getProperty("xapi.dist", "false")); @Override public RebindResult generateIncrementally(final TreeLogger logger, final GeneratorContext context, final String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { ModelMagic.initialize(); return execImpl(logger, context, typeName); } @Override public long getVersionId() { return 0; } static boolean isFluent(final JMethod method) { final JClassType iface = method.getReturnType().isClassOrInterface(); if (iface == null) { return false; } if ( method.getEnclosingType().isAssignableTo(iface) || iface.isAssignableTo(method.getEnclosingType()) ) { // Returning this would be allowed. // However, we should guard against methods that may actually want to return a field // that is the same type as itself. final Fluent fluent = method.getAnnotation(Fluent.class); if (fluent != null) { return fluent.value(); } // TODO: check if there is a single parameter type which is also compatible, // and throw an error telling the user that they must specify @Fluent(true) or @Fluent(false) // Because the method signature is ambiguous return true; } return false; } static String returnType(final JMethod method, final ModelMagic models) { // TODO make sure simple name is allowed here. return method.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName(); } static String fieldName(final JMethod method, final ModelMagic models) { final FieldName field = method.getAnnotation(FieldName.class); if (field != null) { return field.debugName().length() > 0 // TODO && models.isDebugMode ? field.debugName() : field.value(); } final GetterFor getter = method.getAnnotation(GetterFor.class); if (getter != null) { return getter.value(); } final SetterFor setter = method.getAnnotation(SetterFor.class); if (setter != null) { return setter.value(); } final DeleterFor deleter = method.getAnnotation(DeleterFor.class); if (deleter != null) { return deleter.value(); } // No annotations, we have to guess. final String name = method.getName(); if ( name.matches("(get|set|has|put|add|rem)[A-Z].*") ) { return Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(3)) + name.substring(4); } else if (name.startsWith("is")) { return Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(2)) + name.substring(3); } else if (name.startsWith("remove")) { return Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(6)) + name.substring(7); } return name; } static boolean canBeSupertype(final subtype, final supertype) { return supertype.isInterface() == null && !supertype.isFinal() && supertype.isAssignableTo(subtype); } static String typeToParameterString(final JType[] parameterTypes) { if (parameterTypes.length == 0) { return ""; } final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder() .append(parameterTypes[0].getQualifiedSourceName()) .append(" A"); assert parameterTypes.length < 26: "Cannot have more than 26 parameters"; for (int i = 1, m = parameterTypes.length; i < m; i++) { b .append(", ") .append(parameterTypes[i].getQualifiedSourceName()) .append(" ") .append((char)('A'+i)) ; } return b.toString(); } static String typeToSignature(final JType[] parameterTypes) { if (parameterTypes.length == 0) { return ""; } final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder() .append(parameterTypes[0].getJNISignature()); for (int i = 1, m = parameterTypes.length; i < m; i++) { b.append(parameterTypes[i].getJNISignature()); } return b.toString(); } public static boolean allAbstract(final JMethod[] existing) { for (final JMethod method : existing) { if (!method.isAbstract()) { return false; } } return true; } public static String toSignature(final JMethod method) { return method.getName()+"("+typeToSignature(method.getParameterTypes())+")"; } public static RebindResult execImpl(final TreeLogger logger, final GeneratorContext ctx, final String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { final JClassType type = ctx.getTypeOracle().findType(typeName.replace('$', '.')); if (type == null) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Unable to find source for model interface type "+typeName); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } // Step one; see if this model already exists... final ModelMagic magic =; final String mangledName = magic.mangleName(type.getQualifiedSourceName(), MINIFY); final String fqcn = MODEL_PACKAGE+"."+mangledName; if (ctx.isGeneratorResultCachingEnabled() && ctx.tryReuseTypeFromCache(typeName)) { return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_PARTIAL_CACHED, fqcn); } if (!type.isAbstract()) { // TODO Only generate a provider class if the type itself is not concrete return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_EXISTING, typeName); } final PrintWriter pw = ctx.tryCreate(logger, MODEL_PACKAGE, mangledName); if (pw == null) { // TODO for injectors this type may exist but be stale. // Use an @Generated annotation to do a freshness check. return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_EXISTING, fqcn); } final ModelArtifact model = magic.getOrMakeModel(logger, ctx, type); final boolean isFinal = type.getSubtypes().length == 0; final SourceBuilder<ModelMagic> builder = new SourceBuilder<ModelMagic>( "public "+(isFinal?"final ":"")+"class "+mangledName ); builder.setPayload(magic); builder.setPackage(MODEL_PACKAGE); // Step two; transverse type model. visitModelStructure(logger, ctx, typeName, type, magic, model, builder); // Step three, generate serialization protocols for this model type. generateSerializers(logger, ctx, typeName, type, magic, model, builder); // Step four, determine the fields we'll need to generate model.generateModelClass(logger, builder, ctx, type); final String src = builder.toString(); final Type logLevel = logLevel(); if (logger.isLoggable(logLevel)) { logger.log(logLevel, "Generated model class:\n"+src); } pw.println(src); ctx.commit(logger, pw); if (!model.isReused()) { ctx.commitArtifact(logger, model); } return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_ALL_NEW, MODEL_PACKAGE + "." + mangledName); } /** * @param logger * @param ctx * @param typeName * @param type * @param magic * @param model * @param builder */ private static void generateSerializers(final TreeLogger logger, final GeneratorContext ctx, final String typeName, final JClassType type, final ModelMagic magic, final ModelArtifact model, final SourceBuilder<ModelMagic> builder) { final List<JMethod> toClient = new ArrayList<JMethod>(); final List<JMethod> toServer = new ArrayList<JMethod>(); for (final Entry<JMethod, Annotation[]> method : model.methods.entrySet()) { for (final Annotation anno : method.getValue()) { if (anno instanceof Serializable) { final Serializable serializable = (Serializable) anno; if (serializable.clientToServer().enabled()) { toServer.add(method.getKey()); } if (serializable.serverToClient().enabled()) { toClient.add(method.getKey()); } } } } if (toClient.isEmpty() && toServer.isEmpty()) { // TODO signal to use an empty serializer, ModelSerializer.DO_NOTHING } final String name = builder.getSimpleName()+"_Serializer"; final PrintWriter pw = ctx.tryCreate(logger, builder.getPackage(), name); if (pw == null) { // Assume the result is not stale. Will need to be more careful when injected return; } final SourceBuilder out = new SourceBuilder("public final class "+name); out.setPackage(builder.getPackage()); final String simpleType = out.getClassBuffer().addImport(typeName); final String serializerType = out.getClassBuffer().addImport(ModelSerializer.class); final String charIterator = out.addImport(CharIterator.class); final String serialContext = out.addImport(ModelSerializationContext.class); final String charBuffer = out.addImport(CharBuffer.class); final String deserialContext = out.addImport(ModelDeserializationContext.class); out.getClassBuffer().addInterface(serializerType+"<"+simpleType+">"); final MethodBuffer modelToString = out.getClassBuffer() .createMethod("public " + charBuffer + " modelToString(" + simpleType+" model, " + serialContext + " ctx)"); final MethodBuffer stringToModel = out.getClassBuffer() .createMethod("public " + simpleType + " modelFromString(" + charIterator + " model, " + deserialContext + " ctx)"); if (toClient.isEmpty()) { stringToModel.returnValue("throw new " + out.getClassBuffer().addImport(UnsupportedOperationException.class)+"();"); } else { // Print a deserializer for the model stringToModel.returnValue("null"); } if (toServer.isEmpty()) { modelToString.returnValue("throw new " + out.getClassBuffer().addImport(UnsupportedOperationException.class)+"();"); } else { // Print a serializer for the model modelToString.returnValue("null"); } final String src = out.toString(); final Type logLevel = logLevel(); if (logger.isLoggable(logLevel)) { logger.log(logLevel, "Generated model serializer:\n"+src); } pw.append(src); ctx.commit(logger, pw); } private static Type logLevel() { return Type.DEBUG; } /** * @param logger * @param ctx * @param typeName * @param type * @param magic * @param model * @param builder * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private static void visitModelStructure(final TreeLogger logger, final GeneratorContext ctx, final String typeName, final JClassType type, final ModelMagic magic, final ModelArtifact model, final SourceBuilder<ModelMagic> builder) throws UnableToCompleteException { if (type.isInterface() == null) { // Client has specified their own base type. // Let's see if we're expected to generate any methods. if (type.isAbstract()) { // Find the methods the client didn't bother to implement. final Collection<JMethod> interfaceMethods = model.extractMethods(logger, builder, ctx, type); for (final JMethod ifaceMethod : interfaceMethods) { JMethod classMethod; try { classMethod = type.getMethod(ifaceMethod.getName(), ifaceMethod.getTypeParameters()); // If this method exists, we still need to pull off annotations. final Annotation[] annos = model.extractAnnotations(logger, type, ifaceMethod, classMethod, ctx); model.applyAnnotations(logger, classMethod, annos, ctx); } catch (final NotFoundException e) { // client didn't bother to implement this method. // let's do it for them. model.implementMethod(logger, ifaceMethod, ctx); } } } else { assert false : "Concrete types do not need to be filled in with generated types."; } } else { final JClassType root = magic.getRootType(logger, ctx); final Set<String> toSigs = getImplementedSignatures(root.getInheritableMethods()); for (final JMethod method : model.extractMethods(logger, builder, ctx, type)) { if (toSigs.add(ModelGeneratorGwt.toSignature(method))) { model.implementMethod(logger, method, ctx); } } } } static Set<String> getImplementedSignatures(final JMethod[] inheritableMethods) { final Set<String> sigs = new LinkedHashSet<String>(inheritableMethods.length); for (final JMethod method : inheritableMethods) { if (!method.isAbstract()) { sigs.add(ModelGeneratorGwt.toSignature(method)); } } return sigs; } public static IsType[] toTypes(final JType[] parameterTypes) { int i = parameterTypes.length; final IsType[] arr = new IsType[i]; for (; i-->0;) { final JType t = parameterTypes[i]; arr[i] = X_Source.binaryToSource(t.getQualifiedBinaryName()); } return arr; } }