package xapi.fu; import java.util.function.Function; /** * @author James X. Nelson ( * Created on 07/11/15. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // yes, this api will let you do terrible things. Don't do terrible things. public interface In1Out1<I, O> extends Rethrowable, Lambda { O io(I in); default O apply(Out1<I> supplier) { return io(supplier.out1()); } default int accept(int position, In1<O> callback, Object... values) { final I in = (I) values[position++]; final O out = io(in);; return position; } default Function<I, O> toFunction() { return this::io; } static <I, O> In1Out1<I, O> of(In1Out1<I, O> lambda) { return lambda; } static <I, O> In1Out1<I, O> ofDeferred(Out1<O> supplier) { return ignored->supplier.out1(); } static <I, O> In1Out1<I, O> ofImmediate(Out1<O> supplier) { return of(supplier.out1()); } static <I, O> In1Out1<I, O> of(O value) { return ignored->value; } static <I, O> In1Out1<I, O> of(In1<I> in, Out1<O> out) { return i-> {; @SuppressWarnings("redundant") // let debuggers have a look. JIT can inline final O o = out.out1(); return o; }; } /** * This method just exists to give you somewhere to create a lambda that will rethrow exceptions. */ static <I, O> In1Out1<I, O> unsafe(In1Out1Unsafe<I, O> of) { return of; } default Out1<O> supply(I in) { return () -> io(in); } default Out1<O> supplyDeferred(Out1<I> in) { return () -> io(in.out1()); } default Out1<O> supplyImmediate(Out1<I> in) { return supply(in.out1()); } default In1<I> adapt(In1<O> into) { return i->; } default In1<I> ignoreOutput() { return this::io; } interface In1Out1Unsafe <I, O> extends In1Out1<I, O>, Rethrowable{ O ioUnsafe(I in) throws Throwable; default O io(I in) { try { return this.ioUnsafe(in); } catch (Throwable e) { throw rethrow(e); } } } default <To> In1Out1<I,To> mapOut(In1Out1<O, To> mapper) { return in-> { final O o =; return; }; } default <To> In1Out1<To,O> mapIn(In1Out1<To, I> mapper) { return to-> { final I i1 =; return; }; } static <I, T, O> In1Out1<I, O> ofMapped(In1Out1<I, T> mapper, In1Out1<T, O> job) { return mapper.mapOut(job); } }