package; import xapi.ui.api.Ui; import xapi.ui.api.UiField; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Created by james on 6/6/16. */ public class UiAnnotatedElements { Map<TypeElement, Ui> uiTypes; Map<ExecutableElement, Ui> uiMethods; Map<ExecutableElement, UiField> boundMethods; Map<VariableElement, UiField> boundFields; Set<ExecutableElement> boundParameters; public UiAnnotatedElements() { uiTypes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); uiMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>(); boundMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>(); boundFields = new LinkedHashMap<>(); boundParameters = new LinkedHashSet<>(); } public void maybeAddType(TypeElement element) { final Ui typeUi = element.getAnnotation(Ui.class); if (typeUi != null) { uiTypes.put(element, typeUi); } } public void maybeAddVariable(VariableElement var) { } public void maybeAddExecutable(ExecutableElement exe) { final Ui exeUi = exe.getAnnotation(Ui.class); if (exeUi != null) { uiMethods.put(exe, exeUi); } // for now, we will ignore Gwt UiField annotations, and only handle our own // in the future, we can find any annotation named UiField, and adapt accordingly final UiField uiField = exe.getAnnotation(UiField.class); if (uiField != null) { boundMethods.put(exe, uiField); } boolean hadUnannotated = false; boolean hadAnnotated = false; for (VariableElement param : exe.getParameters()) { final UiField paramAnno = param.getAnnotation(UiField.class); if (paramAnno == null) { if (hadAnnotated) { throwBadParameterAnnotations(exe); } hadUnannotated = true; } else { if (hadUnannotated) { throwBadParameterAnnotations(exe); } hadAnnotated = true; boundParameters.add(exe); } } } public boolean hasAnyAnnotations() { return hasUiAnnotations() || hasBoundAnnotations(); } public boolean hasUiAnnotations() { return !(uiTypes.isEmpty() && uiMethods.isEmpty()); } public boolean hasBoundAnnotations() { return !(boundMethods.isEmpty() && boundFields.isEmpty() && boundParameters.isEmpty()); } private void throwBadParameterAnnotations(ExecutableElement exe) { throw new IllegalStateException("ExecutableElement " + exe + " had bad parameter annotations; " + "Contains some but not all parameters with @UiField annotations. " + exe.getParameters()); } @Override public String toString() { return "UiAnnotatedElements{" + "uiTypes=" + uiTypes + ", uiMethods=" + uiMethods + ", boundMethods=" + boundMethods + ", boundFields=" + boundFields + ", boundParameters=" + boundParameters + ", sAnyAnnotations=" + hasAnyAnnotations() + ", sUiAnnotations=" + hasUiAnnotations() + ", sBoundAnnotations=" + hasBoundAnnotations() + '}'; } }