/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* @test @bug 6463545 @summary Tests java.awt.DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy functionality. @author anton.tarasov area=awt.focus @library ../../regtesthelpers @build AbstractPolicyTest @run main DefaultFTPTest */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.AbstractPolicyTest; /* Below are some notes about changes in DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy behaviour. container(root) [...] - focus traversal cycle with the <container> as the root. container(provider) [...] - focus traversal cycle with the <container> as the provider. container(..)(focusable) [...] - <container> is implicitly set focusable. comp[unfocusable] - <comp> is set unfocusable. 1. frame [ container(root)(focusable) [...] ] - getComponentAfter(<frame>, <container>) returns <container>. If <container> is the default component to focus in its own cycle. * NO CHANGE * 3. frame [ comp1 container(root)(focusable) [ comp2 ] comp3 ] - getComponentBefore(<frame>, <comp3>) returns <comp2>. ** BEHAVIOUR CHANGE ** Previously <container> would be returned. This was a bug as it wasn't according to the spec. - getComponentBefore(<container>, <comp2>) returns <container>. * NO CHANGE * - getComponentBefore(<frame>, <container>) returns <comp1>. * NO CHANGE * - getComponentBefore(<container>, <container>) returns <comp2>. * NO CHANGE * 4. frame [ container(provider) [...] comp ] - getComponentAfter(<frame>, <container>) returns <container>'s default. ** BEHAVIOUR CHANGE. SPEC ADDITION ** Previously <comp> would be returned. Not specified in the spec. - getComponentBefore(<frame>, <comp>) returns <container>'s last. ** SPEC CHANGE ** The spec says (incorrectly) that default should be returned. 5. frame [ container(provider)(focusable) [...] comp2 ] - getComponentBefore(<frame>, <comp2>) returns <container>'s last. ** BEHAVIOUR CHANGE. SPEC ADDITION ** Previously <container> would be returned. Not specified in the spec. 6. frame [ comp1 container(root) [...] comp2 ] - getComponentAfter(<frame>, <comp1>) returns <container>'s default. ** BEHAVIOUR CHANGE. SPEC ADDITION ** Previously <comp2> would be returned. It's just the fix for 6240842. Not specified in the spec. 7. frame [ comp1 container(root) [...] comp2(unfocusable) comp3 ] - getComponentBefore(<frame>, <comp3>) returns <container>'s default. ** BEHAVIOUR CHANGE ** Previously <comp1> would be returned. This was a bug, because in case if <comp2> is focusable getComponentBefore(<frame>, <comp2>) would return <container>'s default. */ public class DefaultFTPTest { final int TESTS_NUMBER = 11; public static void main(String[] args) { DefaultFTPTest app = new DefaultFTPTest(); app.start(); } public void start() { try { Class clazz = null; AbstractPolicyTest test = null; for (int i = 1; i <= TESTS_NUMBER; i++) { clazz = Class.forName("PolicyTest" + i); if (clazz != null) { test = (AbstractPolicyTest)clazz.newInstance(); System.out.print("Test " + i + " is in progress..."); test.testIt(); System.out.println(" passed."); } } } catch (RuntimeException rte) { throw rte; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error: unexpected exception cought!", e); } } } /* * frame [ container1 [...] container2 [...] container3 [...] ] * - verifies simple configuration. */ class PolicyTest1 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Container cont = (Container) registerComponent("panel" + i, new Panel()); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { cont.add(registerComponent("btn " + (j + i*100), new Button("button"))); } frame.add(cont); } return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("frame")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy()); } protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn 0", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 100"); order.put("btn 100", "btn 101"); order.put("btn 101", "btn 102"); order.put("btn 102", "btn 200"); order.put("btn 200", "btn 201"); order.put("btn 201", "btn 202"); order.put("btn 202", "btn 0"); order.put("panel0", "btn 0"); order.put("panel1", "btn 100"); order.put("panel2", "btn 200"); order.put("frame", "btn 0"); return order; } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn 0", "btn 202"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 0"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 100", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 101", "btn 100"); order.put("btn 102", "btn 101"); order.put("btn 200", "btn 102"); order.put("btn 201", "btn 200"); order.put("btn 202", "btn 201"); order.put("panel0", "btn 202"); order.put("panel1", "btn 2"); order.put("panel2", "btn 102"); order.put("frame", "btn 202"); return order; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return new String[] {"frame"}; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn 0"; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn 0"; } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn 202"; } } /* * frame [ comp container(provider) [...] comp ] * - transfering focus through a provider. */ class PolicyTest2 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 1", new Button("button"))); Container cont = (Container)registerComponent("panel", new Panel()); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 2", new Button("button"))); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 3", new Button("button"))); frame.add(cont); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 4", new Button("button"))); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("frame")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy()); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(true); } protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("frame", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 3"); order.put("btn 3", "btn 4"); order.put("btn 4", "btn 1"); order.put("panel", "btn 2"); return order; } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn 4", "btn 3"); order.put("btn 3", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 4"); return order; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return new String[] {"frame", "panel"}; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn 1"; } else if ("panel".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn 2"; } return null; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return getDefaultComp(focusCycleRoot_id); } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn 4"; } else if ("panel".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn 3"; } return null; } } /* * frame [ comp container(root) [...] comp ] * - transfering focus through a root (includes the case reported in the CR 6240842). */ class PolicyTest3 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 1", new Button("button"))); Container cont = (Container)registerComponent("panel", new Panel()); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 2", new Button("button"))); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 3", new Button("button"))); frame.add(cont); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 4", new Button("button"))); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("frame")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy()); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusCycleRoot(true); } protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("frame", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 3"); order.put("btn 3", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 4", "btn 1"); order.put("panel", "btn 2"); return order; } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn 4", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 3", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 3"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 4"); return order; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return new String[] {"frame", "panel"}; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn 1"; } else if ("panel".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn 2"; } return null; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return getDefaultComp(focusCycleRoot_id); } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn 4"; } else if ("panel".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn 3"; } return null; } } /* * frame [ container(provider) [...] comp1(unfocusable) comp2 ] * - getComponentBefore(<frame>, <comp2>) should return <container>'s last. */ class PolicyTest4 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); Container cont = (Container)registerComponent("panel", new Panel()); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 1", new Button("button"))); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 2", new Button("button"))); frame.add(cont); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 3", new Button("button"))); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 4", new Button("button"))); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("frame")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy()); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(true); ((Button)getComponent("btn 3")).setFocusable(false); } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn 4", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 4"); return order; } // no testing protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { return null; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return null; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return null; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return null; } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return null; } } /* * frame [ container(root) [...] comp1(unfocusable) comp2 ] * - getComponentBefore(<frame>, <comp2>) should return <container>'s default. */ class PolicyTest5 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); Container cont = (Container)registerComponent("panel", new Panel()); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 1", new Button("button"))); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 2", new Button("button"))); frame.add(cont); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 3", new Button("button"))); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 4", new Button("button"))); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("frame")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy()); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusCycleRoot(true); ((Button)getComponent("btn 3")).setFocusable(false); } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn 4", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 2"); return order; } // no testing protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { return null; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return null; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return null; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return null; } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return null; } } /* * frame [ comp container(provider)(focusable) [...] comp ] * - transfering focus through a focusable provider. */ class PolicyTest6 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 1", new Button("button"))); Container cont = (Container)registerComponent("panel", new Panel()); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 2", new Button("button"))); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 3", new Button("button"))); frame.add(cont); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 4", new Button("button"))); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("frame")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy()); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy() { public Component getDefaultComponent(Container aContainer) { return getComponent("btn 2"); } }); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(true); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusable(true); } protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("frame", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 1", "panel"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 3"); order.put("btn 3", "btn 4"); order.put("btn 4", "btn 1"); order.put("panel", "btn 2"); return order; } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn 4", "btn 3"); order.put("btn 3", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 2", "panel"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 4"); order.put("panel", "btn 1"); return order; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return new String[] {"panel"}; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn 2"; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "panel"; } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn 3"; } } /* * frame [ comp container(root)(focusable) [...] comp ] * - transfering focus through a focusable root. */ class PolicyTest7 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 1", new Button("button"))); Container cont = (Container)registerComponent("panel", new Panel()); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 2", new Button("button"))); cont.add(registerComponent("btn 3", new Button("button"))); frame.add(cont); frame.add(registerComponent("btn 4", new Button("button"))); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("frame")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy()); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy() { public Component getDefaultComponent(Container aContainer) { return getComponent("btn 2"); } }); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusCycleRoot(true); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusable(true); } protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("frame", "btn 1"); order.put("btn 1", "panel"); order.put("btn 2", "btn 3"); order.put("btn 3", "panel"); order.put("btn 4", "btn 1"); order.put("panel", "btn 2"); return order; } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn 4", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 3", "btn 2"); order.put("btn 2", "panel"); order.put("btn 1", "btn 4"); order.put("panel", "btn 1"); return order; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return new String[] {"panel"}; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn 2"; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "panel"; } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn 3"; } } /* * frame [ comp1 comp2 container1(provider) [...] container2(root) [...] ] * - verifies a case when a provider is followed by a root. */ class PolicyTest8 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); frame.add(registerComponent("btn-1", new Button("button"))); frame.add(registerComponent("btn-2", new Button("button"))); Container cont1 = (Container)registerComponent("panel-1", new Panel()); cont1.add(registerComponent("btn-3", new Button("button"))); cont1.add(registerComponent("btn-4", new Button("button"))); cont1.add(registerComponent("btn-5", new Button("button"))); Container cont2 = (Container)registerComponent("panel-2", new Panel()); cont2.add(registerComponent("btn-6", new Button("button"))); cont2.add(registerComponent("btn-7", new Button("button"))); cont2.add(registerComponent("btn-8", new Button("button"))); frame.add(cont1); frame.add(cont2); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("panel-1")).setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(true); ((Container)getComponent("panel-1")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy() { public Component getDefaultComponent(Container aContainer) { return getComponent("btn-4"); } }); ((Container)getComponent("panel-2")).setFocusCycleRoot(true); ((Container)getComponent("panel-2")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy() { public Component getDefaultComponent(Container aContainer) { return getComponent("btn-7"); } }); } protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("frame", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-1", "btn-2"); order.put("btn-2", "btn-4"); order.put("btn-3", "btn-4"); order.put("btn-4", "btn-5"); order.put("btn-5", "btn-7"); order.put("btn-6", "btn-7"); order.put("btn-7", "btn-8"); order.put("btn-8", "btn-6"); order.put("panel-1", "btn-4"); order.put("panel-2", "btn-7"); return order; } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn-1", "btn-5"); order.put("btn-2", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-3", "btn-2"); order.put("btn-4", "btn-3"); order.put("btn-5", "btn-4"); order.put("btn-6", "btn-8"); order.put("btn-7", "btn-6"); order.put("btn-8", "btn-7"); return order; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return new String[] {"frame", "panel-1", "panel-2"}; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-1"; } else if ("panel-1".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-4"; } else if ("panel-2".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-7"; } return null; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-1"; } else if ("panel-1".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-3"; } else if ("panel-2".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-6"; } return null; } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-5"; } else if ("panel-1".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-5"; } else if ("panel-2".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-8"; } return null; } } /* * frame [ comp1 comp2 container1(root) [...] container2(provider) [...] ] * - verifies a case when a root is followed by a provider. */ class PolicyTest9 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); frame.add(registerComponent("btn-1", new Button("button"))); frame.add(registerComponent("btn-2", new Button("button"))); Container cont1 = (Container)registerComponent("panel-1", new Panel()); cont1.add(registerComponent("btn-3", new Button("button"))); cont1.add(registerComponent("btn-4", new Button("button"))); cont1.add(registerComponent("btn-5", new Button("button"))); Container cont2 = (Container)registerComponent("panel-2", new Panel()); cont2.add(registerComponent("btn-6", new Button("button"))); cont2.add(registerComponent("btn-7", new Button("button"))); cont2.add(registerComponent("btn-8", new Button("button"))); frame.add(cont1); frame.add(cont2); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("panel-1")).setFocusCycleRoot(true); ((Container)getComponent("panel-1")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy() { public Component getDefaultComponent(Container aContainer) { return getComponent("btn-4"); } }); ((Container)getComponent("panel-2")).setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(true); ((Container)getComponent("panel-2")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy() { public Component getDefaultComponent(Container aContainer) { return getComponent("btn-7"); } }); } protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("frame", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-1", "btn-2"); order.put("btn-2", "btn-4"); order.put("btn-3", "btn-4"); order.put("btn-4", "btn-5"); order.put("btn-5", "btn-3"); order.put("btn-6", "btn-7"); order.put("btn-7", "btn-8"); order.put("btn-8", "btn-1"); order.put("panel-1", "btn-4"); order.put("panel-2", "btn-7"); return order; } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn-1", "btn-8"); order.put("btn-2", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-3", "btn-5"); order.put("btn-4", "btn-3"); order.put("btn-5", "btn-4"); order.put("btn-6", "btn-4"); order.put("btn-7", "btn-6"); order.put("btn-8", "btn-7"); return order; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return new String[] {"frame", "panel-1", "panel-2"}; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-1"; } else if ("panel-1".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-4"; } else if ("panel-2".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-7"; } return null; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-1"; } else if ("panel-1".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-3"; } else if ("panel-2".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-6"; } return null; } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-8"; } else if ("panel-1".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-5"; } else if ("panel-2".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-8"; } return null; } } /* * frame [ container0 [...] container1(root) [ comp1 comp2 container2(provider) [...] ] ] * - verifies a case when a provider is nested in a root. */ class PolicyTest10 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); Container cont0 = new Panel(); cont0.add(registerComponent("btn-1", new Button("button"))); cont0.add(registerComponent("btn-2", new Button("button"))); Container cont1 = (Container)registerComponent("panel-1", new Panel()); cont1.add(registerComponent("btn-3", new Button("button"))); cont1.add(registerComponent("btn-4", new Button("button"))); Container cont2 = (Container)registerComponent("panel-2", new Panel()); cont2.add(registerComponent("btn-5", new Button("button"))); cont2.add(registerComponent("btn-6", new Button("button"))); cont1.add(cont2); frame.add(cont0); frame.add(cont1); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("panel-1")).setFocusCycleRoot(true); ((Container)getComponent("panel-1")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy() { public Component getDefaultComponent(Container aContainer) { return getComponent("panel-2"); } }); ((Container)getComponent("panel-2")).setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(true); ((Container)getComponent("panel-2")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy()); } protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("frame", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-1", "btn-2"); order.put("btn-2", "panel-2"); order.put("btn-3", "btn-4"); order.put("btn-4", "btn-5"); order.put("btn-5", "btn-6"); order.put("btn-6", "btn-3"); order.put("panel-1", "panel-2"); order.put("panel-2", "btn-5"); return order; } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn-1", "btn-2"); order.put("btn-2", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-3", "btn-6"); order.put("btn-4", "btn-3"); order.put("btn-5", "btn-4"); order.put("btn-6", "btn-5"); return order; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return new String[] {"frame", "panel-1", "panel-2"}; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-1"; } else if ("panel-1".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "panel-2"; } else if ("panel-2".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-5"; } return null; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-1"; } else if ("panel-1".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-3"; } else if ("panel-2".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-5"; } return null; } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { if ("frame".equals(focusCycleRoot_id)) { return "btn-2"; } else { return "btn-6"; } } } /* * frame [ container(root) [...] comp ] * - getDefaultComponent(<frame>) should implicitly down-cycle into the <container>. * - getFirstComponent(<frame>) should implicitly down-cycle into the <container>. */ class PolicyTest11 extends AbstractPolicyTest { protected Frame createFrame() { Frame frame = (Frame) registerComponent("frame", new Frame("Test Frame")); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); Container cont = (Container)registerComponent("panel", new Panel()); cont.add(registerComponent("btn-1", new Button("button"))); cont.add(registerComponent("btn-2", new Button("button"))); frame.add(cont); frame.add(registerComponent("btn-3", new Button("button"))); return frame; } protected void customizeHierarchy() { ((Container)getComponent("frame")).setFocusTraversalPolicy(new DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy()); ((Container)getComponent("panel")).setFocusCycleRoot(true); } protected Map<String, String> getForwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("frame", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-1", "btn-2"); order.put("btn-2", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-3", "btn-1"); return order; } protected Map<String, String> getBackwardOrder() { Map<String, String> order = new HashMap<String, String>(); order.put("btn-3", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-2", "btn-1"); order.put("btn-1", "btn-2"); order.put("frame", "btn-3"); return order; } protected String[] getContainersToTest() { return new String[] {"frame"}; } protected String getDefaultComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn-1"; } protected String getFirstComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn-1"; } protected String getLastComp(String focusCycleRoot_id) { return "btn-3"; } }