package com.idega.util; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster; /** * Description: A threaded (daemon thread) event dispatcher class. add an actionlistener to it and it calls * it's public synchronized void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) method with a named actioncommand (default name * is "iw_event_timer" and default time is 5 seconds). Just add this line in your actionPerformed method and then parse the string to match your set * action command. example (code in your ActionListener implementor class) : * <br> public synchronized void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){<br> * String action = e.getActionCommand();<br> * if(action.equalsIgnoreCase("event_timer")){ doStuff() } <br> * } * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: Idega Software * @author <a href="">Eirikur S. Hrafnsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class EventTimer implements Runnable{ private ActionListener listener; private Thread t; public static long DEFAULT_THREAD_SLEEP_5_SECONDS = 5000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_0_5_SECONDS = 500; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_1_SECONDS = 1000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_2_SECONDS = 2000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_5_SECONDS = 5000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_10_SECONDS = 10000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_30_SECONDS = 30000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_1_MINUTE = 60000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_2_MINUTES = 120000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_5_MINUTES = 300000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_10_MINUTES = 600000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_30_MINUTES = 1800000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_1_HOUR = 3600000; public static long THREAD_SLEEP_24_HOURS = 86400000; private long interval = DEFAULT_THREAD_SLEEP_5_SECONDS; private String actionCommand = "iw_event_timer"; private long intervalToSleepOnStart = 0; private boolean runThread = false; private boolean isRunning = false; public EventTimer() { } public EventTimer(String actionCommand) { setActionCommand(actionCommand); } public EventTimer(long interval) { setInterval(interval); } public EventTimer(long interval, String actionCommand) { this(interval); setActionCommand(actionCommand); } public void run(){ this.isRunning = true; while (this.runThread) { try { if (this.intervalToSleepOnStart!=0) { Thread.sleep(this.intervalToSleepOnStart); this.intervalToSleepOnStart=0; } if (this.listener != null) { this.listener.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, this.actionCommand)); } Thread.sleep(this.interval); } catch (Exception e) { if (this.runThread) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } this.isRunning = false; } /** * Starts the thread normally but tells the thread to wait for intervalToSleepOnStart millis before normal start happens. **/ public void start(long intervalToSleepOnStart){ this.intervalToSleepOnStart=intervalToSleepOnStart; start(); } public void start(){ this.runThread = true; if( this.t == null || !this.isRunning){ //a new thread must be created here because it was null or //we went out of the run() method. When run is finished the thread is considered dead and cannot be restarted this.t = new Thread(this,"com.idega.util.EventTimer thread"); this.t.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); this.t.setDaemon(true); this.t.start(); } } public void stop(){ if ( this.t != null ){ this.runThread = false; this.t.interrupt(); } } /**Destroy the thread*/ public void destroy() { stop(); this.t = null; } public void setInterval(long interval){ this.interval = interval; } public void setActionCommand(String actionCommand){ this.actionCommand = actionCommand; } public long getInterval(){ return this.interval; } public String getActionCommand(){ return this.actionCommand; } public void addActionListener(ActionListener l) { this.listener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(this.listener, l); } public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l) { this.listener = AWTEventMulticaster.remove(this.listener, l); } }