package com.idega.presentation.remotescripting; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.IFrameContent; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Layer; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObjectContainer; import com.idega.presentation.Script; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import com.idega.presentation.ui.IFrame; import com.idega.presentation.ui.InterfaceObject; import com.idega.presentation.ui.TextInput; import; import com.idega.util.CoreUtil; import com.idega.util.PresentationUtil; /** * A class for handling remote scripting between two objects. * @deprecated Use DWR for remote calls * @author gimmi */ @Deprecated public class RemoteScriptHandler extends PresentationObjectContainer implements IFrameContent { //implements RemoteScriptable { private static final String PARAMETER_REMOTE_SCRIPT_HANDLING_CLASS = "prc"; private static final String PARAMETER_SOURCE_NAME = "psn"; public static final String PARAMETER_SOURCE_PARAMETER_NAME = "prmp"; private InterfaceObject source; private PresentationObject target; private Map parameters = new HashMap(); private Map toClear = new HashMap(); private String iframeName; private RemoteScriptCollection remoteScriptCollection; private Web2Business web2Business; public void setOwnerInstance(PresentationObject obj) { } public PresentationObject getOwnerInstance() { return null; } public Web2Business getWeb2Business(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { if(web2Business == null) { web2Business = (Web2Business) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, Web2Business.class); } return web2Business; } private boolean sourceIsTrigger = true; /** * Default construction should never be used unless * class is receiving a remote call */ public RemoteScriptHandler() { // Should only be used for remote calls } /** * @param source The source object, that triggers the event * @param target The target object, the one affected by the event */ public RemoteScriptHandler(InterfaceObject source, PresentationObject target) { this.source = source; = target; this.iframeName = source.getName()+"_"+target.getName(); } @Override public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception{ if (isRemoteCall(iwc)) { handleRemoteCall(iwc); } else { // Adding object if they are not added already if (this.source.getParent() == null) { add(this.source); } if ( == null) { add(; } // source MUST BE added to something before these methods are called if (this.sourceIsTrigger) { if (this.source instanceof TextInput) { this.source.setOnKeyUp(getSubmitEvent(iwc)); } else { this.source.setOnChange(getSubmitEvent(iwc)); } } addRemoteScriptingScripts(iwc); } } private void addRemoteScriptingScripts(IWContext iwc) { if ( instanceof DropdownMenu) { addScriptForDropdown(); } else if ( instanceof Layer) { addScriptForLayer(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported target instance "; } addCallToServer(iwc); addBuildQueryScript(); addIFrame(iwc); } private void addCallToServer(IWContext iwc) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("var IFrameObj; // our IFrame object").append("\n") .append("function callToServer_"+this.iframeName+"(theFormName) {").append("\n") .append(" if (!document.createElement) {return true};").append("\n") .append(" var IFrameDoc;").append("\n") .append(" if (!IFrameObj && document.createElement) {").append("\n") .append(" // create the IFrame and assign a reference to the").append("\n") .append(" // object to our global variable IFrameObj.").append("\n") .append(" // this will only happen the first time") .append("\n") .append(" // callToServer() is called").append("\n") .append(" try {").append("\n") .append(" var tempIFrame=document.createElement('iframe');").append("\n") .append(" tempIFrame.setAttribute('id','"+this.iframeName+"');").append("\n") .append("'0px';").append("\n") .append("'0px';").append("\n") .append("'0px';").append("\n") .append(" IFrameObj = document.body.appendChild(tempIFrame);").append("\n") .append(" if (document.frames) {").append("\n") .append(" // this is for IE5 Mac, because it will only").append("\n") .append(" // allow access to the document object").append("\n") .append(" // of the IFrame if we access it through").append("\n") .append(" // the document.frames array").append("\n") .append(" IFrameObj = document.frames['"+this.iframeName+"'];").append("\n") .append(" }").append("\n") .append(" } catch(exception) {").append("\n") .append(" // This is for IE5 PC, which does not allow dynamic creation").append("\n") .append(" // and manipulation of an iframe object. Instead, we'll fake").append("\n") .append(" // it up by creating our own objects.").append("\n") .append(" iframeHTML='<iframe id=\""+this.iframeName+"\" style=\"';").append("\n") .append(" iframeHTML+='border:0px;';").append("\n") .append(" iframeHTML+='width:0px;';").append("\n") .append(" iframeHTML+='height:0px;';").append("\n") .append(" iframeHTML+='\"><\\/iframe>';").append("\n") .append(" document.body.innerHTML+=iframeHTML;").append("\n") .append(" IFrameObj = new Object();").append("\n") .append(" IFrameObj.document = new Object();").append("\n") .append(" IFrameObj.document.location = new Object();").append("\n") .append(" IFrameObj.document.location.iframe = document.getElementById('"+this.iframeName+"');").append("\n") .append(" IFrameObj.document.location.replace = function(location) {").append("\n") .append(" this.iframe.src = location;").append("\n") .append(" }").append("\n") .append(" }").append("\n") .append(" }").append("\n") .append(" if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') !=-1 && !IFrameObj.contentDocument) {").append("\n") .append(" // we have to give NS6 a fraction of a second").append("\n") .append(" // to recognize the new IFrame").append("\n") .append(" setTimeout('callToServer_"+this.iframeName+"(\"'+theFormName+'\")',10);").append("\n") .append(" return false;").append("\n") .append(" }").append("\n") .append(" if (IFrameObj.contentDocument) {").append("\n") .append(" // For NS6").append("\n") .append(" IFrameDoc = IFrameObj.contentDocument;").append("\n") .append(" } else if (IFrameObj.contentWindow) {").append("\n") .append(" // For IE5.5 and IE6").append("\n") .append(" IFrameDoc = IFrameObj.contentWindow.document;").append("\n") .append(" } else if (IFrameObj.document) {").append("\n") .append(" // For IE5").append("\n") .append(" IFrameDoc = IFrameObj.document;").append("\n") .append(" } else {").append("\n") .append(" return true;").append("\n") .append(" }").append("\n") .append(" IFrameDoc.location.replace('"+getRemoteUrl(iwc)+"' + buildQueryString_"+this.source.getID()+"(findObj('"+this.source.getForm().getID()+"')));").append("\n") .append(" return false;").append("\n") .append("}").append("\n"); if (getAssociatedScript() != null) { getAssociatedScript().addFunction("callToServer_"+this.iframeName, buff.toString()); } } private void addIFrame(IWContext iwc) { IFrame iframe = new IFrame(this.iframeName); iframe.setID(this.iframeName); iframe.setHeight(0); iframe.setWidth(0); iframe.setBorder(0); iframe.setSrc(iwc.getIWMainApplication().getPublicObjectInstanciatorURI()); add(iframe); } private void addBuildQueryScript() { StringBuffer params = new StringBuffer(); params.append("&").append(PARAMETER_SOURCE_PARAMETER_NAME).append("=").append(this.source.getName()); Set parNames = this.parameters.keySet(); Iterator iter = parNames.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String name = (String); String value = (String) this.parameters.get(name); params.append("&").append(name).append("=").append(value); } if (getAssociatedScript() != null) { getAssociatedScript().addFunction("buildQueryString_"+this.source.getID()+"(theForm)", "function buildQueryString_"+this.source.getID()+"(theForm){ \n" +" var qs = ''\n" +" for (e=0;e<theForm.elements.length;e++) {\n" +" if (theForm.elements[e].name != '') {\n" +" qs+='&'\n" +" qs+=theForm.elements[e].name+'='+theForm.elements[e].value\n" // +" qs+=theForm.elements[e].name+'='+escape(theForm.elements[e].value)\n" +" }\n" +" } \n" +" qs+='"+params.toString()+"';" +" return qs\n" +"}\n"); } } private void addScriptForDropdown() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("function handleResponse_"+this.source.getID()+"(doc) {\n") .append(" var namesEl = document.getElementById('"+this.source.getID()+"');\n") .append(" var zipEl = document.getElementById('""');\n") .append(" zipEl.options.length = 0; \n") .append(" var dataElID = doc.getElementById('"+RemoteScriptHandler.getLayerName(this.source.getName(), "id")+"');\n") .append(" var dataElName = doc.getElementById('"+RemoteScriptHandler.getLayerName(this.source.getName(), "name")+"');\n") .append(" namesColl = dataElName.childNodes; \n") .append(" idsColl = dataElID.childNodes; \n") .append(" var numNames = namesColl.length; \n") .append(" var str = '';\n") .append(" var ids = '';\n") .append(" for (var q=0; q<numNames; q++) {\n") .append(" if (namesColl[q].nodeType!=1) continue; // it's not an element node, let's skedaddle\n") .append(" str = namesColl[q].innerHTML;\n") .append(" ids = idsColl[q].innerHTML;\n") .append(" zipEl.options[zipEl.options.length] = new Option(str, ids);\n") .append(" }\n"); buff = addClearMethods(buff); buff.append("}\n"); if (getAssociatedScript() == null) { PresentationUtil.addJavaScriptActionToBody(CoreUtil.getIWContext(), buff.toString()); } else getAssociatedScript().addFunction("handleResponse_"+this.source.getID(), buff.toString()); } private void addScriptForLayer() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("function handleResponse_"+this.source.getID()+"(doc) {\n") .append(" var dataEl = doc.getElementById('"+RemoteScriptHandler.getLayerName(this.source.getName())+"');\n") .append(" var str = '';\n") .append(" if (dataEl != null) {\n") .append(" namesColl = dataEl.childNodes; \n") .append(" var numNames = namesColl.length; \n") .append(" for (var q=0; q<numNames; q++) {\n") .append(" if (namesColl[q].nodeType!=1) continue; // it's not an element node, let's skedaddle\n") .append(" str+= namesColl[q].innerHTML;\n") .append(" }\n") .append(" } else {\n") .append(" str = '';\n") .append(" }\n") .append(" var resultText = this.document.getElementById('""');\n") .append(" resultText.innerHTML = str;\n"); buff = addClearMethods(buff); buff.append("}\n"); Script s = getAssociatedScript(); if (s != null) { s.addFunction("handleResponse_"+this.source.getID(), buff.toString()); } } private StringBuffer addClearMethods(StringBuffer script) { Set keySet = this.toClear.keySet(); Iterator iter = keySet.iterator(); PresentationObject po; String value; while (iter.hasNext()) { po = (InterfaceObject); value = (String) this.toClear.get(po); if (po instanceof DropdownMenu) { script.append( " var zipEl = document.getElementById('"+po.getID()+"');\n"+ " zipEl.options.length = 0; \n" + " zipEl.options[zipEl.options.length] = new Option('"+value+"', '-1');\n"); } else if (po instanceof Layer) { if (value == null) { value = ""; } script.append( " var resultText = this.document.getElementById('"+po.getID()+"');\n"+ " resultText.innerHTML = '"+value+"';\n"); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported target instance "; } } return script; } private void handleRemoteCall(IWContext iwc) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { String rscClassName = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_REMOTE_SCRIPT_HANDLING_CLASS); RemoteScriptCollection rsc = (RemoteScriptCollection) RefactorClassRegistry.forName(rscClassName).newInstance(); // Script script = new Script(); // script.addFunction("loadSchools", "function loadSchools() { if (parent != self) parent.handleResponse_"+iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_SOURCE_NAME)+"(document); }"); // add(script); // this.setOnLoad("if (parent != self) parent.handleResponse_"+iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_SOURCE_NAME)+"(document)"); PresentationUtil.addJavaScriptActionOnLoad(iwc, "alert('sdfsdfsdf'); if (parent != self) parent.handleResponse_"+iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_SOURCE_NAME)+"(document);"); // PresentationUtil.addJavaScriptActionOnLoad(iwc, "callIt();"); add(rsc.getResults(iwc)); } private String getRemoteUrl(IWContext iwc) { // iwc.getIWMainApplication().getw String url = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getPublicObjectInstanciatorURI(getClass()); if (url.indexOf("?") < 0) { url += "?"; } else { url += "&"; } url += PARAMETER_REMOTE_SCRIPT_HANDLING_CLASS+"="+this.remoteScriptCollection.getClass().getName()+"&"+PARAMETER_SOURCE_NAME+"="+this.source.getID(); return url; } private boolean isRemoteCall(IWContext iwc) { return iwc.isParameterSet(PARAMETER_REMOTE_SCRIPT_HANDLING_CLASS); } /** * Method to get the name of a layer * @param sourceName The name of the source object * @return */ public static String getLayerName(String sourceName) { return sourceName+"_div"; } /** * Method to get the name of a layer * @param sourceName The name of the source object * @param addon A string to add to the name, e.g. <code>id</code> or <code>name</code> * @return */ public static String getLayerName(String sourceName, String addon) { return sourceName+"_"+addon+"_div"; } /** * Method to get the event to trigger the remote script, can be used with onChange, onBlur, and so on. * @param iwc IWContext * @return */ public String getSubmitEvent(IWContext iwc) { return "return callToServer_"+this.iframeName+"(findObj('"+this.source.getForm().getID()+"').name)"; } /** * Set which class handles the remote procedure * Class must implement RemoteScripCollection class * @param remoteScriptCollectionClass * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ public void setRemoteScriptCollectionClass(Class remoteScriptCollectionClass) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { this.remoteScriptCollection = (RemoteScriptCollection) remoteScriptCollectionClass.newInstance(); } /** * Set wether or not the source object triggers the event. * Default value is <code>true</code> * @param isSourceTrigger */ public void setIsSourceTrigger(boolean isSourceTrigger) { this.sourceIsTrigger = isSourceTrigger; } /** * Add a parameter that is submitted to the remote page * @param name Name of the parameter * @param value Value of the parameter */ public void addParameter(String name, String value) { this.parameters.put(name, value); } /** * Set if the event is supposed to clear an object * @param po PresentationObject that is to be cleared * @param emptyValue A value to use instead of nothing */ public void setToClear(PresentationObject po, String emptyValue) { this.toClear.put(po, emptyValue); } @Override public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[])state; /*try{ super.restoreState(context, values[0]); } catch(ClassCastException cce){ cce.printStackTrace(); }*/ super.restoreState(context, values[0]); //this.goneThroughMain = ((Boolean) values[1]).booleanValue(); this.source = (InterfaceObject) values[1]; = (PresentationObject) values[2]; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.component.StateHolder#saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) */ @Override public Object saveState(FacesContext context) { Object values[] = new Object[3]; values[0] = super.saveState(context); //values[1] = Boolean.valueOf(this.goneThroughMain); values[1] = this.source; values[2] =; return values; } }