package; /** * Title: idega Data Objects * Description: Idega Data Objects is a Framework for Object/Relational mapping and seamless integration between datastores * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.0 */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; public class IDOUtil implements Singleton { private static final String COMMA_AND_SPACE = ", "; private static final String SINGLE_QUOTE = "'"; private static Instantiator instantiator = new Instantiator() { @Override public Object getInstance() { return new IDOUtil();}}; protected IDOUtil() { // empty } public static IDOUtil getInstance() { return (IDOUtil) SingletonRepository.getRepository().getInstance(IDOUtil.class, instantiator); } /** * @param list A list of IDOEntity objects * * @returns a String with comma separated list of primary keys for the IDOEntities */ public String convertListToCommaseparatedString(Collection<IDOEntity> list) { StringBuffer sList = new StringBuffer(); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { //String sGroupList = ""; Iterator<IDOEntity> iter = list.iterator(); for (int g = 0; iter.hasNext(); g++) { IDOEntity item =; if (g > 0) { sList.append(COMMA_AND_SPACE); } if(item!=null) { sList.append(item.getPrimaryKey()); } } } return sList.toString(); } /** * @param Collection A collection of Strings * * @returns a String with comma separated values within quotationmarks e.g. 'asdf','asdf' */ public String convertCollectionOfStringsToCommaseparatedString(Collection<String> list) { StringBuffer sList = new StringBuffer(); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { //String sGroupList = ""; Iterator<String> iter = list.iterator(); for (int g = 0; iter.hasNext(); g++) { String item =; if (g > 0) { sList.append(COMMA_AND_SPACE); } if(item!=null) { sList.append("'").append(item).append("'"); } } } return sList.toString(); } /** * @param Collection A list of Integers * * @returns a String with comma separated values e.g. 123,3,234 */ public String convertCollectionOfIntegersToCommaseparatedString(Collection<Integer> list) { StringBuffer sList = new StringBuffer(); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { //String sGroupList = ""; Iterator<Integer> iter = list.iterator(); for (int g = 0; iter.hasNext(); g++) { Integer item =; if (g > 0) { sList.append(COMMA_AND_SPACE); } if(item!=null) { sList.append(item); } } } return sList.toString(); } /** * @param sArray An array of string primary keys * * @returns a String with comma separated list of primary keys for the IDOEntities */ public String convertArrayToCommaseparatedString(String[] sArray) { return convertArrayToCommaseparatedString(sArray, false); } /** * @param entityArray An array of IDOEntity values * @returns a String with comma separated list of primary keys for the IDOEntities with a simple quotemark between */ public String convertArrayToCommaseparatedString( IDOEntity[] entityArray) { return convertArrayToCommaseparatedString(entityArray,true); } /** * @param entityArray An array of IDOEntity values * @param whithSimpleQuoteMarks sets if there should be quotemarks around (primary key) values * * @returns a String with comma separated list of primary keys for the IDOEntities */ public String convertArrayToCommaseparatedString( IDOEntity[] entityArray, boolean whithSimpleQuoteMarks) { StringBuffer sList = new StringBuffer(); if (entityArray != null && entityArray.length > 0) { for (int g = 0; g < entityArray.length; g++) { String sPK = null; try { sPK = entityArray[g].getPrimaryKey().toString(); } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } if (sPK != null) { if (g > 0) { sList.append(COMMA_AND_SPACE); } if (whithSimpleQuoteMarks) { sList.append(SINGLE_QUOTE).append(sPK).append(SINGLE_QUOTE); } else { sList.append(sPK); } } } } return sList.toString(); } public String convertArrayToCommaseparatedString( String[] sArray, boolean whithSimpleQuoteMarks) { StringBuffer sList = new StringBuffer(); if (sArray != null && sArray.length > 0) { for (int g = 0; g < sArray.length; g++) { if (g > 0) { sList.append(COMMA_AND_SPACE); } if (whithSimpleQuoteMarks) { sList.append(SINGLE_QUOTE).append(sArray[g]).append(SINGLE_QUOTE); } else { sList.append(sArray[g]); } } } return sList.toString(); } /** * Returns the int ID of an entity if the primaryKey of the entity is an Integer. * If not it throws a RuntimeException * @param entity an IDOEntity instance. * @return int Which is the ID of the entity if the primary key is an integer * @throws RuntimeException if the primary key of the entity is not Integer */ public int getID(IDOEntity entity){ try{ Integer iID = (Integer)entity.getPrimaryKey(); return iID.intValue(); } catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException("Error getting ID of entity. The underlying exception was: "+e.getClass().getName()+" : "+e.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns the int IDs of all entities as an int[] if the primaryKey of the entities is an Integer. * If not it throws a RuntimeException * @param entities a Collection of IDOEntity instances. * @return int[] Which is the IDs of all the entities in the Collection if the primary key is an integer * @throws RuntimeException if the primary key of the entities is not Integer */ public int[] getIDs(Collection<IDOEntity> entities){ int[] theReturn = new int[entities.size()]; Iterator<IDOEntity> iter = entities.iterator(); int i = 0; while(iter.hasNext()){ IDOEntity entity =; theReturn[i++]=getID(entity); } return theReturn; } /** * Used to convert a Collection of IDOEntities to a Map. * @param entities a Collection of IDOEntity instances. * @return if entities are not null or empty it return a Map that has the primarykeys of the entities as the keys and the entities as values, else returns null */ public Map<Object, IDOEntity> convertIDOEntityCollectionToMapOfPrimaryKeysAndEntityValues(Collection<IDOEntity> entities){ if (entities!=null && !entities.isEmpty()) { Map<Object, IDOEntity> map = new HashMap<Object, IDOEntity>(); for (Iterator<IDOEntity> iter = entities.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IDOEntity entity =; map.put(entity.getPrimaryKey(),entity); } return map; } else { return null; } } /** * * @param entities to get primary keys for; * @return {@link List} of {@link IDOEntity#getPrimaryKey()} or * {@link Collections#emptyList()} on failure; * @author <a href="">Martynas StakÄ—</a> */ public List<String> getPrimaryKeys(Collection<? extends IDOEntity> entities){ if(!ListUtil.isEmpty(entities)){ List<String> returnList = new ArrayList<String>(entities.size()); for (Iterator<? extends IDOEntity> iter = entities.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { returnList.add(; } return returnList; } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } /** * * @param coll to convert, not <code>null</code>; * @param whithSimpleQuoteMarks tells if each element should have quotes * or not; * @return {@link String} of {@link Collection} of * {@link IDOEntity#getPrimaryKey()} separated by quotes or {@link CoreConstants#EMPTY} * on failure; * @author <a href="">Martynas StakÄ—</a> */ public String convertListToCommaseparatedString(Collection<? extends IDOEntity> coll, boolean whithSimpleQuoteMarks) { StringBuffer sList = new StringBuffer(); if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(coll)) { for (Iterator<? extends IDOEntity> iter = coll.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Object sPK =; if (sPK != null) { if (whithSimpleQuoteMarks) { sList.append(SINGLE_QUOTE).append(sPK).append(SINGLE_QUOTE); } else { sList.append(sPK); } } if (iter.hasNext()) { sList.append(COMMA_AND_SPACE); } } } return sList.toString(); } }