package; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContextImpl; import; import; import com.idega.util.reflect.MethodFinder; /** * IBOLookup is a class use to get instances of IBO (Service and Session) objects.<br><br> * <br>Instances of IBOService classes are stored in the IWApplicationContext and obtained by passing a reference to the application context and either a class representing a bean interface of implementation. * <br>Instances of IBOSession classes are stored in the IWUserContext and obtained by passing a reference to the user context and either a class representing a bean interface of implementation. * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Idega Software * @author <a href="">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @param <SB> */ public class IBOLookup<Service, ServiceBean, Home, S extends Service, SB extends ServiceBean> implements Singleton { private static IBOLookup<IBOService, IBOServiceBean, IBOHome, IBOService, IBOServiceBean> instance; protected static synchronized IBOLookup<IBOService, IBOServiceBean, IBOHome, IBOService, IBOServiceBean> getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new IBOLookup<IBOService, IBOServiceBean, IBOHome, IBOService, IBOServiceBean>(); } return instance; } /** * Unload the previously loaded instance and all its resources */ public static void unload() { instance=null; } protected final String HOME_SUFFIX = "Home"; protected final String FACTORY_SUFFIX = "HomeImpl"; private final String BEAN_SUFFIX = "Bean"; protected String getBeanSuffix() { return this.BEAN_SUFFIX; } private Map<String, Home> homes; private Map<Class<S>, Class<SB>> beanClasses; private Map<Class<SB>, Class<S>> interfaceClasses; private Map<Class<S>, SB> services; private Properties jndiProperties; private Map<Class<Home>, Method> createMethodsMap; protected IBOLookup() {} protected static <H> H getHomeForClass(Class<?> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException { H home = (H) getInstance().getEJBHomeInstance((Class<IBOService>) beanInterfaceClass); return home; } protected static <H> H getIBOHomeForClass(Class<?> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException { return getHomeForClass(beanInterfaceClass); } /** * Returns an instance of a IBOSession bean. * The instance is stored in the session for the (current) user context. After <b>this</b> method is called there should be a corresponding call to removeSessionAttribute() to clean up from the users context. * @param iwuc A reference to the user (context) the bean instance is working under. * @param beanInterfaceClass The bean (implementation or interface) class to be used. (For example UserBusiness.class or UserBusinessBean.class) */ public static <S extends IBOSession> S getSessionInstance(IWUserContext iwuc, Class<S> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException { checkAnnotatedAsSpringBean(beanInterfaceClass); return getInstance().getSessionInstanceImpl(iwuc, beanInterfaceClass); } private <Session extends IBOSession> Session getSessionInstanceImpl(IWUserContext iwuc, Class<Session> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException { Session session = (Session) iwuc.getSessionAttribute(this.getSessionKeyForObject(beanInterfaceClass)); if (session == null) { try { session = instanciateSessionBean(beanInterfaceClass); iwuc.setSessionAttribute(getSessionKeyForObject(beanInterfaceClass), session); session.setUserContext(iwuc); } catch (CreateException cre) { throw new IBOLookupException("[IBOLookup] : CreateException : " + cre.getMessage()); } catch (RemoteException cre) { throw new IBOLookupException("[IBOLookup] : RemoteException : " + cre.getMessage()); } } return session; } /** * Cleans up after an an instance of a IBOSession bean has been used. * @param iwuc A reference to the user (context) the bean instance is working under. * @param beanInterfaceClass The bean (implementation or interface) class to be used. (For example UserBusiness.class or UserBusinessBean.class) */ public static void removeSessionInstance(IWUserContext iwuc, Class<? extends IBOSession> beanInterfaceClass) throws RemoteException, RemoveException { getInstance().removeSessionInstanceImpl(iwuc, beanInterfaceClass); } private void removeSessionInstanceImpl(IWUserContext iwuc, Class<? extends IBOSession> beanInterfaceClass) throws RemoteException, RemoveException { IBOSession session = getSessionInstance(iwuc, beanInterfaceClass); session.remove(); iwuc.removeSessionAttribute(getSessionKeyForObject(beanInterfaceClass)); } /** * Cleans up after an an instance of a IBOSession bean has been used. * @param iwuc A reference to the user (context) the bean instance is working under. * @param beanInterfaceClass The bean (implementation or interface) class to be used. (For example UserBusiness.class or UserBusinessBean.class) */ public static void removeSessionInstance(HttpSession session, Class<? extends IBOSession> beanInterfaceClass) throws RemoteException, RemoveException { getInstance().removeSessionInstanceImpl(session, beanInterfaceClass); } private void removeSessionInstanceImpl(HttpSession session, Class<? extends IBOSession> beanInterfaceClass) throws RemoteException, RemoveException { IBOSession sessionBean = getSessionInstance(session, beanInterfaceClass); sessionBean.remove(); session.removeAttribute(getSessionKeyForObject(beanInterfaceClass)); } private <Session extends IBOSession> Session instanciateSessionBean(Class<Session> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException, CreateException { return instanciateServiceBean(beanInterfaceClass); } private <IService extends IBOService> IService instanciateServiceBean(Class<IService> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException, CreateException { IService service = null; Home home = getIBOHomeForClass(beanInterfaceClass); try{ Method defaultCreateMethod = getCreateMethod(home); service = (IService) defaultCreateMethod.invoke(home, (Object[]) null); } catch(InvocationTargetException ite){ //ite.printStackTrace(); Throwable e = ite.getTargetException(); //e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateException("Exception invoking create method for: "+beanInterfaceClass.getName()+". Error was:"+e.getClass().getName()+" : "+e.getMessage()); } catch(Exception e){ throw new CreateException("Exception invoking create method for: "+beanInterfaceClass.getName()+". Error was:"+e.getClass().getName()+" : "+e.getMessage()); } return service; } /** * Method getCreateMethod. * @param home * @return Method */ private Method getCreateMethod(Home home) throws NoSuchMethodException{ Map<Class<Home>, Method> map = getCreateMethodsMap(); Class<Home> homeClass = (Class<Home>) home.getClass(); Method m = map.get(homeClass); if(m==null){ m = MethodFinder.getInstance().getMethodWithNameAndNoParameters(homeClass,"create"); map.put(homeClass, m); } return m; } /** * Method getCreateMethodsMap. * @return Map */ private Map<Class<Home>, Method> getCreateMethodsMap() { if(this.createMethodsMap==null){ this.createMethodsMap=new HashMap<Class<Home>, Method>(); } return this.createMethodsMap; } /** * Returns an instance of a IBOService bean. * The instance is stored in the application context and is shared between all users. * @param iwac A reference to the application (context) the bean should be looked up. * @param beanInterfaceClass The bean (implementation or interface) class to be used. (For example UserBusiness.class or UserBusinessBean.class) */ public static <S extends IBOService> S getServiceInstance(IWApplicationContext iwac, Class<S> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException { S service = (S) getInstance().getServiceInstanceImpl(iwac, (Class<IBOService>) beanInterfaceClass); return service; } private <IService extends IBOService> SB getServiceInstanceImpl(IWApplicationContext iwac, Class<IService> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException { Map<Class<S>, SB> map = this.getServicesMap(iwac); SB service = map.get(beanInterfaceClass); if (service == null) { try { IService iboService = instanciateServiceBean(beanInterfaceClass); service = (SB) iboService; if (iwac != null) { ((IBOServiceBean) service).setIWApplicationContext(iwac); } ((IBOService) service).initializeBean(); getServicesMap(iwac).put((Class<S>) beanInterfaceClass, service); } catch (CreateException cre) { throw new IBOLookupException("[IBOLookup] : CreateException : " + cre.getMessage()); } } return service; } protected <H extends Home> Class<H> getHomeInterfaceClassFor(Class<S> entityInterfaceClass) throws Exception { try{ //First try to suffix the Home to the interface class name String baseClassName = getInterfaceClassForNonStatic(entityInterfaceClass).getName(); String homeClassName = baseClassName + this.HOME_SUFFIX; return RefactorClassRegistry.forName(homeClassName); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){ //If that doesn't work then try to suffix the Home to the bean implementation class name - the bean suffix String beanClassName = getBeanClassForNonStatic(entityInterfaceClass).getName(); String baseClassName = beanClassName.substring(0, beanClassName.indexOf(getBeanSuffix())); String homeClassName = baseClassName + this.HOME_SUFFIX; return RefactorClassRegistry.forName(homeClassName); } } protected Class<Home> getFactoryClassFor(Class<S> entityInterfaceClass) throws Exception { try{ //First try to suffix the FACTORY_SUFFIX to the bean implementation class name - the bean suffix String beanClassName = getBeanClassForNonStatic(entityInterfaceClass).getName(); String baseClassName = beanClassName.substring(0,beanClassName.indexOf(getBeanSuffix())); String homeClassName = baseClassName + this.FACTORY_SUFFIX; return RefactorClassRegistry.forName(homeClassName); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { //If that doesn't work then try to suffix the FACTORY_SUFFIX to the interface class name String baseClassName = getInterfaceClassForNonStatic(entityInterfaceClass).getName(); String homeClassName = baseClassName + this.FACTORY_SUFFIX; return RefactorClassRegistry.forName(homeClassName); } } private String getSessionKeyForObject(Class<? extends IBOService> interfaceClass) { return "IBO." + interfaceClass.getName(); } /** * Gets an instance of the implementation of the Home interface for the data bean. * <br>The object returned can then needs to be casted to the specific home interface for the bean. * @param entityInterfaceClass i the interface of the data bean. */ protected Home getEJBHomeInstance(Class<S> entityBeanOrInterfaceClass){ return getEJBHomeInstance(entityBeanOrInterfaceClass, null); } protected Home homesMapLookup(Class<S> entityInterfaceClass, String parameter) { return getHomesMap().get(entityInterfaceClass+parameter); } /** * Gets an instance of the implementation of the Home interface for the data bean. * <br>The object retured can then needs to be casted to the specific home interface for the bean. * @param entityInterfaceClass i the interface of the data bean. * @param parameter is a parameter used to separete different instances of the same Home class */ protected Home getEJBHomeInstance(Class<S> entityBeanOrInterfaceClass, String parameter){ //Double check so it is not the bean class that is sent into the methods below Class<S> entityInterfaceClass = getInterfaceClassForNonStatic(entityBeanOrInterfaceClass); Home home = homesMapLookup(entityInterfaceClass, parameter); if (home == null) { try { if (doLookupOverJNDI(entityInterfaceClass)) { home = getHomeThroughJNDI(entityInterfaceClass); } else{ Class<Home> factoryClass = getFactoryClassFor(entityInterfaceClass); home = factoryClass.newInstance(); } getHomesMap().put(entityInterfaceClass+parameter, home); } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException( "Error initializing Home for EJB Bean Interface class:" + entityInterfaceClass.getName() + " - Message: " + e.getMessage(),e); } } return home; } /** * Gets the Class object for the (BMP) bean class of a data bean. * @param entityInterfaceClass i the (Remote) interface of the data bean. */ static <S extends IBOService, SB extends IBOServiceBean> Class<SB> getIBOBeanClassFor(Class<S> entityInterfaceClass) { Class<SB> theClass = (Class<SB>) getInstance().getBeanClassForNonStatic((Class<IBOService>) entityInterfaceClass); return theClass; } /** * Gets the Class object for the (BMP) bean class of a data bean. * @param entityInterfaceClass i the (Remote) interface of the data bean. */ protected Class<SB> getBeanClassForNonStatic(Class<S> entityInterfaceClass) { try { Map<Class<S>, Class<SB>> cache = getBeanClassesMap(); Class<SB> beanClass = cache.get(entityInterfaceClass); if (beanClass == null) { if (entityInterfaceClass.isInterface()) { String className = entityInterfaceClass.getName(); String beanClassName = className + getBeanSuffix(); beanClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(beanClassName); cache.put(entityInterfaceClass, beanClass); getInterfaceClassesMap().put(beanClass, entityInterfaceClass); } else { beanClass = (Class<SB>) entityInterfaceClass; } } return beanClass; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getClass().getName() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the Class object for the (Remote) interface of a data bean. * @param entityBeanOrInterfaceClass can be either the BMP bean class or the interface class itself. */ protected Class<S> getInterfaceClassForNonStatic(Class<S> entityBeanOrInterfaceClass) { if (entityBeanOrInterfaceClass.isInterface()) { return entityBeanOrInterfaceClass; } else { Map<Class<SB>, Class<S>> cache2 = getInterfaceClassesMap(); Class<S> interfaceClass = cache2.get(entityBeanOrInterfaceClass); try { if (interfaceClass == null) { String className = entityBeanOrInterfaceClass.getName(); int endIndex = className.indexOf(getBeanSuffix()); if (endIndex != -1) { String interfaceClassName = className.substring(0, endIndex); interfaceClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(interfaceClassName); Map<Class<S>, Class<SB>> cache = getBeanClassesMap(); cache.put(interfaceClass, (Class<SB>) entityBeanOrInterfaceClass); getInterfaceClassesMap().put((Class<SB>) entityBeanOrInterfaceClass, interfaceClass); } else { //For legacy beans interfaceClass = entityBeanOrInterfaceClass; } } return interfaceClass; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } } private Map<Class<S>, SB> getServicesMap(IWApplicationContext iwac) { return getServicesMap(); } private Map<Class<S>, SB> getServicesMap() { if ( == null) { = new HashMap<Class<S>, SB>(); } return; } /** * Clears all cached object instances of looked up objects (Home instances etc.) **/ public static synchronized void clearAllCache() { getInstance().getHomesMap().clear(); getInstance().getBeanClassesMap().clear(); getInstance().getInterfaceClassesMap().clear(); } protected Home getHomeThroughJNDI(Class<S> beanInterfaceClass)throws RemoteException{ Home home = null; try{ InitialContext jndiContext = getInitialContext(); Home homeObj = (Home) jndiContext.lookup(getBeanClassForNonStatic(beanInterfaceClass).getName()); //home = (ResponseHome) jndiContext.lookup("java:comp/env/"+ResponseBMPBean.class.getName()); home = (Home) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(homeObj, getHomeInterfaceClassFor(beanInterfaceClass)); return home; } catch(Exception e){ throw new RemoteException("Error looking up home for "+beanInterfaceClass.getName()+". Errormessage was: "+e.getMessage()); } } protected boolean doLookupOverJNDI(Class<S> beanInterfaceClass){ return false; } private InitialContext getInitialContext() throws NamingException{ if(this.jndiProperties==null){ this.jndiProperties=new Properties(); try { this.jndiProperties.load(new FileInputStream("/idega/")); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return new InitialContext(this.jndiProperties); } /** * Interface -> Class * * @return */ public Map<Class<S>, Class<SB>> getBeanClassesMap(){ if (this.beanClasses == null) { this.beanClasses = new HashMap<Class<S>, Class<SB>>(); } return this.beanClasses; } public Map<Class<SB>, Class<S>> getInterfaceClassesMap(){ if(this.interfaceClasses==null){ this.interfaceClasses= new HashMap<Class<SB>, Class<S>>(); } return this.interfaceClasses; } public Map<String, Home> getHomesMap(){ if({ new HashMap<String, Home>(); } return; } /** * Registers an implementation for a bean. * * @param interfaceClass * @param beanClass * @see #isImplementationRegistered(Class) */ public static void registerImplementationForBean(Class<? extends IBOService> interfaceClass, Class<? extends IBOServiceBean> beanClass) { Map<Class<IBOService>, Class<IBOServiceBean>> cache = getInstance().getBeanClassesMap(); cache.put((Class<IBOService>) interfaceClass, (Class<IBOServiceBean>) beanClass); Map<Class<IBOServiceBean>, Class<IBOService>> cache2 = getInstance().getInterfaceClassesMap(); cache2.put((Class<IBOServiceBean>) beanClass, (Class<IBOService>) interfaceClass); } /** * Checks if an implementation of the specified bean is registered. * This method should be called if the caller is not sure if an implementation exists. * If an implementation does not exist call of the getServiceInstance method * returns a RuntimeException when trying to get the bean. * * Returns true if there is an entry else false * * @param interfaceClass * @return true if an implementation is registered else false * @see #registerImplementationForBean(Class, Class) */ public static <S extends IBOService> boolean isImplementationRegistered(Class<S> interfaceClass) { return getInstance().getBeanClassesMap().containsKey(interfaceClass); } /** * <p> * Checks if the session bean by class beanIntefaceClass has been initialized (and is alive in session). * </p> * @param request * @param beanInterfaceClass * @return */ public static boolean isSessionBeanInitialized(HttpServletRequest request, Class<? extends IBOSession> beanInterfaceClass){ return isSessionBeanInitialized(request.getSession(), beanInterfaceClass); } /** * <p> * Checks if the session bean by class beanIntefaceClass has been initialized (and is alive in session). * </p> * @param request * @param beanInterfaceClass * @return */ public static boolean isSessionBeanInitialized(HttpSession session, Class<? extends IBOSession> beanInterfaceClass){ String key = getInstance().getSessionKeyForObject(beanInterfaceClass); Object bean = session.getAttribute(key); if(bean!=null){ return true; } return false; } /** * <p> * Checks if the sessionbean by class beanIntefaceClass has been initialized (and is alive in session). * </p> * @param request * @param beanInterfaceClass * @return */ public static boolean isSessionBeanInitialized(IWUserContext iwuc, Class<? extends IBOSession> beanInterfaceClass) { String key = getInstance().getSessionKeyForObject(beanInterfaceClass); Object bean = iwuc.getSessionAttribute(key); if(bean!=null){ return true; } return false; } /** * Returns an instance of a IBOSession bean. * The instance is stored in the session for t. After <b>this</b> method is called there should be a corresponding call to removeSessionAttribute() to clean up from the users context. * @param iwuc A reference to the user (context) the bean instance is working under. * @param beanInterfaceClass The bean (implementation or interface) class to be used. (For example UserBusiness.class or UserBusinessBean.class) */ public static <Session extends IBOSession> Session getSessionInstance(HttpServletRequest request, Class<Session> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException { checkAnnotatedAsSpringBean(beanInterfaceClass); return getInstance().getSessionInstanceImpl(request.getSession(), beanInterfaceClass); } /** * Returns an instance of a IBOSession bean. * The instance is stored in the session for t. After <b>this</b> method is called there should be a corresponding call to removeSessionAttribute() to clean up from the users context. * @param iwuc A reference to the user (context) the bean instance is working under. * @param beanInterfaceClass The bean (implementation or interface) class to be used. (For example UserBusiness.class or UserBusinessBean.class) */ public static <Session extends IBOSession> Session getSessionInstance(HttpSession session, Class<Session> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException { checkAnnotatedAsSpringBean(beanInterfaceClass); return getInstance().getSessionInstanceImpl(session, beanInterfaceClass); } private <Session extends IBOSession> Session getSessionInstanceImpl(HttpSession session, Class<Session> beanInterfaceClass) throws IBOLookupException { Session sessionBean = (Session) session.getAttribute(this.getSessionKeyForObject(beanInterfaceClass)); if (sessionBean == null) { IWUserContext iwuc = new IWUserContextImpl(session,session.getServletContext()); sessionBean = getSessionInstanceImpl(iwuc,beanInterfaceClass); } return sessionBean; } private static <S extends IBOService> void checkAnnotatedAsSpringBean(Class<S> interface_class) { if (interface_class.isAnnotationPresent(SpringBeanName.class)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Provided interface: "+interface_class.getName()+ " is annotated as spring bean therefore it's not IBO bean anymore. " + "You need to retrieve this bean either by letting spring to inject it (use this one if possible)" + " or making a lookup from SpringBeanLookup -> getSpringBean(..)"); } } }