/* * $Id: IWMainApplication.java,v 1.207 2009/04/17 10:45:19 valdas Exp $ * Created in 2001 by Tryggvi Larusson * * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.idegaweb; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.ProtocolException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.el.ELContext; import javax.el.ELContextListener; import javax.el.ELException; import javax.el.ELResolver; import javax.el.ExpressionFactory; import javax.el.ValueExpression; import javax.faces.FacesException; import javax.faces.FactoryFinder; import javax.faces.application.Application; import javax.faces.application.ApplicationFactory; import javax.faces.application.NavigationHandler; import javax.faces.application.StateManager; import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.convert.Converter; import javax.faces.el.MethodBinding; import javax.faces.el.PropertyResolver; import javax.faces.el.ReferenceSyntaxException; import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding; import javax.faces.el.VariableResolver; import javax.faces.event.ActionListener; import javax.faces.validator.Validator; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import com.idega.business.IBOLookup; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.business.AccessController; import com.idega.core.appserver.AppServer; import com.idega.core.builder.business.BuilderService; import com.idega.core.builder.business.BuilderServiceFactory; import com.idega.core.builder.business.ICDomainLookup; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICDomain; import com.idega.core.cache.IWCacheManager2; import com.idega.core.file.business.ICFileSystem; import com.idega.core.file.business.ICFileSystemFactory; import com.idega.core.idgenerator.business.UUIDGenerator; import com.idega.core.localisation.business.ICLocaleBusiness; import com.idega.core.messaging.MessagingSettings; import com.idega.core.view.ViewManager; import com.idega.data.DatastoreInterface; import com.idega.data.EntityControl; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.exception.IWBundleDoesNotExist; import com.idega.graphics.generator.ImageFactory; import com.idega.presentation.Page; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.repository.data.MutableClass; import com.idega.repository.data.RefactorClassRegistry; import com.idega.repository.data.SingletonRepository; import com.idega.servlet.filter.BaseFilter; import com.idega.servlet.filter.IWWelcomeFilter; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.CoreUtil; import com.idega.util.Executer; import com.idega.util.FileUtil; import com.idega.util.ThreadContext; import com.idega.util.dbschema.SQLSchemaAdapter; import com.idega.util.expression.ELUtil; import com.idega.util.messages.MessageResource; import com.idega.util.messages.MessageResourceFactory; import com.idega.util.reflect.MethodFinder; import com.idega.util.reflect.MethodInvoker; import com.idega.util.reflect.Property; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; /** * This is a class that is a base center for an idegaWeb application.<br> * There is typically one instance of this class per application (i.e. per servlet context). * This class is instanciated at startup and loads all Bundles, which can then be accessed through * this class. * * Last modified: $Date: 2009/04/17 10:45:19 $ by $Author: valdas $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version $Revision: 1.207 $ */ public class IWMainApplication extends Application implements MutableClass { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(IWMainApplication.class.getName()); //Static final Contstants: /** * This is the id used to store the IWMainApplication instance in the (servlet) context<br>. * In JSF this can also be used to reference the instance as a ManagedBean. */ public final static String APPLICATION_BEAN_ID = "idegawebApplication"; public final static String IdegaEventListenerClassParameter = "idegaweb_event_classname"; public final static String ApplicationEventListenersParameter = "idegaweb_application_events"; public final static String IWEventSessionAddressParameter = "iw_event_address"; // added public final static String windowOpenerParameter = Page.IW_FRAME_STORAGE_PARMETER; private final static String PARAM_IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER = com.idega.presentation.Page.IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER; public final static String templateParameter = "idegaweb_template"; public final static String templateClassParameter = "idegaweb_template_class"; public final static String classToInstanciateParameter = "idegaweb_instance_class"; private final static String BUNDLES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY = "bundles"; private final static String IDEGAWEB_SPECIAL_DIRECTORY = "idegaweb"; private final static String IDEGAWEB_PRIVATE_DIRECTORY = "WEB-INF/idegaweb"; private final static String PROPERTIES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY = "properties"; public final static String CORE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = PresentationObject.CORE_IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; public final static String CORE_BUNDLE_FONT_FOLDER_NAME = "iw_fonts"; public final static String CORE_DEFAULT_FONT = "default.ttf"; public final static String IW_ACCESSCONTROL_TYPE_PROPERTY = "iw_accesscontrol_type"; public final static String _PROPERTY_USING_EVENTSYSTEM = "using_eventsystem"; public final static String _ADDRESS_ACCESSCONTROLER = "iwmainapplication.ic_accesscontroler"; public final static String _PARAMETER_IC_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID = "parent.ic_object_instance_id"; private static final String SETTINGS_STORAGE_PARAMETER = "idegaweb_main_application_settings"; private static final String bundlesFileName = "bundles.properties"; private final static String APACHE_RESTART_PARAMETER = "restart_apache"; private final static String CONTEXT_PATH_KEY = "IW_CONTEXT_PATH"; public final static String PROPERTY_NEW_URL_STRUCTURE = "new_url_structure"; public final static String PROPERTY_JSF_RENDERING = "jsf_rendering"; //private final static String APP_CONTEXT_URI_KEY = "IW_APP_CONTEXT_URI"; private final static String SLASH = "/"; private final static String windowOpenerURL = "/servlet/WindowOpener"; private final static String objectInstanciatorURL = "/servlet/ObjectInstanciator"; public final static String IMAGE_SERVLET_URL = "/servlet/ImageServlet/"; public final static String FILE_SERVLET_URL = "/servlet/FileServlet/"; private final static String MEDIA_SERVLET_URL = "/servlet/MediaServlet/"; private final static String BUILDER_SERVLET_URL = "/servlet/IBMainServlet/"; private final static String _IFRAME_CONTENT_URL = "/servlet/IBIFrameServlet/"; private final static String IDEGAWEB_APP_SERVLET_URI = "/servlet/idegaweb"; private final static String NEW_WINDOW_URL="/workspace/window/"; private final static String NEW_PUBLIC_WINDOW_URL="/window/"; private final static String NEW_BUILDER_PAGE_URL="/pages/"; private final static String WORKSPACE_URI="/workspace/"; private final static String LOGIN_URI="/login/"; //mutable class variables: protected static IWMainApplication defaultIWMainApplication = null; private static IWCacheManager cacheManager = null; //This is default set to true for platform 3 public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_NEW_URL_SCHEME = true; public static boolean useNewURLScheme= DEFAULT_USE_NEW_URL_SCHEME; //This is default set to true for platform 3 public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_JSF = true; public static boolean useJSF = DEFAULT_USE_JSF; public static final boolean DEFAULT_DEBUG_FLAG = false; public static boolean debug = DEFAULT_DEBUG_FLAG; //Member variables: private Map<String, IWBundle> loadedBundles; private Properties bundlesFile; private File bundlesFileFile; private ServletContext application; private String propertiesRealPath; private String bundlesRealPath; private String defaultLightInterfaceColor = IWConstants.DEFAULT_LIGHT_INTERFACE_COLOR; private String defaultDarkInterfaceColor = IWConstants.DEFAULT_DARK_INTERFACE_COLOR; //private String appContext; //private boolean checkedAppContext; private String cacheDirURI; private IWApplicationContext iwappContext; private AppServer applicationServer; //Holds a map of Window classes to know its dimensions etc. private Map windowClassesStaticInstances; private Application facesApplication; private ApplicationProductInfo applicationProductInfo; private ApplicationInstallationInfo applicationInstallationInfo; private boolean inDatabaseLessMode=false; private boolean inSetupMode=false; public static boolean loadBundlesFromJars=true; public static boolean loadBundlesFromWorkspace=false; static String workpaceBundlesFolder; static{ workpaceBundlesFolder = System.getProperty(DefaultIWBundle.SYSTEM_BUNDLES_RESOURCE_DIR); if(workpaceBundlesFolder!=null){ loadBundlesFromWorkspace=true; } } private boolean alreadyUnloaded = false; // for restart application //Defined as private variables to speed up reflection: private Object builderLogicInstance; private Method methodIsBuilderApplicationRunning; private boolean hasSetLocaleOnFacesApplication=false; //private String defKey = "Wwo2Y4qTTDTuRe+OjPpql0Hhoxhrf2P75XvHSSyLWTRmdsGHApCHzVHl1xlChPdQcqTAM0C6HNAn\nwXvqJj7newW7I+u4dVh4YJVI+miCOwt3/sn3Rk9mnV5MnE+hND4mR67SojlrT7+v/8kufV88DDmm\n4ALga+8/O8S/xWroxMKBnvcDKgBsMzdsB+/hy5FANkj2IauJ+pYcXrCZIDt3NAjYJG/md0QL4mQr\nzQt3FlGnL61Y34aSd3wG6Hq9GzojeO31SVsK6+mUZ8uWJNQz9aeHurPWIFE5yRdYPnakQ0DrpReQ\n2Sg5gfJeOKtK0ghX1p06CFU+nqaql6fu75FNm7ScpLDNSxXIyIOtKRoMUGQ5bV07Ej/74UXIRDql\ntWZrbXWXvdHNwUO4yX2dSkxQ1TQrWWSrrvZLE1li21qZK+3ZOPmGXAm6AB3WZ4N6tLqZ2Mw6f/x6\nTSJtto0m/DaHlsVKTliuFpV9RcTetnYgOcTBFfMLBs2DrJTtJ0LX0Ss0E/6lp3L3TnioBxPfy1e5\nkTD7ksRwFZkMdMndqI3hUmq9+D1U+VAJf6A+uCJQCyXDguZzZrYH+Uu22kyBCdsPWHE3JqxbPNeC\nIn+3aGqMbOjHoob+eyb/VANNGD34YbZW"; private IWModuleLoader moduleLoader; @Autowired private MessageResourceFactory messageFactory; //Flag to set if bundles should be loaded the older way by reading /idegaweb/bundles folder public static boolean loadBundlesLegacy=false; @Autowired private BundleLocalizer bundleLocalizer; public static void unload() { defaultIWMainApplication = null; cacheManager = null; useNewURLScheme = DEFAULT_USE_NEW_URL_SCHEME; useJSF = DEFAULT_USE_JSF; debug = DEFAULT_DEBUG_FLAG; } public static void shutdownApplicationServices(){ // very special singletons IDOLookup.unload(); IBOLookup.unload(); ThreadContext.unload(); // mutable classes ICLocaleBusiness.unload(); SQLSchemaAdapter.unload(); IWWelcomeFilter.unload(); BaseFilter.unload(); IWMainApplicationSettings.unload(); DatastoreInterface.unload(); EntityControl.unload(); } public IWMainApplication(){ //Constructor exists for subclasses } public IWMainApplication(ServletContext application,AppServer appserver) { this.application = application; setApplicationServer(appserver); application.setAttribute(APPLICATION_BEAN_ID, this); //set the default application instance to this if(defaultIWMainApplication==null){ defaultIWMainApplication=this; } //attention this must be reviewed if we implement multi domains within // one virtualmachine // comment by thomas: // The implementation is wrong and not fixed yet: // The cacheManager is a singleton and is stored twice: // As an attribute of an instance of the IWMainApplication and in a class variable // of the class IWMainApplication.. At least it is the same object. cacheManager = IWCacheManager.getInstance(this); load(); } /** * <p> * Returns the version of the underlying platform * </p> * @return */ public String getVersion() { /*String theReturn = this.getSettings().getProperty("version"); if (theReturn == null) { theReturn = "1.4.3"; } return theReturn;*/ return getProductInfo().getPlatformVersion(); } public String getBuildNumber() { /*String theReturn = this.getSettings().getProperty("iw_build_num"); if (theReturn == null) { theReturn = "220b"; } return theReturn;*/ return getProductInfo().getBuildId(); } /** * Gets information about the installed application. * @return */ public ApplicationProductInfo getProductInfo(){ if(this.applicationProductInfo==null){ this.applicationProductInfo = new ApplicationProductInfo(this); } return this.applicationProductInfo; } /** * Gets information about the installed application. * @return */ public ApplicationInstallationInfo getInstallationInfo(){ if(this.applicationInstallationInfo==null){ this.applicationInstallationInfo = new ApplicationInstallationInfo(this); } return this.applicationInstallationInfo; } private void load() { this.setPropertiesRealPath(); this.setBundlesRealPath(); IWMainApplicationSettings settings = new IWMainApplicationSettings(this); setAttribute(SETTINGS_STORAGE_PARAMETER, settings); // log("Starting the idegaWeb Application Framework - Version " // + this.getVersion()); log.info("Starting "+getProductInfo().getFullProductName()+" - Version " + this.getVersion()); loadCryptoProperties(); } /** */ void regData() { } private boolean postponeBundleStarters = false; public void loadBundles() { postponeBundleStarters = true; loadBundlesFromWorkspace(); loadBundlesLegacy(); loadBundlesFromJars(); loadBundlesLocalizationsForJSF(); loadBundlesResourcesResolvers(); postponeBundleStarters = false; this.setAttribute("bundles",getLoadedBundles()); for (IWBundle bundle : getLoadedBundles().values()) { if(bundle.isPostponedBundleStartersRun()) { bundle.setPostponedBundleStartersRun(false); bundle.runBundleStarters(); } } } /** * <p> * This method loads the bundle instances from the jar files - this is the newer method * instead of loading them from the /idegaweb/bundles folder. * </p> */ private void loadBundlesFromJars() { if(loadBundlesFromJars){ IWModuleLoader loader = getModuleLoader(); loader.loadBundlesFromJars(); } } public IWModuleLoader getModuleLoader(){ if(moduleLoader==null){ moduleLoader = new IWModuleLoader(this,this.application); if(loadBundlesFromJars){ moduleLoader.getJarLoaders().add(new IWBundleLoader(this)); } } return moduleLoader; } /** * Returns a Map over the Loaded bundles: * Key is a string (bundle identifier) and value is a IWBundle instance */ public Map<String, IWBundle> getLoadedBundles() { if(loadedBundles == null) loadedBundles = new HashMap<String, IWBundle>(); return loadedBundles; } /* * method that loads the bundle localizations that can be used as value bindings for JSF */ private void loadBundlesLocalizationsForJSF() { for (IWBundle bundle: getLoadedBundles().values()) { getBundleLocalizer().addBundle(bundle.getBundleIdentifier(), bundle); } } private BundleLocalizer getBundleLocalizer() { if (bundleLocalizer == null) { ELUtil.getInstance().autowire(this); } return bundleLocalizer; } private void loadBundlesResourcesResolvers() { Map<String, Map<String, String>> resources = new HashMap<String, Map<String,String>>(); for (IWBundle bundle: getLoadedBundles().values()) { Map<String, String> bundleResolver = new WebResourceResolver(bundle.getBundleIdentifier()); resources.put(bundle.getBundleIdentifier(), bundleResolver); } setAttribute("iwResourceResolver", resources); } public void loadViewManager() { ViewManager viewManager = ViewManager.getInstance(this); if (useJSF) { ApplicationFactory factory = getApplicationFactory(); replaceJSFApplication(factory); Application app = factory.getApplication(); ViewHandler standardViewHandler = app.getViewHandler(); viewManager.initializeStandardViews(standardViewHandler); } else { //Here there is no default ViewHandler viewManager.initializeStandardViews(null); } } private ApplicationFactory applicationFactory; public void setApplicationFactory(ApplicationFactory factory) { this.applicationFactory=factory; } /** * Get the JSF ApplicationFactory * @return */ public ApplicationFactory getApplicationFactory(){ if (this.applicationFactory == null) { return (ApplicationFactory) FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.APPLICATION_FACTORY); } else { return this.applicationFactory; } } /** * Replaces the JSF Application instance set by default in the ApplicationFactory to be an instance of this class. * @param factory */ protected void replaceJSFApplication(ApplicationFactory factory){ Application oldApp = factory.getApplication(); this.setFacesApplication(oldApp); factory.setApplication(this); log("Replaced the JSF Application of instance "+oldApp.getClass()+" with IWMainApplication"); } public String getObjectInstanciatorURI(Class className, String templateName) { //return getObjectInstanciatorURI(className.getName(), templateName); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if(useNewURLScheme){ buffer.append(getBufferedWindowOpenerURI(className,true)); if (buffer.indexOf("?") < 0) { // there is no parameter buffer.append('?'); } else { // there are already parameters buffer.append('&'); } buffer.append(templateParameter).append('=').append(getEncryptedClassName(templateName)); } else{ buffer.append(getObjectInstanciatorURI()); buffer.append('?').append(classToInstanciateParameter); buffer.append('=').append(getEncryptedClassName(className)); buffer.append('&').append(templateParameter); buffer.append('=').append(getEncryptedClassName(templateName)); } return buffer.toString(); } public String getPublicObjectInstanciatorURI(Class<? extends UIComponent> className, String templateName) { //return getObjectInstanciatorURI(className.getName(), templateName); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if(useNewURLScheme){ buffer.append(getBufferedWindowOpenerURI(className,true)); if (buffer.indexOf("?") < 0) { // there is no parameter buffer.append('?'); } else { // there are already parameters buffer.append('&'); } buffer.append(templateParameter).append('=').append(getEncryptedClassName(templateName)); } else{ buffer.append(getPublicObjectInstanciatorURI()); buffer.append('?').append(classToInstanciateParameter); buffer.append('=').append(getEncryptedClassName(className)); buffer.append('&').append(templateParameter); buffer.append('=').append(getEncryptedClassName(templateName)); } return buffer.toString(); } public String getObjectInstanciatorURI(String className, String templateName) { try { return getObjectInstanciatorURI(RefactorClassRegistry.forName(className),templateName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public String getObjectInstanciatorURI(String className) { if (useNewURLScheme) { try { Class<UIComponent> ui = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(className); return this.getWindowOpenerURI(ui); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return getObjectInstanciatorURIOldURLScheme(className); } public String getObjectInstanciatorURI(Class<? extends UIComponent> classToInstanciate) { if (useNewURLScheme) { return getWindowOpenerURI(classToInstanciate); } return getObjectInstanciatorURIOldURLScheme(classToInstanciate.getName()); } private String getObjectInstanciatorURIOldURLScheme(String className) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(getObjectInstanciatorURI()); buffer.append('?').append(classToInstanciateParameter); buffer.append('=').append(getEncryptedClassName(className)); return buffer.toString(); } /** * @todo: Change this so it encrypts the classToInstanciateName */ public static String getEncryptedClassName(String classToInstanciate) { return getHashCode(classToInstanciate); } public static String getEncryptedClassName(Class classToInstanciate) { return getHashCode(classToInstanciate); } public static String decryptClassName(String encryptedClassName) { return getHashCodedClassName(encryptedClassName); } public int getMajorVersion() { return this.application.getMajorVersion(); } public int getMinorVersion() { return this.application.getMinorVersion(); } public String getMimeType(String p0) { return this.application.getMimeType(p0); } public URL getResource(String p0) throws MalformedURLException { return this.application.getResource(p0); } public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String p0) { return this.application.getResourceAsStream(p0); } public void log(String p0) { this.application.log(p0); } public void log(String p0, Throwable p1) { this.application.log(p0, p1); } public String getServerInfo() { return this.application.getServerInfo(); } public String getInitParameter(String p0) { return this.application.getInitParameter(p0); } public Enumeration getInitParameterNames() { return this.application.getInitParameterNames(); } public Object getAttribute(String parameterName) { return this.application.getAttribute(parameterName); } public Object getAttribute(String parameterName, Object defaultObjectToReturnIfValueIsNull){ Object value = getAttribute(parameterName); if (value == null) { value = defaultObjectToReturnIfValueIsNull; } return value; } public Enumeration getAttributeNames() { return this.application.getAttributeNames(); } public void setAttribute(String parameterName, Object objectToStore) { this.application.setAttribute(parameterName, objectToStore); } public void removeAttribute(String parameterName) { this.application.removeAttribute(parameterName); } /** * <p> * Gets the application context from the given HttpServletRequest instance.<br/> * This method is NOT Multi-Domain safe. * </p> * @param application * @return */ public static IWMainApplication getIWMainApplication(ServletContext application) { return (IWMainApplication) application.getAttribute(IWMainApplication.APPLICATION_BEAN_ID); } /** * <p> * Gets the application context from the given FacesContext instance.<br/> * This method is Multi-Domain safe. * </p> * @param application * @return */ public static IWMainApplication getIWMainApplication(FacesContext facesContext) { try { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest(); return getIWMainApplication(request); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new RuntimeException("IWMainApplication.getIWMainApplication(): FacesContext does not contain a HttpServletRequest", cce); } } /** * <p> * Gets the application context from the given HttpServletRequest instance.<br/> * This method is Multi-Domain safe. * </p> * @param application * @return */ public static IWApplicationContext getIWApplicationContext(HttpServletRequest request){ return getIWMainApplication(request).getIWApplicationContext(); } /** * <p> * Gets the application instance from the given HttpServletRequest instance.<br/> * This method is Multi-Domain safe. * </p> * @param application * @return */ public static IWMainApplication getIWMainApplication(HttpServletRequest request){ ICDomain domain = ICDomainLookup.getInstance().getDomainByRequest(request); if(domain.isDefaultDomain()){ return IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication(); } else{ String domainServerName = domain.getServerName(); IWMainApplication subApplication = IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication().getSubApplication(domainServerName); return subApplication; } } public String getDefaultDarkInterfaceColor() { return this.defaultDarkInterfaceColor; } public void setDefaultDarkInterfaceColor(String color) { this.defaultDarkInterfaceColor = color; } public String getDefaultLightInterfaceColor() { return this.defaultLightInterfaceColor; } public void setDefaultLightInterfaceColor(String color) { this.defaultLightInterfaceColor = color; } public IWMainApplicationSettings getSettings() { IWMainApplicationSettings settings = (IWMainApplicationSettings) this.application.getAttribute(SETTINGS_STORAGE_PARAMETER); return settings; } public IWSystemProperties getSystemProperties() { IWSystemProperties settings = (IWSystemProperties) this.application.getAttribute(this.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_STORAGE_PARAMETER); if (settings == null) { settings = new IWSystemProperties(this); setAttribute(this.SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_STORAGE_PARAMETER, settings); } return settings; } public synchronized void unloadInstanceAndClass() { if (!this.alreadyUnloaded) { unloadInstance(); IWMainApplication.unload(); this.alreadyUnloaded = true; } } private void unloadInstance() { log("[idegaWeb] : shutdown : Storing application state and deleting cached/generated content"); storeStatus(); //IWCacheManager.deleteCachedBlobs(this); // getImageFactory(true).deleteGeneratedImages(this); for (Iterator iter = getLoadedBundles().values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IWBundle bundle = (IWBundle) iter.next(); bundle.unload(); } this.loadedBundles=null; this.bundlesFile=null; // see comment above! if(cacheManager!=null){ cacheManager.unload(this); } cacheManager=null; this.windowClassesStaticInstances=null; shutdownApplicationServices(); SingletonRepository.stop(); this.application.removeAttribute(APPLICATION_BEAN_ID); removeAllApplicationAttributes(); getIWCacheManager2().shutdown(); this.application=null; } protected void removeAllApplicationAttributes(){ //Temp: removing all application attributes: Enumeration enumeration = this.application.getAttributeNames(); List attributes = new ArrayList(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { String applicationKey = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); //application.removeAttribute(applicationKey); attributes.add(applicationKey); } for (Iterator iter = attributes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String applicationKey = (String) iter.next(); this.application.removeAttribute(applicationKey); } } public void storeStatus() { getSystemProperties().store(); storeCryptoProperties(); try { getBundlesFile().store(new FileOutputStream(this.bundlesFileFile), null); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private Properties getBundlesFile() { if(this.bundlesFile==null){ this.bundlesFile = new Properties(); try { this.bundlesFileFile = FileUtil.getFileAndCreateIfNotExists(this .getPropertiesRealPath(), bundlesFileName); this.bundlesFile.load(new FileInputStream(this.bundlesFileFile)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return this.bundlesFile; } /** * Gets the Path to the folder where application properties are located by default. * e.g. /home/idegaweb/webapp1/idegaweb/properties * @return the path as a String */ public String getPropertiesRealPath() { return this.propertiesRealPath; } private void setPropertiesRealPath() { String privatePath = this.getApplicationPrivateRealPath() + File.separator + PROPERTIES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY; String publicPath = this.getApplicationSpecialRealPath() + File.separator + PROPERTIES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY; File publicFile = new File(publicPath+File.separator+"idegaweb.pxml"); if(publicFile.exists()){ //Setting it to the public path to remain backwards compatible: this.propertiesRealPath = this.getApplicationSpecialRealPath() + File.separator + PROPERTIES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY; } else{ //Setting to the private path - this is the default in platform 3.0 this.propertiesRealPath = privatePath; } } /** * Gets the Path to the folder where bundles are located by default. * e.g. /home/idegaweb/webapp1/idegaweb/bundles * @return the path as a String */ public String getBundlesRealPath() { return this.bundlesRealPath; } private void setBundlesRealPath() { this.bundlesRealPath = this.getApplicationSpecialRealPath() + File.separator + BUNDLES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY; } /** * <p> * This method returns the "real" filesystem path in the operating system to * the ROOT of this WebApplication * </p> */ public String getApplicationRealPath() { String theRet = this.application.getRealPath("/"); if(!theRet.endsWith(File.separator)){ theRet +=File.separator; } return theRet; } /** * Gets the full canonical path to the open application path, e.g. /home/idegaweb/idegawebapp1/idegaweb * @return */ public String getApplicationSpecialRealPath() { return this.getApplicationRealPath() + getApplicationSpecialVirtualPath(); } /** * Gets the full canonical path to the private application path, e.g. /home/idegaweb/idegawebapp1/WEB-INF/idegaweb * @return */ public String getApplicationPrivateRealPath() { return this.getApplicationRealPath() + getApplicationPrivateVirtualPath(); } /** * Gets the open application directctory undier /idegaweb/ under the webapp root * @return */ public String getApplicationSpecialVirtualPath() { return IDEGAWEB_SPECIAL_DIRECTORY; } /** * Gets the private application directctory under /WEB-INF/idegaweb/ under the webapp root * @return */ public String getApplicationPrivateVirtualPath() { return IDEGAWEB_PRIVATE_DIRECTORY; } private String getBundleVirtualPath(String bundleIdentifier) { //String sBundle = getBundlesFile().getProperty(bundleIdentifier); String sBundle = getInternalBundleVirtualPath(bundleIdentifier); if (sBundle != null) { sBundle = TextSoap.findAndReplace(sBundle, "\\", "/"); } String path = "/" + getApplicationSpecialVirtualPath() + "/" + sBundle; return path; } private String getBundleRealPath(String bundleIdentifier) { if(loadBundlesFromWorkspace){ //check for the workpace in eclipse if property is set: String directory = System.getProperty(DefaultIWBundle.SYSTEM_BUNDLES_RESOURCE_DIR); //First try the default name (with .bundle extension) String sBundleDirWithBundleExtension = directory+ File.separator+bundleIdentifier+DefaultIWBundle.BUNDLE_FOLDER_STANDARD_SUFFIX; File bundleDir = new File(sBundleDirWithBundleExtension); if(bundleDir.exists()){ return sBundleDirWithBundleExtension; } //Then try the name without the bundleExtension String sBundleDirWithoutBundleExtension = directory+ File.separator+bundleIdentifier; bundleDir = new File(sBundleDirWithoutBundleExtension); if(bundleDir.exists()){ return sBundleDirWithoutBundleExtension; } } //String sBundle = getBundlesFile().getProperty(bundleIdentifier); String sBundle = getInternalBundleVirtualPath(bundleIdentifier); if (sBundle != null) { if (File.separator.equals("/")) { sBundle = TextSoap.findAndReplace(sBundle, "\\", "/");//unix } else { sBundle = TextSoap.findAndReplace(sBundle, "/", "\\");//windows } } //debug //System.out.println("IWMainApplication : sBundle = "+sBundle); //default method: return getApplicationSpecialRealPath() + File.separator + sBundle; } /** * <p> * This method loads the bundles from the /idegaweb/bundles folder under the expanded webapp folder.<br> * This is the older way and is as of platform 4.0 replaced with loading from jars instead. * </p> */ private void loadBundlesLegacy() { if (loadBundlesLegacy) { File theRoot = new File(getApplicationSpecialRealPath(), BUNDLES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY); loadBundlesInFolder(theRoot); } } /** * <p> * This method loads the bundles from the (eclipse) workspace folder where the bundles are checked out as project<br> * </p> */ private void loadBundlesFromWorkspace() { if (loadBundlesFromWorkspace) { File theRoot = new File(workpaceBundlesFolder); loadBundlesInFolder(theRoot); } } /** * <p> * TODO tryggvil describe method loadBundlesInFolder * </p> * @param theRoot */ private void loadBundlesInFolder(File bundlesFolder) { File[] bundles = bundlesFolder.listFiles(); if (bundles != null) { for (int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++) { //if (bundles[i].isDirectory() && (bundles[i].getName().toLowerCase().indexOf(".bundle") != -1)) { if (bundles[i].isDirectory()) { File properties = new File(bundles[i], "properties"); File propertiesFile = new File(properties, DefaultIWBundle.propertyFileName); IWPropertyList list = new IWPropertyList(propertiesFile); String bundleIdentifier = list.getProperty(DefaultIWBundle.BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY_KEY); if (bundleIdentifier != null) { String bundleDir = BUNDLES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY + File.separator + bundles[i].getName(); try { this.registerBundle(bundleIdentifier, bundleDir); } catch (Throwable t) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error loading bundle " + bundleIdentifier, t); } } } } } } private String getInternalBundleVirtualPath(String bundleIdentifier) { String tryString = getBundlesFile().getProperty(bundleIdentifier); if (tryString != null) { return tryString; } if(loadBundlesLegacy){ // tryString is now null File theRoot = new File(this.getApplicationSpecialRealPath(), BUNDLES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY); if(theRoot!=null){ File[] bundles = theRoot.listFiles(); if(bundles!=null){ for (int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++) { if (bundles[i].isDirectory()) { File properties = new File(bundles[i], "properties"); File propertiesFile = new File(properties, DefaultIWBundle.propertyFileName); try { IWPropertyList list = new IWPropertyList(propertiesFile); if (list.getProperty(DefaultIWBundle.BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY_KEY).equalsIgnoreCase( bundleIdentifier)) { tryString = BUNDLES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY + File.separator + bundles[i].getName(); this.registerBundle(bundleIdentifier, tryString); return tryString; } } catch (Exception e) { log.info("Error reading property file of bundle: " + bundles[i].getName()); } } } } } throw new IWBundleDoesNotExist(bundleIdentifier); } else{ return BUNDLES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY + File.separator + bundleIdentifier + DefaultIWBundle.BUNDLE_FOLDER_STANDARD_SUFFIX; } } public IWBundle getBundle(String bundleIdentifier)throws IWBundleDoesNotExist{ return getBundle(bundleIdentifier, false); } public IWBundle getBundle(String bundleIdentifier, boolean autoCreate)throws IWBundleDoesNotExist{ IWBundle bundle = getLoadedBundles().get(bundleIdentifier); if (bundle == null) { if(loadBundlesFromWorkspace){ bundle = loadBundleLegacy(bundleIdentifier, autoCreate); loadBundle(bundle); } else if(loadBundlesFromJars){ bundle = loadBundleFromJar(bundleIdentifier); loadBundle(bundle); } else if (loadBundlesLegacy){ bundle = loadBundleLegacy(bundleIdentifier, autoCreate); loadBundle(bundle); } } return bundle; } protected IWBundle loadBundleFromJar(String bundleIdentifier) { getModuleLoader().tryBundleLoad(bundleIdentifier); //see if it exists in the bundleMap after load: IWBundle bundle = getLoadedBundles().get(bundleIdentifier); if(bundle==null){ throw new IWBundleDoesNotExist(bundleIdentifier); } return bundle; } /** * <p> * TODO tryggvil describe method loadBundleLegacy * </p> * * @param bundleIdentifier * @param autoCreate * @param bundle * @return */ protected IWBundle loadBundleLegacy(String bundleIdentifier, boolean autoCreate) { IWBundle bundle = null; if (!autoCreate) { // Check if bundle does exist only if autocreate is false: File file = new File(getBundleRealPath(bundleIdentifier)); if (!file.exists()) { throw new IWBundleDoesNotExist(bundleIdentifier); } } String realBundleDir = getBundleRealPath(bundleIdentifier); log.fine("Loading bundle " + bundleIdentifier + " (from " + realBundleDir + ")"); bundle = new DefaultIWBundle(realBundleDir, getBundleVirtualPath(bundleIdentifier), bundleIdentifier, this, autoCreate); return bundle; } /** * Regsters and loads a IWBundle with the default bundlePath and the bundle * is automatically created if it does not exist and autoCreate==true */ public boolean registerBundle(String bundleIdentifier, boolean autoCreate) { String bundleDir = bundleIdentifier + ".bundle"; if (bundleDir.indexOf(BUNDLES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY) == -1) { bundleDir = IWMainApplication.BUNDLES_STANDARD_DIRECTORY + File.separator + bundleDir; } return registerBundle(bundleIdentifier, bundleDir, autoCreate); } /** * Regsters and loads a IWBundle with the abstact pathname relative to * /idegaweb on the WebServer and the identifier specified by * bundleIdentifier autoCr */ public boolean registerBundle(String bundleIdentifier, String bundlePath) { return registerBundle(bundleIdentifier, bundlePath, false); } /** * Regsters and loads a IWBundle with the abstact pathname relative to * /idegaweb on the WebServer and the identifier specified by * bundleIdentifier <br> * <br> * Does automatically create the bundle on disk if autoCreate==true; */ public boolean registerBundle(String bundleIdentifier, String bundlePath, boolean autoCreate) { getBundlesFile().setProperty(bundleIdentifier, bundlePath); getBundle(bundleIdentifier, autoCreate); return true; } /** * Returns a List of IWBundle Objects */ public List<IWBundle> getRegisteredBundles() { List<IWBundle> bundles = new ArrayList<IWBundle>(); for (Iterator<?> iter = getBundlesFile().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String key = (String) iter.next(); bundles.add(getBundle(key)); } return bundles; } /** * Returns a List of Locale Objects in use */ public List getAvailableLocales() { return ICLocaleBusiness.getListOfAllLocalesJAVA(); } /** * Only works when running on Tomcat */ public boolean restartApplication() { String apache = getSettings().getProperty(APACHE_RESTART_PARAMETER);//restart string) String restartScript = "/idega/bin/apache_restart.sh"; boolean restartApacheAlso = false; if (apache != null) { restartApacheAlso = Boolean.valueOf(apache.toLowerCase()) .booleanValue(); } unloadInstanceAndClass(); String prePath = System.getProperty("user.dir");//return /tomcat/bin log.info("IWMainApplication: restarting application server at : " + prePath); try {//windows if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) { if (!restartApacheAlso) { String[] array = { prePath + "\\shutdown.bat", prePath + "\\startup.bat"}; Executer.executeInAnotherVM(array); } else { String[] array = { prePath + "\\shutdown.bat", prePath + "\\startup.bat", restartScript}; Executer.executeInAnotherVM(array); } } else {//unix if (!restartApacheAlso) { String[] array = { prePath + "/shutdown.sh", prePath + "/startup.sh"}; Executer.executeInAnotherVM(array); } else { String[] array = { prePath + "/shutdown.sh", prePath + "/startup.sh", restartScript}; Executer.executeInAnotherVM(array); } } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public void startAccessController() { this.setAccessController(this.getSettings() .getDefaultAccessController()); log.info("Starting service " + this.getAccessController().getServiceName()); this.getAccessController().startService(this); } public AccessController getAccessController() { AccessController controler = (AccessController) this .getAttribute(_ADDRESS_ACCESSCONTROLER); if (controler != null) { return controler; } else { log("AccessController has not been started"); return null; } } private void setAccessController(AccessController controler) { this.setAttribute(_ADDRESS_ACCESSCONTROLER, controler); } public ImageFactory getImageFactory() { return ImageFactory.getInstance(this); } public IWBundle getCoreBundle() { return getBundle(CORE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); } public Locale getCoreLocale() { return Locale.ENGLISH; } public void addLocaleToRegisteredBundles(Locale locale) { List bundles = this.getRegisteredBundles(); Iterator iter = bundles.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IWBundle item = (IWBundle) iter.next(); item.addLocale(locale); } } // this is not multi domain safe public IWCacheManager getIWCacheManager() { return cacheManager; } public IWCacheManager2 getIWCacheManager2(){ return IWCacheManager2.getInstance(this); } private static Properties cryptoCodesPropertiesKeyedByClassName = null; private static Properties cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode = null; private static boolean isCryptoUsed = true; private String SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_STORAGE_PARAMETER = "idegaweb_system_properties"; private Map<String,IWMainApplication> subApplications; private static boolean isUsingCryptoProperties() { return isCryptoUsed; } private void initCryptoUsage() { String isUsed = getSettings().getCryptoUsage(); isCryptoUsed = !"false".equals(isUsed); } private void loadCryptoProperties() { initCryptoUsage(); if (isUsingCryptoProperties()) { cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode = new Properties(); log.info("Loading Cryptonium"); String file = getApplicationRealPath()+"/WEB-INF/idegaweb/properties/crypto.properties"; File testfile = new File(file); if (!testfile.exists()) { file = getPropertiesRealPath() + File.separator + "crypto.properties"; } try { cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode.load(new FileInputStream( file)); // temporary property cleaning String clean = cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode .getProperty("clean"); if (clean == null) { cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode.clear(); cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode.setProperty("clean", "true"); } ///////////////////////////// cryptoCodesPropertiesKeyedByClassName = new Properties(); if (cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode.size() > 0) { Iterator iter = cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode .entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); cryptoCodesPropertiesKeyedByClassName.put( me.getValue(), me.getKey()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } private void storeCryptoProperties() { if (isUsingCryptoProperties() && cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode != null) { log.info("Storing Cryptonium"); try { //fixme this is failing when the file doesn't already exist. String file = getApplicationRealPath()+"/WEB-INF/idegaweb/properties/crypto.properties"; cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode.store( new FileOutputStream(file), "Cryptonium"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } initCryptoUsage(); } public static String getHashCode(String className) { try { return getHashCode(RefactorClassRegistry.forName(className)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { } return String.valueOf(className.hashCode()); } /** * Method getHashCode. Used to get the encrypted classname of a class. * * @param classObject * @param addon * an integer to that is added to the number calculate() makes to * avoid two different classes having the same code * @return String */ public static String getHashCode(Class classObject) { if (isUsingCryptoProperties()) { if (cryptoCodesPropertiesKeyedByClassName == null) { cryptoCodesPropertiesKeyedByClassName = new Properties(); } if (cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode == null) { cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode = new Properties(); } final String className = classObject.getName(); // if crypto code for this class has already been created if (cryptoCodesPropertiesKeyedByClassName.containsKey(className)) { String code = (String) cryptoCodesPropertiesKeyedByClassName.get(className); if (code != null && code.length() == 4) { return createAndStoreCryptoName(className); } else { return code; } } else {// else crypto code for this class has NOT been created return createAndStoreCryptoName(className); } } else { return classObject.getName(); } } private synchronized static String createAndStoreCryptoName(String className) { String crypto = (String) cryptoCodesPropertiesKeyedByClassName .get(className);//if someone just beat us to creating it if (crypto != null && crypto.length() > 4) { return crypto; } else { crypto = calculateClassId(className); try{ int iCrypto = Integer.parseInt(crypto); while (cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode.containsKey(crypto)) { crypto = Integer.toString(++iCrypto); if (isDebugActive()) { System.out .println("Conflicting cryptos: creating new crypto number : " + iCrypto); } } } catch(NumberFormatException nfe){} cryptoCodesPropertiesKeyedByClassName.put(className, crypto); cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode.put(crypto, className); return crypto; } } public static String getHashCodedClassName(String crypto) { if (cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode != null && crypto != null && cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode.containsKey(crypto)) { return (String) cryptoClassNamesPropertiesKeyedByCode.get(crypto); } else { return crypto; } } /** * Returns a unique stirng for a class name: */ private static String calculateClassId(String s) { //return a plain uuid: return UUIDGenerator.getInstance().generateUUID(); } /** * @deprecated method, use getApplicationContextURI() instead. */ @Deprecated public String getContextURL() { //return (String) this.getAttribute(CONTEXT_PATH_KEY); return this.getApplicationContextURI(); } public IWApplicationContext getIWApplicationContext() { //IWContext iwc = new IWContext( if (this.iwappContext == null) { this.iwappContext = new IWMainApplicationContext(this); } return this.iwappContext; } void setContextURL(String contextURL) { this.setAttribute(CONTEXT_PATH_KEY, contextURL); } public static void setDebugMode(boolean debugFlag) { debug = debugFlag; } public static boolean isDebugActive() { return debug; } public boolean startFileSystem(boolean logError) { try { ICFileSystem system = ICFileSystemFactory.getFileSystem(this.getIWApplicationContext()); system.initialize(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (logError) log.warning("IWMainApplication.startFileSystem() : There was an error, most likely the media bundle is not installed"); } return false; } /** * Sets the context path the application is running under. * This method is typically called from a ServletFilter or a base Servlet. * @param uri The uri to set, e.g. "/myapplication" or "/" */ public void setApplicationContextURI(String uri) { String appContext = uri; if (uri != null) { if (uri.startsWith(SLASH)) { appContext = uri; } else { appContext = SLASH + uri; } } else { appContext = SLASH; } getIWApplicationContext().getDomain().setServerContextPath(appContext); } /** * @return The part of the request URI that belongs to this application, * returns "/" if running under the ROOT context */ public String getApplicationContextURI() { /*if (!checkedAppContext) { setApplicationContextURI(this.getSettings().getProperty( APP_CONTEXT_URI_KEY)); checkedAppContext = true; }*/ String appContext = getIWApplicationContext().getDomain().getServerContextPath(); if (appContext == null) { return SLASH; } return appContext; } /** * Returns true if the context path the application is "/" */ public boolean isRunningUnderRootContext() { String appContext = getApplicationContextURI(); if (appContext == null) { return true; } else if (appContext.equals(SLASH)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public String getTranslatedURIWithContext(String url) { String appContext = getApplicationContextURI(); if (isRunningUnderRootContext()) { return url; } else { if (url.startsWith(SLASH)) { return appContext + url; } else { return appContext + SLASH + url; } } } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI that is meant for windows to be open for all users (even not logged on)<br> * For the new platform this is '/window/' but for older versions this is '/servlet/WindowOpener' */ public String getPublicWindowOpenerURI() { if(useNewURLScheme){ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(NEW_PUBLIC_WINDOW_URL); } else{ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(windowOpenerURL); } } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI that is meant for windows to be open for all users (even not logged on)<br> * For the new platform this is '/window/' but for older versions this is '/servlet/ObjectInstanciator' */ public String getPublicObjectInstanciatorURI() { if(useNewURLScheme){ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(NEW_PUBLIC_WINDOW_URL); } else{ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(objectInstanciatorURL); } } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI, for the new platform this is by default only avaiable for logged in users<br> * For the new platform this is '/window/' but for older versions this is '/servlet/WindowOpener' */ public String getWindowOpenerURI() { if(useNewURLScheme){ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(NEW_WINDOW_URL); } else{ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(windowOpenerURL); } } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI, for the new platform this is by default only avaiable for logged in users<br> * For the new platform this is '/window/' but for older versions this is '/servlet/WindowOpener' */ public String getWindowOpenerURIWithoutContextPath() { if(useNewURLScheme){ return NEW_WINDOW_URL; } else{ return windowOpenerURL; } } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI that is meant for windows to be open only for logged in users<br> * For the new platform this is '/workspace/window/E0410143-CF32-42B1-A97B-E712AA702962' * but for older versions this is '/servlet/WindowOpener?idegaweb_frame_class=1234' */ public String getWindowOpenerURI(Class<? extends UIComponent> windowToOpen) { return getBufferedWindowOpenerURI(windowToOpen, true).toString(); } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI that is meant for windows to be open only for logged in users<br> * For the new platform this is '/workspace/window/E0410143-CF32-42B1-A97B-E712AA702962' * but for older versions this is '/servlet/WindowOpener?idegaweb_frame_class=1234'<br/> * This Method does not prefix the URI with the webapplication context path if any. * */ public String getWindowOpenerURIWithoutContextPath(Class<? extends UIComponent> windowToOpen) { return getBufferedWindowOpenerURI(windowToOpen, false).toString(); } private StringBuffer getBufferedWindowOpenerURI(Class<? extends UIComponent> windowToOpen, boolean includeContextPath) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String windowUri = includeContextPath ? getWindowOpenerURI() : getWindowOpenerURIWithoutContextPath(); buffer.append(windowUri); if (useNewURLScheme) { buffer.append(getEncryptedClassName(windowToOpen)); } else { buffer.append('?').append(PARAM_IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER).append('=').append(getEncryptedClassName(windowToOpen)); } return buffer; } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI that is meant for windows to be open for all users (even not logged on)<br> * For the new platform this is '/window/E0410143-CF32-42B1-A97B-E712AA702962' * but for older versions this is '/servlet/WindowOpener?idegaweb_frame_class=1234' */ public String getPublicWindowOpenerURI(Class<? extends UIComponent> windowToOpen) { return getPublicWindowOpenerURI(windowToOpen, -1); } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI that is meant for windows to be open for all users (even not logged on)<br> * For the new platform this is '/window/E0410143-CF32-42B1-A97B-E712AA702962' * but for older versions this is '/servlet/WindowOpener?idegaweb_frame_class=1234' */ public String getPublicObjectInstanciatorURI(Class<? extends UIComponent> windowToOpen) { return getPublicObjectInstanciatorURI(windowToOpen, -1); } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI that is meant for windows to be open for all users (even not logged on)<br> * For the new platform this is '/window/E0410143-CF32-42B1-A97B-E712AA702962' * but for older versions this is '/servlet/WindowOpener?idegaweb_frame_class=1234' */ public String getPublicWindowOpenerURI(Class<? extends UIComponent> windowToOpen, int ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen) { if(useNewURLScheme){ StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(); url.append(getPublicWindowOpenerURI()+getEncryptedClassName(windowToOpen)); if (ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen > 0) { url.append("?").append( _PARAMETER_IC_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID).append('=').append(ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen); } return url.toString(); } else{ StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(); url.append(getWindowOpenerURI()).append('?').append( PARAM_IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER).append('=').append( getEncryptedClassName(windowToOpen)); if (ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen > 0) { url.append("&").append( _PARAMETER_IC_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID).append('=').append(ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen); } return url.toString(); //return // getWindowOpenerURI()+"?"+PARAM_IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER+"="+windowToOpen.getName(); } } /** * Returns the prefix for the 'window opener' URI that is meant for windows to be open for all users (even not logged on)<br> * For the new platform this is '/window/E0410143-CF32-42B1-A97B-E712AA702962' * but for older versions this is '/servlet/ObjectInstanciator?idegaweb_frame_class=1234' */ public String getPublicObjectInstanciatorURI(Class<? extends UIComponent> windowToOpen, int ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen) { if(useNewURLScheme){ StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(); url.append(getPublicObjectInstanciatorURI()+getEncryptedClassName(windowToOpen)); if (ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen > 0) { url.append("?").append( _PARAMETER_IC_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID).append('=').append(ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen); } return url.toString(); } else{ StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(); url.append(getObjectInstanciatorURIOldURLScheme(windowToOpen.getName())); if (ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen > 0) { url.append("&").append( _PARAMETER_IC_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID).append('=').append(ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen); } return url.toString(); //return // getWindowOpenerURI()+"?"+PARAM_IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER+"="+windowToOpen.getName(); } } public String getWindowOpenerURI(Class<? extends UIComponent> windowToOpen, int ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen) { StringBuffer windowOpenerUri = getBufferedWindowOpenerURI(windowToOpen,true); if (windowOpenerUri.indexOf("?") < 0) { // there is no parameter windowOpenerUri.append('?'); } else { // there are already parameters windowOpenerUri.append('&'); } windowOpenerUri.append( _PARAMETER_IC_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID).append('=').append(ICObjectInstanceIDToOpen); return windowOpenerUri.toString(); } public String getObjectInstanciatorURI() { if(useNewURLScheme){ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(NEW_WINDOW_URL); } else{ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(objectInstanciatorURL); } } public String getMediaServletURI() { return getTranslatedURIWithContext(MEDIA_SERVLET_URL); } public String getBuilderPagePrefixURI(){ if(useNewURLScheme){ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(NEW_BUILDER_PAGE_URL); } else{ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(BUILDER_SERVLET_URL); } } public String getIFrameContentURI() { return getTranslatedURIWithContext(_IFRAME_CONTENT_URL); } public String getIdegaWebApplicationsURI() { if(useNewURLScheme){ return getLoginURI(); } else{ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(IDEGAWEB_APP_SERVLET_URI); } } /** * Gets the URI to the workspace environment (/workspace) with prefixed application context path if any. * @return */ public String getWorkspaceURI(){ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(WORKSPACE_URI); } /** * Gets the URI to the standard login page (/login) with prefixed application context path if any. * @return */ public String getLoginURI(){ return getTranslatedURIWithContext(LOGIN_URI); } /* * public String getRealPath(String p0){ return application.getRealPath(p0); } */ /** * Returns the real path to the resource associated with the request URI. * <br> * <br> * This method takes into account the application context URI that the * application is running under unlike ServletContext.getRealPath(String s0) */ public String getRealPath(String requestURI) { if (this.isRunningUnderRootContext()) { return this.application.getRealPath(requestURI); } else { String uri = requestURI.substring(this.getApplicationContextURI() .length(), requestURI.length()); return this.application.getRealPath(uri); } } public String getCacheDirectoryURI() { if (this.cacheDirURI == null) { this.cacheDirURI = getTranslatedURIWithContext(IWCacheManager.IW_ROOT_CACHE_DIRECTORY); } return this.cacheDirURI; } public void addApplicationEventListener(Class eventListenerClass) { List eventListeners = (List) getAttribute(ApplicationEventListenersParameter); if (eventListeners == null) { eventListeners = new ArrayList(); } if (!eventListeners.contains(eventListenerClass.getName())) { eventListeners.add(eventListenerClass.getName()); } setAttribute(ApplicationEventListenersParameter, eventListeners); } public List getApplicationEventListeners() { List eventListeners = (List) getAttribute(ApplicationEventListenersParameter); if (eventListeners == null) { eventListeners = new ArrayList(); } return eventListeners; } /** * Gets the default IWMainApplication instance running. * This is set when the first IWMainApplication is instanciated. * @return the default application instance */ public static IWMainApplication getDefaultIWMainApplication(){ return defaultIWMainApplication; } /** * Gets the context for the default IWMainApplication instance running. * This is set when the first IWMainApplication is instanciated. * @return the default application context */ public static IWApplicationContext getDefaultIWApplicationContext(){ return getDefaultIWMainApplication().getIWApplicationContext(); } public IWMainApplication getSubApplication(String domainServerName) { IWMainApplication subApplication = getSubApplications().get(domainServerName); if(subApplication==null){ subApplication = new IWSubApplication(this,domainServerName); getSubApplications().put(domainServerName, subApplication); } return subApplication; } protected Map<String,IWMainApplication> getSubApplications(){ if(subApplications==null){ subApplications=new HashMap<String,IWMainApplication>(); } return subApplications; } /** * Removes the application context prefix from a RELATIVE PATH (an URL without the http/servername/port) and returns the URI (url without context) * @param URL */ public String getURIFromURL(String URL){ String contextUri = getApplicationContextURI(); if(!contextUri.equals("/") ){ URL = URL.substring(URL.indexOf(contextUri)+contextUri.length()); } return URL; } /** * @param appServer */ public void setApplicationServer(AppServer appServer) { this.applicationServer = appServer; } /** * Returns the AppServer instance detected for this application * @param appServer */ public AppServer getApplicationServer(){ return this.applicationServer; } /** * Returns a Map used to store temporary instances of Window classes, to use to remember their instance attributes.<br> * This method should only be used by the com.idega.presentation.ui.Window class * @return */ public Map getStaticWindowInstances(){ if(this.windowClassesStaticInstances==null){ this.windowClassesStaticInstances=new WeakHashMap(); } return this.windowClassesStaticInstances; } /** * Returns true if the Builder Application is running for the user. * @return */ public boolean isBuilderApplicationRunning(IWUserContext iwuc){ //This method was moved from IWContext but moved here because of static references //Reflection workaround: try{ if(this.builderLogicInstance==null){ MethodInvoker invoker = MethodInvoker.getInstance(); MethodFinder finder = MethodFinder.getInstance(); Class builderLogicClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName("com.idega.builder.business.BuilderLogic"); this.builderLogicInstance = invoker.invokeStaticMethodWithNoParameters(builderLogicClass,"getInstance"); this.methodIsBuilderApplicationRunning = finder.getMethodWithNameAndOneParameter(builderLogicClass,"isBuilderApplicationRunning",IWUserContext.class); } Object[] args = {iwuc}; return ((Boolean) this.methodIsBuilderApplicationRunning.invoke(this.builderLogicInstance,args)).booleanValue(); } catch(Throwable e){ e.printStackTrace(); } /*return(BuilderLogic.getInstance().isBuilderApplicationRunning(this)); */ return false; } protected Application getFacesApplication(){ return this.facesApplication; } protected void setFacesApplication(Application jsfApplication){ if(jsfApplication.equals(this)){ throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set same instance (itself) as internal facesApplication"); } this.facesApplication=jsfApplication; } //Begin JSF Application implementation /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getActionListener() */ @Override public ActionListener getActionListener() { return getFacesApplication().getActionListener(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setActionListener(javax.faces.event.ActionListener) */ @Override public void setActionListener(ActionListener listener) { getFacesApplication().setActionListener(listener); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getDefaultLocale() */ @Override public Locale getDefaultLocale() { Locale locale = getFacesApplication().getDefaultLocale(); if(!this.hasSetLocaleOnFacesApplication){ locale = getSettings().getDefaultLocale(); setDefaultLocale(locale); this.hasSetLocaleOnFacesApplication=true; } return locale; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setDefaultLocale(java.util.Locale) */ @Override public void setDefaultLocale(Locale locale) { getFacesApplication().setDefaultLocale(locale); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getDefaultRenderKitId() */ @Override public String getDefaultRenderKitId() { return getFacesApplication().getDefaultRenderKitId(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setDefaultRenderKitId(java.lang.String) */ @Override public void setDefaultRenderKitId(String renderKitId) { getFacesApplication().setDefaultRenderKitId(renderKitId); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getMessageBundle() */ @Override public String getMessageBundle() { return getFacesApplication().getMessageBundle(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setMessageBundle(java.lang.String) */ @Override public void setMessageBundle(String bundle) { getFacesApplication().setMessageBundle(bundle); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getNavigationHandler() */ @Override public NavigationHandler getNavigationHandler() { return getFacesApplication().getNavigationHandler(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setNavigationHandler(javax.faces.application.NavigationHandler) */ @Override public void setNavigationHandler(NavigationHandler handler) { getFacesApplication().setNavigationHandler(handler); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getPropertyResolver() */ @Override public PropertyResolver getPropertyResolver() { return getFacesApplication().getPropertyResolver(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setPropertyResolver(javax.faces.el.PropertyResolver) */ @Override public void setPropertyResolver(PropertyResolver resolver) { getFacesApplication().setPropertyResolver(resolver); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getVariableResolver() */ @Override public VariableResolver getVariableResolver() { return getFacesApplication().getVariableResolver(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setVariableResolver(javax.faces.el.VariableResolver) */ @Override public void setVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver) { getFacesApplication().setVariableResolver(resolver); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getViewHandler() */ @Override public ViewHandler getViewHandler() { return getFacesApplication().getViewHandler(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setViewHandler(javax.faces.application.ViewHandler) */ @Override public void setViewHandler(ViewHandler handler) { getFacesApplication().setViewHandler(handler); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getStateManager() */ @Override public StateManager getStateManager() { return getFacesApplication().getStateManager(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setStateManager(javax.faces.application.StateManager) */ @Override public void setStateManager(StateManager manager) { getFacesApplication().setStateManager(manager); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#addComponent(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public void addComponent(String componentType, String componentClass) { getFacesApplication().addComponent(componentType,componentClass); } //TODO: Move this logic to the builder package. public static String BUILDER_PAGE_PREFIX="BuilderPage"; public static String BUILDER_MODULE_PREFIX="BuilderModule"; public static String BUILDER_PREFIX="Builder"; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#createComponent(java.lang.String) */ @Override public UIComponent createComponent(String componentType) throws FacesException { if(componentType.startsWith(BUILDER_PREFIX)){ if(componentType.startsWith(BUILDER_PAGE_PREFIX)){ String sPageId = componentType.substring(BUILDER_PAGE_PREFIX.length()+1,componentType.length()); //int pageId = Integer.parseInt(sPageId); BuilderService bService; try { //int pageId = Integer.parseInt(sPageId); bService = BuilderServiceFactory.getBuilderService(this.getIWApplicationContext()); return bService.getPage(sPageId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new Page(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Failed initializing page with id="+sPageId); } } else if(componentType.startsWith(BUILDER_MODULE_PREFIX)){ String separator = "_"; String[] parameters = componentType.split(separator); String moduleId=parameters[1]; if (moduleId.startsWith("#{") && moduleId.endsWith("}")) { moduleId = Property.getValueFromExpression(moduleId, String.class); } //String icObjectId=parameters[2]; String componentClass; /*if(componentType.indexOf(ICObjectBusiness.UUID_PREFIX)!=-1){ componentClass = parameters[4]; } else{ componentClass = parameters[3]; }*/ componentClass=componentType.substring(componentType.lastIndexOf("_")+1); try { Object instance = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(componentClass).newInstance(); UIComponent uicomp = (UIComponent)instance; uicomp.setId(moduleId); return uicomp; } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } throw new RuntimeException("Error creating component for componentType: "+componentType); } else{ //The default to fall back to the default JSF application return getFacesApplication().createComponent(componentType); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#createComponent(javax.faces.el.ValueBinding, javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String) */ @Override public UIComponent createComponent(ValueBinding componentBinding, FacesContext context, String componentType) throws FacesException { return getFacesApplication().createComponent(componentBinding,context,componentType); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getComponentTypes() */ @Override public Iterator getComponentTypes() { return getFacesApplication().getComponentTypes(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#addConverter(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public void addConverter(String converterId, String converterClass) { getFacesApplication().addConverter(converterId,converterClass); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#addConverter(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) */ @Override public void addConverter(Class targetClass, String converterClass) { getFacesApplication().addConverter(targetClass,converterClass); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#createConverter(java.lang.String) */ @Override public Converter createConverter(String converterId) { return getFacesApplication().createConverter(converterId); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#createConverter(java.lang.Class) */ @Override public Converter createConverter(Class targetClass) { return getFacesApplication().createConverter(targetClass); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getConverterIds() */ @Override public Iterator getConverterIds() { return getFacesApplication().getConverterIds(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getConverterTypes() */ @Override public Iterator getConverterTypes() { return getFacesApplication().getConverterTypes(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#createMethodBinding(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class[]) */ @Override public MethodBinding createMethodBinding(String ref, Class[] params) throws ReferenceSyntaxException { return getFacesApplication().createMethodBinding(ref,params); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getSupportedLocales() */ @Override public Iterator getSupportedLocales() { return getFacesApplication().getSupportedLocales(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#setSupportedLocales(java.util.Collection) */ @Override public void setSupportedLocales(Collection locales) { getFacesApplication().setSupportedLocales(locales); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#addValidator(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public void addValidator(String validatorId, String validatorClass) { getFacesApplication().addValidator(validatorId,validatorClass); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#createValidator(java.lang.String) */ @Override public Validator createValidator(String validatorId) throws FacesException { return getFacesApplication().createValidator(validatorId); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#getValidatorIds() */ @Override public Iterator getValidatorIds() { return getFacesApplication().getValidatorIds(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.application.Application#createValueBinding(java.lang.String) */ @Override public ValueBinding createValueBinding(String ref) throws ReferenceSyntaxException { return getFacesApplication().createValueBinding(ref); } public ValueExpression createValueExpression(String ref, Class<?> expectedReturnType) { return createValueExpression(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext(), ref, expectedReturnType); } public ValueExpression createValueExpression(ELContext elContext, String ref, Class<?> expectedReturnType) { return getFacesApplication().getExpressionFactory().createValueExpression(elContext, ref, expectedReturnType); } //End JSF Application implementation /** * */ public static void reg(String encrLic, String systemIdentifier, String productInfo) { byte[] bServUrl = {104, 116, 116, 112, 58, 47, 47, 115, 116, 111, 114, 101, 46, 105, 100, 101, 103, 97, 46, 99, 111, 109, 47, 115, 101, 114, 118, 105, 99, 101, 115, 47, 76, 105, 99, 101, 110, 99, 101, 83, 101, 114, 118, 105, 99, 101}; String serviceUrl = null; try { serviceUrl = new String(bServUrl,CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } String urlEncLic; try { urlEncLic = URLEncoder.encode(encrLic,CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8); serviceUrl +="?method=validateEncryptedLicence"; serviceUrl +="&in0="+urlEncLic; serviceUrl +="&in1="+URLEncoder.encode(systemIdentifier); serviceUrl +="&in2="+URLEncoder.encode(productInfo); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } URL url; try { url = new URL(serviceUrl); URLConnection urlconn = url.openConnection(); HttpURLConnection httpconn = (HttpURLConnection)urlconn; httpconn.connect(); httpconn.getContent(); httpconn.disconnect(); } catch (ProtocolException pe) { System.err.println(pe.getMessage()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Gets if the application is in "database-less" mode, i.e. when the application doesn't know which database to talk to. * This is set to true when no db.properties is found. */ public boolean isInDatabaseLessMode() { return this.inDatabaseLessMode; } public void setInDatabaseLessMode(boolean inDatabaseLessMode) { this.inDatabaseLessMode = inDatabaseLessMode; } /** * Gets if the application is in "setup" mode, i.e. when the application hasn't been configured. * This is set to true when no db.properties and installation.properties is found. */ public boolean isInSetupMode() { return this.inSetupMode; } public void setInSetupMode(boolean inSetupMode) { this.inSetupMode = inSetupMode; } /** * <p> * Return true if a bundle with bundleIdentifier is already loaded by application * </p> * @param bundleIdentifier * @return */ public boolean isBundleLoaded(String bundleIdentifier) { return getLoadedBundles().containsKey(bundleIdentifier); } /** * <p> * Registers a bundle into the application and calls necessary loading on it. * </p> * @param bundleIdentifier * @param bundle */ public void loadBundle(IWBundle bundle) { if(!this.isBundleLoaded(bundle.getBundleIdentifier())){ String bundleIdentifier = bundle.getBundleIdentifier(); getLoadedBundles().put(bundleIdentifier, bundle); // must be put in the loadedBundles map FIRST to prevent looping if // a starter class calls IWMainApplication.getBundle(...) for the // same bundleidentifier if(postponeBundleStarters) { bundle.setPostponedBundleStartersRun(true); } else { bundle.runBundleStarters(); } } } // public void loadBundle(IWBundle bundle) { // loadBundle(bundle, false); // } public ServletContext getServletContext(){ return this.application; } public Set getResourcePaths(String s){ return this.application.getResourcePaths(s); } private MessagingSettings messagingSettings; public MessagingSettings getMessagingSettings(){ if(messagingSettings==null){ messagingSettings = new MessagingSettings(this); } return messagingSettings; } /** * <p> * Gets localised String message from one of many messageResources * </p> * @param key - message key * @param valueIfNotFound - value that is set to message resource (if autoinsert is enabled) and/or returned in case if not found * @param bundleIdentifier - bundleIdentifier for which message should belong * @param locale - locale for string */ public String getLocalisedStringMessage(String key, String valueIfNotFound, String bundleIdentifier, Locale locale) { Object foundValue = getMessageFactory().getLocalisedMessage(key, valueIfNotFound, bundleIdentifier, locale); if (foundValue == null) { return null; } else { return String.valueOf(foundValue); } } /** * <p> * Gets localised String message from one of many messageResources * </p> * @param key - message key * @param valueIfNotFound - value that is set to message resource (if autoinsert is enabled) and/or returned in case if not found * @param bundleIdentifier - bundleIdentifier for which message should belong */ public String getLocalisedStringMessage(String key, String valueIfNotFound, String bundleIdentifier) { Locale locale = CoreUtil.getIWContext().getCurrentLocale(); Object foundValue = getMessageFactory().getLocalisedMessage(key, valueIfNotFound, bundleIdentifier, locale); if (foundValue == null) { return null; } else { return String.valueOf(foundValue); } } public List<String> getAvailableMessageStorageTypes() { List<MessageResource> resources = getMessageFactory().getAvailableUninitializedMessageResources(); List<String> stringTypes = new ArrayList<String>(resources.size()); for(MessageResource resource : resources) { stringTypes.add(resource.getIdentifier()); } return stringTypes; } public MessageResourceFactory getMessageFactory() { if(messageFactory == null) { ELUtil.getInstance().autowire(this); return messageFactory; } else { return messageFactory; } } @Override public void addELResolver(ELResolver resolver) { getFacesApplication().addELResolver(resolver); } @Override public void addELContextListener(ELContextListener listener) { getFacesApplication().addELContextListener(listener); } @Override public UIComponent createComponent(ValueExpression componentExpression, FacesContext facesContext, String componentType) throws FacesException, NullPointerException { return getFacesApplication().createComponent(componentExpression, facesContext, componentType); } @Override public Object evaluateExpressionGet(FacesContext context, String expression, Class expectedType) throws ELException { return getFacesApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(context, expression, expectedType); } @Override public ELContextListener[] getELContextListeners() { return getFacesApplication().getELContextListeners(); } @Override public ELResolver getELResolver() { return getFacesApplication().getELResolver(); } @Override public ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory() { return getFacesApplication().getExpressionFactory(); } @Override public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(FacesContext ctx, String name) throws FacesException, NullPointerException { return getFacesApplication().getResourceBundle(ctx, name); } @Override public void removeELContextListener(ELContextListener listener) { getFacesApplication().removeELContextListener(listener); } }