package com.idega.idegaweb.presentation; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.util.IWCalendar; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; public class SmallCalendar extends Block { private IWTimestamp today; private IWTimestamp stamp; private IWCalendar cal; private ICPage _page; private Class _class; private String _url; private Image iNextImage; private Image iPreviousImage; private boolean useNextAndPreviousLinks = true; private boolean daysAreLinks = false; private boolean showNameOfDays = true; private boolean _highlight = false; private boolean LINE_VIEW = false; private String textColor = "#000000"; private String highlightedText = "#660000"; private String headerTextColor = "#000000"; private String dayTextColor = this.headerTextColor; private String headerColor = null; private String dayCellColor = null; private String bodyColor = null; private String inactiveCellColor = null; private String backgroundColor = null; private String todayColor = this.headerColor; private String selectedColor = "#CCCCCC"; private String textStyleClass; private String inactiveTextStyleClass; private String headerTextStyleClass; private String dayCellStyle; private String linkStyle; private String inactiveBackgroundCellStyleClass; private String backgroundStyleClass; private String todayBackgroundStyleClass; private String selectedBackgroundStyleClass; private String width = "110"; private String height = "60"; private Link _link; private String _target; private Vector parameterName = new Vector(); private Vector parameterValue = new Vector(); private Hashtable dayColors = null; private Hashtable dayFontColors = null; private Hashtable dayStyleClass = null; private Hashtable dayBackgroundStyleClass = null; private boolean useTarget = false; private String onClickMessageFormat = null; private int displayFormat = DateFormat.MEDIUM; private String dateParameterName = null; public static final String PRM_SETTINGS = "settings"; public Table T; private int iCellpadding = 2; public SmallCalendar() { initialize(); } public SmallCalendar(IWTimestamp timestamp) { initialize(); this.stamp = timestamp; } public SmallCalendar(int year, int month) { initialize(); this.stamp = new IWTimestamp(); this.stamp.setMonth(month); this.stamp.setYear(year); } public void main(IWContext iwc) { = new IWCalendar(iwc.getCurrentLocale()); if (this.stamp == null) { String day = iwc.getParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_DAY); String month = iwc.getParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_MONTH); String year = iwc.getParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_YEAR); if (isTarget() || !this.useTarget) { this.stamp = getTimestamp(day, month, year); } else if (iwc.getSessionAttribute("smcal" + getICObjectInstanceID()) != null) { this.stamp = (IWTimestamp) iwc.getSessionAttribute("smcal" + getICObjectInstanceID()); } else { this.stamp = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); } } if(iwc.isParameterSet(PRM_SETTINGS)){ setInitializingString(iwc.getParameter(PRM_SETTINGS)); } make(iwc); } public void make(IWContext iwc) { int thismonth =; int stampmonth = this.stamp.getMonth(); boolean shadow = (thismonth == stampmonth) ? true : false; if (shadow) { shadow = ( == this.stamp.getYear()) ? true : false; } int daycount =, this.stamp.getYear()); int daynr =, this.stamp.getMonth(), 1); String sMonth =, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.SHORT); try { sMonth = sMonth.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sMonth.substring(1); } catch (Exception e) { sMonth =, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.SHORT); } String sYear = String.valueOf(this.stamp.getYear()); Text tMonth = getHeaderText(sMonth + " " + sYear); Link right = null; if (this.iNextImage != null) { right = new Link(this.iNextImage); } else { right = new Link(getLinkText(">")); } for (int i = 0; i < this.parameterName.size(); i++) { right.addParameter((String) this.parameterName.get(i), (String) this.parameterValue.get(i)); } this.addNextMonthPrm(right, this.stamp); right.setTargetObjectInstance(this.getTargetObjectInstance()); Link left = null; if (this.iPreviousImage != null) { left = new Link(this.iPreviousImage); } else { left = new Link(getLinkText("<")); } for (int i = 0; i < this.parameterName.size(); i++) { left.addParameter((String) this.parameterName.get(i), (String) this.parameterValue.get(i)); } this.addLastMonthPrm(left, this.stamp); setAsObjectInstanceTarget(left); Table T2 = new Table(3, 2); T2.setStyleClass("small_calendar"); this.T.setCellpadding(this.iCellpadding); T2.setCellpadding(0); T2.mergeCells(1, 2, 3, 2); T2.setCellspacing(0); T2.setWidth(this.width); this.T.setWidth(this.width); T2.setHeight(this.height); this.T.setHeight(this.height); T2.setAlignment(1, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); T2.setAlignment(2, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); T2.setAlignment(3, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); if (this.backgroundStyleClass != null) { T2.setStyleClass(getStyleName(this.backgroundStyleClass)); } else if (this.backgroundColor != null) { T2.setColor(this.backgroundColor); } //T2.setAlignment(1, "center"); //T2.setColumnVerticalAlignment(1, "middle"); //T.setColor(inactiveCellColor); if (this.useNextAndPreviousLinks) { T2.add(left, 1, 1); } T2.add(tMonth, 2, 1); if (this.useNextAndPreviousLinks) { T2.add(right, 3, 1); } Text t; if (this.showNameOfDays) { int weekday =; int weekdays = (this.LINE_VIEW ? daycount + daynr : weekday + 7); int a = 1; int b = weekday; while(b < weekdays) { if (weekday > 7) { weekday = weekday - 7; } t = getHeaderText(, iwc.getCurrentLocale(), IWCalendar.LONG).substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()); this.T.setAlignment(a, 1, "center"); this.T.setStyleClass(a, 1, "header"); this.T.add(t, a++, 1); b++; } if (this.dayCellStyle != null) { this.T.setRowStyleClass(1, this.dayCellStyle); } else if (this.dayCellColor != null) { this.T.setRowColor(1, this.dayCellColor); } } int n = 1; int xpos = daynr; int ypos = 1; if (this.showNameOfDays) { ypos++; } int month = this.stamp.getMonth(); int year = this.stamp.getYear(); if (this.dayBackgroundStyleClass != null) { Iterator iter = this.dayBackgroundStyleClass.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String dayString = (String); if (inThisMonth(dayString, year, month)) { IWTimestamp newStamp = new IWTimestamp(dayString); int[] XY = getXYPos(newStamp.getYear(), newStamp.getMonth(), newStamp.getDay()); this.T.setStyleClass(XY[0], XY[1], getDayBackgroundStyleClass(dayString)); } } } else if (this.dayColors != null) { Enumeration enumer = this.dayColors.keys(); while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { String dayString = (String) enumer.nextElement(); if (inThisMonth(dayString, year, month)) { IWTimestamp newStamp = new IWTimestamp(dayString); int[] XY = getXYPos(newStamp.getYear(), newStamp.getMonth(), newStamp.getDay()); this.T.setColor(XY[0], XY[1], getDayColor(dayString)); } } } Link theLink; String dayColor = null; DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(this.displayFormat,iwc.getCurrentLocale()); SimpleDateFormat dateValueFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); while (n <= daycount) { xpos = getXYPos(year, month, n)[0]; ypos = getXYPos(year, month, n)[1]; t = new Text(String.valueOf(n)); dayColor = this.textColor; String styleClass = getDayStyleClass(getDateString(year, month, n)); if (styleClass != null) { t.setStyleClass(styleClass); } else if (getDayFontColor(getDateString(year, month, n)) != null) { dayColor = getDayFontColor(getDateString(year, month, n)); t.setFontStyle("font-family: Verdana,Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: " + dayColor + "; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;"); } else { if ( == year && == month && == n) { dayColor = this.dayTextColor; t.setFontStyle("font-family: Verdana,Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: " + dayColor + "; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;"); } else { t.setFontStyle("font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: " + dayColor + "; font-size: 10px; text-decoration: none;"); } } this.T.setAlignment(xpos, ypos, "center"); if (this.todayBackgroundStyleClass != null && ((n == && shadow)) { this.T.setStyleClass(xpos, ypos, this.todayBackgroundStyleClass); } else if ((this.todayColor != null) && ((n == && shadow)) { this.T.setColor(xpos, ypos, this.todayColor); } if (this._highlight) { if (n == this.stamp.getDay() && month == this.stamp.getMonth() && year == this.stamp.getYear()) { if (this.selectedBackgroundStyleClass != null) { this.T.setStyleClass(xpos, ypos, this.selectedBackgroundStyleClass); } else { this.T.setColor(xpos, ypos, this.selectedColor); } } } if (this.daysAreLinks) { theLink = getLink(); if (styleClass != null) { theLink = new Link(String.valueOf(n)); theLink.setStyleClass(styleClass); } else { theLink.setPresentationObject(t); } if (this._page != null) { theLink.setPage(this._page); } if (this._class != null) { theLink.setClassToInstanciate(this._class); } if (this._url != null) { theLink.setURL(_url); } if (this.dateParameterName != null) { theLink.addParameter(this.dateParameterName, new IWTimestamp(n, this.stamp.getMonth(), this.stamp.getYear()).toSQLDateString()); } theLink.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_DAY, n); theLink.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_MONTH, this.stamp.getMonth()); theLink.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_YEAR, this.stamp.getYear()); /*if (textStyleClass == null) { theLink.setFontColor(textColor); } else { theLink.setStyleClass(textStyleClass); }*/ //theLink.setFontSize(1); for (int i = 0; i < this.parameterName.size(); i++) { theLink.addParameter((String) this.parameterName.get(i), (String) this.parameterValue.get(i)); } if(this.onClickMessageFormat!=null){ Object[] s = new Object[2]; IWTimestamp timeStamp = new IWTimestamp(n,this.stamp.getMonth(),this.stamp.getYear()); s[0]="'"+dateValueFormat.format(timeStamp.getDate())+"'"; //s[1]="'"+timeStamp.getTimestamp().toString()+"'"; s[1] = "'"+df.format(timeStamp.getDate())+"'"; String onClickString = java.text.MessageFormat.format(this.onClickMessageFormat, s); theLink.setOnClick(onClickString); } this.T.add(theLink, xpos, ypos); } else { this.T.add(t, xpos, ypos); } if (this.LINE_VIEW) { xpos++; } else { xpos = xpos % 7 + 1; } if (xpos == 1 && !this.LINE_VIEW) { ypos++; } n++; } if (this.inactiveBackgroundCellStyleClass != null) { for (int a = 1; a <= this.T.getRows(); a++) { for (int b = 1; b <= this.T.getColumns(); b++) { if (this.T.getClass(b, a) == null) { this.T.setStyleClass(b, a, this.inactiveBackgroundCellStyleClass); } } } } else if (this.inactiveCellColor != null) { for (int a = 1; a <= this.T.getRows(); a++) { for (int b = 1; b <= this.T.getColumns(); b++) { if (this.T.getColor(b, a) == null) { this.T.setColor(b, a, this.inactiveCellColor); } } } } T.setStyleClass("calendar"); T2.add(this.T, 1, 2); add(T2); iwc.setSessionAttribute("smcal" + getICObjectInstanceID(), this.stamp); } public void initialize() { = new IWTimestamp(); this.T = new Table(); this.T.setCellspacing(0); this.T.setWidth(this.width); } private Text getLinkText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this.linkStyle != null) { text.setStyleClass(this.linkStyle); } else { text.setFontColor(this.headerTextColor); text.setFontSize(2); text.setBold(); text.setFontStyle("font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: " + this.headerTextColor + "; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none;"); } return text; } private Text getHeaderText(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this.headerTextStyleClass != null) { text.setStyleClass(this.headerTextStyleClass); } else { text.setFontColor(this.headerTextColor); text.setFontSize(2); text.setBold(); text.setFontStyle("font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: " + this.headerTextColor + "; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none;"); } return text; } public void addNextMonthPrm(Link L, IWTimestamp idts) { if (idts.getMonth() == 12) { L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_MONTH, String.valueOf(1)); L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_YEAR, String.valueOf(idts.getYear() + 1)); } else { L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_MONTH, String.valueOf(idts.getMonth() + 1)); L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_YEAR, String.valueOf(idts.getYear())); } L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_DAY,String.valueOf(idts.getDay())); // L.addParameter(CalendarBusiness.PARAMETER_DAY,String.valueOf(idts.getDay())); } public void addLastMonthPrm(Link L, IWTimestamp idts) { if (idts.getMonth() == 1) { L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_MONTH, String.valueOf(12)); L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_YEAR, String.valueOf(idts.getYear() - 1)); } else { L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_MONTH, String.valueOf(idts.getMonth() - 1)); L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_YEAR, String.valueOf(idts.getYear())); } L.addParameter(CalendarParameters.PARAMETER_DAY,String.valueOf(idts.getDay())); //L.addParameter(CalendarBusiness.PARAMETER_DAY,String.valueOf(idts.getDay())); } public IWTimestamp nextMonth(IWTimestamp idts) { if (idts.getMonth() == 12) { return new IWTimestamp(1, 1, idts.getYear() + 1); } else { return new IWTimestamp(1, idts.getMonth() + 1, idts.getYear()); } } public IWTimestamp lastMonth(IWTimestamp idts) { if (idts.getMonth() == 1) { return new IWTimestamp(1, 12, idts.getYear() - 1); } else { return new IWTimestamp(1, idts.getMonth() - 1, idts.getYear()); } } public String getDateString(int year, int month, int day) { return Integer.toString(year) + "-" + TextSoap.addZero(month) + "-" + TextSoap.addZero(day); } public String getDayColor(String dateString) { if (this.dayColors != null) { if (this.dayColors.get(dateString) != null) { return (String) this.dayColors.get(dateString); } else { return null; } } return null; } private String getDayBackgroundStyleClass(String dateString) { if (this.dayBackgroundStyleClass != null) { if (this.dayBackgroundStyleClass.get(dateString) != null) { return (String) this.dayBackgroundStyleClass.get(dateString); } } return null; } private String getDayStyleClass(String dateString) { String dayStyle = null; if (this.dayStyleClass != null) { if (this.dayStyleClass.get(dateString) != null) { dayStyle = (String) this.dayStyleClass.get(dateString); } } if (dayStyle == null) { dayStyle = this.inactiveTextStyleClass; } return dayStyle; } public String getDayFontColor(String dateString) { if (this.dayFontColors != null) { if (this.dayFontColors.get(dateString) != null) { return (String) this.dayFontColors.get(dateString); } else { return null; } } return null; } private boolean inThisMonth(String dayString, int year, int month) { if (dayString != null) { if (dayString.substring(0, 7).equalsIgnoreCase(getDateString(year, month, 1).substring(0, 7))) { return true; } return false; } return false; } public void setTextColor(String color) { this.textColor = color; } public void setOnlySelectedHighlighted(boolean highlight) { this._highlight = highlight; } public void setSelectedHighlighted(boolean highlight) { this._highlight = highlight; } public void setSelectedHighlightColor(String color) { this.selectedColor = color; } public void setHighlightedTextColor(String color) { this.highlightedText = color; } public void setBackgroundColor(String color) { this.backgroundColor = color; } public void setDayCellStyle(String style) { this.dayCellStyle = style; } public void setDayCellColor(String color) { this.dayCellColor = color; } public void setHeaderColor(String color) { this.headerColor = color; } public void setHeaderTextColor(String color) { this.headerTextColor = color; } public void setDayTextColor(String color) { this.dayTextColor = color; } public void setBodyColor(String color) { this.bodyColor = color; } public void setInActiveCellColor(String color) { this.inactiveCellColor = color; } public void useNextAndPreviousLinks(boolean use) { this.useNextAndPreviousLinks = use; } public void setDaysAsLink(boolean use) { this.daysAreLinks = use; } public void setWidth(String width) { this.width = width; } public void setWidth(int width) { setWidth(Integer.toString(width)); } public void setHeight(String height) { this.height = height; } public void setHeight(int height) { setHeight(Integer.toString(height)); } public void showNameOfDays(boolean show) { this.showNameOfDays = show; } public void setColorToday(String color) { this.todayColor = color; } public void useColorToday(boolean useColorToday) { if (!useColorToday) { this.todayColor = ""; } } public void setDayFontStyleClass(int year, int month, int day, String styleClass) { if (this.dayStyleClass == null) { this.dayStyleClass = new Hashtable(); } this.dayStyleClass.put(getDateString(year, month, day), styleClass); } public void setDayFontStyleClass(IWTimestamp timestamp, String color) { setDayFontStyleClass(timestamp.getYear(), timestamp.getMonth(), timestamp.getDay(), color); } public void setDayFontColor(int year, int month, int day) { if (this.dayFontColors == null) { this.dayFontColors = new Hashtable(); } this.dayFontColors.put(getDateString(year, month, day), this.highlightedText); } public void setDayFontColor(int year, int month, int day, String color) { if (this.dayFontColors == null) { this.dayFontColors = new Hashtable(); } this.dayFontColors.put(getDateString(year, month, day), color); } public void setDayFontColor(IWTimestamp timestamp, String color) { setDayFontColor(timestamp.getYear(), timestamp.getMonth(), timestamp.getDay(), color); } public void setTodayFontColor(String color) { IWTimestamp timestamp = new IWTimestamp(); setDayFontColor(timestamp.getYear(), timestamp.getMonth(), timestamp.getDay(), color); } public void setDayStyleClass(int year, int month, int day, String styleClass) { if (this.dayBackgroundStyleClass == null) { this.dayBackgroundStyleClass = new Hashtable(); } this.dayBackgroundStyleClass.put(getDateString(year, month, day), styleClass); } public void setDayStyleClass(IWTimestamp timestamp, String color) { this.setDayStyleClass(timestamp.getYear(), timestamp.getMonth(), timestamp.getDay(), color); } public void setDayColor(int year, int month, int day, String color) { if (this.dayColors == null) { this.dayColors = new Hashtable(); } this.dayColors.put(getDateString(year, month, day), color); } public void setDayColor(IWTimestamp timestamp, String color) { this.setDayColor(timestamp.getYear(), timestamp.getMonth(), timestamp.getDay(), color); } public void setDayOfWeekColor(int dayOfWeek, String color) { int startingY = 1; if (this.showNameOfDays) { ++startingY; } int[] lastDay = getMaxPos(); int maxX = lastDay[0]; int maxY = lastDay[1]; if (maxX < dayOfWeek) { --maxY; } for (int i = startingY; i <= maxY; i++) { this.T.setColor(dayOfWeek, i, color); } } public void setDayOfWeekStyleClass(int dayOfWeek, String styleClass) { int startingY = 1; if (this.showNameOfDays) { ++startingY; } int[] lastDay = getMaxPos(); int maxX = lastDay[0]; int maxY = lastDay[1]; if (maxX < dayOfWeek) { --maxY; } for (int i = startingY; i <= maxY; i++) { this.T.setStyleClass(dayOfWeek, i, styleClass); } } /** * returns the x and y pos of the last day of the month */ private int[] getMaxPos() { int day =, this.stamp.getYear()); return this.getXYPos(this.stamp.getYear(), this.stamp.getMonth(), day); } private int[] getXYPos(int year, int month, int day) { int startingY = 1; if (this.showNameOfDays) { ++startingY; } int dayOfWeek =, month, 1); int firstDayOfWeek =; int daynr = dayOfWeek - firstDayOfWeek; int x = (daynr + day) % 7; int y = ((daynr + day) / 7) + 1; if (x == 0) { x = 7; --y; } if (dayOfWeek == Calendar.SUNDAY && firstDayOfWeek != Calendar.SUNDAY) { y++; } y += (startingY - 1); int[] returner = { x, y }; return returner; } private String getTarget() { return this._target; } public void setTarget(String target) { this._target = target; } public void setAsLineView(boolean line) { this.LINE_VIEW = line; } private Link getLink() { if (this._link == null) { this._link = new Link(); if (getTarget() != null) { this._link.setTarget(getTarget()); } setAsObjectInstanceTarget(this._link); } return (Link) this._link.clone(); } /** * Set the proxy Link object to be used * @param link */ public void setLink(Link link) { this._link = link; } /** * Set the page to direct to * @param page */ public void setPage(ICPage page) { this._page = page; } /** * Set the current timestamp * @param stamp */ public void setTimestamp(IWTimestamp stamp) { this.stamp = stamp; } /** * Adds a parameter to be maintained in calendar * @param name * @param value */ public void addParameterToLink(String name, int value) { addParameterToLink(name, Integer.toString(value)); } /** * Adds a parameter to be maintained in calendar * @param name * @param value */ public void addParameterToLink(String name, String value) { this.parameterName.add(name); this.parameterValue.add(value); } /** * Set the message format to be parsed with MessageFormat * with the {0} parameter for the chosen dates long value * and the {1} parameter for the chosed date's locale display format * @param format */ public void setOnClickMessageFormat(String format){ this.onClickMessageFormat = format; } /** * Sets the display format of the date when calendar user to choose * date, default set to DateFormat.MEDIUM, can be DateFormat.SHORT * and DateFormat.LONG instead * @param format */ public void setOnClickDisplayFormat(int format){ this.displayFormat = format; } public synchronized Object clone() { SmallCalendar obj = null; try { obj = (SmallCalendar) super.clone(); if ( != null) { = new IWTimestamp(; } if (this.stamp != null) { obj.stamp = new IWTimestamp(this.stamp); } if (this.T != null) { obj.T = (Table) this.T.clone(); } if (this.dayColors != null) { obj.dayColors = (Hashtable) this.dayColors.clone(); } if (this.dayFontColors != null) { obj.dayFontColors = (Hashtable) this.dayFontColors.clone(); } if (this.dayStyleClass != null) { obj.dayStyleClass = (Hashtable) this.dayStyleClass.clone(); } if (this.dayBackgroundStyleClass != null) { obj.dayBackgroundStyleClass = (Hashtable) this.dayBackgroundStyleClass.clone(); } if (this.parameterName != null) { obj.parameterName = (Vector) this.parameterName.clone(); } if (this.parameterValue != null) { obj.parameterValue = (Vector) this.parameterValue.clone(); } =; obj.useNextAndPreviousLinks = this.useNextAndPreviousLinks; obj.daysAreLinks = this.daysAreLinks; obj.showNameOfDays = this.showNameOfDays; obj.textColor = this.textColor; obj.headerTextColor = this.headerTextColor; obj.headerColor = this.headerColor; obj.bodyColor = this.bodyColor; obj.inactiveCellColor = this.inactiveCellColor; obj.backgroundColor = this.backgroundColor; obj.todayColor = this.todayColor; obj.textStyleClass = this.textStyleClass; obj.headerTextStyleClass = this.headerTextStyleClass; obj.inactiveBackgroundCellStyleClass = this.inactiveBackgroundCellStyleClass; obj.backgroundStyleClass = this.backgroundStyleClass; obj.todayBackgroundStyleClass = this.backgroundStyleClass; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } public void setInitializingString(String initializingString){ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(initializingString,","); if(tok.countTokens()==8){ String t = tok.nextToken(); if(t.equals("1")) { showNameOfDays(true); } t = tok.nextToken(); if(t!=null) { setTextColor(t); } t = tok.nextToken(); if(t!=null) { setHeaderTextColor(t); } t = tok.nextToken(); if(t!=null) { setHeaderColor(t); } t = tok.nextToken(); if(t!=null) { setBodyColor(t); } t = tok.nextToken(); if(t!=null) { setInActiveCellColor(t); } t = tok.nextToken(); if(t!=null) { setBackgroundColor(t); } t = tok.nextToken(); if(t!=null) { setTodayFontColor(t); } } } public static String getInitializingString(boolean showNameOfDays,String textColor,String headerTextColor,String headerColor,String bodyColor,String inactiveCellColor,String backgroundColor,String todayColor){ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String sep = ","; buf.append(showNameOfDays?"1":"0").append(sep); buf.append(textColor).append(sep); buf.append(headerTextColor).append(sep); buf.append(headerColor).append(sep); buf.append(bodyColor).append(sep); buf.append(inactiveCellColor).append(sep); buf.append(backgroundColor).append(sep); buf.append(todayColor); return buf.toString(); } /* * This method is not a presentation but was moved here because of compilation issues */ //TODO: Move away to a more appropriate class public static IWTimestamp getTimestamp(String day, String month, String year) { IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(); if (day != null) { stamp.setDay(Integer.parseInt(day)); } // removed dubius behavior A /*else { stamp.setDay(1); } */ if (month != null) { stamp.setMonth(Integer.parseInt(month)); } if (year != null) { stamp.setYear(Integer.parseInt(year)); } stamp.setHour(0); stamp.setMinute(0); stamp.setSecond(0); return stamp; } public void setBackgroundStyleName(String style) { this.backgroundStyleClass = style; } public void setHeaderFontStyleName(String style) { this.headerTextStyleClass = style; } public void setTextStyleName(String style) { this.textStyleClass = style; } public void setHighlightedTextStyleName(String style) { } public void setDayTextStyleName(String style) { } public void setLinkStyle(String style) { this.linkStyle = style; } public void setInactiveBackgroundCellStyleName(String style) { this.inactiveBackgroundCellStyleClass = style; } public void setTodayBackgroundStyleName(String style) { this.todayBackgroundStyleClass = style; } public void setSelectedBackgroundStyleName(String style) { this.selectedBackgroundStyleClass = style; } public void setNextImage(Image nextImage) { this.iNextImage = nextImage; } public void setPreviousImage(Image previousImage) { this.iPreviousImage = previousImage; } public void setInactiveTextStyleClass(String inactiveTextStyleClass) { this.inactiveTextStyleClass = inactiveTextStyleClass; } public void setCellpadding(int cellpadding) { this.iCellpadding = cellpadding; } public void setMonthTextStyleClass(String monthTextStyleClass) { } public void setClassToLinkTo(Class classToLinkTo) { this._class = classToLinkTo; } public void setUrlToLinkTo(String urlToLinkTo) { this._url = urlToLinkTo; } public void setDateParameterName(String dateParameterName) { this.dateParameterName = dateParameterName; } }