/* * $Id: BlobWrapper.java,v 1.16 2006/04/09 12:13:15 laddi Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.data; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import com.idega.io.MemoryFileBuffer; import com.idega.io.MemoryInputStream; import com.idega.io.MemoryOutputStream; /** * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.3 */ public class BlobWrapper implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1907663111712992625L; private int status; private InputStream writeInputStream; // unused private InputStream readInputStream; // unused private OutputStream readOutputStream; private OutputStream writeOutputStream; private String columnName; private String tableName; // unused private String dataSourceName; private BlobInputStream blobInputStream; //private Connection conn; private GenericEntity entity; //private ResultSet RS; //private Statement Stmt; public final static int INSERT_STATUS = 1; public final static int SELECT_STATUS = 2; public final static int DELETE_STATUS = 3; public final static int IS_CLOSED = 3; public BlobWrapper(GenericEntity entity, String tableColumnName) { this.setEntity(entity); this.setTableColumnName(tableColumnName); //setDatasource(entity.getDatasource()); } public void setInputStreamForBlobWrite(InputStream stream) { this.writeInputStream = stream; } protected InputStream getInputStreamForBlobWrite() { return this.writeInputStream; } /* public OutputStream getOutputStreamForBlobRead() throws IOException { byte buffer[] = new byte[1024]; int noRead = 0; InputStream myInputStream = this.getInputStreamForBlobRead(); noRead = myInputStream.read(buffer,0,1023); //Write out the blob to the outputStream while (noRead != -1) { readOutputStream.write(buffer,0,noRead); noRead = myInputStream.read(buffer,0,1023); } return readOutputStream; } */ public OutputStream getOutputStreamForBlobWrite() { if (this.writeOutputStream == null) { /*writeOutputStream=new StreamConnectorOutputStream(); writeInputStream = ((StreamConnectorOutputStream)writeOutputStream).getNewConnectedInputStream(); */ MemoryFileBuffer buf = new MemoryFileBuffer(); this.writeOutputStream = new MemoryOutputStream(buf); this.writeInputStream = new MemoryInputStream(buf); } return this.writeOutputStream; } /* public void setOutputStreamForBlobWrite(OutputStream stream) { writeOutputStream = stream; } public InputStream getInputStreamForBlobRead() { try { if (readInputStream == null) { Stmt = conn.createStatement(); RS = Stmt.executeQuery("select " + getTableColumnName() + " from " + entity.getTableName() + " where " + entity.getIDColumnName() + "='" + entity.getID() + "'"); Blob myBlob = null; readInputStream = null; if (RS.next()) { readInputStream = RS.getBinaryStream(1); } } } catch(Exception ex) { System.err.println("Error in BlobWrapper getInputStreamForBlobRead(): " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return readInputStream; }*/ public BlobInputStream getBlobInputStream(){ if (this.blobInputStream == null || this.blobInputStream.isClosed()) { this.blobInputStream = (new BlobInputStream(this.entity, this.getTableColumnName())); } return this.blobInputStream; } //public void populate() { // DatastoreInterface.getInstance(conn).populateBlob(this); //} protected void setEntity(GenericEntity entity) { this.entity = entity; } public GenericEntity getEntity() { return this.entity; } public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } public int getStatus() { return this.status; } protected void setTableColumnName(String columnName) { this.columnName = columnName; } protected String getTableColumnName() { return this.columnName; } protected void setTableName(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; } protected String getTableName() { return this.tableName; } // unused methods // private void setDatasource(String datasourceName) { // this.dataSourceName = datasourceName; // } // private String getDatasource() { // return this.dataSourceName; // } /*protected Connection getConnection() { return conn; }*/ public void close() { try { /* if (entity != null) { if (RS != null) { RS.close(); } if (Stmt != null) { Stmt.close(); } if (conn != null){ conn.setAutoCommit(true); entity.freeConnection(dataSourceName,conn); } }*/ //System.out.println("BlobWrapper.close()"); if (this.blobInputStream != null) { //System.out.println("BlobWrapper.blobInputStream.close()"); this.blobInputStream.close(); this.blobInputStream = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Error in BlobWrapper close(): " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } this.setStatus(BlobWrapper.IS_CLOSED); } /* public int insertBlob(){ int id = -1; Connection Conn = null; try{ String dataBaseType = ""; Conn = entity.getConnection(); if (Conn!=null) dataBaseType = com.idega.data.DatastoreInterface.getDataStoreType(Conn); else dataBaseType="oracle"; // if( dataBaseType.equals("oracle") ) { // id = saveToOracleDB(); // }//other databases // else { // id = saveToDB(); // } saveToDB(); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(System.err); return -1; } finally{ if(Conn != null ) entity.freeConnection(Conn); } return id; }*/ /*public void saveToDB(){ String statement ; Connection Conn = null; try{ Conn = entity.getConnection(); if(Conn== null) return; statement = "update " + entity.getTableName() + " set " + getTableColumnName() + "=? where " + entity.getIDColumnName() + " = " + entity.getID(); //Conn.setAutoCommit(false); BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(writeInputStream); PreparedStatement PS = Conn.prepareStatement(statement); PS.setBinaryStream(1, bin, bin.available() ); PS.execute(); PS.close(); //Conn.commit(); //Conn.setAutoCommit(true); } catch(SQLException ex){ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println( "error saving to db");} catch(Exception ex){ex.printStackTrace();} finally{ if(Conn != null) entity.freeConnection(Conn); } }*/ /* public int saveToOracleDB(){ int id = -1; String statement ; Connection Conn = null; boolean dimensions = false; if(width.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) dimensions = false; try{ Conn = entity.getConnection(); if(Conn == null) return id; if(NewImage){ id = com.idega.data.EntityControl.createUniqueID(entity); if(dimensions) statement = "insert into image (image_id,image_value,content_type,image_name,width,height,date_added,from_file,parent_id) values("+id+",?,?,?,?,?,"+IWTimestamp.RightNow().toOracleString()+",'N',"+parentImageId+")"; else statement = "insert into image (image_id,image_value,content_type,image_name,date_added,from_file,parent_id) values("+id+",?,?,?,"+IWTimestamp.RightNow().toOracleString()+",'N',"+parentImageId+")"; } else{ if(dimensions) statement = "update image set image_value=?,content_type=?,image_name=?,width=?,height=? where image_id='"+imageId+"'"; else statement = "update image set image_value=?,content_type=?,image_name=? where image_id='"+imageId+"'"; } oracle.sql.BLOB blob; System.out.println(statement); Conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement myPreparedStatement = Conn.prepareStatement ( statement ); myPreparedStatement.setString(1, "00000001");// 00000001 i staĆ° hins venjulega empty_blob() myPreparedStatement.setString(2, ContentType ); myPreparedStatement.setString(3, FileName ); if(dimensions){ myPreparedStatement.setString(4, width ); myPreparedStatement.setString(5, height ); } myPreparedStatement.execute(); myPreparedStatement.close(); Conn.commit(); Conn.setAutoCommit(false); Statement stmt2 = Conn.createStatement(); if(!NewImage) id = imageId; String cmd = "SELECT image_value FROM image WHERE image_id ='"+id+"' FOR UPDATE "; ResultSet RS2 = stmt2.executeQuery(cmd); RS2.next(); blob = ((OracleResultSet)RS2).getBLOB(1); // write the array of binary data to a BLOB OutputStream outstream = blob.getBinaryOutputStream(); int size = blob.getBufferSize(); byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; int length = -1; while ((length = in.read(buffer)) != -1) outstream.write(buffer, 0, length ); outstream.flush(); outstream.close(); in.close(); stmt2.close(); RS2.close(); Conn.commit(); Conn.setAutoCommit(true); } catch(SQLException ex){ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println( "error saving to db");} catch(Exception ex){ex.printStackTrace();} finally{ if(Conn != null) entity.freeConnection(Conn); } return id; }*/ public String toString() { if (this.entity != null) { return this.entity.toString(); } else { return "-1"; } } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if (!(this.getStatus() == BlobWrapper.IS_CLOSED)) { close(); } super.finalize(); } public boolean isReadyForUpdate() { return (!(this.writeInputStream == null)); } }