/* * $Id: Form.java,v 1.101 2008/12/15 14:07:35 anton Exp $ * Created in 2000 by Tryggvi Larusson * * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.idega.presentation.ui; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import com.idega.core.builder.business.BuilderService; import com.idega.core.builder.business.ICBuilderConstants; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPage; import com.idega.core.localisation.business.LocaleSwitcher; import com.idega.event.IWPresentationEvent; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWConstants; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Page; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObjectContainer; import com.idega.presentation.Script; /** * <p> * This is the default implementation of a Form element in idegaWeb.<br> * JSF has a new object called javax.faces.component.UIForm or javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm and these new objects * are recommended to use instead of this class in pure JSF applications.<br> * </p> * Last modified: $Date: 2008/12/15 14:07:35 $ by $Author: anton $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version $Revision: 1.101 $ */ public class Form // TODO: Move to extend UIForm // extends UIForm{ extends InterfaceObject { //static constants: private static final String IB_PAGE_PARAMETER = ICBuilderConstants.IB_PAGE_PARAMETER; private static String COLONSLASHSLASH = "://"; private static String HTTP = "http"; private static String HTTPS = "https"; //instance variables: private List maintainedParameters; private boolean maintainAllParameters; private Map controlParameters; private Class windowClass; private int icObjectInstanceIDForWindow = -1; private Class classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo; private int _submitToPage = -1; private boolean sendToHTTPS = false; private boolean _disableObject; private Map _objectsToDisable; private boolean _disableOnSubmit; private boolean showLoadingLayerOnSubmit = true; private boolean printLoadingLayer = false; private static String FACET_ASSOCIATEDSCRIPT="form_associatedscript"; private String loadingLayerLocalizationKey = "loading_text"; private String loadingLayerTextValue = "Loading..."; @Override public Object saveState(FacesContext ctx) { Object values[] = new Object[16]; values[0] = super.saveState(ctx); values[1] = this.maintainedParameters; values[2] = Boolean.valueOf(this.maintainAllParameters); values[3] = this.controlParameters; values[4] = this.windowClass; values[5] = new Integer(this.icObjectInstanceIDForWindow); values[6] = this.classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo; values[7] = new Integer(this._submitToPage); values[8] = Boolean.valueOf(this.sendToHTTPS); values[9] = Boolean.valueOf(this._disableObject); values[10] = this._objectsToDisable; values[11] = Boolean.valueOf(this._disableOnSubmit); values[12] = Boolean.valueOf(this.showLoadingLayerOnSubmit); values[13] = Boolean.valueOf(this.printLoadingLayer); values[14] = this.loadingLayerLocalizationKey; values[15] = this.loadingLayerTextValue; return values; } @Override public void restoreState(FacesContext ctx, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[]) state; super.restoreState(ctx, values[0]); this.maintainedParameters = (List)values[1]; this.maintainAllParameters = ((Boolean)values[2]).booleanValue(); this.controlParameters = (Map)values[3]; this.windowClass = (Class)values[4]; this.icObjectInstanceIDForWindow = ((Integer)values[5]).intValue(); this.classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo = (Class)values[6]; this._submitToPage = ((Integer)values[7]).intValue(); this.sendToHTTPS = ((Boolean)values[8]).booleanValue(); this._disableObject = ((Boolean)values[9]).booleanValue(); this._objectsToDisable = (Map)values[10]; this._disableOnSubmit = ((Boolean)values[11]).booleanValue(); this.showLoadingLayerOnSubmit = ((Boolean)values[12]).booleanValue(); this.printLoadingLayer = ((Boolean)values[13]).booleanValue(); this.loadingLayerLocalizationKey = values[14].toString(); this.loadingLayerTextValue = values[15].toString(); } /** * Defaults to send to the page itself and the POST method */ public Form() { // super(); setName(getID()); setMethod("post"); this.maintainAllParameters = false; initialize(); } /** * Defaults to the POST method */ public Form(String action) { this(action, "post"); } public Form(Class classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo) { // this(IWMainApplication.getObjectInstanciatorURL(classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo)); initialize(); } public Form(String actionURL, String method) { // super(); setName(getID()); setMethod(method); setAction(actionURL); this.maintainAllParameters = false; initialize(); } public Form(Class classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo, String method) { // this(IWMainApplication.getObjectInstanciatorURL(classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo),method); this.setMethod(method); this.setClassToInstanciateAndSendTo(classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo); initialize(); } /** * Use this constructor to submit this form to a "pop-up" window */ public Form(Window myWindow) { setName(getID()); setWindow(myWindow); this.maintainAllParameters = false; initialize(); } public void initialize() { //add(new Parameter(FORM_EVENT_PARAMETER, this.getID())); //this.add(new HiddenInput(IWMainApplication.IWEventSessionAddressParameter, "")); setTransient(false); } @Override protected void setOnAction(String actionType, String action) { /* * String attributeName = actionType; String previousAttribute = * getAttribute(attributeName); if (previousAttribute == null) { * setAttribute(attributeName, action); * } else { if (getAttribute(attributeName).indexOf(action) != -1) * setAttribute(attributeName, previousAttribute + ";" + action); } */ setMarkupAttributeMultivalued(actionType, action); } public void setAction(String actionURL) { setMarkupAttribute("action", actionURL); } protected String getAction() { return getMarkupAttribute("action"); } public void setMethod(String method) { setMarkupAttribute("method", method); } public String getMethod() { return getMarkupAttribute("method"); } public void setTarget(String target) { setMarkupAttribute("target", target); } public String getTarget() { return getMarkupAttribute("target"); } //TODO remove this variable declaration and move totally to facets: //This variable is kept because of legacy reasons but should be replaced with a Facet private Window oldPopupWindow; protected void setWindow(Window window) { // if(IWMainApplication.useJSF){ // getFacets().put("popupwindow",window); // } // else{ this.oldPopupWindow = window; // } } protected Window getWindow(){ // if(IWMainApplication.useJSF){ // return (Window)getFacet("popupwindow"); // } // else{ return this.oldPopupWindow; // } } public void setMultiPart() { setMarkupAttribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); } public void setOnReset(String script) { setOnAction("onreset", script); } @Override public void setOnSubmit(String script) { setOnAction("onsubmit", script); } @Override public void setOnClick(String script) { setOnAction("onclick", script); } private List findAllfindAllInterfaceObjectsHelper(List vector, PresentationObjectContainer cont) { List objects = cont.getChildren(); if (objects != null) { // for (Enumeration enum = objects.elements();enum.hasMoreElements();){ for (Iterator iter = objects.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { PresentationObject mo = (PresentationObject) iter.next(); if (mo instanceof PresentationObjectContainer) { if (mo instanceof InterfaceObject) { vector.add(mo); } else { vector = findAllfindAllInterfaceObjectsHelper(vector, (PresentationObjectContainer) mo); } } } } return vector; } public InterfaceObject[] findAllInterfaceObjects() { List vector = new ArrayList(); vector = findAllfindAllInterfaceObjectsHelper(vector, this); return (InterfaceObject[]) vector.toArray(new InterfaceObject[1]); } private String getIdegaSpecialRequestURI(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.getParameter("idegaspecialrequesttype") == null) { return iwc.getRequestURI(); } else { // return // encodeSpecialRequestString(iwc.getRequest().getParameter("idegaspecialrequesttype"),iwc.getRequest().getParameter("idegaspecialrequestname"),iwc); add(new Parameter("idegaspecialrequesttype", iwc.getParameter("idegaspecialrequesttype"))); add(new Parameter("idegaspecialrequestname", iwc.getParameter("idegaspecialrequestname"))); return iwc.getRequestURI(); } } @Override public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { // Chech if there is some class set setActionToInstanciatedClass(iwc); if (this._submitToPage != -1) { // Set a builder page as the action BuilderService bservice = getBuilderService(iwc); this.setAction(bservice.getPageURI(this._submitToPage)); } if (getWindow() != null) { // iwc.setSessionAttribute(IdegaWebHandler.windowOpenerParameter,window); com.idega.servlet.WindowOpener.storeWindow(iwc, getWindow()); } if (this._disableObject) { getScript().addFunction("disableObject", "function disableObject (inputs,value) {\n if (inputs.length > 1) {\n \tfor(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)\n \t\tinputs[i].disabled=eval(value);\n \t}\n else\n inputs.disabled=eval(value);\n}"); if (this._disableOnSubmit) { Iterator iter = this._objectsToDisable.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String name = (String) iter.next(); String values = (String) this._objectsToDisable.get(name); setCheckSubmit(); getScript().addToFunction("checkSubmit", "disableObject(findObj('" + name + "'),'" + String.valueOf(values) + "');"); } } } // temporary not allowing when event handler used handleLoadingLayer(iwc); handleKeepStatus(iwc); } private void handleLoadingLayer(IWContext iwc) { if (getParentPage() != null && this.showLoadingLayerOnSubmit && getTarget() == null) {// && // !("iw_event_frame").equals(target)){ /*if (getParentPage().getAssociatedBodyScript().getFunction("showLoadingLayer") == null) getParentPage().getAssociatedScript().addFunction("showLoadingLayer", getShowLoadingLayerScript(iwc)); if (getParentPage().getAssociatedBodyScript().getFunction("createLoadingLayer") == null) getParentPage().getAssociatedBodyScript().addFunction("createLoadingLayer", getCreateLoadingLayerScript(iwc)); // getParentPage().setStyleDefinition("DIV.LoadLayer","visibility:hidden;position:absolute;"); IWStyleManager manager = IWStyleManager.getInstance(); if (!manager.isStyleSet("DIV.LoadLayer")) IWStyleManager.getInstance().setStyle("DIV.LoadLayer", "visibility:hidden;position:absolute;font-family: arial;" + "font-size: 9pt;font-weight: bold; background: #ffffff; border-style: ridge;border-color: #cbcbcb;" + "border-width: 2px;padding-top: 4px;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 12px;padding-bottom:4px; top:48%;left:45%;"); // setOnClick("this.disabled=true;showLoadingLayer();this.form.submit();"); // getForm().setOnSubmit("showLoadingLayer();"); // setOnSubmitFunction("displayLoadingLayer","function // displayLoadingLayer(theInput,message){ \n\t showLoadingLayer();\n\t // return true;\n}",""); // getParentPage().setOnUnLoad("showLoadingLayer();"); // /setOnSubmit("showLoadingLayer();"); //setCheckSubmit(); */ this.printLoadingLayer = true; } } /* private String getShowLoadingLayerScript(IWContext iwc) { StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer(); // String imageUrl = // iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle().getImageURI("loading_notext.gif"); script.append(" var loaded = false;\n"); script.append("function showLoadingLayer(){ ").append("\n"); script.append(" var theDiv = findObj( \"busybuddy\" );").append("\n"); script.append(" if( !theDiv ) { ").append("\n"); script.append(" return; ").append("\n"); script.append(" }").append("\n"); String target = getTarget(); if (target != null) { // script.append("alert(window.opener.top['"+target+"'].ReadyState);\n"); script.append(" theTargetFrame = findObj('" + target + "',window.opener);\n"); script.append(" if(theTargetFrame){\n"); // script.append(" window.status='target found';"); } script.append(" if( theDiv.style ) { ").append("\n"); script.append(" theDiv.style.visibility = 'visible';").append("\n"); script.append(" } else {").append("\n"); script.append(" theDiv.visibility = 'show' ;").append("\n"); // script.append(" theDiv.visibility = 'visible';").append("\n"); script.append(" }").append("\n"); if (target != null) { script.append(" }\n"); } script.append("}").append("\n"); return script.toString(); } private String getCreateLoadingLayerScript(IWContext iwc) { StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer(); String imageUrl = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle().getImageURI("loading_notext.gif"); script.append(" if(!loaded){ ").append("\n"); script.append("document.write('<div id=\"busybuddy\" class=\"LoadLayer\" >"); script.append("<div id=\"busybuddy-contents\" class=\"LoadLayerContents\" >"); script.append("<img src=\"" + imageUrl + "\" onError=\"this.width=1;this.height=1;\"> "); script.append(iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle().getResourceBundle(iwc).getLocalizedString("loading_text", "Loading...")); script.append("<\\/div>"); script.append("<\\/div>') ").append("\n"); script.append("loaded = true; ").append("\n"); script.append(" } ").append("\n"); return script.toString(); } */ /** * Set to show a loading image in middle of window, when button pressed * * @param show */ public void setToShowLoadingOnSubmit(boolean show) { this.showLoadingLayerOnSubmit = show; } public void setToShowLoadingOnSubmit(boolean show, String localizationKey, String valueIfNull) { this.showLoadingLayerOnSubmit = show; this.loadingLayerLocalizationKey = localizationKey; this.loadingLayerTextValue = valueIfNull; } /** * Converts the set action POST/GET to an HTTPS url */ private void convertActionToHTTPS(IWContext iwc) { String action = getAction(); if (action != null) { if (action.startsWith(HTTP)) { if (action.startsWith(HTTPS)) { // nothing } else { setAction(HTTPS + action.substring(4, action.length())); } } else { setAction(HTTPS + COLONSLASHSLASH + iwc.getRequest().getServerName() + iwc.getRequestURI()); } } } public void addParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue) { add(new Parameter(parameterName, parameterValue)); } /** * */ public void addParameter(String parameterName, int parameterValue) { addParameter(parameterName, Integer.toString(parameterValue)); } public void maintainAllParameters() { this.maintainAllParameters = true; } /** * Creates a hidden field if there is an action on the form again */ public void maintainParameter(String parameterName) { if (this.maintainedParameters == null) { this.maintainedParameters = new ArrayList(); } this.maintainedParameters.add(parameterName); } /** * Creates a hidden fields for each param if there is an action on the form * again */ public void maintainParameters(List params) { if (params != null) { if (this.maintainedParameters == null) { this.maintainedParameters = new ArrayList(); } this.maintainedParameters.addAll(params); } } @Override protected void setCheckSubmit() { if (getScript().getFunction("checkSubmit") == null) { getScript().addFunction("checkSubmit", "function checkSubmit"+getId()+"(inputs){\n\n}"); setOnSubmit("return checkSubmit"+getId()+"(this)"); } } /* * */ private void addGloballyMaintainedParameters(IWContext iwc) { List list = com.idega.idegaweb.IWURL.getGloballyMaintainedParameters(iwc); if (list != null) { Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String parameterName = (String) iter.next(); String parameterValue; if (parameterName.equals(IB_PAGE_PARAMETER) && this._submitToPage > 0) { // fix for multipart forms parameterValue = Integer.toString(this._submitToPage); } else { parameterValue = iwc.getParameter(parameterName); } if (parameterValue != null) { if (!this.isParameterSet(parameterName)) { addParameter(parameterName, parameterValue); } } } } } /* * */ private void addTheMaintainedBuilderParameters(IWContext iwc) { List list = com.idega.idegaweb.IWURL.getGloballyMaintainedBuilderParameters(iwc); // System.out.println("--------------------------------------"); // System.out.println("builderPrm"); if (list != null) { Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String parameterName = (String) iter.next(); String parameterValue; // System.out.print("parameterName = "+parameterName+" , parameterValue // = "+parameterValue+" parameterSet = "); if (parameterName.equals(IB_PAGE_PARAMETER) && this._submitToPage > 0) { // fix for multipart forms parameterValue = Integer.toString(this._submitToPage); } else { parameterValue = iwc.getParameter(parameterName); } if (parameterValue != null) { if (!this.isParameterSet(parameterName)) { // System.out.println("false"); addParameter(parameterName, parameterValue); } else { // System.out.println("true"); } } else { // System.out.println("null"); } } } } /** * temp implementation */ public boolean isParameterSet(String prmName) { // if (this.theObjects != null) { Iterator iter = getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PresentationObject item = (PresentationObject) iter.next(); if (prmName.equals(item.getName())) { return true; } } // } return false; } /** * For printing out the maintained hidden parameters * * Currently not implemented well enough, parameters should be dynamically * added */ private void addTheMaintainedParameters(IWContext iwc) { /** * Should be probably deprecated if the "submitTo()" function is deprecated */ /* * if(submitToObject!= null){ String treeID=submitToObject.getTreeID(); * if(treeID!=null){ this.add(new * Parameter("idega_special_tree_node",treeID)); } } */ // setEventListener(LocaleSwitcher.class.getName()); addParameter(LocaleSwitcher.languageParameterString, iwc.getCurrentLocale().toString()); this.addGloballyMaintainedParameters(iwc); this.addTheMaintainedBuilderParameters(iwc); if (this.maintainAllParameters) { /* * if (iwc.getParameter("idega_special_form_parameter") != null) { * PresentationObjectContainer cont = (PresentationObjectContainer) * iwc.getSessionAttribute("idega_special_form_parameters"); if (cont != * null) { this.add(cont); } } else { */ PresentationObjectContainer cont = new PresentationObjectContainer(); for (Enumeration enumer = iwc.getParameterNames(); enumer.hasMoreElements();) { String tempString = (String) enumer.nextElement(); cont.add(new Parameter(tempString, iwc.getParameter(tempString))); } cont.add(new Parameter("idega_special_form_parameter", "")); this.add(cont); // iwc.setSessionAttribute("idega_special_form_parameters", cont); // } } else if (this.maintainedParameters != null) { //for (Enumeration e = maintainedParameters.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { for (Iterator iter = this.maintainedParameters.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String tempParameter = (String) iter.next(); if (iwc.getParameter(tempParameter) != null) { String[] strings = iwc.getParameterValues(tempParameter); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { add(new Parameter(tempParameter, strings[i])); } // this.add(new // Parameter(tempParameter,iwc.getParameter(tempParameter))); } } } /* * Map globalMaintainedParameters = iwc.getTheMaintainedParameters(); if * (globalMaintainedParameters!=null){ for (Enumeration enum = * globalMaintainedParameters.getE.getParameterNames();enum.hasMoreElements();){ * String tempString = (String)enum.nextElement(); add(); } } */ } /** * Gets the Parameter object for the old idegaWeb event sytem. * <p> * TODO tryggvil describe method getEventParameter * </p> * @return */ protected UIComponent getEventParameter(){ Parameter parameter = (Parameter) getFacet(IWMainApplication.IWEventSessionAddressParameter); if(parameter==null){ parameter = new Parameter(IWMainApplication.IWEventSessionAddressParameter,""); getFacets().put(IWMainApplication.IWEventSessionAddressParameter,parameter); } return parameter; } @Override public void print(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { String loadingText = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle().getResourceBundle(iwc).getLocalizedString(this.loadingLayerLocalizationKey, this.loadingLayerTextValue); String loadingCall = "showLoadingMessage('"+loadingText+"');"; if (getScript().doesFunctionExist("checkSubmit")) { if (this.printLoadingLayer) { getScript().addToFunction("checkSubmit", loadingCall); } getScript().addToFunction("checkSubmit", "return true;"); } else if (this.printLoadingLayer) { this.setOnSubmit(loadingCall); } // if ( doPrint(iwc) ){ addTheMaintainedParameters(iwc); if (getWindow() != null) { // setAction(window.getURL(iwc)+"?idega_session_id="+iwc.getSession().getId()); setAction(getWindow().getURL(iwc)); setTarget(getWindow().getTarget()); // setTarget(CoreConstants.NUMBER_SIGN); setOnSubmit(getWindow().getCallingScriptStringForForm(iwc)); } if (getAction() == null) { // setAction(getIdegaSpecialRequestURI(iwc)+"?idega_session_id="+iwc.getSession().getId()); setAction(getIdegaSpecialRequestURI(iwc)); } if (this.sendToHTTPS) { convertActionToHTTPS(iwc); } if (getMarkupLanguage().equals(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML)) { String markup = iwc.getApplicationSettings().getDefaultMarkupLanguage(); // String Action = getAction(); // if (Action.indexOf("idega_session_id") == -1){ // setAction(Action+"?idega_session_id="+iwc.getSession().getId()); // } Script associatedScript = getAssociatedFormScript(); //if (getAssociatedFormScript() != null) // add(getAssociatedFormScript()); println("<form " + (markup.equals(Page.HTML) ? "name=\"" + getName() + "\"" : "") + getMarkupAttributesString() + " >"); UIComponent eventParameter = getEventParameter(); renderChild(iwc,eventParameter); if(associatedScript!=null && !associatedScript.isEmpty()){ renderChild(iwc,associatedScript); } super.print(iwc); print("</form>"); } else if (getMarkupLanguage().equals(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_WML)) { if (getAction() == null || this._submitToPage != -1) { // setAction(getIdegaSpecialRequestURI(iwc)+"?idega_session_id="+iwc.getSession().getId()); setAction(getIdegaSpecialRequestURI(iwc)); } // print("<onevent type=\"onenterforward\" >"); // print("<refresh>"); InterfaceObject[] allInterfaceObjects = findAllInterfaceObjects(); StringBuffer postFields = new StringBuffer(); SubmitButton theButton = new SubmitButton(); List parameters = new ArrayList(); boolean useFieldset = false; for (int j = 0; j < allInterfaceObjects.length; j++) { if (!(allInterfaceObjects[j] instanceof Parameter) && !(allInterfaceObjects[j] instanceof GenericButton)) { String name = allInterfaceObjects[j].getName(); if (name != null && !"null".equals(name)) { // print("<setvar name=\"" + name); String value = allInterfaceObjects[j].getValueAsString(); if (value != null) { // print("\" value=\""+value+"\" />"); } else { // print("\" value=\"\" />"); } postFields.append("<postfield name=\"" + name + "\" value=\"$" + name + "\" />"); } useFieldset = true; } else if (allInterfaceObjects[j] instanceof Parameter || allInterfaceObjects[j] instanceof HiddenInput) { parameters.add(allInterfaceObjects[j]); } if (allInterfaceObjects[j] instanceof SubmitButton) { theButton = (SubmitButton) allInterfaceObjects[j]; } } // print("</refresh>"); // print("</onevent>"); if (useFieldset) { print("<p><fieldset>"); } super.print(iwc); if (useFieldset) { print("</fieldset></p>"); } // print("<do type=\"accept\" label=\""+theButton.getContent()+"\">"); print("<p><strong><anchor>" + theButton.getContent()); String url = getAction(); url = iwc.getResponse().encodeURL(url); print("<go href=\"" + url + "\" method=\"" + getMethod() + "\" >"); print(postFields.toString()); for (Iterator iter = parameters.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Parameter child = (Parameter) iter.next(); child.printWML(iwc); } print("</go>"); print("</anchor></strong></p>"); // print("</do>"); } // }; // else{ // super.print(iwc); // } } @Override public Object clone() { Form obj = null; try { obj = (Form) super.clone(); //if (this.submitToObject != null) { // obj.submitToObject = (PresentationObject) this.submitToObject.clone(); //} if (this.oldPopupWindow != null) { obj.oldPopupWindow = (Window) this.oldPopupWindow.clone(); } if (this.maintainedParameters != null) { obj.maintainedParameters = (List) ((ArrayList)this.maintainedParameters).clone(); } // if(controlParameter != null){ // obj.controlParameter = (Parameter)this.controlParameter.clone(); // } if (this.controlParameters != null) { obj.controlParameters = (Map) ((HashMap) this.controlParameters).clone(); } if (this.windowClass != null) { obj.windowClass = this.windowClass; } obj.maintainAllParameters = this.maintainAllParameters; obj.classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo = this.classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } /* * protected Parameter getControlParameter(){ return controlParameter; } */ protected Map getControlParameters() { if (this.controlParameters == null) { this.controlParameters = new HashMap(); } return this.controlParameters; } /** * @deprecated replaced with addControlParameter */ @Deprecated protected void setControlParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue) { addControlParameter(new Parameter(parameterName, parameterValue)); } /** * @deprecated replaced with addControlParameter */ @Deprecated protected void setControlParameter(Parameter parameter) { addControlParameter(parameter); /* * if (controlParameter==null){ controlParameter=parameter; * add(controlParameter); } */ } /** * Sets the interface object(s) with the given name to be enabled when this * object receives the action specified. * * @param action * The action to perform on. * @param objectToEnable * The name of the interface object(s) to enable. * @param enable * Set to true to disable, false will enable. */ @Override public void setToDisableOnAction(String action, String objectName, boolean disable) { this._disableObject = true; setOnAction(ACTION_ON_SUBMIT, "disableObject(findObj('" + objectName + "'),'" + String.valueOf(objectName) + "')"); } /** * Sets the interface object(s) to be enabled when this object receives the * action specified. * * @param action * The action to perform on. * @param objectToEnable * The interface object(s) to enable. * @param enable * Set to true to disable, false will enable. */ public void setToDisableOnAction(String action, InterfaceObject object, boolean disable) { setToDisableOnAction(action, object.getName(), disable); } /** * Sets the interface object(s) to be enabled when this <code>Form</code> is * submitted. * * @param objectToEnable * The interface object(s) to enable. * @param enable * Set to true to disable, false will enable. */ public void setToDisableOnSubmit(InterfaceObject object, boolean disable) { this._disableOnSubmit = true; this._disableObject = true; if (this._objectsToDisable == null) { this._objectsToDisable = new HashMap(); } this._objectsToDisable.put(object.getName(), String.valueOf(disable)); } protected void addControlParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue) { addControlParameter(new Parameter(parameterName, parameterValue)); } protected void addControlParameter(Parameter parameter) { Object parameterValue = getControlParameters().get(parameter.getName()); if (parameterValue == null) { getControlParameters().put(parameter.getName(), parameter.getValueAsString()); add(parameter); } } public void setEventListener(Class eventListenerClass) { setEventListener(eventListenerClass.getName()); } public void setEventListener(String eventListenerClassName) { add(new Parameter(IWMainApplication.IdegaEventListenerClassParameter, IWMainApplication.getEncryptedClassName(eventListenerClassName))); } public void sendToControllerFrame() { this.setTarget(IWConstants.IW_CONTROLLER_FRAME_NAME); } public void setPublicWindowToOpen(Class windowClass) { this.windowClass = windowClass; // setAction(IWMainApplication.windowOpenerURL); if (IWMainApplication.useNewURLScheme) { this.setAction(getIWApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getPublicWindowOpenerURI(windowClass)); } else { addParameter(Page.IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER, IWMainApplication.getEncryptedClassName(windowClass)); } setWindow(Window.getStaticInstance(windowClass)); } public void setWindowToOpen(Class windowClass) { this.windowClass = windowClass; // setAction(IWMainApplication.windowOpenerURL); if (IWMainApplication.useNewURLScheme) { this.setAction(getIWApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getWindowOpenerURI(windowClass)); } else { addParameter(Page.IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER, IWMainApplication.getEncryptedClassName(windowClass)); } setWindow(Window.getStaticInstance(windowClass)); } public void setWindowToOpen(Class windowClass, int instanceId) { setWindowToOpen(windowClass); // setAction(IWMainApplication.windowOpenerURL); // addParameter(Page.IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER,windowClass.getName()); // this.addParameter(IWMainApplication._PARAMETER_IC_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID,instanceId); this.icObjectInstanceIDForWindow = instanceId; } public void setPageToSubmitTo(int ibPageID) { // this.setAction(com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication.BUILDER_SERVLET_URL+"?"+com.idega.builder.business.BuilderLogic.IB_PAGE_PARAMETER+"="+ibPageID); if (IWMainApplication.useNewURLScheme) { try { setAction(this.getBuilderService(getIWApplicationContext()).getPageURI(ibPageID)); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { this._submitToPage = ibPageID; } } public void setPageToSubmitTo(ICPage page) { setPageToSubmitTo(((Integer) page.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } public void setPadding(int padding) { setMarkupAttribute("padding", padding); } public void setPaddingLeft(int padding) { setMarkupAttribute("padding-left", padding); } public void setPaddingRight(int padding) { setMarkupAttribute("padding-right", padding); } public void setPaddingTop(int padding) { setMarkupAttribute("padding-top", padding); } public void setPaddingBottom(int padding) { setMarkupAttribute("padding-bottom", padding); } public void setClassToInstanciateAndSendTo(Class presentationObjectClass) { this.classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo = presentationObjectClass; } public void setClassToInstanciateAndSendTo(Class presentationObjectClass, IWContext iwc) { this.setClassToInstanciateAndSendTo(presentationObjectClass); setActionToInstanciatedClass(iwc); } private void setActionToInstanciatedClass(IWContext iwc) { if (this.classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo != null) { this.setAction(iwc.getIWMainApplication().getObjectInstanciatorURI(this.classToInstanciateAndSubmitTo)); } } // private void setURIToWindowOpenerClass(IWContext iwc) { // if (this.windowClass != null) { // // setURL(iwc.getApplication().getWindowOpenerURI()); // // addParameter(Page.IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER,_windowClass); // if (this.icObjectInstanceIDForWindow <= 0) { // setAction(iwc.getIWMainApplication().getWindowOpenerURI(windowClass)); // } // else { // setAction(iwc.getIWMainApplication().getWindowOpenerURI(windowClass, icObjectInstanceIDForWindow)); // // this.addParameter(IWMainApplication._PARAMETER_IC_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID,icObjectInstanceIDForWindow); // } // } // } public void addEventModel(IWPresentationEvent model, IWContext iwc) { for (Iterator<Parameter> prmIter = model.getParameters(); prmIter.hasNext();) { Parameter prm = prmIter.next(); this.add(prm); } setTarget(model.getEventTarget()); setAction(model.getEventHandlerURL(iwc)); } /** * Returns the associatedScript. * * @return Script */ //TODO remove this variable declaration and move totally to facets: //This variable is kept because of legacy reasons but should be replaced with a Facet private Script oldAssociatedScript; public Script getAssociatedFormScript() { Script associatedScript=null; if(IWMainApplication.useJSF){ associatedScript = (Script) getFacet(FACET_ASSOCIATEDSCRIPT); } else{ associatedScript = this.oldAssociatedScript; } if (associatedScript == null) { associatedScript = new Script(); setAssociatedFormScript(associatedScript); } return associatedScript; } /** * Sets the associatedScript. * @param associatedScript The associatedScript to set */ public void setAssociatedFormScript(Script associatedScript) { if(IWMainApplication.useJSF){ getFacets().put(FACET_ASSOCIATEDSCRIPT,associatedScript); } else{ this.oldAssociatedScript=associatedScript; } } @Override protected Script getScript() { return getAssociatedFormScript(); } /** * Set the form to automatically send over to a corresponding HTTPS address */ public void setToSendToHTTPS() { setToSendToHTTPS(true); } /** * Set if the form should automatically send over to a corresponding HTTPS * address */ public void setToSendToHTTPS(boolean doSendToHTTPS) { this.sendToHTTPS = doSendToHTTPS; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#getName() */ @Override public String getName() { return super.getID(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#setName(java.lang.String) */ @Override public void setName(String name) { super.setID(name); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.presentation.ui.InterfaceObject#handleKeepStatus(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ @Override public void handleKeepStatus(IWContext iwc) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#isContainer() */ @Override public boolean isContainer() { return true; } // TODO: Commit in these methods when extension is moved to be UIForm /* * * * //Legacy methods reimplemented from PresentationObject -> UIComponent move * public void add(UIComponent component){ getChildren().add(component); } * * public String getID(){ return getId(); } * * public void empty() { getChildren().clear(); } * * public void add(String text){ add(new Text(text)); } * * public void addBreak(){ add(Text.getBreak()); } * * private Map markupAttributesMap; * * protected Map getMarkupAttributes(){ if (markupAttributesMap==null){ * markupAttributesMap=new HashMap(); } return markupAttributesMap; } * * protected void setMarkupAttribute(String key,String value){ * getMarkupAttributes().put(key,value); } * * protected void setMarkupAttribute(String key,int value){ * getMarkupAttributes().put(key,new Integer(value)); } * * protected String getMarkupAttribute(String key){ return * (String)getMarkupAttributes().get(key); } public Page getParentPage() { * return PresentationObjectUtil.getParentPage(this); } * */ } // Class ends