package com.idega.event; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Guðmundur Ágúst Sæmundsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class GenericState extends Object implements Cloneable,Serializable { public final static String STATESTRING_VALUE_SEPERATOR = "|"; public final static String STATESTRING_MULTIVALUE_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPERATOR = ";"; public final static String STATESTRING_NOVALUE = "null"; /** * * name="state" * @uml.associationEnd multiplicity="(0 -1)" elementType="java.lang.String" */ //private static Hashtable _theAttributes = new Hashtable(); List state = null; // List defaultStage = null; int pageKey; int instanceId; public synchronized Object clone(){ GenericState obj = null; try { obj = (GenericState)super.clone(); if(this.state != null){ obj.state = (List)((Vector)this.state).clone(); } obj.pageKey = this.pageKey; obj.instanceId = this.instanceId; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return obj; } /* public GenericState(String pageKey, int instanceId , IWContext iwc) { this(pageKey,instanceId,iwc.getCurrentState(pageKey,instanceId)); } public GenericState(String pageKey, PresentationObject obj, IWContext iwc){ this(pageKey, obj.getICObjectInstanceID(), iwc.getCurrentState(obj)); } public GenericState(String pageKey, int instanceId, String stateString){ defaultStage = new Vector(); this.pageKey = pageKey; this.instanceId = instanceId; parseStateString(stateString); } */ public GenericState(PresentationObject obj, IWContext iwc){ this(obj); } public GenericState(PresentationObject obj){ this.state = new Vector(); this.pageKey = obj.getParentPageID(); this.instanceId = obj.getICObjectInstanceID(); } // // private void firstLoadInMemoryCheck() { // Object[][] values = (Object[][])_theAttributes.get(this.getClass().getName()); // if (values == null) { // values = new Vector(); // _theAttributes.put(this.getClass().getName(),values); // ///* // //First store a static instance of this class // String className = this.getClass().getName(); // try { // _allStaticClasses.put(className,(IDOLegacyEntity)Class.forName(className).newInstance()); // } // catch(Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } //*/ // // //call the ializeAttributes that stores information about columns and relationships // initializeAttributes(); // } // } // // public void initializeAttributes(){} // // public void addAttribute(String name, Class storageClass ){ // // } public void updateState(String stateString){ parseStateString(stateString); } /* public void setDefaultValue(int index, Object obj){ defaultStage.set(index,obj); } */ public Object getValue(int index){ if(this.state.size() <= index){ ((Vector)this.state).setSize(index+1); } return this.state.get(index); } public void setValue(int index, Object obj){ if(this.state.size() <= index){ ((Vector)this.state).setSize(index+1); } if(!STATESTRING_NOVALUE.equals(obj)){ this.state.set(index,obj); } else { this.state.set(index,null); } } protected void parseStateString(String stateString){ //System.err.println(this+" string to parse: "+stateString); StringTokenizer stoken = new StringTokenizer(stateString,STATESTRING_VALUE_SEPERATOR); this.state = new Vector(); while (stoken.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = stoken.nextToken(); StringTokenizer tmpToken = new StringTokenizer(token,STATESTRING_MULTIVALUE_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPERATOR); int tokenCount = tmpToken.countTokens(); if(tokenCount > 1){ String[] sArray = new String[tokenCount]; for (int i = 0; i < sArray.length; i++) { String t = tmpToken.nextToken(); if( !STATESTRING_NOVALUE.equals(t)){ sArray[i] = t; }else{ sArray[i] = null; } } this.state.add(sArray); } else { if(!STATESTRING_NOVALUE.equals(token)){ this.state.add(token); } else { this.state.add(STATESTRING_NOVALUE); } } } } public String getStateString(){ String str = ""; if( this.state != null){ ListIterator lIter = this.state.listIterator(); while (lIter.hasNext()) { int index = lIter.nextIndex(); Object lItem =; if(index != 0){ str += STATESTRING_VALUE_SEPERATOR; } if(lItem instanceof String[]){ String[] obj = (String[])lItem; for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { if(i != 0){ str += STATESTRING_MULTIVALUE_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPERATOR; } if(obj[i] != null){ str += obj[i]; } else { str += STATESTRING_NOVALUE; } } } else { if(lItem != null){ str += (String)lItem; } else { str += STATESTRING_NOVALUE; } } } } //System.err.println(this+" statestring: "+str); return str; } }