package com.idega.presentation; import com.idega.idegaweb.*; /** * <p>Title: idegaWeb</p> * <p>Description: </p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p> * <p>Company: idega Software</p> * @author <a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class Frame extends PresentationObject{ private Class myClass = null; private String _url = null; private PresentationObject _obj = null; public static final int NONE = 0; public static final int CLASS = 1; public static final int URL = 2; public static final int OBJ = 3; public static final int FRAMESET = 4; public static final String COMPOUND_ID_FRAME_NAME_KEY = ":frame:"; private int type = NONE; private static final String star = "*"; private static final String PERCENTSIGN = "%"; protected final static String ROWS_PROPERTY = "ROWS"; public Frame(){ this.getLocation().isInFrameSet(true); } /** * Returns the last occurence of a frame name in the specified compoundId * or null. * If the compoundId points to a frame it returns the corresponding * frame name. if the compoundId does not point to a frame it returns the * name of the frame the objects is contained. * @param compoundId * @return the name of a frame */ public static String getFrameName(String compoundId) { int i = compoundId.lastIndexOf(Frame.COMPOUND_ID_FRAME_NAME_KEY); if (i < 0) { return null; } i += Frame.COMPOUND_ID_FRAME_NAME_KEY.length(); String frameName = compoundId.substring(i); i = frameName.indexOf(PresentationObject.COMPOUNDID_COMPONENT_DELIMITER); // the compoundId points to a frame if (i < 0) { return frameName; } else { // the compoundId does not point to a frame return frameName.substring(0, i); } } public void setUrlProperty(String url){ this.type = URL; this._url = url; } public String getUrlProperty(){ return this._url; } public void setClassProperty(Class pageClass){ this.type = CLASS; this.myClass = pageClass; } public Class getClassProperty(){ return this.myClass; } public void setNameProperty(String frameName){ this.setName(frameName); this.setMarkupAttribute("name", frameName); // if(_obj != null){ // IWLocation location = _obj.getLocation(); // if(location == null){ // if(this.getLocation() != null){ // location = this.getLocation(); // _obj.setLocation(location); // } else { // //Warning applicationClass Not set // location = new IWPresentationLocation(); // location.isInFrameSet(true); // this.setLocation(location); // } // } // location.setTarget(frameName); // } else { // this.getLocation() // } this.getLocation().setTarget(frameName); } public void setLocation(IWLocation location){ location.isInFrameSet(true); super.setLocation(location); if(this._obj != null && !(this._obj instanceof FrameTable)){ this._obj.setLocation(location); } } public void setNameProperty(int name){ this.setNameProperty(Integer.toString(name)); } public void setPresentationObject(PresentationObject obj){ //type = (obj instanceof FrameTable)? FRAMESET:OBJ; if(obj instanceof FrameTable){ this.type = FRAMESET; obj.setParentObject(this); this._obj = obj; } else { this.type = OBJ; this._obj = obj; // System.out.println("Frame.setPresentationObject().this.location: "+this.getLocation()+" ->"+this.getLocation().getLocationString()); // System.out.println("Frame.setPresentationObject()._obj.location: "+_obj.getLocation()+" ->"+_obj.getLocation().getLocationString()); this._obj.setLocation(this.getLocation()); // System.out.println("And then"); // System.out.println("Frame.setPresentationObject().this.location: "+this.getLocation()+" ->"+this.getLocation().getLocationString()); // System.out.println("Frame.setPresentationObject()._obj.location: "+_obj.getLocation()+" ->"+_obj.getLocation().getLocationString()); // System.out.println(""); } } public PresentationObject getPresentationObject(){ return this._obj; } public int getFrameType(){ return this.type; } public Page getPage(IWUserContext iwc, boolean askForPermission){ Page defaultPage = new Page(); //defaultPage.setBackgroundColor("#336699"); switch (this.type) { case CLASS: try { PresentationObject pObj = (PresentationObject)this.myClass.newInstance(); if(pObj instanceof Page){ return (Page)pObj.clonePermissionChecked(iwc, askForPermission); } else { //Page page = new Page(); Page page = defaultPage; page.setLocation(this.getLocation()); page.add(pObj.clonePermissionChecked(iwc, askForPermission)); return page; } } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; case OBJ: if(this._obj instanceof Page){ return (Page)this._obj.clonePermissionChecked(iwc, askForPermission); } else { //Page page = new Page(); Page page = defaultPage; page.setLocation(this.getLocation()); page.add(this._obj.clonePermissionChecked(iwc,askForPermission)); return page; } default: return null; } } public void setSpanPercent(int percent){ this.setMarkupAttribute(ROWS_PROPERTY,Integer.toString(percent)+PERCENTSIGN); } /** * Sets the span (in pixels) for each of the Frame Objects. frameIndex starts at 1. */ public void setSpanPixels(int pixels){ this.setMarkupAttribute(ROWS_PROPERTY,Integer.toString(pixels)); } public void setSpanAdaptive(){ setMarkupAttribute(ROWS_PROPERTY,; } public void setNoresize(boolean ifResize){ if(ifResize){ this.setMarkupAttributeWithoutValue("noresize"); } } public void setBorder(int borderWidth){ setMarkupAttribute("border",Integer.toString(borderWidth)); } public void setBorder(boolean ifBorder){ if(ifBorder){ setMarkupAttribute("border","yes"); } else{ setMarkupAttribute("border","no"); } } public void setScrollingAuto(){ setMarkupAttribute("scrolling","auto"); } public void setScrolling(boolean ifScrollBar){ if(ifScrollBar){ setMarkupAttribute("scrolling","yes"); } else{ setMarkupAttribute("scrolling","no"); } } // public void setMarginWidth(int width) { // setAttribute("marginwidth",Integer.toString(width)); // //getPage(frameIndex).setMarginWidth(width); // } // // public void setMarginHeight(int height) { // setAttribute("marginheight",Integer.toString(height)); // //getPage(frameIndex).setMarginHeight(height); // } // // public void setLeftMargin(int leftmargin) { // setAttribute("leftmargin",Integer.toString(leftmargin)); // //getPage(frameIndex).setMarginWidth(leftmargin); // } // // public void setTopMargin(int topmargin) { // setAttribute("topmargin",Integer.toString(topmargin)); // //getPage(frameIndex).setTopMargin(topmargin); // } public void _main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception{ if(this.getFrameType()== Frame.FRAMESET){ this._obj._main(iwc); } } /** * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#getComponentId() */ public String getComponentId() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(super.getComponentId()); String frameName = this.getMarkupAttribute("name"); buffer.append(Frame.COMPOUND_ID_FRAME_NAME_KEY).append(frameName); return buffer.toString(); } }