/* * Created on Jul 4, 2003 * * To change this generated comment go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code Template */ package com.idega.presentation.ui; import java.io.IOException; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Table; /** * The <code>SpinInput</code> is an integer input * with adjustable maximum and minimum limits, * and size of increment. In some frameworks this is called * SpinEdit. * * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p> * <p>Company: idega Software</p> * @author <a href="mailto:aron@idega.is">Aron Birkir</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class SpinInput extends IntegerInput{ private Integer maximum = null; private Integer minimum = null; private Integer increment = null; private Table table = null; private boolean tablePrinted = false; public SpinInput() { this("spin_untitled"); } public SpinInput(String name) { super(); setName(name); this.setValue(5); this.setSize(4); } /** * Gets the current increment size * @return increment size */ public Integer getIncrement() { return this.increment; } /** * Gets the maximum limit the input can be set to * @return maximum limit */ public Integer getMaximum() { return this.maximum; } /** * Gets the minimum limit the input can be set to * @return minimum limit */ public Integer getMinimum() { return this.minimum; } /** * Sets the increment size, default value is 1 * @param increment */ public void setIncrement(Integer increment) { this.increment = increment; } /** * Sets the maximum limit this input can be set to, default set to 100 * @param maximum */ public void setMaximum(int maximum) { this.maximum = new Integer(maximum); } /** * Sets the minimum limit this input can be set to, default set to 0 * @param minimum */ public void setMinimum(int minimum) { this.minimum = new Integer(minimum); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#main(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ public void main(IWContext iwc){ this.table = new Table(3,1); this.table.setCellpadding(0); this.table.setCellspacing(0); this.table.setParentObject(this.getParentObject()); this.table.add(this, 1, 1); int inc = this.increment!=null?this.increment.intValue():1; int min = this.minimum!=null?this.minimum.intValue():0; int max = this.maximum!=null?this.maximum.intValue():100; //this.getParentPage().addsty //String buttonStyle = "color: black; background:white; font-size:7"; GenericButton up = new GenericButton(this.getName() + "_up", " /\\ "); up.setOnClick("var spin = findObj('" + this.getName() + "'); if(spin){ var spinValue = parseInt(spin.value); if(spinValue +"+inc+" >= "+max+"){ spinValue="+max+" } else{spinValue+="+inc+" } spin.value =spinValue; }else window.status='no spin found'; return"); GenericButton down = new GenericButton(this.getName() + "_down", " \\/ "); //up.setStyleAttribute(buttonStyle+";vertical-align:super"); //down.setStyleAttribute(buttonStyle+";vertical-align:sub"); down.setOnClick("var spin = findObj('" + this.getName() + "'); if(spin){ var spinValue = parseInt(spin.value); if(spinValue -"+inc+" <= "+min+"){ spinValue="+min+" } else{spinValue-="+inc+" } spin.value = spinValue; }else window.status='no spin found'; return"); this.table.add(up, 2, 1); this.table.add(down, 2, 1); setOnChange("if (typeof this.value == 'string'){ this.value="+getValueAsString()+"}else{ var SpinValue = parseInt(this.value); if(SpinValue >"+max+") {this.value="+max+"; }else if(SpinValue < "+min+"){ this.value="+min+"; } }"); setStyleAttribute("font-size:10; background:white"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#print(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ public void print(IWContext iwc) throws IOException { if(!this.tablePrinted){ this.tablePrinted = true; try { this.table._print(iwc); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } } else{ super.print(iwc); } } }