package com.idega.notifier.presentation; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.CoreUtil; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import com.idega.util.PresentationUtil; import com.idega.util.StringUtil; import com.idega.util.expression.ELUtil; /** * Growl style notifier. Based on Gritter: * * @author <a href="">Valdas Žemaitis</a> * @version $Revision: 1.0 $ * * Last modified: $Date: 2009.07.16 16:12:48 $ by: $Author: valdas $ */ public abstract class BasicNotification extends Block { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BasicNotification.class.getName()); private String notificationVariable; private String title; private String text; private String image; private boolean sticky; private int time; private List<String> javaScriptActionsAfterNotificationAdded; @Autowired private JQuery jQuery; @Autowired private Web2Business web2; @Override public void main(IWContext iwc) { present(iwc); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(getTitle()) || StringUtil.isEmpty(getText())) { LOGGER.warning("Title and text must be provided for notification: " + getClass().getName()); return; } ELUtil.getInstance().autowire(this); StringBuilder action = new StringBuilder(); // Variable if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(getNotificationVariable())) { action.append(getNotificationVariable()).append(" = "); } // Title and text action.append("jQuery.gritter.add({title: '").append(getTitle()).append("', text: '").append(getText()).append("'"); // Image if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(getImage())) { action.append(", image: '").append(getImage()).append("'"); } // Sticky action.append(", sticky: ").append(isSticky()); // Time if (getTime() > 0) { action.append(", time: ").append(getTime()); } // Callback(s) if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(getJavaScriptActionsAfterNotificationAdded())) { StringBuilder callback = new StringBuilder("function(id) {"); for (String callbackAction: getJavaScriptActionsAfterNotificationAdded()) { callback.append(callbackAction); } callback.append("}"); action.append(", callback: ").append(callback.toString()); } action.append("});"); if (!CoreUtil.isSingleComponentRenderingProcess(iwc)) { action = new StringBuilder("jQuery(window).load(function() {").append(action.toString()).append("});"); } PresentationUtil.addStyleSheetToHeader(iwc, web2.getBundleUriToGritterStyleSheet()); PresentationUtil.addJavaScriptSourcesLinesToHeader(iwc, Arrays.asList( iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(CoreConstants.CORE_IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).getVirtualPathWithFileNameString("iw_core.js"), CoreConstants.DWR_ENGINE_SCRIPT, jQuery.getBundleURIToJQueryLib(), web2.getBundleUriToGritterScriptFile() )); PresentationUtil.addJavaScriptActionOnLoad(iwc, action.toString()); } public abstract void present(IWContext iwc); @Override public String getTitle() { return title; } @Override /** * Mandatory: the heading of the notification * @param title */ public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getText() { return text; } /** * Mandatory: the text inside the notification * @param text */ public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } public String getImage() { return image; } /** * URL or URI to the image * @param image */ public void setImage(String image) { this.image = image; } public boolean isSticky() { return sticky; } /** * If you want it to fade out on its own or just sit there * @param sticky */ public void setSticky(boolean sticky) { this.sticky = sticky; } public int getTime() { return time; } /** * The time you want it to be alive for before fading out (milliseconds) * @param time */ public void setTime(int time) { this.time = time; } public String getNotificationVariable() { return notificationVariable; } public void setNotificationVariable(String notificationVariable) { this.notificationVariable = notificationVariable; } public List<String> getJavaScriptActionsAfterNotificationAdded() { return javaScriptActionsAfterNotificationAdded; } public void setJavaScriptActionsAfterNotificationAdded( List<String> javaScriptActionsAfterNotificationAdded) { this.javaScriptActionsAfterNotificationAdded = javaScriptActionsAfterNotificationAdded; } }