package com.idega.presentation.texteditor; import com.idega.presentation.ui.*; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; import com.idega.presentation.*; import; public class TextEditor extends PresentationObject { public static final String DEFAULT_HIDDEN_TEXTEDITOR_INPUT_NAME = "myTextEditor"; private String width = "300"; private String height = "300"; private String color = "white"; private int cols = 50; private int rows = 15; private boolean menues = true; private String text = ""; private String inputName = DEFAULT_HIDDEN_TEXTEDITOR_INPUT_NAME; public TextEditor() { } public TextEditor(String text) { this(); this.text = text; } public TextEditor(String inputName, String text) { this(text); this.inputName = inputName; } public TextEditor(String text,String width, String height) { this(text); this.width = width; this.height = height; } public TextEditor(String inputName, String text, String width, String height) { this(text,width,height); this.inputName = inputName; } public void main(IWContext iwc) { if( iwc.isIE() && (!iwc.isMacOS()) ){ Page parent = getParentPage(); parent.addJavascriptURL(this.getBundle(iwc).getResourcesVirtualPath()+"/texteditor/dhtmledit/dhtmleditor.js"); parent.addJavascriptURL(this.getBundle(iwc).getResourcesVirtualPath()+"/texteditor/js/windows.js"); //parent.addScriptSource("webEdition/dhtmledit/dhtmleditor.js"); //parent.addScriptSource("webEdition/js/windows.js"); } } public void setHeight(String height) { this.height = height; } public void setWidth(String width) { this.width = width; } public void setBackgroundColor(String color) { this.color = color; } public void setShowMenues(boolean menues) { this.menues = menues; } public void setInputName(String name) { this.inputName = name; } public void setContent(String text) { this.text = text; } public String getMarkupLanguage(IWContext iwc){ if( iwc.isIE() && (!iwc.isMacOS()) && (!iwc.isOpera()) ){//IE5.5,windows and not Opera (faking as IE) return "HTML"; } else { return null; } } public void print(IWContext iwc)throws Exception{ if (getMarkupLanguage().equals("HTML")){ if( iwc.isIE() && (!iwc.isMacOS()) && (!iwc.isOpera()) ){//IE5.5,windows and not Opera (faking as IE) Layer source = new Layer(); source.setStyleAttribute("z-index", "1"); source.setStyleAttribute("visibility", "hidden"); source.setStyleAttribute("left", "-500px"); source.setStyleAttribute("top", "-500px"); TextArea sourceView = new TextArea(this.inputName,TextSoap.findAndReplace(this.text, "<br/>","\r\n"),65,18); source.add(sourceView); String menu = "1"; if(!this.menues ){ menu = "0"; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">"); buf.append("new DHTMLEdit(\"").append(this.inputName).append("\",").append(this.width).append(",").append(this.height) .append(",\"\",").append(menu).append(",\"").append(this.color).append("\"") .append(",\"").append(Window.getWindowURLWithParameter(RefactorClassRegistry.forName("com.idega.builder.presentation.IBColorChooserWindow"),iwc,"from_editor","true")).append("\"") .append(",\"").append(Window.getWindowURLWithParameter(RefactorClassRegistry.forName("com.idega.builder.presentation.IBPageChooserWindow"),iwc,"from_editor","true")).append("\");"); buf.append("</script>"); renderChild(iwc,source); println(buf.toString()); /* var WE_DHTMLEDIT_PATH = "webEdition/dhtmledit/"; HiddenInput editor = new HiddenInput("iw_editor","off"); Dont know what enabling this does if anything editor._print(iwc); println(""); HiddenInput editor2 = new HiddenInput("iw_editor[Text#autobr]","off"); editor2._print(iwc); //HiddenInput html = new HiddenInput("iw_editor2[Text]",""); this is the original name for the editor */ } else{ TextArea area = new TextArea(this.inputName,this.cols,this.rows); this.text = TextSoap.findAndReplace(this.text, "<br/>","\r\n"); area.setContent(this.text); renderChild(iwc,area); } } } /** * @return Returns the number rows of rows for textarea shown if client does not handle editor. */ public int getRows() { return this.rows; } /** * @param rows The number of rows of textarea to show if client does not handle editor. */ public void setRows(int rows) { this.rows = rows; } /** * @return Returns the number of columns for textarea to show if client does not handle editor. */ public int getColumns() { return this.cols; } /** * @param cols The number of textarea columns to show if client does not handle editor . */ public void setColumns(int cols) { this.cols = cols; } }