package com.idega.presentation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * * @author birna * * Creates a dynamic JavaScript menu using external javaScript; coolmenus4.js * see <a * href=""></a> * */ public class DynamicJSMenu extends PresentationObject { protected class LinkMenu { public List getTextList() { return this._textList; } public List getUrlList() { return this._urlList; } private List _textList = new ArrayList(); private List _urlList = new ArrayList(); } String _menuObjectName = "oCMenu"; /** a list of LinkMenu */ private List _menus = new ArrayList(); private String backgroundColor = ""; private String barBackgroundColor = ""; private String barBorderClass = " "; private int barBorderX = 0; private int barBorderY = 0; private String barClass = " "; private String barHeight = "menu"; private String barLayerBackgroundColor = ""; private String barWidth = "menu"; private String barX = "menu"; private String barY = "menu"; private String borderColor = ""; private String borderLayerColor = ""; private String coolMenuScript = "coolmenus4.js"; private String coolMenuSrc; private String cursor = ""; private String divMenuName = "div" + this._menuObjectName; private String fillImg = " "; private String fontOverStyle; private String fontStyle; private int fromLeft = 20; private int fromTop = 0; private String height = ""; private String layerBackgroundColor = ""; private String layerMenuName = "layer" + this._menuObjectName; private String left = ""; private MenuLevelElement levelElement; private String[] levelProps = { "width", "height", "regClass", "overClass", "borderX", "borderY", "borderClass", "offsetX", "offsetY", "rows", "arrow", "arrowWidth", "arrowHeight", "align" }; private String[] levelValues = { "110", "25", "\"clLevel0\"", "\"clLevel0over\"", "1", "1", "\"clLevel0border\"", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "\"bottom\"" }; private String menuPlacement = " "; private String[] menuProps = { "frames", "pxBetween", "rows", "menuPlacement", "offlineRoot", "onlineRoot", "resizeCheck", "wait", "zIndex", "useBar", "barWidth", "barHeight", "barClass", "barX", "barY", "barBorderX", "barBorderY", "barBorderClass" }; private String menuStyleScript = "coolStyle.css"; private String menuStyleSrc; private String[] menuValues = { "0", "30", "1", "\"center\"", "\"file:///idegaweb/daddara/\"", "", "1", "1000", "0", "1", "\"100%\"", "\"menu\"", "\"clBar\"", "0", "0", "0", "0", "\"\"" }; private String offlineRoot = " "; private String onlineRoot = " "; private String overBackgroundColor = ""; private String overLayerBackgroundColor = ""; private String padding = ""; private Page parentPage; private String position = ""; private int pxBetween = 0; private int resizeCheck = 1; private int rows = 1; private List theMenuLevelElements; private String top = ""; private int useBar = 1; private String visibility = ""; private int wait = 1000; private String width = ""; private int zIndex = 0; /** * the default constructor * */ public DynamicJSMenu() { this("undefined"); } /** * constructor to creating a <code> DynamicJSMenu </code> object with a * specific name. * * @param name */ public DynamicJSMenu(String name) { setName(name); this.theMenuLevelElements = new ArrayList(); initialMenuValues(); } public String _getAttributeString() { return _getAttributeString(this.attributes); } /** * * @param map * @return a string of the attributes for the <code> DynamicJSMenu </code> on * the form menuName.attributeName=attributeValue */ public String _getAttributeString(Map map) { StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer(); String Attribute = ""; String attributeValue = ""; Map.Entry mapEntry; if (map != null) { Iterator i = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { mapEntry = (Map.Entry); Attribute = (String) mapEntry.getKey(); // returnString.append(" "); returnString.append(getName()); // added for javascript output returnString.append("."); // added for javascript output returnString.append(Attribute); attributeValue = (String) mapEntry.getValue(); if (!attributeValue.equals(slash)) { returnString.append("="); // quotes removed, added in setAttribute() returnString.append(attributeValue); // returnString.append("\""); quotes are added in setAttribute() returnString.append("\n"); // added for readable output } returnString.append(""); } } return returnString.toString(); } /** * adds a level to the <code> DynamicJSMenu </code> * * @param level */ public void addLevel(String level) { this.levelElement = new MenuLevelElement(level); // lElement.setLevel(level); this.levelElement.setRegClass("clLevel" + level); this.levelElement.setOverClass("clLevel" + level + "over"); this.levelElement.setBorderClass("clLevel" + level + "border"); this.theMenuLevelElements.add(this.levelElement); } /** * Adds a link to the i=th menu. Before a link is added to the i-th menu, make * sure to add links to all preceeding menus, i.e. zeroth to (i-1)th. * * @param i * the menu to add the link to, starting at zero. * @param text * The text in the link * @param url * The url for the link */ public void addLinkToMenu(int i, String text, String url) { LinkMenu menu = null; try { menu = (LinkMenu) this._menus.get(i); } catch (Exception e) { // first link being added to menu } if (menu == null) { menu = new LinkMenu(); this._menus.add(menu); } System.out.println("Adding link \"" + text + "\" to menu #" + i); menu.getTextList().add(text); menu.getUrlList().add(url); } public void addStyles(Page page) { page.setStyleDefinition(".clCMAbs", commonStyleDefinitions() + defaultStyle()); page.setStyleDefinition(".clBar", commonStyleDefinitions() + setBarStyle()); page.setStyleDefinition(".clLevel1", commonLevelStyle() + setLevelStyle()); page.setStyleDefinition(".clLevel1over", commonLevelStyle() + setLevelOverStyle()); page.setStyleDefinition(".clLevel1border", setLevelBorderStyle()); } public String commonLevelStyle() { StringBuffer attributeString = new StringBuffer(); setStylePadding("2px"); setStylePosition("absolute"); attributeString.append("padding:" + this.padding + ";"); attributeString.append("position:" + this.position + ";"); return attributeString.toString(); } public String commonStyleDefinitions() { StringBuffer attributeString = new StringBuffer(); setStylePosition("absolute"); setStyleVisibility("hidden"); attributeString.append("position:" + this.position + ";"); attributeString.append("visibility:" + this.visibility + ";"); return attributeString.toString(); } public String defaultStyle() { StringBuffer attributeString = new StringBuffer(); setStyleLeft("0"); setStyleTop("0"); attributeString.append("left:" + this.left + ";"); attributeString.append("top:" + + ";"); return attributeString.toString(); } public String getBarStyleBackgroundColor() { this.barLayerBackgroundColor = this.barBackgroundColor; return this.barBackgroundColor; } public String getBarStyleLayerBackgroundColor() { return this.barLayerBackgroundColor; } public String getOverStyleBackgroundColor() { this.overLayerBackgroundColor = this.overBackgroundColor; return this.overBackgroundColor; } public String getOverStyleLayerBackgroundColor() { return this.overLayerBackgroundColor; } public String getStyleBackgroundColor() { return this.backgroundColor; } public String getStyleBorderColor() { return this.borderColor; } public String getStyleCursor() { return this.cursor; } public String getStyleFontOverStyle() { return this.fontOverStyle; } public String getStyleFontStyle() { return this.fontStyle; } public String getStyleHeight() { return this.height; } public String getStyleLayerBackgroundColor() { this.layerBackgroundColor = this.backgroundColor; return this.layerBackgroundColor; } public String getStyleLayerBorderColor() { this.borderLayerColor = this.borderColor; return this.borderLayerColor; } public String getStyleLeft() { return this.left; } public String getStylePadding() { return this.padding; } public String getStylePosition() { return this.position; } public String getStyleTop() { return; } public String getStyleVisibility() { return this.visibility; } public String getStyleWidth() { return this.width; } /** * sets the initial values for the <code> DynamicJSMenu </code> * */ public void initialMenuValues() { setBarBorderClass(this.barBorderClass); setBarBorderX(this.barBorderX); setBarBorderY(this.barBorderY); setBarClass(this.barClass); setBarHeight(this.barHeight); setBarWidth(this.barWidth); setBarX(this.barX); setBarY(this.barY); setFillImg(this.fillImg); setFromLeft(this.fromLeft); setFromTop(this.fromTop); setMenuPlacement(this.menuPlacement); setOfflineRoot(this.offlineRoot); setOnlineRoot(this.onlineRoot); setPxBetween(this.pxBetween); setResizeCheck(this.resizeCheck); setRows(this.rows); setUseBar(this.useBar); setZIndex(this.zIndex); setWait(this.wait); } @Override public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { // get the current page to print the coolMenu4.js and the coolStyle.css src // to it this.parentPage = this.getParentPage(); this.coolMenuSrc = scriptSource(this.coolMenuScript, iwc); this.menuStyleSrc = scriptSource(this.menuStyleScript, iwc); this.parentPage.addJavascriptURL(this.coolMenuSrc); this.parentPage.addStyleSheetURL(this.menuStyleSrc); addStyles(this.parentPage); } @Override public void print(IWContext main) throws Exception { if (getMarkupLanguage().equals("HTML")) { print(getTableWithLayer(main)); print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); print(getFindPositionJavaScript()); print("pos = findPos() \n"); print(this._menuObjectName + "=new makeCM(\"" + this._menuObjectName + "\")\n"); print(this._menuObjectName + ".fromLeft=pos[0]\n"); print(this._menuObjectName + ".fromTop=pos[1]\n"); if (this.theMenuLevelElements != null && this.theMenuLevelElements.size() > 0) { print(_getAttributeString()); Map levelMap = this.levelElement.attributes; Map.Entry mapEntry; Iterator iter = this.theMenuLevelElements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { this.levelElement = (MenuLevelElement); print(this._menuObjectName + ".level[" + this.levelElement.getLevel() + "]=new cm_makeLevel()\n"); Iterator levelIter = levelMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (levelIter.hasNext()) { mapEntry = (Map.Entry); print(this._menuObjectName + ".level[" + this.levelElement.getLevel() + "]." + (String) mapEntry.getKey() + "=" + (String) mapEntry.getValue() + "\n"); } } } else { printMenuProperties(this._menuObjectName); int count = this._menus.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { LinkMenu menu = (LinkMenu) this._menus.get(i); printMenu(menu, i); } } print(this._menuObjectName + ".construct()\n\n"); print("</script>"); } else if (getMarkupLanguage().equals("WML")) { println(""); } } /** * * @param fileName - * the file containing the javascript * @param iwc - * the IWContext object * @return String - the url of the javascript source code */ public String scriptSource(String fileName, IWContext iwc) { String url = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getCoreBundle().getResourcesURL(); url = url + "/" + fileName; return url; } /** * * @param barBordCl */ public void setBarBorderClass(String barBordCl) { setMarkupAttribute("barBorderClass", "\"" + barBordCl + "\""); } /** * * @param barBordX */ public void setBarBorderX(int barBordX) { setMarkupAttribute("barBorderX", barBordX); } /** * * @param barBordY */ public void setBarBorderY(int barBordY) { setMarkupAttribute("barBorderY", barBordY); } /** * * @param barCl */ public void setBarClass(String barCl) { setMarkupAttribute("barClass", "\"" + barCl + "\""); } /** * * @param barH */ public void setBarHeight(String barH) { setMarkupAttribute("barHeight", "\"" + barH + "\""); } public String setBarStyle() { StringBuffer attributeString = new StringBuffer(); setStyleWidth("10"); setStyleHeight("10"); attributeString.append("width:" + this.width + ";"); attributeString.append("height:" + this.height + ";"); attributeString.append("background-color:" + getBarStyleBackgroundColor() + ";"); attributeString.append("layer-background-color:" + getBarStyleLayerBackgroundColor() + ";"); return attributeString.toString(); } public void setBarStyleBackgroundColor(String barBCol) { this.barBackgroundColor = barBCol; } public void setBarStyleLayerBackgroundColor(String barLBCol) { this.barLayerBackgroundColor = barLBCol; } /** * * @param barW */ public void setBarWidth(String barW) { setMarkupAttribute("barWidth", "\"" + barW + "\""); } /** * * @param bX */ public void setBarX(String bX) { setMarkupAttribute("barX", "\"" + bX + "\""); } /** * * @param bY */ public void setBarY(String bY) { setMarkupAttribute("barY", "\"" + bY + "\""); } /** * * @param fImg */ public void setFillImg(String fImg) { setMarkupAttribute("fillImg", "\"" + fImg + "\""); } /** * * @param f */ public void setFrames(int f) { setMarkupAttribute("frames", f); } /** * sets the position the menu is located at from the left of the * browserwindow, x-coordinate * * @param fromL */ public void setFromLeft(int fromL) { setMarkupAttribute("fromLeft", fromL); } /** * sets the position the menu is located at from the top of the browserwindow, * y-coordinates * * @param fromT */ public void setFromTop(int fromT) { setMarkupAttribute("fromTop", fromT); } public String setLevelBorderStyle() { StringBuffer attributeString = new StringBuffer(); setStylePosition("absolute"); setStyleVisibility("visible"); attributeString.append("position:" + this.position + ";"); attributeString.append("visibility:" + this.visibility + ";"); attributeString.append("background-color:" + getStyleBorderColor() + ";"); attributeString.append("layer-background-color:" + getStyleLayerBorderColor() + ";"); return attributeString.toString(); } public String setLevelOverStyle() { StringBuffer attributeString = new StringBuffer(); setStyleCursor("pointer"); attributeString.append("background-color:" + getOverStyleBackgroundColor() + ";"); attributeString.append("layer-background-color:" + getOverStyleLayerBackgroundColor() + ";"); // attributeString.append("color:" + getOverStyleColor() + ";"); attributeString.append(getStyleFontOverStyle()); attributeString.append("cursor:" + this.cursor + ";"); return attributeString.toString(); } public String setLevelStyle() { StringBuffer attributeString = new StringBuffer(); attributeString.append("background-color:" + getStyleBackgroundColor() + ";"); attributeString.append("layer-background-color:" + getStyleLayerBackgroundColor() + ";"); attributeString.append(getStyleFontStyle()); // attributeString.append("color:" + getStyleColor() + ";"); return attributeString.toString(); } /** * * @param menuPlace */ public void setMenuPlacement(String menuPlace) { setMarkupAttribute("menuPlacement", "\"" + menuPlace + "\""); } /** * * @param offlineR */ public void setOfflineRoot(String offlineR) { setMarkupAttribute("offlineRoot", "\"" + offlineR + "\""); } /** * * @param onlineR */ public void setOnlineRoot(String onlineR) { setMarkupAttribute("onlineRoot", "\"" + onlineR + "\""); } public void setOverStyleBackgroundColor(String overBCol) { this.overBackgroundColor = overBCol; } public void setOverStyleLayerBackgroundColor(String overLBCol) { this.overLayerBackgroundColor = overLBCol; } /** * sets the pixles between <code> MenuElements </code> * * @param pxB */ public void setPxBetween(int pxB) { setMarkupAttribute("pxBetween", pxB); } /** * * @param resizeCh */ public void setResizeCheck(int resizeCh) { setMarkupAttribute("resizeCheck", resizeCh); } /** * sets if the menu should appear horizontal (r=0) or vertical (r=0) * * @param r */ public void setRows(int r) { setMarkupAttribute("rows", r); } public void setStyleBackgroundColor(String backgrCol) { this.backgroundColor = backgrCol; } public void setStyleBorderColor(String bColor) { this.borderColor = bColor; } public void setStyleCursor(String curs) { this.cursor = curs; } public void setStyleFontOverStyle(String style) { this.fontOverStyle = style; } public void setStyleFontStyle(String style) { this.fontStyle = style; } public void setStyleHeight(String h) { this.height = h; } public void setStyleLayerBackgroundColor(String lBackgrCol) { this.layerBackgroundColor = lBackgrCol; } public void setStyleLayerBorderColor(String blColor) { this.borderLayerColor = blColor; } public void setStyleLeft(String l) { // styleObject.setAttribute("left", l); this.left = l; } public void setStylePadding(String pad) { this.padding = pad; } public void setStylePosition(String pos) { // styleObject.setAttribute("position", pos); this.position = pos; } public void setStyleTop(String t) { // setAttribute("top", t); = t; } public void setStyleVisibility(String vis) { // styleObject.setAttribute("visibility", vis); this.visibility = vis; } public void setStyleWidth(String w) { this.width = w; } /** * * @param useB */ public void setUseBar(int useB) { setMarkupAttribute("useBar", useB); } /** * * @param w */ public void setWait(int w) { setMarkupAttribute("wait", w); } /** * * @param zIn */ public void setZIndex(int zIn) { setMarkupAttribute("zIndex", zIn); } /** * @return */ private String getFindPositionJavaScript() { StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer(); script.append("//Extra code to find position:\n").append("function findPos(){ \n").append("if(bw.ns4){ //Netscape 4 \n").append("x = document.layers." + this.layerMenuName + ".pageX \n").append("y = document.layers." + this.layerMenuName + ".pageY \n").append("}else{ //other browsers \n").append("x=0; y=0; var el,temp \n").append("el = bw.ie4?document.all[\"" + this.divMenuName + "\"]:document.getElementById(\"" + this.divMenuName + "\"); \n").append("if(el.offsetParent){ \n").append("temp = el \n").append("while(temp.offsetParent){ //Looping parent elements to get the offset of them as well \n").append("temp=temp.offsetParent; \n").append("x+=temp.offsetLeft \n").append("y+=temp.offsetTop; \n").append("} \n").append("} \n").append("x+=el.offsetLeft \n").append("y+=el.offsetTop \n").append("} \n").append("//Returning the x and y as an array \n").append("return [x,y] \n").append("} \n"); return script.toString(); } /** * This table + layer + image hack is needed to position the layer within * tables * * @return */ private String getTableWithLayer(IWContext iwc) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td>\n").append("<!--This is a positioning hack for DynamicJSMenu-->\n").append("<ilayer id=\"" + this.layerMenuName + "\"><div id=\"" + this.divMenuName + "\">\n").append("<img src=\"").append(Table.getTransparentCell(iwc).getURL()).append("\" width=\"100%\" height=\"20\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\">\n").append("</div></ilayer>\n").append("<!-- END -->\n").append("</td></tr></table>"); return buf.toString(); } private void printMenu(LinkMenu menu, int id) { List texts = menu.getTextList(); List urls = menu.getUrlList(); int count = texts.size(); String topId = "top" + id; String subIdPrefix = "sub" + id + "_"; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String menuId = i == 0 ? topId : (subIdPrefix + i); String parentMenuId = i == 0 ? "" : topId; System.out.println("Printing link \"" + texts.get(i) + "\" to menu \"" + topId + "\""); print(this._menuObjectName + ".makeMenu('" + menuId + "','" + parentMenuId + "','" + texts.get(i) + "','" + urls.get(i) + "'" + (i == 0 ? ", ''" : "") + ")\n"); } } private void printMenuProperties(String menuName) { for (int i = 0; i < this.menuProps.length; i++) { print(menuName + "." + this.menuProps[i] + "=" + this.menuValues[i] + "\n"); } // print(menuName + ".level[0]=new // cm_makeLevel(180,22,\"l1\",\"l1over\",0,1,\"clB\",0,\"right\",0,0,\"/images/arrow_closed.gif\",15,11)\n"); print(menuName + ".level[0]=new cm_makeLevel()\n"); for (int j = 0; j < this.levelProps.length; j++) { print(menuName + ".level[0]." + this.levelProps[j] + "=" + this.levelValues[j] + "\n"); } print(menuName + ".level[1]=new cm_makeLevel()\n"); } }