package com.idega.presentation.ui; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import com.idega.event.IWActionListener; import com.idega.event.IWPresentationEvent; import com.idega.event.IWPresentationState; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObjectContainer; import com.idega.presentation.StatefullPresentation; import com.idega.presentation.StatefullPresentationImplHandler; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.event.TreeViewerEvent; import com.idega.presentation.text.Anchor; import com.idega.presentation.text.AnchorLink; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import; import com.idega.util.StringUtil; /** * Title: idegaWeb * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: idega * @author <a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public abstract class AbstractTreeViewer extends PresentationObjectContainer implements StatefullPresentation { DefaultTreeNode defaultRoot = null; boolean showRootNode = false; boolean showRootNodeTreeIcons = false; int defaultOpenLevel = 1; int _cols = 1; int _extracols = 1; boolean _nowrap = true; String lastNode = null; public static final String TREEVIEW_PREFIX = "treeviewer/ui/"; public static final String _UI_WIN = "win/"; public static final String _UI_MAC = "mac/"; public static final String _UI_IW = "iw/"; private String _ui = _UI_IW; private HashMap _extraHorizontal; private HashMap _extraVertical; Image icons[] = null; String iconNames[] = { "treeviewer_trancparent.gif", "treeviewer_line.gif", "treeviewer_R_line.gif", "treeviewer_R_minus.gif", "treeviewer_R_plus.gif", "treeviewer_L_line.gif", "treeviewer_L_minus.gif", "treeviewer_L_plus.gif", "treeviewer_M_line.gif", "treeviewer_M_minus.gif", "treeviewer_M_plus.gif", "treeviewer_F_line.gif", "treeviewer_F_minus.gif", "treeviewer_F_plus.gif" }; private static final int ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT = 0; private static final int ICONINDEX_LINE = 1; private static final int ICONINDEX_ROOT_LINE = 2; private static final int ICONINDEX_ROOT_MINUS = 3; private static final int ICONINDEX_ROOT_PLUS = 4; private static final int ICONINDEX_L_LINE = 5; private static final int ICONINDEX_L_MINUS = 6; private static final int ICONINDEX_L_PLUS = 7; private static final int ICONINDEX_M_LINE = 8; private static final int ICONINDEX_M_MINUS = 9; private static final int ICONINDEX_M_PLUS = 10; private static final int ICONINDEX_F_LINE = 11; private static final int ICONINDEX_F_MINUS = 12; private static final int ICONINDEX_F_PLUS = 13; protected String iconWidth = "16"; protected String iconHeight = "16"; protected String lightRowStyle; protected String darkRowStyle; Table frameTable = null; Table treeTable = null; int treeTableIndex = 1; AnchorLink openCloseLink = new AnchorLink(); List openNodes = new Vector(); // public static final String PRM_OPEN_TREENODES = "ic_opn_trnds"; // public static final String PRM_TREENODE_TO_CLOSE = "ic_cls_trnd"; //public static final String PRM_TREE_CHANGED = "ic_tw_ch"; private boolean _showSuperRootNode = false; private String _superRootNodeName = "Root"; private Image _superRootNodeIcon = null; private Link _refreshTopNodes = null; private boolean _showTreeIcons = true; private boolean _showTreeIcons_changed = false; private boolean _showHeaderRow = false; private TreeViewerEvent _eventModel = null; private StatefullPresentationImplHandler _stateHandler = null; private Map _extraHeadings; private Map _extraWidths; private String _headingColor; private String closeOrOpenNodesHref = null; public AbstractTreeViewer() { super(); this._stateHandler = new StatefullPresentationImplHandler(); this._stateHandler.setPresentationStateClass(TreeViewerPS.class); this.defaultRoot = new DefaultTreeNode("root", -1); this.icons = new Image[14]; this.treeTable = new Table(2, 1); //treeTable.setBorder(1); this.treeTable.setCellpadding(0); this.treeTable.setCellspacing(0); // treeTable.setWidth("100%"); this.frameTable = new Table(); //frameTable.setBorder(1); this.frameTable.setCellpadding(0); this.frameTable.setCellspacing(0); this.frameTable.setColumnAlignment(1, "left"); } private Table getTreeTableClone() { return (Table) this.treeTable.clone(); } public void setIconDimensions(String width, String Height) { this.iconWidth = width; this.iconHeight = Height; if (this.initializedInMain) { updateIconDimensions(); } } protected void updateIconDimensions() { for (int i = 0; i < this.icons.length; i++) { Image tmp = this.icons[i]; if (tmp != null) { tmp.setWidth(this.iconWidth); tmp.setHeight(this.iconHeight); tmp.setAlignment("top"); this.icons[i] = tmp; } } } public void initIcons(IWContext iwc) { IWBundle bundle = getBundle(iwc); if (this._showTreeIcons) { for (int i = 0; i < this.icons.length; i++) { if (this.icons[i] == null) { this.icons[i] = bundle.getImage(TREEVIEW_PREFIX + getUI() + this.iconNames[i]); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.icons.length; i++) { if (this.icons[i] == null) { this.icons[i] = Table.getTransparentCell(iwc); } } } this._showTreeIcons_changed = false; updateIconDimensions(); } public void setToShowTreeIcons(boolean value) { this._showTreeIcons = value; this._showTreeIcons_changed = true; } public void initializeInMain(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { super.initializeInMain(iwc); this.addActionListener((IWActionListener) this.getPresentationState(iwc)); initIcons(iwc); } public void setUI(String ui) { if (ui != null) { this._ui = ui + ((ui.endsWith("/")) ? "" : "/"); } else { this._ui = ""; } } public String getUI() { return this._ui; } public void drawTree(IWContext iwc) { this.empty(); this.frameTable.empty(); this.frameTable.resize(1, 1); this.add(this.frameTable); //frameTable.empty(); this.treeTableIndex = ((!this._showHeaderRow) ? 1 : 2); if (this._showSuperRootNode) { drawSuperRoot(iwc); } if (this.defaultRoot.getChildCount() > 0) { drawTree(this.defaultRoot.getChildrenIterator(), null, iwc); } if (this.lightRowStyle != null && this.darkRowStyle != null) { int startRow = ((!this._showHeaderRow) ? 1 : 2); int row = 1; for (int a = startRow; a <= this.frameTable.getRows(); a++) { if (row % 2 != 0) { this.frameTable.setRowStyleClass(a, this.lightRowStyle); } else { this.frameTable.setRowStyleClass(a, this.darkRowStyle); } row++; } } } private void drawSuperRoot(IWContext iwc) { Table nodeTable = new Table(5, 1); nodeTable.setCellpadding(0); nodeTable.setCellspacing(0); nodeTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); nodeTable.setWidth(1, "16"); nodeTable.setWidth(2, "3"); if (this._superRootNodeIcon != null) { nodeTable.add(this._superRootNodeIcon, 1, 1); } nodeTable.add(new Text(this._superRootNodeName), 3, 1); if(this._refreshTopNodes != null) { setEventModelToLink(this._refreshTopNodes); nodeTable.setAlignment(5, 1, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); nodeTable.add(this._refreshTopNodes, 5, 1); } this.frameTable.add(nodeTable, 1, this.getRowIndex()); } private synchronized void drawTree(Iterator nodes, Image[] collectedIcons, IWContext iwc) { if (nodes != null) { Iterator iter = nodes; for (int i = 0; iter.hasNext(); i++) { ICTreeNode item = (ICTreeNode); boolean hasChild = (item.getChildCount() > 0); boolean isOpen = false; int rowIndex = getRowIndex(); Table treeColumns = this.getTreeTableClone(); String anchorName =item.getId(); treeColumns.add(new Anchor(anchorName), 1, 1); // treeColumns.setBorder(1); // frameTable.setBorder(1); if (hasChild) { isOpen = this.openNodes.contains(item.getId()); } boolean isRoot = (this.defaultRoot.getIndex(item) >= 0); for (int k = 1; k < this._cols; k++) { PresentationObject obj = this.getObjectToAddToColumn(k, item, iwc, isOpen, hasChild, isRoot); if (obj != null) { treeColumns.add(obj, k + 1, 1); if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(k + 1, 1); } } } for (int k = 1; k < this._extracols; k++) { PresentationObject obj = this.getObjectToAddToParallelExtraColumn(k, item, iwc, isOpen, hasChild, isRoot); if (obj != null) { if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } this.frameTable.add(obj, k + 1, rowIndex); } } if (collectedIcons != null) { int collectedIconslength = collectedIcons.length; /* try { int width = Integer.parseInt(iconWidth)*(collectedIconslength+1); treeColumns.setWidth(1,Integer.toString(width)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("AbstractTreeViewer iconWidth: "+ iconWidth); // doNothing iconWidth is x% } */ if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } for (int j = 0; j < collectedIconslength; j++) { treeColumns.add((Image) collectedIcons[j].clone(), 1, 1); } } Image[] newCollectedIcons = null; if (isRoot && !this._showSuperRootNode) { if (showRootNodeTreeIcons()) { if (i == 0 && !iter.hasNext()) { //If there is one and only one rootnode if (hasChild) { if (isOpen) { PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_ROOT_MINUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_ROOT_MINUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons, (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT].clone()); } else { PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_ROOT_PLUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_ROOT_PLUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); } } else { treeColumns.add((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_ROOT_LINE].clone(), 1, 1); //newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons,icons[ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT]); } } else { // if there are more than one rootnotes if (i == 0) { // the first rootnode if (hasChild) { if (isOpen) { PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_F_MINUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_F_MINUS].clone(); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons, (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_LINE].clone()); } else { PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_F_PLUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_F_PLUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); } } else { if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_F_LINE].clone(), 1, 1); //newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons,icons[ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT]); } } else if(!iter.hasNext()){ // the last rootnode if (hasChild) { //if this node has a child if (isOpen) { // if this node is open PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_MINUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_MINUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons, (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT].clone()); } else { // if this node is closed PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_PLUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_PLUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); } } else { //if this node does not have any children if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_LINE].clone(), 1, 1); //newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons,icons[ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT]); } }else { //all but first and last rootnodes if (hasChild) { // if this node has a child if (isOpen) { // if this node is open PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_MINUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_MINUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons, (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_LINE].clone()); } else { // if this node is closed PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_PLUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_PLUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); } } else { // if this node does not have any children if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_LINE].clone(), 1, 1); //newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons,icons[ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT]); } } } } } else { // if rootnode tree icons are not shown if (!iter.hasNext()) { //if this is the last node if (hasChild) { //if this node has a child if (isOpen) { // if this node is open PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_MINUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_MINUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons, (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT].clone()); } else { // if this node is closed PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_PLUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_PLUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); } } else { //if this node does not have any children if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_L_LINE].clone(), 1, 1); //newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons,icons[ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT]); } } else { // if this is not the last node if (hasChild) { // if this node has a child if (isOpen) { // if this node is open PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_MINUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_MINUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons, (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_LINE].clone()); } else { // if this node is closed PresentationObject p = null; if (this._showTreeIcons) { p = getOpenCloseLinkClone((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_PLUS].clone(), anchorName); setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode((Link) p, item, isOpen); } else { p = (Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_PLUS].clone(); } if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add(p, 1, 1); } } else { // if this node does not have any children if (this._nowrap) { treeColumns.setNoWrap(1, 1); } treeColumns.add((Image) this.icons[ICONINDEX_M_LINE].clone(), 1, 1); //newCollectedIcons = getNewCollectedIconArray(collectedIcons,icons[ICONINDEX_TRANCPARENT]); } } } this.frameTable.add(treeColumns, 1, rowIndex); if (hasChild && isOpen) { Collection children = item.getChildren(); Collections.sort((List)children, new GroupTreeComparator(iwc) ); drawTree(children.iterator(), newCollectedIcons, iwc); } } } } private Image[] getNewCollectedIconArray(Image[] oldIcons, Image newIcon) { Image[] newArray = null; if (newIcon != null) { if (oldIcons == null) { newArray = new Image[1]; newArray[0] = newIcon; return newArray; } else { newArray = new Image[oldIcons.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(oldIcons, 0, newArray, 0, oldIcons.length); newArray[newArray.length - 1] = newIcon; } } return newArray; } private synchronized int getRowIndex() { return this.treeTableIndex++; } public void setInitOpenLevel() { Iterator iter = this.defaultRoot.getChildrenIterator(); if (this.defaultOpenLevel > 0) { setInitOpenLevel(iter, 1); } } private void setInitOpenLevel(Iterator iter, int level) { if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { ICTreeNode node = (ICTreeNode); Object item = node.getId(); if (!this.openNodes.contains(item)) { this.openNodes.add(item); } if (level < this.defaultOpenLevel) { setInitOpenLevel(node.getChildrenIterator(), level + 1); } } } } public void setOpenNodes(List openNodeList) { this.openNodes = openNodeList; } public void updateOpenNodes(IWContext iwc) { TreeViewerPS state = (TreeViewerPS) this.getPresentationState(iwc); // System.out.println("----------------updateOpenNodes-----------------"); // System.out.println(this+" STATE = "+ state ); // // System.out.println("ATV - TreeViewerPS: initLevel: " + state.setToInitOpenLevel()); // Iterator iter = state.getOpenNodeList().iterator(); // int counter = 1; // while (iter.hasNext()) { // Object item =; // System.out.println("ATV - TreeViewerPS: openItem"+counter+": "+item); // counter++; // } this.setOpenNodes(state.getOpenNodeList()); this.lastNode = state.getLastOpenedOrClosedNode(); state.resetLastOpenedOrClosedNode(); if (state.setToInitOpenLevel()) { this.setInitOpenLevel(); } } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (this._showTreeIcons_changed) { initIcons(iwc); } updateOpenNodes(iwc); drawTree(iwc); // Safari is not included because it already works (fluke ?), and will cause an endless reload loop, because location.href // causes a reload of the page and not just jumping to the anchor if (this.lastNode != null && !iwc.isSafari()) { getParentPage().setOnLoad("location.href='#"+this.lastNode+"'"); } setHeadings(); setAlignments(); } private void setAlignments() { if (this._extraHorizontal != null) { Iterator iter = this._extraHorizontal.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Integer column = (Integer); String alignment = (String) this._extraHorizontal.get(column); this.frameTable.setColumnAlignment(column.intValue(), alignment); } } if (this._extraVertical != null) { Iterator iter = this._extraVertical.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Integer column = (Integer); String alignment = (String) this._extraVertical.get(column); this.frameTable.setColumnVerticalAlignment(column.intValue(), alignment); } } } private void setHeadings() { if (this._extraHeadings != null) { Iterator iter = this._extraHeadings.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Integer column = (Integer); PresentationObject object = (PresentationObject) this._extraHeadings.get(column); this.frameTable.add(object, column.intValue(), 1); } } if (this._extraWidths != null) { Iterator iter = this._extraWidths.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Integer column = (Integer); String width = (String) this._extraWidths.get(column); this.frameTable.setWidth(column.intValue(), width); } } if (this._headingColor != null) { this.frameTable.setRowColor(1, this._headingColor); } } public abstract PresentationObject getObjectToAddToColumn(int colIndex, ICTreeNode node, IWContext iwc, boolean nodeIsOpen, boolean nodeHasChild, boolean isRootNode); public PresentationObject getObjectToAddToParallelExtraColumn(int colIndex, ICTreeNode node, IWContext iwc, boolean nodeIsOpen, boolean nodeHasChild, boolean isRootNode) { return null; } public void setToShowSuperRootNode(boolean value) { this._showSuperRootNode = value; } public void setSuperRootNodeName(String name) { this._superRootNodeName = name; } public void setSuperRootNodeIcon(Image image) { this._superRootNodeIcon = image; } public void setRefreshLink(Link refreshTN) { this._refreshTopNodes = refreshTN; } public Link getRefreshLink() { return this._refreshTopNodes; } public void setRootNode(ICTreeNode root) { this.defaultRoot.clear(); this.defaultRoot.addTreeNode(root); } public void setToShowRootNode(boolean value) { this.showRootNode = value; } public boolean showRootNodeTreeIcons() { return this.showRootNodeTreeIcons; } public void setToShowHeaderRow(boolean showRow) { this._showHeaderRow = showRow; } public void setToShowRootNodeTreeIcons(boolean value) { this.showRootNodeTreeIcons = value; } public void setFirstLevelNodes(ICTreeNode[] nodes) { this.defaultRoot.clear(); if (nodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { this.defaultRoot.addTreeNode(nodes[i]); } } } public void setFirstLevelNodes(Iterator nodes) { this.defaultRoot.clear(); if (nodes != null) { while (nodes.hasNext()) { ICTreeNode node = (ICTreeNode); this.defaultRoot.addTreeNode(node); } } } public void addFirstLevelNode(ICTreeNode node) { if (node != null) { this.defaultRoot.addTreeNode(node); } } public void setToMaintainParameter(String parameterName, IWContext iwc) { this.openCloseLink.maintainParameter(parameterName, iwc); } public void addOpenCloseParameter(String name,String value){ this.openCloseLink.addParameter(name,value); } protected Link getOpenCloseLinkClone(PresentationObject obj, String anchorName) { AnchorLink l = (AnchorLink) this.openCloseLink.clone(); l.setObject(obj); if (anchorName != null) { l.addCurrentURLToLink(true); l.setAnchorName(anchorName); } return l; } protected Link getOpenCloseLinkClone(Image obj, String anchorName) { AnchorLink l = (AnchorLink) this.openCloseLink.clone(); l.setImage(obj); if (anchorName != null) { l.addCurrentURLToLink(true); l.setAnchorName(anchorName); } return l; } public Link setLinkToMaintainOpenAndClosedNodes(Link l) { // l.addEventModel(_eventModel); return l; } public IWPresentationEvent getOpenCloseEventModel() { if (this._eventModel == null) { this._eventModel = new TreeViewerEvent(); /*if (this.getICObjectInstanceID() > 0) { _eventModel.setSource(this.getICObjectInstanceID()); } else {*/ //_eventModel.setSource(this.getLocation()); this._eventModel.setSource(this); //} } return this._eventModel; } public Link setLinkToOpenOrCloseNode(Link l, ICTreeNode node, boolean nodeIsOpen) { TreeViewerEvent event = (TreeViewerEvent) getOpenCloseEventModel().clone(); if (nodeIsOpen) { event.setToCloseNode(node); } else { event.setToOpenNode(node); } l.addEventModel(event); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(closeOrOpenNodesHref)) { l.setURL(closeOrOpenNodesHref); } return l; } public Link setEventModelToLink(Link l) { TreeViewerEvent event = (TreeViewerEvent) getOpenCloseEventModel().clone(); event.setToTreeStateChanged(l); l.addEventModel(event); return l; } public void setTreeColumns(int cols) { this._cols = cols + 1; this.treeTable.resize(this._cols, this.frameTable.getRows()); } public void setTreePadding(int padding) { this.frameTable.setCellpadding(padding); } public void setParallelExtraColumns(int cols) { this._extracols = cols + 1; this.frameTable.resize(this._extracols, this.frameTable.getRows()); } public void setColumns(int cols) { setTreeColumns(cols); } public void setExtraColumnWidth(int col, String width) { if (this._extraWidths == null) { this._extraWidths = new HashMap(); } this._extraWidths.put(new Integer(col + 1), width); } public void setTreeColumnWidth(int col, String width) { this.treeTable.setWidth(col + 1, width); } public void setWidth(String s) { this.frameTable.setWidth(s); } public void setExtraColumnHorizontalAlignment(int col, String alignment) { if (this._extraHorizontal == null) { this._extraHorizontal = new HashMap(); } this._extraHorizontal.put(new Integer(col + 1), alignment); } public void setExtraColumnVerticalAlignment(int col, String alignment) { if (this._extraVertical == null) { this._extraVertical = new HashMap(); } this._extraVertical.put(new Integer(col + 1), alignment); } public void setExtraColumnHeading(int col, PresentationObject obj) { if (this._extraHeadings == null) { this._extraHeadings = new HashMap(); } this._extraHeadings.put(new Integer(col + 1), obj); } public void setTreeHeading(int col, PresentationObject obj) { setExtraColumnHeading(col-1, obj); } public void setHeadingColor(String color) { this._headingColor = color; } public void setExtraHeadingColor(int col, String color) { setHeadingColor(color); } public void setDefaultOpenLevel(int value) { this.defaultOpenLevel = value; } public int getDefaultOpenLevel() { return this.defaultOpenLevel; } public void setNestLevelAtOpen(int nodesDown) { setDefaultOpenLevel(nodesDown); } public int getNestLevelAtOpen() { return getDefaultOpenLevel(); } //HeaderRow methods public void setHeaderRowHeight(String height) { this.frameTable.setHeight(1, height); } /* public void setToUseOnClick(){ setToUseOnClick(ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME,ONCLICK_DEFAULT_NODE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME); } public void setToUseOnClick(String NodeNameParameterName,String NodeIDParameterName){ _usesOnClick=true; getAssociatedScript().addFunction(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME,"function "+ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME+"("+NodeNameParameterName+","+NodeIDParameterName+"){ }"); } public void setOnClick(String action){ this.getAssociatedScript().addToFunction(ONCLICK_FUNCTION_NAME,action); } */ public Class getPresentationStateClass() { return this._stateHandler.getPresentationStateClass(); } public IWPresentationState getPresentationState(IWUserContext iwuc) { return this._stateHandler.getPresentationState(this, iwuc); } public StatefullPresentationImplHandler getStateHandler() { return this._stateHandler; } public void addEventModel(IWPresentationEvent model) { this.openCloseLink.addEventModel(model); } public void setOpenCloseLinkTarget(String target) { this.openCloseLink.setTarget(target); } /** * Sets the nowrap. * @param nowrap The nowrap to set */ public void setNowrap(boolean nowrap) { this._nowrap = nowrap; } public String getCloseOrOpenNodesHref() { return closeOrOpenNodesHref; } public void setCloseOrOpenNodesHref(String closeOrOpenNodesHref) { this.closeOrOpenNodesHref = closeOrOpenNodesHref; } }