//idega 2001 - Tryggvi Larusson /* *Copyright 2001 idega.is All Rights Reserved. */ package com.idega.presentation; import java.io.IOException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import com.idega.business.IBOLookup; import com.idega.event.IWFrameBusiness; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWLocation; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWPresentationLocation; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWURL; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Window; /** *@author <a href="mailto:tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson</a> *@version 1.2 */ public class FrameTable extends Window{ private int alignment; //private int numberOfFrames=0; private boolean isInAWindow = false; private static final int ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL=1; private static final int ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL=2; private static final String COLS_PROPERTY="cols"; private static final String SOURCE_PROPERTY="src"; private static final String star = "*"; private static final String PERCENTSIGN = "%"; // private List containedFrameSets = new Vector(); //private boolean _isInFrame = false; private int frameNameCounter = 0; public FrameTable(){ setFrameBorder(0); setBorder(0); setFrameSpacing(0); setVertical(); IWLocation loc = this.getLocation(); loc.setApplicationClass(this.getClass()); // loc.setTarget(null); loc.isInFrameSet(true); } public void add(String frameURL){ setPage(frameURL); } public void add(Class pageClass){ setPage(pageClass); } public void add(PresentationObject obj, String frameName){ if(!(obj instanceof Frame) ){ Frame frame = new Frame(); IWLocation location = new IWPresentationLocation(); location.isInFrameSet(true); location.setApplicationClass(this.getClass()); location.setTarget(frameName); frame.setLocation(location); frame.setPresentationObject(obj); frame.setNameProperty(frameName); this.add(frame); } else { ((Frame)obj).setNameProperty(frameName); this.add(obj); } } public void add(PresentationObject obj){ if(!(obj instanceof Frame)){ Frame frame = new Frame(); IWLocation location = new IWPresentationLocation(); location.isInFrameSet(true); location.setApplicationClass(this.getClass()); frame.setLocation(location); frame.setPresentationObject(obj); frame.setNameProperty(this.frameNameCounter++); // super.add() but does not set Location = this.location; super.add(obj); /*try { if (theObjects == null) { this.theObjects = new ArrayList(); } if (obj != null) { obj.setParentObject(this); //modObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); this.theObjects.add(obj); } } catch(Exception ex) { //ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); }*/ }else{ super.add(obj); // super.add() but does not set Location = this.location; /*try { if (theObjects == null) { this.theObjects = new ArrayList(); } if (obj != null) { obj.setParentObject(this); //modObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); this.theObjects.add(obj); } } catch(Exception ex) { //ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); }*/ } } public void add(int index, PresentationObject obj){ if(!(obj instanceof Frame)){ Frame frame = new Frame(); IWLocation location = new IWPresentationLocation(); location.isInFrameSet(true); location.setApplicationClass(this.getClass()); frame.setLocation(location); frame.setPresentationObject(obj); frame.setNameProperty(this.frameNameCounter++); // super.add() but does not set Location = this.location; super.add(index,obj); /*try { if (theObjects == null) { this.theObjects = new ArrayList(); } if (obj != null) { obj.setParentObject(this); //obj.setLocation(this.getLocation()); this.theObjects.add(index,obj); } } catch(Exception ex) { //ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); }*/ }else{ // super.add() but does not set Location = this.location; super.add(index,obj); /*try { if (theObjects == null) { this.theObjects = new ArrayList(); } if (obj != null) { obj.setParentObject(this); //obj.setLocation(this.getLocation()); this.theObjects.add(index,obj); } } catch(Exception ex) { //ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); }*/ } } public void addAtBeginning(PresentationObject obj){ if(!(obj instanceof Frame)){ Frame frame = new Frame(); IWLocation location = new IWPresentationLocation(); location.isInFrameSet(true); location.setApplicationClass(this.getClass()); frame.setLocation(location); frame.setPresentationObject(obj); frame.setNameProperty(this.frameNameCounter++); // super.addAtBeginning() but does not set Location = this.location; obj.setParentObject(this); obj.setLocation(this.getLocation()); getChildren().add(0,obj); }else{ // super.addAtBeginning() but does not set Location = this.location; obj.setParentObject(this); obj.setLocation(this.getLocation()); getChildren().add(0,obj); } } public void add(Class pageClass, String frameName ){ // numberOfFrames++; // setPage(numberOfFrames, pageClass); // this.setFrameName(numberOfFrames, frameName); Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.setClassProperty(pageClass); frame.setNameProperty(frameName); this.add(frame); } // private void setPage(int frameIndex, Class pageClass){ // this.getFramesMap().put(new Integer(frameIndex),new HashMap()); // this.getFramesPropertyMap(frameIndex).put(CLASS_PROPERTY,pageClass); // } private void setPage(Class pageClass){ // numberOfFrames++; // this.getFramesMap().put(new Integer(numberOfFrames),new HashMap()); // this.getFramesPropertyMap(numberOfFrames).put(CLASS_PROPERTY,pageClass); Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.setClassProperty(pageClass); frame.setNameProperty(this.frameNameCounter++); this.add(frame); } // private void setPage(int frameIndex, String url){ // this.getFramesMap().put(new Integer(frameIndex),new HashMap()); // setFrameSource(frameIndex,url); // } private void setPage(String url){ // numberOfFrames++; // this.getFramesMap().put(new Integer(numberOfFrames),new HashMap()); // setFrameSource(numberOfFrames,url); Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.setUrlProperty(url); frame.setNameProperty(this.frameNameCounter++); this.add(frame); } // public Class getClass(int frameIndex){ //return (Class)getFramesPropertyMap(frameIndex).get(CLASS_PROPERTY); // return ((ClassContainer)this.getAllContainingObjects().get(frameIndex-1)).getClassProperty(); // } // /** // * Does nothing // */ // protected void add(int index,PresentationObject modObject) { // // } // // /** // * Does nothing // */ // public void add(PresentationObject modObject) { // } // // /** // * Does nothing // */ // public void add(Object presentationObject) { // } // // /** // * Does nothing // */ // public void addAtBeginning(PresentationObject modObject) { // } /* // //adds the Object to the First Page; // public void add(PresentationObject obj){ if(obj instanceof Page){ add((Page)obj); } else{ getFirstFrame().add(obj); } } public void add(Page page){ numberOfFrames += 1; super.add(numberOfFrames-1,page); setFrameName(numberOfFrames,page.getID()); setAllMargins(numberOfFrames,0); } // // adds the Object to the First Page; // public void add(String string){ getFirstFrame().add(string); } */ /*private Map getClassesMap(){ if(classesMap==null){ classesMap = new Hashtable(); } return classesMap; }*/ // private Map getFramesMap(){ // if(framesMap==null){ // framesMap = new HashMap(); // } // return framesMap; // } /*private Map getFramesPropertyMap(Class c){ return (Map) getPagesMap().get(c); }*/ protected void setFrameSetProperty(String name,String value){ setMarkupAttribute(name,value); } protected String getFrameSetPropertiesString(){ return getMarkupAttributesString(); } public List getAllContainedFrames(){ List l = this.getChildren(); List toReturn = new ArrayList(); if(l != null){ Iterator iter = l.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item = iter.next(); if(item instanceof Frame){ if(((Frame)item).getFrameType() == Frame.FRAMESET){ toReturn.addAll(((FrameTable)((Frame)item).getPresentationObject()).getAllContainedFrames()); } else { toReturn.add(item); } } } } return toReturn; } public void _main(IWContext iwc)throws Exception{ try { IWFrameBusiness fb = (IWFrameBusiness)IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc,IWFrameBusiness.class); fb.retainFrameSet(this); List l = this.getAllContainedFrames(); if(l != null){ Iterator iter = l.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Frame frame = (Frame)iter.next(); modifyFrameObject(iwc, fb, frame); } } //System.out.println("in _main()"); this.isInAWindow = isChildOfOtherPage(); if( this.isInAWindow ){ this.getParentPage().setAddBody(false); } super._main(iwc); this.adaptFrames(iwc); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void adaptFrames(IWContext iwc){ if(!(getChildren()!=null && getChildren().size() > 0)){ add(com.idega.presentation.Page.class); setSpanPercent(1,100); setSpanAdaptive(2); } setSpanAttribute(); // int i = 1; // while (i<=numberOfFrames) { // // Class item = this.getClass(i); // if(item!=null){ // setFrameSource(i,getFrameURI(item,iwc)); // } // i++; // } int i = 1; List l = this.getChildren(); if(l != null){ Iterator iter = l.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item = iter.next(); if(item instanceof Frame){ Frame frame = (Frame)item; switch (frame.getFrameType()) { case Frame.CLASS: setFrameSource(i,getFrameURI(frame.getClassProperty(),iwc)); break; case Frame.URL: setFrameSource(i,((Frame)item).getUrlProperty()); break; case Frame.OBJ: try { IWFrameBusiness fb = (IWFrameBusiness)IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc,IWFrameBusiness.class); setFrameSource(i,getFrameURI(fb.getFrameSetIdentifier(this),frame.getName(),iwc)); } catch (RemoteException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); //throw new RuntimeException("RemoteException occured"); //getFrameURI("null","error",iwc); /** * @todo change */ setFrameSource(i,"/errorpage1.jsp"); } break; case Frame.FRAMESET: //No Source break; default: try { IWFrameBusiness fb = (IWFrameBusiness)IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc,IWFrameBusiness.class); setFrameSource(i,getFrameURI(fb.getFrameSetIdentifier(this),frame.getName(),iwc)); } catch (RemoteException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); //throw new RuntimeException("RemoteException occured"); //getFrameURI("null","error",iwc); /** * @todo change */ setFrameSource(i,"/errorpage2.jsp"); } break; } }else { setFrameSource(i,"/errorpage3.jsp"); //Error } i++; } } } public void modifyFrameObject(IWContext iwc, IWFrameBusiness fb, Frame frame) throws RemoteException { } public void print(IWContext iwc) throws Exception{ //goneThroughMain = false; //System.out.println("in print()"); printBegin(iwc); printChildren(iwc); printEnd(iwc); } /*private String getFrameURI(Page page,IWContext iwc){ String uri = iwc.getRequestURI()+"?"+this.IW_FRAME_STORAGE_PARMETER+"="+page.getID(); return uri; }*/ public void printBegin(IWContext iwc){ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); boolean isInFrame = isInFrame(); if( !this.isInAWindow && !isInFrame ){ String characterEncoding = iwc.getApplicationSettings().getCharacterEncoding(); String markup = getMarkupLanguageForPage(); String docType = getDocType(); buf.append(getStartTag(iwc.getCurrentLocale(), docType, characterEncoding)); buf.append(getMetaInformation(markup, characterEncoding)); buf.append("<title>"+getTitle()+"</title>"); } buf.append("\n<frameset "); buf.append(getFrameSetPropertiesString()); buf.append(" >\n"); print(buf.toString()); } public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context) throws IOException{ printChildren(IWContext.getIWContext(context)); } /** * Bridging method for JSF: * @param iwc * @throws IOException */ public void printChildren(IWContext iwc) throws IOException{ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); //int counter = 1; if(this.getChildren() != null){ Iterator iter = this.getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item = iter.next(); if(item instanceof Frame){ if(((Frame)item).getFrameType() == Frame.FRAMESET){ //System.out.println(buf.toString()); print(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuffer(); UIComponent child = ((Frame)item).getPresentationObject(); //frame._print(iwc); renderChild(iwc,child); } else { buf.append("<frame "); buf.append(getFramePropertiesString((Frame)item)); buf.append(" >\n"); } } //counter++; } } print(buf.toString()); } public void printEnd(IWContext iwc){ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); boolean isInFrame = isInFrame(); buf.append("\n</frameset>\n"); if( !this.isInAWindow && !isInFrame ){ buf.append(getEndTag()); } //System.out.println(buf.toString()); print(buf.toString()); } private static String getFrameURI(Class pageClass,IWContext iwc){ //String uri = iwc.getRequestURI()+"?"+IW_FRAME_CLASS_PARAMETER+"="+IWMainApplication.getEncryptedClassName(pageClass); String uri = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getWindowOpenerURI(pageClass); return uri; } private String getFrameURI(String framePath, String frameName, IWContext iwc){ String uri = iwc.getRequestURI()+"?"+IW_FRAMESET_PAGE_PARAMETER+"="+framePath+"&"+IW_FRAME_NAME_PARAMETER+"="+frameName; return uri; } public static IWURL getFrameURL(Class pageClass,IWContext iwc){ /*String uri = getFrameURI(pageClass,iwc); IWURL url = new IWURL(uri); return url; */ return new IWURL(iwc.getIWMainApplication().getWindowOpenerURI(pageClass)); } /*public static IWURL getFrameURL(Class pageClass){ String baseURL = IWConstants.SERVLET_WINDOWOPENER_URL; IWURL url = new IWURL(baseURL); url.addPageClassParameter(pageClass); return url; }*/ public void setFrameBorder(int width){ setFrameSetProperty("frameborder",Integer.toString(width)); } public void setBorder(int width){ setFrameSetProperty("border",Integer.toString(width)); } public void setFrameSpacing(int width){ setFrameSetProperty("framespacing",Integer.toString(width)); } public void setVertical(){ this.alignment=ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL; } public void setHorizontal(){ this.alignment=ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL; } /** * Sets the span (in percent) for each of the Frame Objects. frameIndex starts at 1. */ public void setSpanPercent(int frameIndex,int percent){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,ROWS_PROPERTY,Integer.toString(percent)+PERCENTSIGN); } /** * Sets the span (in pixels) for each of the Frame Objects. frameIndex starts at 1. */ public void setSpanPixels(int frameIndex,int pixels){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,ROWS_PROPERTY,Integer.toString(pixels)); } /** * Sets the span (in pixels) for each of the Frame Objects. frameIndex starts at 1. */ public void setSpanAdaptive(int frameIndex){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,ROWS_PROPERTY,FrameTable.star); } private String getSpan(int frameIndex){ String frameProperty = getFrameProperty(frameIndex,ROWS_PROPERTY); if(frameProperty==null){ frameProperty=star; } return frameProperty; } public void setNoresize(int frameIndex,boolean ifResize){ if(ifResize){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"noresize"); } } public void setBorder(int frameIndex,int borderWidth){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"border",Integer.toString(borderWidth)); } public void setBorder(int frameIndex,boolean ifBorder){ if(ifBorder){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"border","yes"); } else{ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"border","no"); } } public void setScrollingAuto(int frameIndex){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"scrolling","auto"); } public void setScrolling(int frameIndex,boolean ifScrollBar){ if(ifScrollBar){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"scrolling","yes"); } else{ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"scrolling","no"); } } public void setMarginWidth(int frameIndex,int width) { setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"marginwidth",Integer.toString(width)); //getPage(frameIndex).setMarginWidth(width); } public void setMarginHeight(int frameIndex,int height) { setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"marginheight",Integer.toString(height)); //getPage(frameIndex).setMarginHeight(height); } public void setLeftMargin(int frameIndex,int leftmargin) { setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"leftmargin",Integer.toString(leftmargin)); //getPage(frameIndex).setMarginWidth(leftmargin); } public void setTopMargin(int frameIndex,int topmargin) { setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"topmargin",Integer.toString(topmargin)); //getPage(frameIndex).setTopMargin(topmargin); } public void setAllMargins(int frameIndex,int allMargins) { setMarginWidth(frameIndex,allMargins); setMarginHeight(frameIndex,allMargins); setLeftMargin(frameIndex,allMargins); setTopMargin(frameIndex,allMargins); } public void setFrameName(int frameIndex,String name){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,"name",name); } public void setFrameSource(int frameIndex,String URL){ setFrameProperty(frameIndex,SOURCE_PROPERTY,URL); } public String getFrameSource(int frameIndex){ return getFrameProperty(frameIndex,"src"); } protected void setFrameProperty(int frameIndex,String propertyName,String propertyValue){ //getPage(frameIndex).setFrameProperty(propertyName,propertyValue); //this.getFramesPropertyMap(frameIndex).put(propertyName,propertyValue); ((PresentationObject)this.getChildren().get(frameIndex-1)).setMarkupAttribute(propertyName,propertyValue); } protected void setFrameProperty(int frameIndex,String propertyName){ //getPage(frameIndex).setFrameProperty(propertyName); //this.getFramesPropertyMap(frameIndex).put(propertyName,this.slash); ((PresentationObject)this.getChildren().get(frameIndex-1)).setMarkupAttribute(propertyName,PresentationObject.slash); } protected String getFrameProperty(int frameIndex,String propertyName){ // Map frameProperties = getFramesPropertyMap(frameIndex); // if(frameProperties == null){ // return null; // } // return (String)frameProperties.get(propertyName); return ((PresentationObject)this.getChildren().get(frameIndex-1)).getMarkupAttribute(propertyName); } protected String getFramePropertiesString(Frame frame){ Map frameProperties = frame.getMarkupAttributes(); StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer(); String Attribute =""; if (frameProperties != null) { Iterator e = frameProperties.keySet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()){ Attribute = (String)e.next(); // if(!(Attribute.equals(ROWS_PROPERTY)||Attribute.equals(CLASS_PROPERTY))){ if(!(Attribute.equals(ROWS_PROPERTY))){ returnString.append(" "); returnString.append(Attribute); String AttributeValue = (String)frameProperties.get(Attribute); if(!AttributeValue.equals(slash)){ returnString.append("=\""); returnString.append(AttributeValue); returnString.append("\" "); } } } } return returnString.toString(); } /*public Page getPage(int frameIndex){ return (Page)this.getAllContainingObjects().get(frameIndex-1); }*/ public void setSpanAttribute(){ setSpan(); String property = ""; String comma = ","; int i; for (i = 1; i < this.getChildren().size(); i++) { property += getSpan(i); property += comma; } property += getSpan(i); String propertyName; if(isVertical()){ propertyName = ROWS_PROPERTY; } else{ propertyName = COLS_PROPERTY; } setFrameSetProperty(propertyName,property); } public boolean isVertical(){ return (ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL==this.alignment); } public boolean isHorizontal(){ return (ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL==this.alignment); } public void setSpan(){ boolean nothingset=true; for (int i = 1; i <= this.getChildren().size() ; i++){ String span= getSpan(i); if(!span.equals(star)){ nothingset=false; } } if(nothingset){ if(this.getChildren().size()!=0){ int thePercent = (100/this.getChildren().size()); for (int i = 1; i <= this.getChildren().size() ; i++) { setSpanPercent(i,thePercent); } } } } public Page getFrame(String frameName, IWUserContext iwc, boolean askForPermission){// throws FrameNotFoundException { List l = this.getAllContainedFrames(); if(l != null){ Iterator iter = l.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item = iter.next(); //if(item instanceof Frame){ String frameItemName = ((Frame)item).getName(); if(frameName.equals(frameItemName)){ return ((Frame)item).getPage(iwc, askForPermission); } //} } } return null; } public Frame getFrame(String frameName){// throws FrameNotFoundException { List l = this.getAllContainedFrames(); if(l != null){ Iterator iter = l.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item = iter.next(); //if(item instanceof Frame){ if(frameName.equals(((Frame)item).getName())){ return ((Frame)item); } //} } } return null; } public boolean isInFrame(){ return (this.getParentObject() instanceof Frame); } // private class Frame extends PresentationObject{ // private Class myClass = null; // private String _url = null; // private PresentationObject _obj = null; // public static final int NONE = 0; // public static final int CLASS = 1; // public static final int URL = 2; // public static final int OBJ = 3; // private int type = NONE; // // // public void setUrlProperty(String url){ // type = URL; // _url = url; // } // // public String getUrlProperty(){ // return _url; // } // // public void setClassProperty(Class pageClass){ // type = CLASS; // myClass = pageClass; // } // // public Class getClassProperty(){ // return myClass; // } // // public void setNameProperty(String frameName){ // this.setName(frameName); // this.setAttribute("name", frameName); // } // // public void setNameProperty(int name){ // this.setNameProperty(Integer.toString(name)); // } // // public void setPresentationObject(PresentationObject obj){ // type = OBJ; // _obj = obj; // } // // public int getFrameType(){ // return type; // } // // public Page getPage(IWUserContext iwc, boolean askForPermission){ // // Page defaultPage = new Page(); // defaultPage.setBackgroundColor("#336699"); // switch (type) { // case CLASS: // try { // PresentationObject pObj = (PresentationObject)myClass.newInstance(); // if(pObj instanceof Page){ // return (Page)pObj._clone(iwc, askForPermission); // } else { // //Page page = new Page(); // Page page = defaultPage; // page.add(pObj._clone(iwc, askForPermission)); // return (Page)page; // } // } // catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } // catch (InstantiationException ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } // return null; // case URL: // return null; // case OBJ: // if(_obj instanceof Page){ // return (Page)_obj._clone(iwc, askForPermission); // } else { // //Page page = new Page(); // Page page = defaultPage; // page.add(_obj._clone(iwc,askForPermission)); // return (Page)page; // } // default: // return null; // } // // } // // } // private class ClassContainer extends PresentationObjectContainer{ // // //private static final String CLASS_PROPERTY="iw_frameset_class"; // // private Class myClass = null; // // public void setClassProperty(Class pageClass){ // myClass = pageClass; // } // // public Class getClassProperty(){ // return myClass; // } // // } // // private class UrlContainer extends PresentationObjectContainer{ // // //private static final String CLASS_PROPERTY="iw_frameset_class"; // // private String _url = null; // // public void setUrlProperty(String url){ // _url = url; // } // // public String getUrlProperty(){ // return _url; // } // // } }//End class