/* * $Id: PresentationObjectContainer.java,v 1.59 2009/05/27 16:08:46 valdas Exp $ * * Created in 2001 by Tryggvi Larusson * * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. Use is subject to * license terms. * */ package com.idega.presentation; import java.io.IOException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.business.NotLoggedOnException; import com.idega.core.builder.business.BuilderService; import com.idega.event.IWPresentationState; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWLocation; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; /** * A base class for Containers of PresentationObjects (i.e. that can have children).<br> * As of JSF this class is basically obsolete, as all UIComponents are "containers".<br> * <br> * Last modified: $Date: 2009/05/27 16:08:46 $ by $Author: valdas $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version $Revision: 1.59 $ */ public class PresentationObjectContainer extends PresentationObject { //private List children; //Legacy temporary variable: protected transient List<UIComponent> allObjects = null; //protected boolean goneThroughMain = false; protected boolean _locked = true; protected String _label = null; /** * Default constructor. * Should only be called by sublasses. */ public PresentationObjectContainer() { } @Override public List<UIComponent> getChildren(){ /*if (this.children == null) { this.children = new PresentationObjectList(this); //this.children=new ArrayList(); } return this.children;*/ return super.getChildren(); } /** * Add an object inside this container */ protected void add(int index, PresentationObject modObject) { try { if (modObject != null) { //modObject.setParentObject(this); // modObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); getChildren().add(index, modObject); } } catch (Exception ex) { //ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); } } /** * Add an object inside this container */ public void add(PresentationObject modObject) { try { if (modObject != null) { //modObject.setParentObject(this); // modObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); getChildren().add(modObject); } } catch (Exception ex) { //ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); } } public void add(UIComponent component) { try { getChildren().add(component); } catch (Exception ex) { //ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); } } public void add(Object moduleObject) { if (moduleObject instanceof PresentationObject) { add((PresentationObject) moduleObject); } else { System.err.println( "Not instance of PresentationObject and therefore cannot be added to PresentationObjectContainer: " + moduleObject); } } public void addAtBeginning(PresentationObject modObject) { modObject.setParentObject(this); // modObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); getChildren().add(0, modObject); } /** * Add an object inside this container - same as the add() function * * @deprecated replaced by the add function */ @Deprecated public void addObject(PresentationObject modObject) { add(modObject); } /** * Adds an simple string (Creates a Text object around it) */ public void add(String theText) { add(new Text(theText)); } /** * Adds an array of strings and creates an end of line character after each * element */ public void add(String[] theTextArray) { for (int i = 0; i < theTextArray.length; i++) { add(theTextArray[i]); addBreak(); } } public void addBreak() { Text text = Text.getBreak(); add(text); } public void addText(String theText) { add(new Text(theText)); } public void addText(String theText, String format) { Text text = new Text(); if (format != null) { if (format.equals("bold")) { text.setBold(); } else if (format.equals("italic")) { text.setItalic(); } else if (format.equals("underline")) { text.setUnderline(); } } add(text); } public void addText(int integerToInsert) { addText(Integer.toString(integerToInsert)); } public UIComponent getContainedObject(Class<?> objectClass) { List<UIComponent> objects = getChildren(); if (objects != null) { Iterator<UIComponent> iter = objects.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object element = iter.next(); if (element.getClass() == objectClass) { return (UIComponent) element; } } } return null; } public List<UIComponent> getChildrenRecursive() { if (this.allObjects == null) { List<UIComponent> toReturn = null; List<UIComponent> children = this.getChildren(); if (children != null) { toReturn = new ArrayList<UIComponent>(); toReturn.containsAll(children); Iterator<UIComponent> iter = children.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UIComponent item = iter.next(); if (item instanceof PresentationObjectContainer) { toReturn.add(item); //if(!toReturn.contains(item)){ List<UIComponent> tmp = ((PresentationObjectContainer) item).getChildrenRecursive(); if (tmp != null) { toReturn.addAll(tmp); } //} } else { toReturn.add(item); } } } this.allObjects = toReturn; } return this.allObjects; } public void resetAllContainedObjectsRecursive() { this.allObjects = null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return getChildren().isEmpty(); } @Override public void _main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (!this.initializedInMain) { this.initInMain(iwc); } if (mayGoThroughMain()) { try { main(iwc); } catch (NotLoggedOnException noex) { //throw the exception further: throw noex; } catch (Exception ex) { add(ex.getMessage()); getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Some error occured rendering " + this, ex); } if (IWMainApplication.useJSF) { //Do not go through the children in JSF as that is done through the encode/begin/children methods: } else { int numberOfObjects = numberOfObjects(); for (int index = 0; index < numberOfObjects; index++) { try { PresentationObject tempobj = (PresentationObject) objectAt(index); try { if (tempobj != null) { if (tempobj != this) { tempobj._main(iwc); } } } catch (Exception ex) { add(ex.getMessage()); getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Some error occured rendering " + tempobj, ex); } } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Exception in PressentationObjectContainer._main() catched: "+e.getClass()+" : "+e.getMessage(), e); } } } } setGoneThroughMain(); } /** * * @uml.property name="children" */ protected void setChildren(List<UIComponent> newChildren) { //this.children = newChildren; this.getChildren().addAll(newChildren); } /* * protected void prepareClone(PresentationObject newObjToCreate){ int * number = numberOfObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { * PresentationObject tempObj = this.objectAt(i); * ((PresentationObjectContainer)newObjToCreate).add((PresentationObject)tempObj.clone()); } * // if (this.theObjects!=null){ * //((PresentationObjectContainer)newObjToCreate).setObjects((Vector)this.theObjects.clone()); // } */ /*public void _print(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { goneThroughMain = false; super._print(iwc); }*/ /** * The default implementation for the print function for a container. * * This function is invoked on each request by the user for each * PresentationObject instance (after main(iwc)). * * Override this function where it is needed to print out the specified * content. This function should only be overrided in idegaWeb Elements. */ @Override public void print(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { initVariables(iwc); //Workaround for JRun - JRun has hardcoded content type text/html in // JSP pages //if(this.doPrint(iwc)){ if (iwc.getMarkupLanguage().equals("WML")) { iwc.setContentType("text/vnd.wap.wml"); } //if (!isEmpty()) //{ /*int numberofObjects = numberOfObjects(); for (int index = 0; index < numberofObjects; index++) { UIComponent tempobj = objectAt(index); try { if (tempobj != null) { //TL JSF Change: //tempobj._print(iwc); this.renderChild(iwc,tempobj); flush(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex, this); exep._print(iwc); } }*/ Iterator<UIComponent> iter = this.getChildren().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()){ UIComponent child = iter.next(); renderChild(iwc,child); } //} } /** * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#initVariables(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ @Override public void initVariables(IWContext iwc) throws IOException { //goneThroughMain = false; //This is a legacy fix to make sure the goneThroughMain variable is reset back for // components that are stored in session. // For the JSF environment this is done instead in the encodeEnd method. if(!IWMainApplication.useJSF){ resetGoneThroughMain(); } super.initVariables(iwc); } /** * */ public UIComponent getContainedObject(String instanceId){ try{ try{ //is it a region or a pure UIComponent? boolean isRegion = (instanceId.indexOf(".")>=0); if(isRegion){ //Try to assume that the objectInstanceID is in format 1234.2.2 (icobjectinstanceid.xpox.ypos) String regionOwnerInstanceId = instanceId.substring(0, instanceId.indexOf(".")); String index = instanceId.substring(instanceId.indexOf(".") + 1, instanceId.length()); if (index.indexOf(".") == -1){ //not a table...don't actually now what kind of object this might be...eiki return (((PresentationObjectContainer) getContainedObject(regionOwnerInstanceId)).objectAt(Integer.parseInt(index))); } else{ //A region that is a table.. int xindex = Integer.parseInt(index.substring(0, index.indexOf("."))); int yindex = Integer.parseInt(index.substring(index.indexOf(".") + 1, index.length())); try { return (((Table) getContainedObject(regionOwnerInstanceId)).containerAt(xindex, yindex)); } catch (ClassCastException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return (null); } } } else{ // Not a region try{ //Try to interpret the objectInstanceID as an integer //backward compatability for PresentationObjects int instanceIdINT = Integer.parseInt(instanceId); Iterator<UIComponent> iter = this.getFacetsAndChildren(); while (iter.hasNext()){ UIComponent item = iter.next(); if ( item instanceof PresentationObject && ((PresentationObject) item).getICObjectInstanceID() == instanceIdINT){ return item; } else if (item instanceof PresentationObjectContainer){ UIComponent theReturn = ((PresentationObjectContainer) item).getContainedObject(instanceId); if (theReturn != null){ return theReturn; } } } return null; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { //must be one of those spiffy new UIComponents and what'not's Iterator<UIComponent> iter = this.getFacetsAndChildren(); while (iter.hasNext()){ UIComponent item = iter.next(); if(instanceId.equals(item.getId())){ return item; } } return null; } } } catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException se){ return null; } } catch (NullPointerException ex) { return (null); } } /** * */ public UIComponent getContainedLabeledObject(String label){ Iterator<UIComponent> iter = this.getFacetsAndChildren(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UIComponent item = iter.next(); if (item instanceof PresentationObjectContainer) { String itemLabel = ((PresentationObjectContainer) item).getLabel(); if (itemLabel != null){ if (itemLabel.equals(label)){ return (item); } } UIComponent theReturn = ((PresentationObjectContainer) item).getContainedLabeledObject(label); if (theReturn != null) { return (theReturn); } } } return (null); } /* * public PresentationObject getContainedObject(String objectTreeID) { if * (objectTreeID.indexOf(".") == -1) { return * objectAt(Integer.parseInt(objectTreeID)); } else { String newString = * objectTreeID.substring(objectTreeID.indexOf(".") + * 1,objectTreeID.length()); String index = * objectTreeID.substring(0,objectTreeID.indexOf(".")); * * PresentationObject obj = objectAt(Integer.parseInt(index)); if (obj * instanceof PresentationObjectContainer){ return * ((PresentationObjectContainer)obj).getContainedObject(newString); } else { * return obj; } } */ /* * public void updateTreeIDs() { if (!isEmpty()) { String thisTreeID = * this.getTreeID(); int numberOfObjects = numberOfObjects(); for(int index = 0; * index < numberOfObjects; index++) { PresentationObject tempobj = * objectAt(index); if (tempobj != null) { if (tempobj != this) { try { if * (thisTreeID == null) { String treeID = Integer.toString(index); * tempobj.setTreeID(treeID); } else { String treeID = thisTreeID + "." + * index; tempobj.setTreeID(treeID); } } catch(Exception ex) { * ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); add(exep); } } } } } */ /* * public void setTreeID(String ID) { super.setTreeID(ID); updateTreeIDs(); */ public int numberOfObjects() { return getChildren().size(); } protected UIComponent objectAt(int index) { return getChildren().get(index); } public int getIndex(PresentationObject ob) { return getChildren().indexOf(ob); } /** * Insert element at specified index */ public void insertAt(PresentationObject modObject, int index) { try { if (modObject != null) { modObject.setParentObject(this); // modObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); getChildren().add(index, modObject); } } catch (Exception ex) { //ExceptionWrapper exep = new ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); } } /** * Replace element at specified index */ /* * public void setAt(PresentationObject modObject, int index) { try { if * (theObjects == null) { this.theObjects = new ArrayList(); } if * (modObject != null) { <<<<<<< PresentationObjectContainer.java * modObject.setParentObject(this); // * modObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); * theObjects.setElementAt(modObject,index); ======= * modObject.setParentObject(this); * theObjects.setElementAt(modObject,index); >>>>>>> 1.13 } } * catch(Exception ex) { ExceptionWrapper exep = new * ExceptionWrapper(ex,this); } */ public void removeAll(Collection<UIComponent> c) { getChildren().removeAll(c); } /*public void _setIWContext(IWContext iwc) { setIWContext(iwc); //if (!isEmpty()) //{ for (int index = 0; index < numberOfObjects(); index++) { PresentationObject tempobj = (PresentationObject)objectAt(index); if (tempobj != null) { if (tempobj != this) { tempobj._setIWContext(iwc); } } } //} }*/ /** * This method is overrided from the PresentationObject superclass here * to call clone(iwc,askForPermission) if askForPermission is true instead of plain clone() to handle children */ @Override public Object clonePermissionChecked(IWUserContext iwc, boolean askForPermission) { if (askForPermission || iwc != null) { if (iwc.getApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getAccessController().hasViewPermission(this,iwc)) { return this.clone(iwc, askForPermission); } else { return NULL_CLONE_OBJECT; } } else { return this.clone(); } } @Override public Object clone() { return this.clone(null, false); } /** * This method can be overridden in subclasses to handle clone of the children inside this container * @param iwc * @param askForPermission * @return */ public Object clone(IWUserContext iwc, boolean askForPermission) { PresentationObjectContainer obj = null; try { obj = (PresentationObjectContainer) super.clone(); obj._locked = this._locked; //if(!(this instanceof Table)){ //if (this.theObjects != null) //{ //obj.setObjects((Vector)this.theObjects.clone()); /**TL: * Disabled cloning of the list, it shouldn't be necessary: * ArrayList alChildren = (ArrayList)myChildren; List clonedChildren = (List)alChildren.clone(); if(clonedChildren instanceof PresentationObjectList){ PresentationObjectList pList = (PresentationObjectList)clonedChildren; pList.setParent(obj); } obj.setChildren(clonedChildren); */ cloneJSFChildrenAndFacets(obj,iwc,askForPermission); //} //} } catch (Exception ex) { //obj.theObjects = new ArrayList(); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } private void cloneJSFChildrenAndFacets(PresentationObject obj,IWUserContext iwc,boolean askForPermission){ //Cloning the JSF Facets: cloneJSFChildren(obj,iwc,askForPermission); cloneJSFFacets(obj,iwc,askForPermission); //TODO: move the cloning of this to PresentationObject. Now it is inside PresentationObjectContainer } protected void cloneJSFChildren(PresentationObject obj,IWUserContext iwc,boolean askForPermission){ //Cloning the JSF children: if(this.childrenList!=null){ //First clone the children List instance itself: obj.childrenList=(List) ((PresentationObjectComponentList)this.childrenList).clone(); ((PresentationObjectComponentList)obj.childrenList).setComponent(obj); //Iterate over the children to clone each child: ListIterator<UIComponent> iter = obj.getChildren().listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { int index = iter.nextIndex(); UIComponent item = iter.next(); //Object item = obj.theObjects.elementAt(index); if (item instanceof PresentationObject){ PresentationObject newObject = (PresentationObject) ((PresentationObject) item).clonePermissionChecked(iwc, askForPermission); //newObject.setParentObject(obj); //newObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); obj.getChildren().set(index, newObject); //newObject.setParent(obj); } else { //create a copy from the IBXML try { BuilderService builderService = getBuilderService(IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWApplicationContext()); UIComponent newUIObject = builderService.getCopyOfUIComponentFromIBXML(item); //insert the new item obj.getChildren().set(index, newUIObject); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } protected void cloneJSFFacets(PresentationObject obj, IWUserContext iwc,boolean askForPermission){ //First clone the facet Map: if (this.facetMap != null) { obj.facetMap = (Map) ((PresentationObjectComponentFacetMap) this.facetMap).clone(); ((PresentationObjectComponentFacetMap) obj.facetMap).setComponent(obj); //Iterate over the children to clone each child: for (Iterator<String> iter = getFacets().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String key = iter.next(); UIComponent component = getFacet(key); PresentationObject newObject = null; if (component instanceof Script) { Object clone = ((Script) component).clone(); if (clone instanceof Script) { newObject = (Script) clone; } } else if (component instanceof PresentationObject) { PresentationObject po = (PresentationObject) component; newObject = (PresentationObject) po.clonePermissionChecked(iwc, askForPermission); } if (newObject != null) { newObject.setParentObject(obj); newObject.setLocation(this.getLocation()); obj.getFacets().put(key, newObject); } } } } public boolean remove(PresentationObject obj) { return getChildren().remove(obj); } /** * index lies from 0,length-1 */ public Object set(int index, PresentationObject o) { o.setParentObject(this); // o.setLocation(this.getLocation()); return this.getChildren().set(index, o); } /** * */ public void lock() { this._locked = true; } /** * */ public void unlock() { this._locked = false; } /** * */ public boolean isLocked() { return (this._locked); } /** * */ public void setLabel(String label) { this._label = label; } /** * */ public String getLabel() { return (this._label); } @Override public void setLocation(IWLocation location, IWUserContext iwuc) { super.setLocation(location, iwuc); Iterator<UIComponent> iter = this.getFacetsAndChildren(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UIComponent item = iter.next(); if (item instanceof PresentationObject) { ((PresentationObject) item).setLocation(location, iwuc); } if (item instanceof StatefullPresentation) { IWPresentationState state = ((StatefullPresentation) item).getPresentationState(iwuc); if (state != null) { state.setLocation(location); } } } } /* * Overrided methods from JSF's UIComponent: */ @Override public void addChild(UIComponent child){ this.add((PresentationObject)child); } @Override public void addChild(int index,UIComponent child){ this.add(index,(PresentationObject)child); } public void clearChildren(){ this.empty(); } public UIComponent getChild(int index){ return getChildren().get(index); } public int getChildrenCount(){ return this.getChildren().size(); } public void removeChild(int index){ this.getChildren().remove(index); } public void remove(UIComponent child){ this.remove((PresentationObject)child); } @Override public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context)throws IOException{ callMain(context); } @Override public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context) throws IOException{ //super.encodeChildren(context); callPrint(context); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#isContainer() */ @Override public boolean isContainer() { return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.component.StateHolder#restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) */ @Override public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[])state; /*try{ super.restoreState(context, values[0]); } catch(ClassCastException cce){ cce.printStackTrace(); }*/ super.restoreState(context, values[0]); //this.goneThroughMain = ((Boolean) values[1]).booleanValue(); this._locked = ((Boolean) values[1]).booleanValue(); this._label = (String) values[2]; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.faces.component.StateHolder#saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) */ @Override public Object saveState(FacesContext context) { Object values[] = new Object[3]; values[0] = super.saveState(context); //values[1] = Boolean.valueOf(this.goneThroughMain); values[1] = Boolean.valueOf(this._locked); values[2] = this._label; return values; } }