/* * $Id: Image.java,v 1.97 2006/04/24 01:41:26 gimmi Exp $ * Created in 2000 by Tryggvi Larusson * * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.idega.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import com.idega.core.file.business.FileSystemConstants; import com.idega.core.file.data.ICFile; import com.idega.core.localisation.business.ICLocaleBusiness; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWConstants; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Window; import com.idega.repository.data.NonEJBResource; import com.idega.repository.data.PropertyDescription; import com.idega.repository.data.PropertyDescriptionHolder; import com.idega.repository.data.ResourceDescription; import com.idega.util.text.TextSoap; /** * <p> * This is the component to render out Image elements in idegaWeb.<br> * In JSF there is now a more recent javax.faces.component.UIGraphic object that is prefered to use in pure JSF applications. * </p> * Last modified: $Date: 2006/04/24 01:41:26 $ by $Author: gimmi $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @modified <a href="mailto:eiki@idega.is">Eirikur Hrafnson</a> * @version $Revision: 1.97 $ */ public class Image extends PresentationObject implements NonEJBResource, PropertyDescriptionHolder { //static variables: public static final String ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM = "bottom"; public static final String ALIGNMENT_MIDDLE = "middle"; public static final String ALIGNMENT_LEFT = "left"; public static final String ALIGNMENT_RIGHT = "right"; public static final String ALIGNMENT_TOP = "top"; public static final String ALIGNMENT_ABSOLUTE_MIDDLE = "absmiddle"; public static final String ALIGNMENT_ABSOLUTE_BOTTOM = "absbottom"; public static final String ALIGNMENT_BASELINE = "baseline"; public static final String ALIGNMENT_TEXT_TOP = "texttop"; public static String PARAM_IMAGE_ID = FileSystemConstants.PARAM_FILE_ID; public static String PARAM_IMAGE_URL = "iw_image_url"; //member variables: private String overImageUrl; private String downImageUrl; private Map _ImageLocalizationMap; private Map _overImageLocalizationMap; private String textBgColor = "#CCCCCC"; private boolean limitImageWidth = false; private boolean zoomView = false; private boolean linkOnImage = true; protected boolean useCaching = true; private String align; private String zoomImageID; private String zoomPageID; private String zoomImageWidth; private String zoomImageHeight; protected int imageId = -1; private int maxImageWidth = 140; private String datasource = null; public Object saveState(FacesContext ctx) { Object values[] = new Object[17]; values[0] = super.saveState(ctx); values[1] = this.overImageUrl; values[2] = this.downImageUrl; values[3] = this._ImageLocalizationMap; values[4] = this._overImageLocalizationMap; values[5] = this.textBgColor; values[6] = Boolean.valueOf(this.limitImageWidth); values[7] = Boolean.valueOf(this.zoomView); values[8] = Boolean.valueOf(this.linkOnImage); values[9] = Boolean.valueOf(this.useCaching); values[10] = this.align; values[11] = this.zoomPageID; values[12] = this.zoomImageWidth; values[13] = this.zoomImageHeight; values[14] = new Integer(this.imageId); values[15] = new Integer(this.maxImageWidth); values[16] = this.datasource; return values; } public void restoreState(FacesContext ctx, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[]) state; super.restoreState(ctx, values[0]); this.overImageUrl = (String) values[1]; this.downImageUrl = (String) values[2]; this._ImageLocalizationMap = (Map) values[3]; this._overImageLocalizationMap = (Map) values[4]; this.textBgColor = (String) values[5]; this.limitImageWidth = ((Boolean)values[6]).booleanValue(); this.zoomView = ((Boolean)values[7]).booleanValue(); this.linkOnImage = ((Boolean)values[8]).booleanValue(); this.useCaching = ((Boolean)values[9]).booleanValue(); this.align = (String)values[10]; this.zoomImageID = (String)values[11]; this.zoomImageWidth = (String) values[12]; this.zoomImageHeight = (String)values[13]; this.imageId = ((Integer)values[14]).intValue(); this.maxImageWidth = ((Integer)values[15]).intValue(); this.datasource = (String) values[16]; } public Image() { this(""); //setBorder(BORDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_DEFAULT, BORDER_STYLE_DEFAULT); } public Image(String url) { this(url, ""); //setBorder(BORDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_DEFAULT, BORDER_STYLE_DEFAULT); } public Image(String url, String name) { if ("".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { name = this.generateID(); } setName(name); setAlt(name); setToolTip(name); setURL(url); initialize(); //setBorder(BORDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_DEFAULT, BORDER_STYLE_DEFAULT); } public Image(String name, String url, String overImageUrl) { setName(name); setAlt(name); setToolTip(name); setURL(url); //setBorder(BORDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_DEFAULT, BORDER_STYLE_DEFAULT); this.overImageUrl = overImageUrl; setOnMouseOut("swapImgRestore()"); setOnMouseOver("swapImage('" + getName() + "','','" + overImageUrl + "',1)"); initialize(); } public Image(String name, String url, String overImageUrl, String downImageUrl) { this(name, url, overImageUrl); this.downImageUrl = downImageUrl; setOnMouseDown("swapImage('" + getName() + "','','" + downImageUrl + "',1)"); //setAttribute("onMouseUp","swapImage('"+getName()+"','','"+overImageUrl+"',1)"); } public Image(String url, String name, int width, int height) { setName(name); setAlt(name); setToolTip(name); setURL(url); setWidth(width); setHeight(height); initialize(); //setBorder(BORDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_DEFAULT, BORDER_STYLE_DEFAULT); } /** *Fetches an image from the database through the imageservlet or blobcache * @throws SQLException * @throws EJBException */ public Image(ICFile file) throws EJBException, SQLException { this(((Integer)file.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); this.datasource = file.getDatasource(); } /** *Fetches an image from the database through the imageservlet or blobcache */ public Image(int imageId) throws SQLException { this.imageId = imageId; //setBorder(BORDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_DEFAULT, BORDER_STYLE_DEFAULT); setName(this.generateID()); initialize(); } public Image(int imageId, String name) throws SQLException { this(imageId); setName(name); setAlt(name); setToolTip(name); } public Image(int imageId, int width, int height) throws SQLException { this(imageId); setWidth(width); setHeight(height); } public Image(int imageId, String name, int width, int height) throws SQLException { this(imageId, name); setWidth(width); setHeight(height); } private void initialize() { setTransient(false); } protected void setImageURL(IWContext iwc) throws Exception{ String url; if(this.datasource != null){ url = getICFileSystem(iwc).getFileURI(this.imageId, this.datasource); } else { url = getICFileSystem(iwc).getFileURI(this.imageId); } setURL(url); } /** * Sets the over image url and its javascript. locales always win * @param iwc * @throws Exception */ protected void setOverImageURLAndJavascript(IWContext iwc) throws Exception{ Integer overImageId = null; String finalOverImageUrl = null; if (this._overImageLocalizationMap != null && !this._overImageLocalizationMap.isEmpty()){ Locale currLocale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); overImageId = (Integer) this.getOverImageLocalizationMap().get(currLocale); if (overImageId == null){ overImageId = (Integer) this.getImageLocalizationMap().get(iwc.getIWMainApplication().getSettings().getDefaultLocale()); } if(overImageId!=null){ finalOverImageUrl = getICFileSystem(iwc).getFileURI(overImageId.intValue()); } }else if(this.overImageUrl!=null){ finalOverImageUrl = this.overImageUrl; } if(finalOverImageUrl!=null){ setOnMouseOut("swapImgRestore()"); setOnMouseOver("swapImage('" + getName() + "','','" + finalOverImageUrl + "',1)"); } } public void setLocalizedImage(String localeString, int imageID) { setLocalizedImage(ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleFromLocaleString(localeString), imageID); } public void setLocalizedImage(Locale locale, int imageID) { getImageLocalizationMap().put(locale, new Integer(imageID)); } public void setLocalizedOverImage(String localeString, int overImageID) { setLocalizedOverImage(ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleFromLocaleString(localeString), overImageID); } public void setLocalizedOverImage(Locale locale, int overImageID) { getOverImageLocalizationMap().put(locale, new Integer(overImageID)); } private Map getImageLocalizationMap() { if (this._ImageLocalizationMap == null) { this._ImageLocalizationMap = new HashMap(); } return this._ImageLocalizationMap; } private Map getOverImageLocalizationMap() { if (this._overImageLocalizationMap == null){ this._overImageLocalizationMap = new HashMap(); } return this._overImageLocalizationMap; } public void setOverImageLocalizationMap(Map overImagesmap){ this._overImageLocalizationMap = overImagesmap; } public void setProperty(String key, String values[]) { if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("url")) { setURL(values[0]); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("width")) { setWidth(values[0]); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("height")) { setHeight(values[0]); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("border")) { setHeight(Integer.parseInt(values[0])); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("image_id")) { this.setImageID(Integer.parseInt(values[0])); } } public void setBorder(int size, String color, String style) { setBorder(Integer.toString(size), color, style); } public void setBorder(String size, String color, String style) { setBorder(size); setBorderColor(color); setBorderStyle(style); } public void setBorder(String size) { setStyleAttribute("border-width", size+"px"); } public void setBorderColor(String color) { setStyleAttribute("border-color", color); } public void setBorderStyle(String style) { setStyleAttribute("border-style", style); } public void setBorder(int i) { setBorder(Integer.toString(i)); } public void setURL(String url) { setSrc(url); } public void setSrc(String src) { setMarkupAttribute("src", src); } public void setWidth(int width) { setWidth(Integer.toString(width)); } public void setWidth(String width) { setMarkupAttribute("width", width); } public void setHeight(int height) { setHeight(Integer.toString(height)); } public void setHeight(String height) { setMarkupAttribute("height", height); } public void setImageID(int imageID) { this.imageId = imageID; } public int getDefaultImageID() { return this.imageId; } /** * Gets the dominating image id, locales always win * @param iwc * @return */ public int getImageID(IWContext iwc){ try { Integer localizedID = null; if (this._ImageLocalizationMap != null){ Locale currLocale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); localizedID = (Integer) this.getImageLocalizationMap().get(currLocale); if(localizedID==null){ localizedID = (Integer) this.getImageLocalizationMap().get(iwc.getIWMainApplication().getSettings().getDefaultLocale()); } } if (localizedID == null) { return this.imageId; } else { return localizedID.intValue(); } } catch (Exception e) { return this.imageId; } } public void setVerticalSpacing(int spacing) { setMarkupAttribute("vspace", Integer.toString(spacing)); } public void setHorizontalSpacing(int spacing) { setMarkupAttribute("hspace", Integer.toString(spacing)); } public void setTextBackgroundColor(String color) { this.textBgColor = color; } public String getHeight() { return getMarkupAttribute("height"); } public String getWidth() { return getMarkupAttribute("width"); } public String getURL() { return this.getMarkupAttribute("src"); } /** * Returns true if the image has been set to a source, else false */ public boolean hasSource() { return ((getURL() != null) || this.imageId != -1); } public void setOnClick(String action) { setMarkupAttribute("onclick", action); } public void setOnMouseOver(String action) { setMarkupAttribute("onmouseover", action); } public void setOnMouseOut(String action) { setMarkupAttribute("onmouseout", action); } public void setOnMouseDown(String action) { setMarkupAttribute("onmousedown", action); } public void setOnClickImageURL(String clickImageURL) { this.overImageUrl = clickImageURL; setOnClick("swapImgRestore(); swapImage('" + getName() + "','','" + clickImageURL + "',1)"); } public void setOnClickImage(Image image) { setOnClickImageURL(image.getMediaURL()); } public void setOverImageURL(String overImageURL) { this.overImageUrl = overImageURL; } public void setOverImage(Image image) { this.overImageUrl = image.getMediaURL(); } public void setImageToOpenInPopUp(Image image) { this.setOnClick( "img_wnd=window.open('','','width=100,height=100,left='+((screen.width/2)-50)+',top='+((screen.height/2)-50)+',resizable=yes,scrollbars=no'); doopen('" + image.getMediaURL() + "'); return true;"); } public String getOverImageURL() { return this.overImageUrl; } public void addMarkupAttributes(Map attributeMap) { if (attributeMap.containsKey(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMIMAGE) && attributeMap.containsKey(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMPAGE)) { this.zoomImageID = attributeMap.containsKey(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMIMAGE) ? (String) attributeMap.get(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMIMAGE) : null; this.zoomPageID = attributeMap.containsKey(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMPAGE) ? (String) attributeMap.get(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMPAGE) : null; this.zoomImageWidth = attributeMap.containsKey(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMWIDTH) ? (String) attributeMap.get(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMWIDTH) : "400"; this.zoomImageHeight = attributeMap.containsKey(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMHEIGHT) ? (String) attributeMap.get(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMHEIGHT) : "400"; attributeMap.remove(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMIMAGE); attributeMap.remove(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMPAGE); attributeMap.remove(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMWIDTH); attributeMap.remove(FileSystemConstants.ZOOMHEIGHT); } super.addMarkupAttributes(attributeMap); } //TODO: remove this variable declaration and move totally to facets: //This variable is kept because of legacy reasons but should be replaced with a Facet private Script theOldAssociatedScript; public void setAssociatedScript(Script myScript) { if(IWMainApplication.useJSF){ getFacets().put("image_associatedscript",myScript); } else{ this.theOldAssociatedScript = myScript; } } public Script getAssociatedScript() { if(IWMainApplication.useJSF){ return (Script)getFacet("image_associatedscript"); } else{ return this.theOldAssociatedScript; } } public void setAlignment(String alignment) { this.align = alignment; } public void setImageLinkZoomView() { this.zoomView = true; } //TODO remove this variable declaration and move totally to facets: //This variable is kept because of legacy reasons but should be replaced with a Facet private Link theOldZoomLink; public void setImageZoomLink(Link link) { if(IWMainApplication.useJSF){ getFacets().put("zoomlink",link); } else{ this.theOldZoomLink = link; } } public Link getImageZoomLink(){ if(IWMainApplication.useJSF){ return (Link)getFacet("zoomlink"); } else{ return this.theOldZoomLink; } } public void setNoImageLink() { this.linkOnImage = false; } public void setAlt(String alt) { setMarkupAttribute("alt", alt); } public String getAlt() { return getMarkupAttribute("alt"); } private String getHTMLString(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { //Eiki: this does not seem to support over images or anything??? String markup = iwc.getApplicationSettings().getDefaultMarkupLanguage(); StringBuffer sPrint = new StringBuffer(); sPrint.append("<img "); //alt always added for standards compliancy sPrint.append("alt=\""); /** @todo Fix this shitty mix!!! */ if (getAlt() != null && (getAlt().length() > 2 && !getAlt().substring(0, 2).equals("id"))) { sPrint.append(getAlt()); } sPrint.append("\" "); removeMarkupAttribute("alt"); if (markup.equals(Page.HTML)) { sPrint.append("name=\""); sPrint.append(getName()); sPrint.append("\" "); } if (iwc != null) { /*BuilderService bs = getBuilderService(iwc); ICDomain d = bs.getCurrentDomain(); String serverUrl = d.getURLWithoutLastSlash(); if (serverUrl != null) { String src = getMarkupAttribute("src"); if (src.startsWith("/")) { // String protocol; // //@todo this is case sensitive and could break! move to IWContext. Also done in Link, SubmitButton, Image and PageIncluder // if (iwc.getRequest().isSecure()) // { // protocol = "https://"; // } // else // { // protocol = "http://"; // } // setMarkupAttribute("src", protocol + serverName + src); String newSrc = serverUrl + src; setSrc(newSrc); } }*/ } sPrint.append(getMarkupAttributesString()); if (this.align != null) { sPrint.append(" align=\"" + this.align + "\" "); } sPrint.append(" "+(!markup.equals(Page.HTML) ? "/" : "")+">"); return sPrint.toString(); } private void getHTMLImage(IWContext iwc) { //optimize by writing in pure html try { setImageURL(iwc); setOverImageURLAndJavascript(iwc); if (this.limitImageWidth) { setWidth(this.maxImageWidth); } if (this.zoomView) { Link zoomViewLink = getImageZoomLink(); if (zoomViewLink != null) { zoomViewLink.setText(getHTMLString(iwc)); zoomViewLink._print(iwc); } else { Link imageLink = new Link(getHTMLString(iwc)); imageLink.addParameter("image_id", this.imageId); imageLink._print(iwc); } } else { print(getHTMLString(iwc)); } //} //end debug } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * * @uml.property name="maxImageWidth" */ public void setMaxImageWidth(int maxImageWidth) { this.limitImageWidth = true; this.maxImageWidth = maxImageWidth; } public void limitImageWidth(boolean limitImageWidth) { this.limitImageWidth = limitImageWidth; } /* * this uses an undocumented access method to the IWContext which is fetched from the current thread * it could brake! Use getMediaURL(IWContext) if possible. * @todo implement in the main method if possible */ public String getMediaURL() { return getMediaURL(IWContext.getInstance()); } public String getMediaURL(IWContext iwc) { return getMediaURL((IWApplicationContext) iwc); } /** * Use this method for getting an images (stored in the database) url * @todo check if fails with usesOldMedia tables * @param iwc The IWContext * @return */ public String getMediaURL(IWApplicationContext iwc) { if (this.imageId != -1){ String theReturn = ""; //return MediaBusiness.getMediaURL(imageId, ImageEntity.class, iwc.getApplication()); try { theReturn = getICFileSystem(iwc).getFileURI(this.imageId); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return theReturn; } else{ return getURL(); } } /** * return a call to image preloadscript * */ public static String getPreloadScript(String url) { return "preLoadImages('" + url + "')"; } public Object clone() { Image obj = null; try { obj = (Image) super.clone(); if (this.theOldAssociatedScript != null) { obj.theOldAssociatedScript = (Script) this.theOldAssociatedScript.clone(); } obj.overImageUrl = this.overImageUrl; obj.textBgColor = this.textBgColor; obj.limitImageWidth = this.limitImageWidth; obj.zoomView = this.zoomView; obj.linkOnImage = this.linkOnImage; obj.imageId = this.imageId; obj.maxImageWidth = this.maxImageWidth; obj._ImageLocalizationMap = this._ImageLocalizationMap; obj._overImageLocalizationMap = this._overImageLocalizationMap; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } return obj; } public void main(IWContext iwc) { if (iwc.isParameterSet(PARAM_IMAGE_ID)){ this.imageId = Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(PARAM_IMAGE_ID)); } else if(iwc.isParameterSet(PARAM_IMAGE_URL)){ setURL(iwc.getParameter(PARAM_IMAGE_URL)); } } public void print(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { if (this.zoomImageID != null) { Link link = new Link(); link.addParameter(PARAM_IMAGE_ID, this.zoomImageID); link.setPage(Integer.parseInt(this.zoomPageID)); link.setURL("/index.jsp"); link.setWindowToOpenScript( Window.getWindowCallingScript( link.getURL(iwc), "", false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, Integer.parseInt(this.zoomImageWidth), Integer.parseInt(this.zoomImageHeight))); setImageZoomLink(link); setImageLinkZoomView(); } if (getMarkupLanguage().equals(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML)) { this.imageId = this.getImageID(iwc); if (this.imageId == -1){ //from an url if (this.zoomView){ Link zoomViewLink = getImageZoomLink(); if (zoomViewLink != null){ zoomViewLink.setText(getHTMLString(iwc)); zoomViewLink._print(iwc); } else{ Link imageLink = new Link(getHTMLString(iwc)); imageLink.addParameter(PARAM_IMAGE_URL, getURL()); imageLink._print(iwc); } } else{ print(getHTMLString(iwc)); } } else { //from the database getHTMLImage(iwc); } } else if (getMarkupLanguage().equals(IWConstants.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_PDF_XML)) { setURL(iwc.getServerURL() + getMediaURL(iwc)); String markup = getHTMLString(iwc); markup = TextSoap.findAndReplace(markup, "img", "image"); markup = TextSoap.findAndReplace(markup, "src", "url"); markup = TextSoap.findAndReplace(markup, "width", "plainwidth"); markup = TextSoap.findAndReplace(markup, "height", "plainheight"); print(markup); } } public void setPadding(int padding) { setStyleAttribute("padding: "+padding+"px;"); } public void setPaddingLeft(int padding) { setStyleAttribute("padding-left: "+padding+"px;"); } public void setPaddingRight(int padding) { setStyleAttribute("padding-right: "+padding+"px;"); } public void setPaddingTop(int padding) { setStyleAttribute("padding-top: "+padding+"px;"); } public void setPaddingBottom(int padding) { setStyleAttribute("padding-bottom: "+padding+"px;"); } public String getName() { return getMarkupAttribute("name"); } public void setName(String name) { setMarkupAttribute("name",name); } public void setDatasource(String source) { this.datasource = source; } /** * Returns wheather the "goneThroughMain" variable is reset back to false in the restore phase. */ protected boolean resetGoneThroughMainInRestore(){ return true; } /** * implements NonEJBResource */ public ResourceDescription getResourceDescription() { return new ResourceDescription(ICFile.class.getName(), ICFile.class.getName(), true); } /** * * implements PropertyDescriptionHolder */ public List getPropertyDescriptions() { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add( new PropertyDescription( "image_id", "1", getResourceDescription())); return list; } }