package; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import com.idega.builder.bean.AdvancedProperty; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.core.cache.IWCacheManager2; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.DefaultIWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.servlet.filter.RequestResponseProvider; import; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.CoreUtil; import com.idega.util.expression.ELUtil; /** * Common methods most often needed in Spring beans * * @author <a href="">Valdas Žemaitis</a> * @version $Revision: 1.0 $ * * Last modified: $Date: 2009.10.04 19:26:46 $ by: $Author: valdas $ */ public abstract class DefaultSpringBean { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DefaultSpringBean.class.getName()); private static Logger LOGGER_; protected Logger getLogger() { return getLogger(getClass()); } protected static Logger getLogger(Class<?> theClass) { if (LOGGER_ == null) { LOGGER_ = Logger.getLogger(theClass.getName()); } return LOGGER_; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T extends IBOSession> T getSessionInstance(IWUserContext iwuc, Class<? extends IBOSession> sessionBeanClass) { try { return (T) IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwuc, sessionBeanClass); // Casting is needed to avoid stupid compilation error in Maven 2 } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting session instance: " + sessionBeanClass); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T extends IBOService> T getServiceInstance(Class<? extends IBOService> serviceBeanClass) { // Casting is needed to avoid stupid compilation error in Maven 2 return (T) getServiceInstance(IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWApplicationContext(), serviceBeanClass); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T extends IBOService> T getServiceInstance(IWApplicationContext iwac, Class<? extends IBOService> serviceBeanClass) { try { // Casting is needed to avoid stupid compilation error in Maven 2 return (T) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwac == null ? IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWApplicationContext(): iwac, serviceBeanClass); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting service instance: " + serviceBeanClass); } return null; } protected Locale getCurrentLocale() { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); Locale locale = iwc == null ? null : iwc.getCurrentLocale(); if (locale == null) { locale = IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication().getDefaultLocale(); } return locale == null ? Locale.ENGLISH : locale; } protected User getCurrentUser() { User user = null; try { LoginSession loginSession = ELUtil.getInstance().getBean(LoginSession.class); user = loginSession.getUser(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting current user"); } if (user == null) { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); user = iwc == null ? null : iwc.isLoggedOn() ? iwc.getCurrentUser() : null; } return user; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T extends IDOHome> T getHomeForEntity(Class<? extends IDOEntity> entityClass) { try { return (T) IDOLookup.getHome(entityClass); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Som error occurred getting home interface for entity: " + entityClass, e); } return null; } protected IWMainApplication getApplication() { return IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication(); } protected <K extends Serializable, V> Map<K, V> getCache(String cacheName) { return getCache(cacheName, IWCacheManager2.DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL_SECONDS); } /** * Returns cache ({@link Map}) * * @param <K> * @param <V> * @param cacheName * @param timeToLive - time in seconds * @return */ protected <K extends Serializable, V> Map<K, V> getCache(String cacheName, long timeToLive) { return getCache(cacheName, timeToLive, IWCacheManager2.DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE); } protected <K extends Serializable, V> Map<K, V> getCache(String cacheName, long timeToLive, int size) { return getCache(cacheName, IWCacheManager2.DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL_IDLE_SECONDS, timeToLive, size, true); } protected <K extends Serializable, V> Map<K, V> getCache(String cacheName, long timeToIdle, long timeToLive, int size, boolean resetable) { try { return IWCacheManager2.getInstance(getApplication()).getCache(cacheName, size, IWCacheManager2.DEFAULT_OVERFLOW_TO_DISK, IWCacheManager2.DEFAULT_ETERNAL, timeToIdle, timeToLive, resetable); } catch(Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting cache!", e); } return null; } protected IWBundle getBundle(String bundleIdentifier) { return getApplication().getBundle(bundleIdentifier); } protected IWResourceBundle getResourceBundle(IWBundle bundle) { Locale locale = getCurrentLocale(); IWContext iwc = null; if (locale == null) { iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); } if (locale == null && iwc == null) { locale = Locale.ENGLISH; LOGGER.warning("Will use default locale (" + locale + ") for resource bundle, because was unable to resolve both - IWContext and current locale"); } return locale == null ? bundle.getResourceBundle(iwc) : bundle.getResourceBundle(locale); } protected HttpSession getSession() { RequestResponseProvider provider = null; try { provider = ELUtil.getInstance().getBean(RequestResponseProvider.class); } catch (Exception e) {} HttpSession session = null; if (provider != null && provider.getRequest() != null) session = provider.getRequest().getSession(Boolean.TRUE); if (session == null) { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); if (iwc != null) session = iwc.getSession(); } return session; } protected String getHost() { ICDomain domain = null; IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); if (iwc == null) { domain = IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWApplicationContext().getDomain(); } else domain = iwc.getDomain(); int port = domain.getServerPort(); String host = domain.getServerProtocol().concat("://").concat(domain.getServerName()); if (port > 0) host = host.concat(":").concat(String.valueOf(port)); return host; } protected void doSortValues(List<AdvancedProperty> values, Map<String, String> container, Locale locale) { doSortValues(values, container, locale, Boolean.FALSE); } protected void doSortValues(List<AdvancedProperty> values, Map<String, String> container, Locale locale, boolean descending) { Collections.sort(values, new AdvancedPropertyComparator(locale, descending)); for (AdvancedProperty value: values) container.put(value.getId(), value.getValue()); } /** * <p>Takes property from /workspace/developer/applicationproperties named * "is_developement_mode". Check this property, when you need to add code * necessary for development, but useless to production environment.</p> * @return <code>true</code> if it is developing environment, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * @see CoreConstants#DEVELOPEMENT_STATE_PROPERTY * @author <a href="">Martynas Stakė</a> */ protected boolean isDevelopementState() { return !DefaultIWBundle.isProductionEnvironment(); } }