package; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.presentation.ui.DropdownMenu; import; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.StringUtil; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000-2001 All Rights Reserved * Company: idega *@author <a href="">Aron Birkir</a> * @version 1.1 */ public class ICLocaleBusiness implements MutableClass { private static Hashtable LocaleHashByString = null, LocaleHashById = null; private static Hashtable LocaleHashInUseByString = null, LocaleHashInUseById = null; private static List allIcLocales = null,usedIcLocales = null,notUsedIcLocales = null; private static IWTimestamp reloadStamp = null; private static List listOfAllICLocales(){ try { //return EntityFinder.getInstance().findAll(ICLocale.class); return new Vector(((ICLocaleHome)IDOLookup.getHome(ICLocale.class)).findAll()); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } private static List listOfICLocalesInUse(){ try { //return EntityFinder.getInstance().findAllByColumn(ICLocale.class,,"Y"); return new Vector(((ICLocaleHome)IDOLookup.getHome(ICLocale.class)).findAllInUse()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static List listLocaleCreateIsEn(){ List L = listOfLocales(); if(L == null){ try { Vector V = new Vector(); ICLocale is= ((; is.setLocale("is_IS");; ICLocale en= ((; en.setLocale("en");; V.add(is); V.add(en); return V; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } else { return L; } } /** * @return a list of ICLocales that are in use */ public static List listOfLocales(){ if(usedIcLocales ==null) { reload(); } return usedIcLocales; } public static List listOfAllLocales(){ if(allIcLocales==null) { reload(); } return allIcLocales; } public static List listOfLocales(boolean inUse){ if(inUse){ if(usedIcLocales == null) { reload(); } return usedIcLocales; } else{ if(notUsedIcLocales == null) { reload(); } return notUsedIcLocales; } } /** * @return a list of Locale object of the locales in use */ public static List<Locale> getListOfLocalesJAVA(){ List list = listOfLocales(); List<Locale> localeList = new Vector<Locale>(); if ( list != null ) { Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ICLocale item = (ICLocale); Locale locale = getLocaleFromLocaleString(item.getLocale()); if ( locale != null ) { localeList.add(locale); } } } return localeList; } /** * @return a list of Locale object of all locales */ public static List getListOfAllLocalesJAVA(){ List list = listOfAllLocales(); List localeList = new Vector(); if ( list != null ) { Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ICLocale item = (ICLocale); Locale locale = getLocaleFromLocaleString(item.getLocale()); if ( locale != null ) { localeList.add(locale); } } } return localeList; } private static void makeHashtables(){ List L = listOfAllLocales(); if(L!=null){ int len = L.size(); LocaleHashById = new Hashtable(len); LocaleHashByString = new Hashtable(len); LocaleHashInUseByString = new Hashtable(); LocaleHashInUseById = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ICLocale ICL = (ICLocale) L.get(i); LocaleHashById.put(ICL.getPrimaryKey(),ICL); LocaleHashByString.put(ICL.getLocale(),ICL); if(ICL.getInUse()){ LocaleHashInUseById.put(ICL.getPrimaryKey(),ICL); LocaleHashInUseByString.put(ICL.getLocale(),ICL); } } } } private static void makeLists(){ allIcLocales = listOfAllICLocales(); usedIcLocales = listOfICLocalesInUse(); notUsedIcLocales = new Vector(); notUsedIcLocales.addAll(allIcLocales); notUsedIcLocales.removeAll(usedIcLocales); } public static Map mapOfLocalesInUseById(){ if(LocaleHashInUseById == null) { reload(); } return LocaleHashInUseById; } public static Map mapOfLocalesInUseByString(){ if(LocaleHashInUseByString == null) { reload(); } return LocaleHashInUseByString; } public static void reload(){ makeLists(); makeHashtables(); reloadStamp = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); } public static void unload(){ allIcLocales=null; LocaleHashById=null; LocaleHashByString=null; LocaleHashInUseById=null; LocaleHashInUseByString=null; notUsedIcLocales=null; usedIcLocales=null; } public static IWTimestamp getReloadStamp(){ if(reloadStamp == null) { reload(); } return reloadStamp; } public static Map getMapOfLocalesById(){ return getLocaleHashById(); } public static Map getMapOfLocalesByString(){ return getLocaleHashByString(); } public static Hashtable getLocaleHashById(){ if(LocaleHashById == null) { reload(); } return LocaleHashById; } public static Hashtable getLocaleHashByString(){ if(LocaleHashByString == null) { reload(); } return LocaleHashByString; } public static int getLocaleId(Locale locale){ int r = -1; if(LocaleHashByString == null) { reload(); } if( LocaleHashByString!=null && LocaleHashByString.containsKey(locale.toString()) ){ ICLocale ICL = (ICLocale) LocaleHashByString.get(locale.toString()); r = ((Integer)ICL.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } return r; } public static ICLocale getICLocale(Locale locale){ if(LocaleHashByString == null) { reload(); } if( LocaleHashByString!=null && LocaleHashByString.containsKey(locale.toString()) ){ ICLocale ICL = (ICLocale) LocaleHashByString.get(locale.toString()); return ICL; } return null; } /** * returns ICLocale from Locale string identifier */ public static ICLocale getICLocale(String localeString){ if(localeString != null){ if(LocaleHashByString == null){ reload(); } if( LocaleHashByString!=null && LocaleHashByString.containsKey(localeString) ){ ICLocale ICL = (ICLocale) LocaleHashByString.get(localeString); return ICL; } } return null; } /** * Returns a Locale from a Locale string like Locale.toString(); * returns null if not found */ public static Locale getLocaleFromLocaleString(String localeString){ if (StringUtil.isEmpty(localeString)) { return null; } if(localeString.length() == 2){ return new Locale(localeString, CoreConstants.EMPTY); } else if(localeString.length()==5 && localeString.indexOf(CoreConstants.UNDER)==2){ return new Locale(localeString.substring(0,2),localeString.substring(3,5)); } else if(localeString.length() > 5 && localeString.indexOf(CoreConstants.UNDER)==2 && localeString.indexOf(CoreConstants.UNDER,3)== 5){ return new Locale(localeString.substring(0,2),localeString.substring(3,5),localeString.substring(6,localeString.length())); } else { return null; //return Locale.getDefault(); } } public static Locale getLocaleReturnIcelandicLocaleIfNotFound(int iLocaleId) { Locale icelandicLocale = new Locale("is","IS"); return getLocale(iLocaleId, icelandicLocale); } public static Locale getLocale(int iLocaleId) { return getLocale(iLocaleId, null); } public static Locale getLocale(int iLocaleId, Locale returnValueIfNotFound){ if(LocaleHashById == null ) { reload(); } Integer i = new Integer(iLocaleId); if(LocaleHashById != null && LocaleHashById.containsKey(i)){ ICLocale ICL = (ICLocale) LocaleHashById.get(i); return getLocaleFromLocaleString(ICL.getLocale()); } return returnValueIfNotFound; } public static void makeLocalesInUse(List<String> listOfStringIds){ if(listOfStringIds != null){ Iterator<String> I = listOfStringIds.iterator(); try{ ICLocaleHome home = (ICLocaleHome); List currentLocales = listOfICLocalesInUse(); List oldCurrentLocales = new Vector(); oldCurrentLocales.addAll(currentLocales); while (I.hasNext()) { ICLocale locale = home.findByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(; locale.setInUse(true);; oldCurrentLocales.remove(locale); } Iterator iter = oldCurrentLocales.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ICLocale locale = (ICLocale); locale.setInUse(false);; } } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } /*if(I.hasNext()){ id = (String); ids.append(id); } while(I.hasNext()){ id = (String); ids.append(","); ids.append(id); } try { String sqlA = "update ic_locale set in_use = 'Y' where ic_locale_id in ("+ids.toString()+")"; System.err.println(sqlA); String sqlB = "update ic_locale set in_use = 'N' where ic_locale_id not in ("+ids.toString()+")"; System.err.println(sqlB);;; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }*/ reload(); } } /** * In the DropdownMenu the keys (values) are the locale-stringrepresentations * e.g. "en_US" for English/US */ public static DropdownMenu getAvailableLocalesDropdownStringKeyed(IWMainApplication iwma,String name){ return getAvailableLocalesDropdownStringKeyed(iwma, name, false); } public static DropdownMenu getAvailableLocalesDropdownStringKeyed(IWMainApplication iwma, String name, boolean useLanguageOnly){ List<Locale> locales = ICLocaleBusiness.getListOfLocalesJAVA(); DropdownMenu down = new DropdownMenu(name); if (locales == null) { return down; } Locale l = null; for (int i = 0; i < locales.size(); i++) { l = locales.get(i); if (useLanguageOnly) { down.addMenuElement(l.getLanguage(), l.getDisplayLanguage()); } else { down.addMenuElement(l.toString(), l.getDisplayLanguage()); } } return down; } }