package com.idega.idegaweb.presentation; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWProperty; import; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.HiddenInput; import com.idega.presentation.ui.InterfaceObject; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Window; import com.idega.user.util.ICUserConstants; public class IWAdminWindow extends Window { public static final String MENU_COLOR = "#EFEFEF"; private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.core"; public final static String STYLE = "font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; color:#000000; text-align: justify; border: 1 solid #000000;"; public final static String STYLE_2 = "font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; color:#000000; text-align: justify;"; private IWBundle iwb; public IWBundle iwbCore; private Form adminForm; private Table adminTable; private Table headerTable; private Table leftTable; private Table rightTable; private boolean merged = true; private boolean displayEmpty = false; private String styleScript = "DefaultStyle.css"; private boolean useStyleSheetFromCoreBundle = true; private String rightWidth = "160"; private String method = "post"; private int _cellPadding = 0; public static String HEADER_COLOR = "#38485C"; public IWAdminWindow() { super(); } public IWAdminWindow(String name) { super(name); } public IWAdminWindow(int width, int heigth) { super(width, heigth); } public IWAdminWindow(String name, int width, int height) { super(name, width, height); } public IWAdminWindow(String name, String url) { super(name, url); } public IWAdminWindow(String name, int width, int height, String url) { super(name, width, height, url); } public IWAdminWindow(String name, String classToInstanciate, String template) { super(name, classToInstanciate, template); } /* * public IWAdminWindow(String name,Class classToInstanciate,Class template){ super(name,classToInstanciate,template); } */ public IWAdminWindow(String name, Class classToInstanciate) { super(name, classToInstanciate); } public Form getUnderlyingForm() { return this.adminForm; } public void _main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { this.iwb = getBundle(iwc); this.iwbCore = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); if (!this.displayEmpty) { makeTables(); setAllMargins(0); String prop = this.iwbCore.getProperty("adminHeaderColor"); if(prop!=null){ HEADER_COLOR=prop; } if (this.merged) { super.add(this.adminTable); } else { super.add(this.adminForm); } } super._main(iwc); //add the stylesheet path and filename of the chosen stylesheet to the page this.setStyleSheetURL(getStyleSheetPath(iwc) + this.styleScript); } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { } private void makeTables() { this.adminForm = new Form(); this.adminForm.setMethod(this.method); this.adminTable = new Table(2, 2); this.adminTable.mergeCells(1, 1, 2, 1); this.adminTable.setCellpadding(0); this.adminTable.setCellspacing(0); this.adminTable.setWidth("100%"); this.adminTable.setHeight("100%"); this.adminTable.setHeight(2, "100%"); this.adminTable.setColor(1, 1, HEADER_COLOR); //adminTable.setColor(1, 2, "#FFFFFF"); if (!this.merged) { this.adminTable.setColor(2, 2, MENU_COLOR); this.adminTable.setWidth(2, 2, this.rightWidth); } else { this.adminTable.mergeCells(1, 2, 2, 2); } this.adminTable.setRowVerticalAlignment(2, "top"); this.adminForm.add(this.adminTable); this.headerTable = new Table(); this.headerTable.setStyleClass("top"); this.headerTable.setCellpadding(0); this.headerTable.setCellspacing(0); this.headerTable.setWidth("100%"); this.headerTable.setAlignment(2, 1, "right"); // Image idegaweb = iwbCore.getImage("/editorwindow/idegaweb.gif","idegaWeb"); // headerTable.add(idegaweb,1,1); this.headerTable.setStyleClass(1, 1, "top_left"); this.adminTable.add(this.headerTable, 1, 1); this.leftTable = new Table(); this.leftTable.setCellpadding(this._cellPadding); this.leftTable.setWidth("100%"); if (this.merged) { this.leftTable.setHeight("100%"); this.leftTable.setCellspacing(0); this.leftTable.setVerticalAlignment(1, 1, "top"); } this.adminTable.setAlignment(1, 2, "center"); this.adminTable.add(this.leftTable, 1, 2); this.rightTable = new Table(); this.rightTable.setCellpadding(8); this.rightTable.setWidth("100%"); if (!this.merged) { this.adminTable.setAlignment(2, 2, "center"); this.adminTable.add(this.rightTable, 2, 2); } } public void addBottom(String text) { this.adminTable.add(text, 1, 2); } public void add(PresentationObject pObject) { this.add((UIComponent)pObject); } public void add(UIComponent obj) { if (!this.displayEmpty) { if (this.adminTable == null) { makeTables(); super.add(this.adminTable); } this.leftTable.add(obj, 1, 1); } else { super.add(obj); } } public void addBottom(PresentationObject obj) { this.adminTable.add(obj, 1, 2); } public void addLeft(String text) { int rows = this.leftTable.getRows(); if (!this.leftTable.isEmpty(1, rows)) { rows++; } this.leftTable.add(formatText(text), 1, rows); } public void addLeft(PresentationObject obj) { addLeft(obj, true); } public void addLeft(PresentationObject obj, boolean useStyle) { int rows = this.leftTable.getRows(); if (!this.leftTable.isEmpty(1, rows)) { rows++; } if (useStyle) { setStyle(obj); } this.leftTable.add(obj, 1, rows); } public void addLeft(String text, PresentationObject obj, boolean hasBreak) { addLeft(text, obj, hasBreak, true); } public void addLeft(String text, PresentationObject obj, boolean hasBreak, boolean useStyle) { int rows = this.leftTable.getRows(); if (!this.leftTable.isEmpty(1, rows)) { rows++; } if (useStyle) { setStyle(obj); } this.leftTable.add(formatText(text), 1, rows); if (hasBreak) { this.leftTable.add(Text.getBreak(), 1, rows); } this.leftTable.add(obj, 1, rows); } public void addInverseLeft(String text, PresentationObject obj, boolean hasBreak) { addInverseLeft(text, obj, hasBreak, false); } public void addInverseLeft(String text, PresentationObject obj, boolean hasBreak, boolean useStyle) { int rows = this.leftTable.getRows(); if (!this.leftTable.isEmpty(1, rows)) { rows++; } if (useStyle) { setStyle(obj); } this.leftTable.add(obj, 1, rows); if (hasBreak) { this.leftTable.add(Text.getBreak(), 1, rows); } this.leftTable.add(text, 1, rows); } public void addLeft(String headline, String text) { int rows = this.leftTable.getRows(); if (!this.leftTable.isEmpty(1, rows)) { rows++; } this.leftTable.add(formatHeadline(headline), 1, rows); this.leftTable.add(Text.getBreak(), 1, rows); this.leftTable.add(Text.getBreak(), 1, rows); this.leftTable.add(formatText(text, false), 1, rows); } public void addRight(String text) { int rows = this.rightTable.getRows(); if (!this.rightTable.isEmpty(1, rows)) { rows++; } this.rightTable.add(formatText(text), 1, rows); } public void addRight(String text, PresentationObject obj, boolean hasBreak) { addRight(text, obj, hasBreak, true); } public void addRight(String text, PresentationObject obj, boolean hasBreak, boolean useStyle) { int rows = this.rightTable.getRows(); if (!this.rightTable.isEmpty(1, rows)) { rows++; } if (useStyle) { setStyle(obj); } this.rightTable.add(formatText(text), 1, rows); if (hasBreak) { this.rightTable.add(Text.getBreak(), 1, rows); } this.rightTable.add(obj, 1, rows); } public void addSubmitButton(InterfaceObject obj) { int rows = this.rightTable.getRows(); String height = this.rightTable.getHeight(); if (height == null) { rows++; this.rightTable.setHeight("100%"); this.rightTable.setHeight(1, rows, "100%"); this.rightTable.setVerticalAlignment(1, rows, "bottom"); this.rightTable.setAlignment(1, rows, "center"); } if (!this.rightTable.isEmpty(1, rows)) { this.rightTable.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), 1, rows); } this.rightTable.add(obj, 1, rows); } public void addHiddenInput(HiddenInput obj) { this.adminForm.add(obj); } public void addTitle(String title) { Text adminTitle = new Text(title + "  "); adminTitle.setBold(); adminTitle.setFontColor("#FFFFFF"); adminTitle.setFontSize("3"); adminTitle.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_ARIAL); super.setTitle(title); this.headerTable.add(adminTitle, 2, 1); } public void addTitle(String title, String style) { Text adminTitle = new Text(title + "  "); adminTitle.setFontStyle(style); super.setTitle(title); this.headerTable.add(adminTitle, 2, 1); } public void addHeaderObject(PresentationObject obj) { int rows = this.headerTable.getRows() + 1; this.headerTable.mergeCells(1, rows, 2, rows); this.headerTable.setAlignment(1, rows, "center"); this.headerTable.add(obj, 1, rows); } public Text formatText(String s, boolean bold) { Text T = new Text(); if (s != null) { T = new Text(s); if (bold) { T.setBold(); } T.setFontColor("#000000"); T.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_7_HTML_1); T.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_VERDANA); } return T; } public void formatText(Text text, boolean bold) { if (bold) { text.setBold(); } text.setFontColor("#000000"); text.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_7_HTML_1); text.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_VERDANA); } public Text formatText(String s) { Text T = formatText(s, true); return T; } public Text formatHeadline(String s) { Text T = new Text(); if (s != null) { T = new Text(s); T.setBold(); T.setFontColor("#000000"); T.setFontSize(Text.FONT_SIZE_10_HTML_2); T.setFontFace(Text.FONT_FACE_VERDANA); } return T; } public void setStyle(PresentationObject obj) { if (obj instanceof Text) { this.setStyle((Text) obj); } else { obj.setMarkupAttribute("style", STYLE); } } public void setStyle(Text obj) { obj.setMarkupAttribute("style", STYLE_2); } public void setEmpty() { this.displayEmpty = true; } public void setStyle(PresentationObject obj, String style) { obj.setMarkupAttribute("style", style); } public void setUnMerged() { this.merged = false; this._cellPadding = 8; } public void setRightWidth(int rightWidth) { this.rightWidth = Integer.toString(rightWidth); } public void setRightWidth(String rightWidth) { this.rightWidth = rightWidth; } public void setMethod(String method) { this.method = method; } public void setCellpadding(int padding) { this._cellPadding = padding; } public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } /** * This method depends on iwbCore and iwb to be initialized * * @return the path of the chosen stylesheet */ private String getStyleSheetPath(IWContext iwc) { IWProperty styleSheet = null; String styleSrc = null; if (this.useStyleSheetFromCoreBundle) { styleSheet = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getSystemProperties().getIWProperty(IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER + ".editorwindow_styleSheet_path"); if (styleSheet == null) { styleSrc = this.iwbCore.getVirtualPath() + "/editorwindow/"; iwc.getIWMainApplication().getSystemProperties().getNewProperty().setProperty(IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER + ".editorwindow_styleSheet_path", styleSrc, false, false); } else { styleSrc = styleSheet.getValue(); } } else { styleSheet = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getSystemProperties().getIWProperty(getBundleIdentifier() + ".editorwindow_styleSheet_name"); if (styleSheet == null) { styleSrc = this.iwb.getVirtualPath() + "/editorwindow/"; iwc.getIWMainApplication().getSystemProperties().getNewProperty().setProperty(getBundleIdentifier() + ".editorwindow_styleSheet_name", styleSrc, false, false); } else { styleSrc = styleSheet.getValue(); } } return styleSrc; } public void setStyleScript(String styleScriptName) { this.styleScript = styleScriptName; } /** * @param value * if false it uses the current bundle of the extended class. Default value is true. */ public void setToUseStyleSheetFromCoreBundle(boolean value) { this.useStyleSheetFromCoreBundle = value; } public static Help getHelp(String helpTextKey) { IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); IWBundle iwb = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); Help help = new Help(); Image helpImage = iwb.getImage("help.gif");//.setSrc("/idegaweb/bundles/com.idega.user.bundle/resources/help.gif"); help.setHelpTextBundle( ICUserConstants.HELP_BUNDLE_IDENTFIER); help.setHelpTextKey(helpTextKey); help.setImage(helpImage); return help; } }