/* * $Id: IWPropertyList.java,v 1.37 2008/11/05 16:39:40 laddi Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.idegaweb; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.idega.util.FileUtil; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import com.idega.xml.XMLDocument; import com.idega.xml.XMLElement; import com.idega.xml.XMLException; import com.idega.xml.XMLOutput; import com.idega.xml.XMLParser; /** * <p> * This is an class for reading idegaweb .pxml files that are * xml files with key-value pairs.<br/> * This class is used and extended for idegaweb.pxml and bundles.pxml * files and a few others. * </p> * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001-2005 idega software<br/> * Last modified: $Date: 2008/11/05 16:39:40 $ by $Author: laddi $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version $Revision: 1.37 $ */ public class IWPropertyList { protected XMLDocument xmlDocument; protected File xmlFile; private XMLElement parentElement; private XMLElement mapElement; static String DEFAULT_FILE_ENDING=".pxml"; protected static String rootElementTag = "pxml"; static String dictTag = "dict"; static String mapTag = "map"; static String nameTag = "name"; static String arrayTag = "array"; static String keyTag = "key"; static String valueTag = "value"; static String typeTag = "type"; static String simpleTag = "simple"; static String needsReloadTag = "reload"; static String stringTag = "string"; static String stringString = "java.lang.String"; static String backupEnding = ".bak"; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IWPropertyList.class.getName()); IWPropertyList() { } IWPropertyList(XMLElement parentElement) { setParentElement(parentElement); } /** * @param parentElement */ void setParentElement(XMLElement parentElement) { this.parentElement = parentElement; } void setMapElement(XMLElement mapElement){ getParentElement().removeContent(this.mapElement); this.mapElement=mapElement; this.getParentElement().addContent(mapElement); } public IWPropertyList(String fileNameWithPath) { load(fileNameWithPath); } /** * Creates the file and superfolders if createFileAndFolder is true */ public IWPropertyList(String path, String fileNameWithoutFullPath, boolean createFileAndFolder) { File file = null; if (createFileAndFolder) { file = createFile(path, fileNameWithoutFullPath); } else { file = new File(path + FileUtil.getFileSeparator() + fileNameWithoutFullPath); } load(file); } /** * IWPropertyList loaded from an inputStream * @param stream */ public IWPropertyList(InputStream stream) { load(stream); } /** * <p> * TODO gimmi describe method createFile * </p> * @param path * @param fileNameWithoutFullPath * @param file * @return */ protected File createFile(String path, String fileNameWithoutFullPath) { File file = null; try { file = new File(path, fileNameWithoutFullPath); // added 08.02.2002 by aron: was before // if(!file.exists() ) if (!file.exists() || file.length() == 0) { logger.fine("Creating new " + fileNameWithoutFullPath); file = FileUtil.getFileAndCreateIfNotExists(path, fileNameWithoutFullPath); FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file); char[] array = ("<" + rootElementTag + "></" + rootElementTag + ">").toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { stream.write(array[i]); } stream.flush(); stream.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return file; } public IWPropertyList(File file) { load(file); } XMLElement getParentElement() { return this.parentElement; } XMLElement getMapElement() { if (this.mapElement == null) { this.mapElement = this.parentElement.getChild(mapTag); if (this.mapElement == null) { XMLElement dictElement = this.parentElement.getChild(dictTag); if (dictElement != null) { this.mapElement = new XMLElement(mapTag); this.mapElement.setChildren(dictElement.getChildren()); this.parentElement.removeContent(dictElement); setMapElement(this.mapElement); } } if (this.mapElement == null) { this.mapElement = new XMLElement(mapTag); setMapElement(this.mapElement); } } return this.mapElement; } public void setProperty(String key, Object value) { setProperty(key, value.toString(), value.getClass().getName()); } public void setProperty(String key, int value) { setProperty(key, new Integer(value)); } public void setProperty(String key, boolean value) { setProperty(key, new Boolean(value)); } public void setProperty(String key, String value) { setProperty(key, value, stringString); } public void setProperty(String key, Object[] value) { XMLElement keyElement = findKeyElement(key); IWProperty.setProperty(keyElement, key, value, false, false, this); } public IWProperty getNewProperty() { return new IWProperty(this); } public void setProperties(Map properties) { if (properties != null) { Iterator iter = properties.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object oKey = iter.next(); String sKey = oKey.toString(); Object oValue = properties.get(oKey); if (oValue instanceof Map) { IWPropertyList iwp = this.getPropertyList(sKey); if (iwp == null) { iwp = this.getNewPropertyList(sKey); } iwp.setProperties((Map) oValue); } else { //String sValue = oValue.toString(); setProperty(sKey, oValue); } } } } /** * Returns null if there is no IWProperty associated with the specific key */ public IWProperty getIWProperty(String key) { XMLElement el = this.findKeyElement(key); if (el != null) { return new IWProperty(el, this); } return null; } /** * Returns null if there is no IWPropertyList associated with the specific key * Throws IWNotPropertyListException if this IWProperty has a Single Property not a PropertyList */ public IWPropertyList getPropertyList(String key) throws IWNotPropertyListException { XMLElement keyElement = this.findKeyElement(key); if (keyElement != null) { return IWProperty.getPropertyList(keyElement); } return null; } /** * Same as getPropertyList(String key) * Returns null if there is no IWPropertyList associated with the specific key * Throws IWNotPropertyListException if this IWProperty has a Single Property not a PropertyList */ public IWPropertyList getIWPropertyList(String key) throws IWNotPropertyListException { return getPropertyList(key); } /** * Creates a new IWPropertyList associated with the specific key */ public IWPropertyList getNewPropertyList(String key) { XMLElement keyElement = this.findKeyElement(key); if (keyElement == null) { keyElement = IWProperty.createKeyElement(this, key); } return IWProperty.getNewPropertyList(keyElement, this); } /** * Use to set an array property with only one "String" value to begin with */ public void setArrayProperty(String key, Object value) { setProperty(key, value, arrayTag); } void setProperty(String key, Object value, String type) { XMLElement keyElement = findKeyElement(key); IWProperty.setProperty(keyElement, key, value, type, false, false, this); } private void addProperty(String key, String value) { addProperty(key, value, stringString); } private void addProperty(String key, Object value, String type) { IWProperty.addProperty(key, value, type, false, false, this); } public String getPropertyType(String key) { return IWProperty.getPropertyType(this.findKeyElement(key)); } /** * Returns null if key not found */ public String getProperty(String key) { try { XMLElement keyElement = findKeyElement(key); if (keyElement != null) { XMLElement childElement = keyElement.getChild(valueTag); if (childElement != null) { return childElement.getText(); } } return null; } catch (NullPointerException ex) { return null; } } public String getProperty(String key, String defaultReturnValue) { try { return findKeyElement(key).getChild(valueTag).getText(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { addProperty(key, defaultReturnValue); return defaultReturnValue; } } /** * @return null if no match */ static XMLElement findKeyElement(XMLElement startElement, String key) { List list = startElement.getChildren(); Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { XMLElement keyElement = (XMLElement) iter.next(); XMLElement nameElement = keyElement.getChild(nameTag); if(nameElement != null){ String childText = nameElement.getText(); if ( childText!= null && childText.equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { return keyElement; } } } return null; } /** * @return null if no match */ private XMLElement findKeyElement(String key) { return findKeyElement(getMapElement(), key); } // added by Eirikur Hrafnsson eiki@idega.is protected List<String> getKeys() { XMLElement mapElement = getMapElement(); if (mapElement != null) { List<XMLElement> list = mapElement.getChildren(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator<XMLElement> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { XMLElement keyElement = iter.next(); XMLElement nameElement = keyElement.getChild(nameTag); keys.add(nameElement.getText()); } return keys; } else { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } public void load(String path) { File file = new File(path); load(file); } public void load(File file) { this.xmlFile = file; if (file == null) { return; } if(file.exists()){ try { load(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Property file does not exist : "+this.xmlFile, e); } } else{ logger.fine("Property file does not exist : "+this.xmlFile); } } public void load(InputStream stream) { XMLParser builder = new XMLParser(false); try { this.xmlDocument = builder.parse(stream); this.parentElement = this.xmlDocument.getRootElement(); this.mapElement = getMapElement(); } catch (XMLException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage()); } } public void removeProperty(String key) { XMLElement element = this.findKeyElement(key); if (element != null) { if (this.mapElement != null) { this.mapElement.removeContent(element); } } } /** * Returns null if no match */ private XMLElement getArrayValueElement(XMLElement arrayElement, Object value) { List arrayList = arrayElement.getChildren(); Iterator iter = arrayList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { XMLElement item = (XMLElement) iter.next(); if (IWProperty.valueContains(item, value)) { return item; } } return null; } public Object getValueObject(XMLElement valueElement) { return getValueString(valueElement); } public String getValueString(XMLElement valueElement) { return valueElement.getText(); } public Iterator iterator() { return getIWPropertyListIterator(); } public IWPropertyListIterator getIWPropertyListIterator() { return new IWPropertyListIterator(this.getKeys().iterator(), this); } public void removeProperty(String key, Object value) { XMLElement element = this.findKeyElement(key); if (element != null) { XMLElement typeElement = element.getChild(typeTag); XMLElement valueElement = element.getChild(valueTag); /** * if it is an array */ if (typeElement.getText().equals(arrayTag)) { XMLElement arrayElement = valueElement.getChild(arrayTag); XMLElement newValueElement = this.getArrayValueElement(arrayElement, value); if (newValueElement != null) { arrayElement.removeContent(newValueElement); } } else { if (valueElement.getText().equals(value.toString())) { if (this.mapElement != null) { this.mapElement.removeContent(element); } } } } } public void store() { if (this.xmlFile == null) { logger.severe("IWPropertyList is not storable, it is not loaded from a file"); return; } try { String fileName = this.xmlFile.getName(); String fileNameBeginning = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); String fileNameEnding = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); String tempFileName = fileNameBeginning + "-temp." + fileNameEnding; File tempXMLFile = new File(this.xmlFile.getParentFile(), tempFileName); store(new FileOutputStream(tempXMLFile)); try { FileUtil.copyFile(tempXMLFile, this.xmlFile); FileUtil.delete(tempXMLFile); } catch (IOException io) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error storing " + this.xmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + this.xmlFile.getName(), io); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void delete() { try { String fileName = this.xmlFile.getName(); File XMLFile = new File(this.xmlFile.getParentFile(), fileName); XMLFile.delete(); } catch (Exception io) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error deleting " + this.xmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + this.xmlFile.getName(), io); } } public void store(OutputStream stream) { if (this.xmlDocument != null) { try { XMLOutput outputter = new XMLOutput(" ", true); outputter.setLineSeparator(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // outputter.setTrimText(true); outputter.setTextNormalize(true); outputter.output(this.xmlDocument, stream); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public boolean getBooleanProperty(String propertyName) { return Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(propertyName)).booleanValue(); } public void setBooleanProperty(String propertyName, boolean setValue){ setProperty(propertyName,Boolean.toString(setValue)); } public void unload(){ this.xmlFile=null; this.xmlDocument=null; this.parentElement=null; this.mapElement=null; } }