package com.idega.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import; import com.idega.event.IWStateMachine; import com.idega.idegaweb.browser.presentation.IWControlFramePresentationState; import com.idega.idegaweb.presentation.StyledIWAdminWindow; /** * Title: IW * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: * @author <a href="">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public abstract class TabbedPropertyWindow extends StyledIWAdminWindow { protected TabbedPropertyPanel panel = null; public TabbedPropertyWindow(){ this(410,512); } public TabbedPropertyWindow(int width, int height){ super(width,height); super.setScrollbar(false); super.setAllMargins(0); super.setTopMargin(0);//changed from 3 } public void _main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { this.empty(); if(disposeOfPanel(iwc)){ //temp solution this.panel = TabbedPropertyPanel.getInstanceFromSessionOrAddToSession(getSessionAddressString(), iwc, null ); this.panel.dispose(iwc); this.panel = null; } //the getPanelInstance is needed because we need to override the method from this classes extenders and not the TabbedProprtyPanel classes this.panel = TabbedPropertyPanel.getInstanceFromSessionOrAddToSession(getSessionAddressString(), iwc , getPanelInstance(iwc)); // do not close the window if the cancel button was pressed if (this.panel.clickedCancel()) { this.panel.dispose(iwc); close(); } else { this.add(this.panel,iwc); } //WE MUST HAVE ADDED THE PANEL FIRST, OTHERWISE THE PARENT PAGE WILL BE NULL! if(this.panel.justConstructed()){ initializePanel(iwc, this.panel); }else{ //we must set the page parents to this window so getParentPage() works //their parent is lost because it was added to the session and then the window was destroyed resetParentOfTabs(this.panel); } if(this.panel.clickedCancel() || this.panel.clickedOk() || this.panel.clickedApply()){ if(this.panel.clickedOk() || this.panel.clickedApply()){ iwc.getApplicationContext().removeApplicationAttribute("domain_group_tree"); iwc.getApplicationContext().removeApplicationAttribute("group_tree"); // clear on load only if okay was clicked setOnLoad(iwc, this.panel.clickedOk()); } else { // cancel was clicked clearOnLoad(iwc); } } super._main(iwc); } /** * */ private void resetParentOfTabs(TabbedPropertyPanel panel) { PresentationObject[] obj = panel.getAddedTabs(); for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { PresentationObject tab = obj[i]; tab.setParentObject(panel); } } /** * This is overridden else where to add permission checks * @param iwc * @return */ protected TabbedPropertyPanel getPanelInstance(IWContext iwc) { //added -birna return new TabbedPropertyPanel(iwc); } public PresentationObject[] getAddedTabs(){ if(this.panel != null){ return this.panel.getAddedTabs(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("TabbedPropertyPanel not set. TabbedPropertyPanel is set in main(IWContext iwc)"); } } /** * This method must be overridden, for example the user properties window could just return something like "UserPropertiesTabbedWindow" * @return */ public abstract String getSessionAddressString(); public abstract void initializePanel( IWContext iwc, TabbedPropertyPanel panel); public boolean disposeOfPanel(IWContext iwc){ return false; } private void setOnLoad(IWContext iwc, boolean clearOnLoad) { Iterator iterator = getControllerIterator(iwc); while (iterator.hasNext()) { IWControlFramePresentationState state = (IWControlFramePresentationState); Set onLoadSet = state.getOnLoadSet(); Iterator iter = onLoadSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // this is a pop up window therefore add window.opener as prefix StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("window.opener."); buffer.append((String); this.setOnLoad(buffer.toString()); } if (clearOnLoad) { state.clearOnLoad(); } } } private Iterator getControllerIterator(IWContext iwc) { IWStateMachine stateMachine; Collection controllers; try { stateMachine = (IWStateMachine)IBOLookup.getSessionInstance(iwc,IWStateMachine.class); controllers = stateMachine.getAllControllers(); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw new RuntimeException(re.getMessage()); } Iterator iterator = controllers.iterator(); return iterator; } private void clearOnLoad(IWContext iwc) { Iterator iterator = getControllerIterator(iwc); while (iterator.hasNext()) { IWControlFramePresentationState state = (IWControlFramePresentationState); state.clearOnLoad(); } } }